God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1035

"How's the matter going?" Xiao Tian asked with his hand tapping his knee in the air, slowly opening his eyes.

"All the forces of the Super Theological Academy have been completely integrated, and they can recruit students from the known universe at any time," Jiran immediately replied when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

Xiao Tian nodded and said indifferently: "You leave the affairs of the academy to you, and you can recruit some geniuses to focus on training. I am quite optimistic about this universe's cultivation system that combines technology with extraordinary power.

Although it is far more difficult for this system to grow to its peak than other systems, the advantage is that it can be mass-produced as long as the resources are sufficient, and the development prospects are not bad."

Before entering the Super God Universe, Xiao Tian would never have said such words.

Because he knows very well how difficult it is for the technology system of the Super God Universe to grow to its peak. It can be said that if this system does not have external help, the chance of achieving the Holy Realm is one hundred thousandths of the probability of achieving the Holy Realm by other systems, or even millionth!

In other words, other cultivation systems gave birth to at least hundreds of thousands of holy realm powerhouses, and the system of the super god universe can cultivate a holy realm powerhouse!

And since the birth of the entire sea of ​​heavens, there are probably only millions of strong holy realms. This shows how difficult it is for the system of the super-god universe to give birth to strong holy realms!

But after entering the Super God universe, Xiao Tian found out that he had fallen into a blind zone of thinking, that is, what many creatures have to consider is not whether they can get to the top, but whether they can live or live better!

After all, there are only a few geniuses who have the hope of breaking through to the holy realm. Even if most ordinary people know the existence of the holy realm, they will not have any hope for this realm!

What they need is only the power that can be controlled by themselves and can make their lives better!

For these ordinary people, the system of the Super God Universe is undoubtedly more convenient and quicker than other systems, and it is easier to be more popular than other systems!

This is also the reason why Xiao Tian would say this!

In the future, Fengyun Academy will become a holy place for the souls of countless worlds in the sea of ​​heavens, and its targets are not just the top geniuses of those forces. Otherwise, Fengyun Academy may be famous for the entire universe, but It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to make the creatures of the heavens and all realms yearn for Fengyun Academy and regard it as a holy place!

For the original Fengyun Academy, how to attract the huge number of ordinary creatures was a dilemma that Fengyun Academy had to face, but in the Super God Universe, Xiao Tian found a solution!

That is the system of the Super God Universe that combines technology with extraordinary power!

This is undoubtedly a shortcut, allowing many ordinary creatures to have strong power in a short period of time without worrying about any sequelae. The only flaw is that the difficulty of reaching the peak is higher than other systems.

And this defect is of no significance to the creatures at the grassroots level, because even if they practice other systems, they cannot reach the peak. In this case, they are naturally more time-consuming and labor-intensive than other systems. Willing to accept the super god universe system!

"We understand," Kiran and Dinghei were also refreshed when they heard Xiao Tian's words.

After they learned about the outside world, they also discovered the shortcomings of the Super God Universe's cultivation system. Now that they heard Xiao Tian's words, they undoubtedly let go of a big rock in their hearts.

"During this time, I will run the Super Theological Seminary well," Xiao Tian set his eyes on Dinghei and Jilan, and said lightly: "In a while, I will try to connect this world with other worlds dominated by science and technology."

Xiao Tian intends to build the Super God Universe into a sacred place under the Fengyun Academy that specializes in the combination of technology and extraordinary power.

In the future, all students who are suitable for practicing this system recruited by Fengyun Academy will be directly sent to the Super God Universe. In addition to the Super God Universe, Xiao Tian also plans to develop several other worlds with different cultivation systems to make it a super god universe. The existence of God Universe is used to absorb geniuses who cultivate similar systems in the sea of ​​heaven.

At that time, Fengyun Academy only needs to recruit the most outstanding talents from these worlds!

That is to say, the geniuses of the heavens and worlds will first be screened by the Fengyun Academy branch in the Super God Universe and several other universes he will specially create in the future, and then the most outstanding genius will be included in the Fengyun Academy.

And the geniuses recruited by these branches are also the most outstanding geniuses in the world under its jurisdiction. The Fengyun Academy’s approach is to select the best among the best and maintain the absolute detachment of the Fengyun Academy!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Kieran and Dinghei nodded, feeling a little excited.

They can imagine the future described by Xiao Tian. They don't doubt that Xiao Tian can do this step. They only worry that they will not be able to meet Xiao Tian's requirements, and they will miss this opportunity!

Seeing the expressions of Jilan and Dinghei, Xiao Tian smiled and didn't say much.

He trusts Dinghei and Kieran's abilities, so he doesn't worry about what will happen to them.

Looking at Lin Luoyan, Shen Lingfeng and others, Xiao Tian said in a calm tone: "Should all of you have to deal with everything?"

Lin Luoyan and the others hurriedly nodded. They had already arranged things almost before they rushed to the Yuntian Temple to participate in the assessment. These three days were just for them to check and fill in the vacancies, and naturally it would not take them too much time.

"If that's the case, just follow me," Xiao Tian didn't say anything more when he saw it, and walked directly into the space passage that existed on the side of the hall.

Qilin glanced at Zhang Taixuan and stepped into the space channel sect. Lin Luoyan, Shen Lingfeng and others did not hesitate when they saw it, followed Qilin and stepped into the space channel one by one...

Chapter 2449 Return to Fengyun Academy!

Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, Fengyun City, and Fengyun Academy Back Mountain

Xiao Tian's figure walked out of a spatial channel, behind him, Qi Lin and Shen Lingfeng Lin Luoyan and others.

"Is this a place outside of the world?" Even with Shen Lingfeng's calmness, he couldn't help but curiously go around a lot at this moment, with a little surprise in his eyes.

Today’s Fengyun Academy was built by Xiao Tian using the holy realm method, and it depicts many formations. The aura of heaven and earth is extremely abundant, and it has even reached the level of aura and fog. Shen Lingfeng and others first saw Fengyun Academy. , I naturally thought that I was in Wonderland.

"This is what you need to take care of in the future," Xiao Tian looked at Shen Lingfeng and the others, and said in a calm tone: "Wait, you will come with me to get to know the seniors of the university. If you have anything you need then, directly contact them Just help."

Naturally, Shen Lingfeng and others would not say much. Regarding the world outside the Super God Universe, although they had guessed before they decided to leave the Super God Universe, when they saw it with their own eyes, the excitement in their hearts was not so easy. Erased.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xiao Tian smiled, and directly led Shen Lingfeng and others toward the place where Cang Xuan was.

Although Zhang Bairen is the strongest person in Fengyun Academy other than him, but in terms of understanding of Fengyun Academy's affairs, Cang Xuan, the true veteran, undoubtedly knows Fengyun Academy better than Zhang Bairen.

Patriarch Bodhi and others needless to say, they have not been in Fengyun Academy for a long time, and they are still in the adapting stage. It is good for them not to make trouble, and Xiao Tian does not expect them to help Shen Lingfeng and others run Fengyun Academy.

Soon, Xiao Tian found Cang Xuan who was pointing the students of Fengyun Academy on the martial arts field of Fengyun Academy.

"Dean," Cang Xuan immediately waved his hand to screen away the Fengyun Academy students around him when Xiao Tian appeared, and said respectfully to Xiao Tian.

"This is Shen Lingfeng, and this is Lin Luoyan. From now on, the two of them will be the heads, and the people around them will be responsible for maintaining the logistics of Fengyun Academy. You will take them to familiarize yourself with Fengyun Academy, and then hand over the things in your hands to them."

Xiao Tian said directly without any circumstance.

Cang Xuan couldn’t help but a bit of joy appeared on his face when he heard the words, and said with emotion: “I originally wanted to wait until I had the opportunity to talk to the dean and recruit a few management talents to run the Lifu Palace, but I didn’t expect you to be the dean. Enough talent has been found.

The dean can rest assured that I will focus all my energy on them in the next few days so that they can become familiar with Fengyun Academy in the shortest possible time."

Prior to this, the logistics of Fengyun Academy had always been managed by several talents under him and Lin Jingyu, but those talents under Lin Jingyu had to maintain the operation of Fengyun City, and there were not many forces that could be separated to help Fengyun Academy. , And Cang Xuan had never been in contact with related matters before, so although Fengyun Academy was able to maintain normal operations, the pressure on him was not small.

Originally, he planned to wait until he had the opportunity to talk to Xiao Tian about this in detail. After all, Fengyun Academy’s management talents were too scarce, which caused the Fengyun Academy to fail many measures.

Now that with these talents brought back by Xiao Tian, ​​Fengyun Academy's development speed will increase a lot, and the more important point is that he will have a lot of burdens on him, so he doesn't have to work like before!

"I'll leave these to you," Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, then cast his gaze on Qilin, and said calmly: "You follow me."

Qilin did not speak, and followed Xiao Tian closely. Soon, the figures of the two disappeared from the sight of everyone...

"That girl is lucky, she can be valued by the dean," Cang Xuan couldn't help but sighed as he watched the direction Xiao Tian and Qilin were leaving.

Everyone in Fengyun Academy has seen how strong Xiao Tian is, and Qilin can be valued by Xiao Tian and get advice from Xiao Tian, ​​and her future achievements are limitless!

"I don't know the origin of that girl..." Cang Xuan groaned in his heart for a moment, and soon put these distracting thoughts behind him, and said to Lin Luoyan, Shen Lingfeng and others: "You follow me, I will take you first Learn about Fengyun Academy and the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms."

As he said, Cang Xuan led Lin Luoyan and others towards the distance...

Fengyun Academy, outside the library, Xiao Tian and Qilin appeared from a distance, and went straight to the library.

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