God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1036

"Since I have promised your master to help you, I will naturally not break my promise," Xiao Tian looked at Qilin in a calm tone: "But your current cultivation base is too weak, I won't point you personally."

Qilin didn't speak, she understood that Xiao Tian must have other arrangements, otherwise she would not say such a thing.

"Yuyan, Xiaokui," Xiao Tian smiled when Qilin didn't speak. He turned his eyes to the direction of Cangshu Pavilion, and said lightly: "Don't hide, I've found you a long time ago."

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, Wang Yuyan pulled the nightshade and walked out from behind the door, but the nightshade still had a little shame on his face at the moment, but Wang Yuyan was excited.

Xiao Tian just glanced at Wang Yuyan, but didn't say much.

It is impossible to do such boring things with the nature of nightshade, so Wang Yuyan can only instigate.

"Master," Wang Yuyan noticed Xiao Tian's gaze, shrinking her neck subconsciously, and whispered.

"She's called Qilin," Xiao Tian didn't get entangled in this matter. He pointed to Qilin behind him, and said lightly: "This period of time will be handed over to you. Based on your cultivation, it shouldn't be to guide her in her cultivation. What is difficult."

"So weak!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but looked at Qilin with some curiosity, and then said in surprise.

She was not surprised by anything else, but simply because of Qi Lin's strength!

The strength of Qilin today is really terribly weak, and has not even reached the realm of immortals. Such a cultivation base can only be ranked at the bottom in the battlefield of ten thousand realms!

Qilin didn't speak, but Xiao Tian shook his head helplessly, tapped Wang Yuyan's head with his fingers, and said with no anger: "Qilin has only started practicing for less than ten days. You didn't have this strength at the beginning, so you were embarrassed to say others !"

Wang Yuyan covered her head, but didn't say much.

Seeing this, the nightshade on the side couldn't help but laugh, cast his gaze at Qilin, and said softly: "My name is Solanum, you should follow me and Yuyan at this time."

The personality of Solanum is easy to make people want to get close unconsciously. Qilin is no exception. After hearing the words of Solanum, Qilin nodded gently, and then walked towards the library with Solanum Wang Yuyan.

After the Dragon Kwai and others left, Xiao Tian pondered for a moment, his figure flashed, and he appeared outside the Fengyun Academy's illusion array.

Chapter 2450 Baguio's problem!

The moment he returned to Fengyun Academy, he felt the situation in Fengyu City by the way.

Xiao Li, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er were not in the city, and the trial task he set for the three was to raise a force in Thunder Punishment City in March, and the three of them should still be in Thunder Punishment City. .

Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv were in Fengyun City, and they should be hanging out. Because Yang Guo broke through the Holy Realm in advance, it was beyond his expectation, so Xiao Tian didn't mind letting Yang Guo relax for a while, so Xiao Tian didn't either. Go to disturb Yang Guo.

In addition to Yang Guo, Monkey King and Hu Tu are staying with Zhang Bairen. Before going out, Xiao Tian once gave Monkey King and Hu Tu to Zhang Bairen for guidance. Now that Zhang Bairen is teaching Monkey King and Hu Tu to practice, Xiao Tian also Have fun.

In addition, Lin Jingyu was not in the city, and wanted to come to accomplish the task he had originally explained.

In addition to these people, among the many disciples that Xiao Tian assigned to the trial task at the time, only Baguio and Zi Xuan were still in Fengyun Academy. Therefore, Xiao Tian planned to see Baguio and Zi Xuan first..

What's more, although their tasks are different, they both need the power of Fengyun Academy's illusion array, so both of them are staying where the illusion array is at the moment, and Xiao Tian doesn't need to make another trip.

Soon, Xiao Tian appeared outside the magic array, and Baguio and Zi Xuan appeared in Xiao Tian's sight.

At this moment, Baguio was fighting against a projection left by Xiao Tian, ​​the projection strength was suppressed by him to the level of first entering the Holy Realm, but even so, the projection with all the memories of Xiao Tian could not be easily defeated by Baguio.

When Xiao Tian saw Baguio, she was being pushed onto the defensive by the projection left by Xiao Tian, ​​and she had no ability to counterattack at all.

And not far from Baguio, Zi Xuan was also besieged by countless monsters, but compared to the embarrassed Baguio, Zi Xuan was undoubtedly more at ease.

Seeing that Baguio and Zi Xuan were on the trial, Xiao Tian didn't say anything to bother him. He just watched with interest. At the same time, he planned to take this opportunity to see what the current strength of Baguio and Zi Xuan had reached. degree.

However, Xiao Tian did not watch the battle for too long, because Baguio was crushed by his projection, and the flaw was quickly found and directly defeated.

Baguio walked out of the illusion, her face looked a little pale, and her expression was extremely depressed.

"What exactly is the projection left by the master? It's too difficult!" Baguio frowned and said with no anger: "Even the Star Devourer Wolf is not as difficult as this projection. I think Master is clearly confused. I don’t want me to pass the test!"

It's no wonder that Baguio is like this. It is that the projection left by Xiao Tian is too difficult. Although that projection is only the initial stage of the holy realm, but it is very familiar with the secret technique of her practice. Not only that, Xiao All the secrets of the exercises that the sky masters, that projection can be easily displayed!

Therefore, even now Baguio, who has a 30% chance of winning against the Star Devouring Demon Wolf, still has a slim chance of winning against Xiao Tian Projection.

This is also the reason why Baguio, who has always been cold-tempered, is so gloomy!

Hearing what Baguio said, Xiao Tian's expression became stiff, and he said in a bad mood, "What do you say to be a teacher?"

Baguio turned her head stiffly when she heard the words, only to find Xiao Tian looking at herself expressionlessly.

"Master, Master," Baguio said stiffly.

Even with Baguio's temperament, he was caught by his master when he secretly said bad things about his master, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Xiao Tian glared at Baguio when he saw it, and said in a bad mood: "As a teacher, I won't arrange a test that you can't pass, let alone being confused."

Baguio didn't speak, but his right hand subconsciously kneaded the corner of his clothes, his face was a little hot.

"Although the projection is difficult, it is not without a cracking method. With your current cultivation base, your chance of winning should be 50%. If you can break through to the Holy Realm, your chance of winning can be increased to 90%!"

Xiao Tian looked at Baguio, a little bit of hatred that iron can't become a steel road: "You girl is good, let alone the chance of winning, it is even difficult to hold on for a period of time under the attack of the projection of the teacher! Is it embarrassing to complain about being a teacher? "

Baguio's cheeks flushed, and he said: "Isn't this depressed in my heart..."

"You girl has always had a calm temper. Why is it so impetuous at this time?" Xiao Tian sighed and said: "Fine, go, don't enter the phantom array for the next time, and organize the previous and The scene when you played against the projection of the teacher, wait until your mentality calms down, and when will you continue the trial."

Baguio nodded, and she also knew that she was indeed a little impetuous lately, and she really needed to adjust her mentality.

Xiao Tian didn't say much, he could somewhat guess why Baguio was so impetuous, but he didn't break it.

He believed that with Baguio's temperament, he would be able to adjust soon, and he didn't need to bother to speak.

Seeing that Xiao Tian was silent, Baguio did not continue to disturb Xiao Tian, ​​went to the side and sat down, leaning on a huge rock, and fell into contemplation.

Although she had discovered that she was a little irritable before, she did not care too much, but now it seems that her mentality has had a greater impact on her than she thought!

As for why she became so impatient, the reason is also very simple, that is, Yang Guo broke through to the Holy Realm!

When Yang Guo first broke through to the Holy Realm, Baguio still felt happy for Yang Guo, but then a strong sense of urgency rose in his heart. Even the younger brother broke through, and she, as the senior sister, was still stuck in the Primal Realm. , How can this be done?

Before Lin Jingyu stepped into the Holy Land first, Baguio was able to remain calm, because Lin Jingyu's breakthrough was based on the huge luck accumulated in the Golden Seal of the Lord of Wind and Cloud City, so Baguio did not feel urgency.

But now it is different. Yang Guo succeeded in breaking into the Holy Realm by his own strength, which naturally made it difficult for Baguio to maintain the state of mind of Gujing Wubo.

"During this period, some shouldn't..."

After trying to understand the key points, Baguio sighed lightly, her eyes deepened.

Xiao Tian didn’t have the slightest surprise when he saw this. Baguio’s xinxing was also at the forefront among his many disciples. It was only a momentary gaffe. Even without his reminder, I’m afraid it won’t be long before Baguio will discover this problem. It just happened to be pointed out by him in advance this time.

Ignoring Baguio, Xiao Tian cast his gaze on Zi Xuan who was in the phantom array, with a touch of relief in his eyes...

Chapter 2451 Magical Array Mystery!

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