God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1037

In the fantasy formation, Zi Xuan didn't know that Xiao Tian had returned to Fengyun Academy, and was watching her from outside the fantasy formation.

At this moment, Zi Xuan was controlling the Five Spirit Orbs and laying barriers beside her, intercepting all attacks from all directions.

"This should be the last wave, right?" Zi Xuan looked at the endless monster beasts in all directions, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

She always knew that Xiao Tian's task could not be simple, but after she started the phantom array trial, she realized how difficult it was!

Unlike the step-by-step trials that ordinary people imagined, she had to face extremely powerful opponents from the beginning of the phantom array trial. In contrast, although the number of monsters in the middle of the trial was astonishing, it was easier to pass than the early stage. !

At the beginning of the trial, she suffered a lot because all of her methods were biased towards support, and she was even hit hard in the illusion. If it were not for the fact that Fengyun Academy had a large supply of resources, she would be afraid It's still training now!

And after realizing the difficulty of the phantom array trial, she was changing her fighting style, from the previous bias towards assistance to the current offense and defense!

It can be said that the current she has been tempered by the phantom array and can easily defeat the ten previous hers!


The howling of wolves came from all directions, causing Zi Xuan to put aside the distracting thoughts in her heart in an instant, and looked solemnly at the black wolf that was spreading towards him.

"The five spirits are dead," Zi Xuan's mouth twitched slightly as she watched those black wolves' attacks about to fall on her body, and slowly said.

In the next moment, the five spirit elements madly gathered towards Zi Xuan, directly setting off a chaotic elemental storm around Zi Xuan.

The black wolf that pounced on Zi Xuan was instantly torn to pieces, not only that, but the fierce beast that wanted to sneak attack on Zi Xuan was also torn apart in that terrifying elemental storm, turning it into the purest heaven and earth aura.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded softly when he saw this scene outside the phantom array.

The methods that Zi Xuan used were quite powerful, but the consumption of herself was minimal, because Zi Xuan only relied on her affinity for the five spirit elements to induce the five spirit elements and force them to blend together!

The five spirit elements reproduce and restrain each other, and the result of forcibly combining them is only one, and that is to form an elemental storm around Zi Xuan!

The only shortcoming of this kind of attack is probably the enemy and us, even Zi Xuan can't actively control it, but even so, this type of death of the five spirits is also called a magical skill for Zi Xuan.

Because of Zixuan’s affinity for the five spirit elements, even a chaotic elemental storm can hardly affect her. Others may use this method to fight for life, but for Zixuan, this is the most Suitable means of attack for her!

In the phantom formation, the elemental storm surrounding Zi Xuan did not last long before slowly returning to calm, but the monster beasts surrounding Zi Xuan did not decrease in the slightest.

Although the elemental storm’s damage is extremely strong, it has also played a great role in dealing with those monsters, but the monsters surrounding Zixuan are almost infinite, even if the elemental storm’s attack power is strong, it is only It just strangled some monsters.

To the huge group of monster beasts around Zi Xuan, the monster beasts that were strangled were just a drop in the bucket!

"There is so much more!" After the elemental storm dissipated, Zi Xuan looked at the monster beasts that hadn't decreased in the surrounding area, and felt a little more clear in her heart.

"It seems that if it's just killing, it's impossible to kill these monsters even if it's exhausted," Zi Xuan looked around, and the Five Spirit Orbs surrounded her body, turning them into the strongest barrier, allowing Zi Xuan to look around at ease.

"Master will not assign us tasks that cannot be completed," Zi Xuan said to herself with a faint smile on her face: "According to the current situation, let alone me, even if Vice President Zhang is here, If these monsters cannot be killed, there is only one possibility..."

Thinking of this, Zi Xuan's face was even more smiling, and the Five Spirit Orbs were spinning frantically beside her, and a large number of Five Spirit Elements gathered in front of her, eventually forming a five-color disc.

At the next moment, a dim light from the five-color disc shot out, directly fixing all the monsters in front of them in place. At the next moment, a large number of monsters turned into phantoms and disappeared. Only a few monsters stayed in place. A strong spiritual energy waved out.

"Sure enough, with the exception of a few monster beasts condensed from heaven and earth aura, most of them are just fakes!" Looking at the monster beasts exuding rich heaven and earth aura, Zi Xuan must have a faint smile on her mouth. : "It seems that if you just need to kill these monsters, you should pass the test, right?"

Outside the illusion, Xiao Tian saw this scene, but his face was a little more secretive.

Xiao Tian didn't feel surprised that Zi Xuan was able to perceive the mystery of this level so quickly. After all, the endless sea of ​​monsters is too exaggerated. As long as you don't get confused by it, you can easily spot this problem.

Xiao Tian did not expect this little trick to be able to conceal Zi Xuan!

But if you think that you can easily pass the test by seeing through this little trick, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream!

Zi Xuan didn’t know Xiao Tian’s thoughts outside the illusion, her eyes fell on those monsters exuding amazing aura. Without any hesitation, the heavenly snake rod appeared in her hand, and an angry thunder struck one of them directly. Monster!

The blazing white thunder fell across the sky and instantly fell on the monster's head, piercing and tearing it apart.

The monster beast fell directly on the spot, turning into heaven and earth aura and rushing toward the nearby monsters!

Seeing this scene, Zi Xuan's face became a little ugly.

These monster beasts can still absorb the heaven and earth aura transformed by the death beasts to improve their strength?!

In this way, if she can't kill all the monsters at once, I am afraid that she will eventually face an extremely terrifying monster!

"Master will really have problems..."

Zi Xuan sighed quietly, looking a little depressed.

Although she has mastered a lot of attack methods and improved a lot through the phantom array trial during this period of time, her strength is still lacking compared to Baguio and the others.

If you change to Baguio and others, you won't feel as difficult as her when facing this situation.

But it is a pity that she is not Baguio and others, and her attack means are limited. Faced with this situation, she has not mastered the way to break the situation.

"It seems that this time I can only stop here," Zi Xuan sighed, without much hesitation, and left the magical array directly.

After all, she couldn't find a way to break the game now, even if she stayed in the illusion, it would be a waste of time, she would naturally not do such a stupid thing.

Chapter 2452 evil guests come!

After leaving the fantasy formation, Zi Xuan first saw Xiao Tian who was smiling at her.

"Good job," Xiao Tian said to Zi Xuan before Zi Xuan could speak.

Zixuan’s performance is more satisfying than Baguio, especially because of the existence of Solanum Sedum and Chonglou and others. Zixuan’s positioning is biased towards the support staff of the team, able to work in such a short period of time. After changing his fighting style and achieving good results within time, Zi Xuan really surprised Xiao Tian.

Zi Xuan couldn’t help having a faint smile on her face when she heard the words. She knew Xiao Tian’s character very well, and she was able to get Xiao Tian’s praise, even if it was just a sentence of “not bad,” for their disciples under Xiao Tian’s school. It is already something to be gratifying.

"Since the mystery in the illusion has been broken by you, then during the next period of time, you can improve your strength with peace of mind," Seeing Zi Xuan's expression, Xiao Tian nodded and said with a calm expression.

He does not intend to give Zi Xuan any more instructions. After all, Zi Xuan is now trying to change her fighting style, looking for the one that suits her best. Although Xiao Tian can point Zi Xuan, he may not be able to tailor it for Zi Xuan. A set of fighting methods that suit her best.

This kind of thing, only relying on Zi Xuan to find out by herself, is the most suitable for her. As for other people, no matter how strong they are, no matter how deep they are, the help they can give Zi Xuan is very limited.

Zi Xuan didn't say much when she heard that, she walked aside, and soon entered the cultivation state.

The last level of the magic array was placed in front of her, and the mystery in it was in vain. The only obstacle that prevented her from passing that level was her own strength!

With her current strength, she can't defeat the fierce beasts in the fantasy realm. Only when she has absolute strength to crush everything, she can guarantee that she can successfully pass that level!

After Baguio and Zi Xuan both focused on improving their own strength, Xiao Tian also left the place where the fantasy formation was, and walked outside the Fengyun Academy.

He planned to see how Lin Jingyu's practice was.

Among all the disciples under his school, Lin Jingyu had a great chance, and he had broken through to the Holy Realm early, although his breakthrough was relying on Fengyun City's huge luck, which made his foundation unstable.

But after so long of cultivation, Lin Jingyu had already completely stabilized his cultivation base, and his combat power had truly reached the level of the Holy Realm!

The wind-devouring roar he arranged for Lin Jingyu to practice his hands was only just entering the holy realm. Its strength was far inferior to the devil wolf of the star-devouring. With Lin Jingyu’s current strength, it should not be too difficult to deal with. It's just that the wind-biting roar is very good at body skills, it is not a simple matter for Lin Jingyu to capture it and take it back to Fengyun Academy!

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