God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1034

Because of this, Xiao Tian was surprised at Yang Guo's breakthrough in a short time!

Yang Guo's talent can be ranked in the forefront among his many disciples, but in terms of xinxing, it is ranked at the bottom. As for the centrality of Xiao Tian's disciples, it is the girl of Hu Tu!

Hu Tu is not familiar with world affairs, but instead has a clear mind. There are not too many distracting thoughts in his heart. And because of the influence of the moon god Changxi on the special plane of Journey to the West, the xinxing of the fox is the best among the many disciples of Xiao Tianmen, even Xiao Xian'er couldn't compare with Hu Tu in terms of xinxing while Yu was still on the plane of obscuring the sky!

However, Xiao Tian didn't struggle too much with this matter. After all, he just didn't expect Yang Guo to break through so quickly, but he had never doubted whether Yang Guo could break through the Holy Realm.

"As soon as that kid Yang Guo breaks through, I'm afraid the others will soon..." Xiao Tian's eyes flashed, and a somewhat inexplicable smile appeared on his face: "It seems that the affairs of the Super God Universe must be arranged as soon as possible, and then rushed back to the Ten Thousand Realms. Only on the battlefield, the Hundred Cities War is just around the corner, so you can't let those boys live too easily..."

If Yang Guo knew Xiao Tian's thoughts, he would regret the breakthrough so quickly, but it is a pity that Yang Guo is still immersed in the joy of the breakthrough at this moment, and he doesn't know what kind of "surprise" he will be greeted next!

And because of Yang Guo's early breakthrough, it is not only Yang Guo who will receive this'surprise'!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he hurried directly towards the Super Seminary.

Things in the Yuntian Palace do not require him to continue to pay attention. Zhang Taixuan and Qilin are sitting there. Xiao Tian only needs to wait three days for Shen Lingfeng, Lin Luoyan and others to return to the Yuntian Palace, and then open up a space channel with them. Shen Lingfeng, Lin Luoyan and others can return to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

It hasn't been completely finalized yet, and only Super Seminary matters!

Previously in that chaotic space, Xiao Tian successfully conquered Kiran and Dinghei, and planned to take charge of the Super Theological Academy based on these two people, and use it as a branch of the Fengyun Academy in the Super God Universe.

Now that Xiao Tian went to Transcendent Theological Seminary, just to see how well Dinghei and Kiran controlled the Transcendental Seminary.

With Xiao Tian's strength, Super Theological Academy's defense was undoubtedly useless to Xiao Tian, ​​and soon Xiao Tian appeared inside Super Theological Academy.

Although the power of the Transcendental Academy is spread throughout the known universe, because of the departure of Kiran and Dinghei, many of the powers that originally belonged to the Transcendental Academy have secretly escaped from the control of the Transcendental Academy. They also stayed in their respective forces and ignored the affairs of the college.

Therefore, the Super Theological Seminary of the Earth Star is actually the most active force among all the super theological academies in the known universe. Because of this, Dinghei and Kieran directly regard the Super Theological Seminary of the Earth Star as the super god. The foundation of the college began to integrate other forces in the Super Theological College.

Therefore, when Xiao Tian appeared inside Transcendent Theological Seminary, he saw not only Duka Ao Lianfeng and others who were originally the senior members of the Transcendent Theological Seminary of Earth, but also many people who had not appeared on Earth before. The strong.

Chapter 2447 Three days later!

"Mr. Xiao," Dinghei said with a solemn expression when he saw Xiao Tian suddenly appear.

In these days, apart from integrating the power of the Super Seminary with Kieran, he also understood Xiao Tian's deeds, and the more he understood, the more Dinghei felt that Xiao Tian was unfathomable.

Although Xiao Tian appeared in the Super God Universe for a short time, it is not difficult for Dinghei to guess Xiao Tian's ambitions by looking at his actions!

That is to create a holy place that all the heavens and all realms aspire to!

It should be understood that the Super God Universe is just an extremely ordinary one among the countless worlds of the heavens and seas. Similar worlds in the heavens and seas are like the sands of the Ganges, and the universe stronger than the Super God universe is probably as many as stars.

To create a holy place that the creatures of all heavens and all worlds are yearning for, if there is not enough strength to support it, it would be a joke at all!

Therefore, although Dingerhei has not left the Super God Universe, he has a vague guess about Xiao Tian's strength. It is precisely because of this that Dingerhei has such respect for Xiao Tian!

"Don't worry about these customary rituals," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said lightly: "How is the affairs of the college, do you need my help?"

He will leave the Super God Universe in three days, so he needs Kieran and Dinghei to integrate the Super God universe in the shortest time. If Dinghe and Kieran can’t do it, he will do it himself. However, in this way, the weight of Dingle and Kieran in his heart will drop a lot, and when there is a suitable candidate in the future, he is bound to let them replace Dingle and Kieran.

"You don't have to worry about these small things," Dinghei shook his head and said with a smile.

He didn't know Xiao Tian's thoughts, but in his opinion, this kind of trivial matter completely did not require Xiao Tian to come forward. After all, with his and Kieran's status in Transcendent Theological Seminary, if he could not even do such a trivial matter, then They are just too clueless!

Xiao Tian didn’t say much when he heard this. Since Dinghei was confident, he would not doubt that if Dinghei and Kieran eventually messed up or did not do what he expected, he would naturally choose another wise man. Come to replace Kieran and Dinghei!

"If that's the case, then I'll wait for the good news," Xiao Tian nodded, his gaze swept across the people of the Super Seminary, without saying anything, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

"Although it is not the first time I have seen this method, every time I see it, I can't help but marvel..."

Seeing Xiao Tian, ​​Morgana, or Wang Qi Wang Liangbing, who had suddenly disappeared, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

When she was the King of Apocalypse, she always believed that the angel civilization was the strongest civilization in the universe, and as the three kings of angel civilization, she and Kaisha Hexi were also ranked among the strongest in the known universe. .

Even if she left the Angel Civilization and created the Demon Civilization with one hand, and confronted the Angel Civilization, she also had to admit the power of the Angel Civilization and the Divine Keisha!

However, after Xiao Tian appeared, Liang Bing's thoughts changed drastically. Sacred Keisha was powerful, but compared with Xiao Tian, ​​it appeared very small. He learned about the sea of ​​heavens from Dinghei. And after the news of the existence of the outside world, Liang Bing felt that his ignorance in the past was even more laughable!

Not far from Liang Bing's side, Death God Karl looked at Xiao Tian who had disappeared suddenly, and a look of horror flashed across his eyes.

Although it is not the first time that he has seen Xiao Tian show this method, he has seen Xiao Tian show such strange space movement ability many times when he was in the Styx Galaxy, but he did not witness it in person on those occasions. Of course, although the picture seen across countless galaxies is not deviated, it is not as shocking as seeing it in person!

"Mr. Xiao’s method must have been seen by you," Dinghei said indifferently when seeing everyone’s expressions, "As long as you help me and the principal take care of the Super Seminary, you will all set foot in this state in the future. Opportunity.

Some of you may already know the origin of Mr. Xiao, but there are many others who don’t know. They are just afraid of Mr. Xiao’s strength. Today, while everyone is here, I will tell you about Mr. Xiao... "

Originally, Dinghei and Kieran planned to wait until Kieran returned to Ultra Theological Seminary to integrate all the powers of the Ultra Theological Seminary before they revealed the details of Xiao Tian.

But Dinghei thinks this opportunity is excellent now, and it would be a pity if he missed it.

Therefore, Dinghei did not discuss with Kieran, intending to inform Xiao Tian, ​​a member of the Super Theological Seminary that he and Kieran have integrated!

After knowing the world outside the universe, perhaps the instructors of the Super Seminary will do their best.

Hearing Dinghei's words, many members of the Super Seminary couldn't help holding their breath and staring at Dinghei.

After all, there are only a few who know the details of Xiao Tian. Most members of the Ultra Theological Seminary are not clear about Xiao Tian's details, but the methods Xiao Tian showed just now have shocked everyone. Now they have the opportunity to know Xiao Tian's details. Naturally looking forward to it.

Seeing the expressions of the people, Dinghei's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly spoke, citing some information he had received from Xiao Tian and some information and information that he and Kieran had inferred.

Xiao Tian didn't know about these things, but even if Xiao Tian knew about it, he wouldn't stop it.

After all, the instructors and students of Super Theological Seminary are not ordinary people. Among them, there are many strong people standing at the apex of the known universe. Although those strong people may not be able to compare with the existence of the sacred Keisha and the god of death Karl who are standing at the apex of the known universe. , But also a god of the same level as Pan Zhen of Lieyang Civilization.

Let them know the news outside the universe, maybe it can arouse their fighting spirit.

After leaving the Super Theological Academy, Xiao Tian returned to the Yuntian Palace. In the next three days, Xiao Tian did not leave the Yuntian Palace, and Xiao Tian did not question the affairs of the Super Theological Academy.

He promised Kieran and Dinghei to let them handle the affairs of the Super Seminary, so he would naturally not intervene, just wait for Kieran and Dinghei to report the results to him...

Three days later, in Yuntian Palace, Shen Lingfeng and Lin Luoyan and the management talents they selected who were willing to leave the universe have gathered in the main hall of Yuntian Palace, and on the side of the main hall, a space channel slowly rotated. Vaguely able to see Fengyun Academy at the end of the space channel.

Xiao Tian sat on his head, his eyes closed slightly, his fingers tapping gently on his knees, as if waiting for some news...

Chapter 2448 The strong thinking blind zone!

Seeing Xiao Tian's situation, Lin Luoyan and Shen Lingfeng did not dare to bother, while Qilin and Zhang Taixuan on the side knew what Xiao Tian was waiting for, but they didn't say much.

As time went by, although Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, the speed at which his fingers tapped his knees gradually slowed down, enough to make people feel the dissatisfaction in his heart.

The atmosphere of the entire Yuntian Palace has also become extremely heavy, and everyone dare not to show up, for fear that it will disturb Xiao Tian and cause Xiao Tian's dissatisfaction.

After all, Xiao Tian's strength is too strong, and they can easily annihilate them. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for them to ignore Xiao Tian's thoughts!

The atmosphere in the Yuntian Palace accumulated to the extreme, and when it was about to explode, two figures quietly appeared not far in front of Xiao Tian, ​​surprisingly Jilan and Dinghei.

Seeing Jilan and Dinghei appear, Qilin and Zhang Taixuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and even Lin Luoyan and others, who were afraid to come out with the surrounding atmosphere, also relaxed a lot.

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