God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1056

"After I leave, the academy will ask you all," Xiao Tian's gaze swept across Niu Demon King Bodhi Patriarch and the others, bowed slightly, and said in a serious tone.

"The dean doesn't have to be like this," Patriarch Bodhi said immediately: "As a senior of the academy, I will keep the academy running and wait for the dean to return."

He was also one of the participants in the First War of the Ancients. His intention to kill the death demon was not weaker than Zhang Bairen, but his temperament was more peaceful than Zhang Bairen, so he did not act as obvious as Zhang Bairen.

The strong men of the original world such as the Bull Demon King nodded again and again. Almost all of them had experienced that great battle. Xiao Tianyi had gone through the cause and effect of the Death Demon God. It could also be said that he was helping them with revenge. They would naturally try their best. Guard the rear for Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian nodded, and then fell on his group of disciples.

"Zilong, Xu'er," Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Zhao Yun and Huang Xu first, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I originally planned to wait until the enrollment of the college is over before giving you pointers, but now it seems This time will be postponed again.

During this period of time, you two should follow the Bodhisattva Taoist practitioners. If you have any doubts about practice, you can also ask your brothers and sisters for help."

"The disciples understand," Zhao Yun and Huang Xuzheng nodded their heads with solemn expressions.

Although they are extremely confident of Xiao Tian's strength, the Slaughter Abyss is so famous that even if Xiao Tian goes deep into the Slaughter Abyss, it is difficult to guarantee that he is unscathed. What's more, if the Death Demon God dares to fight Xiao Tian in the Slaughter Abyss, then don’t Probably not left behind!

Xiao Tian went to the Abyss of Slaughter by himself, and he probably had to face more than just a death demon!

Chapter 2480 Leave!

"Wukong," after hearing Zhao Yun and Huang Xu's answers, Xiao Tian immediately turned his attention to Monkey King, his titular big disciple.

"Master!" Monkey King looked respectful, and his eyes were also a little worried.

"You are the leader of my disciples, and you should set an example for the younger brothers and sisters," Xiao Tian looked at Monkey King and slowly said.

After integrating part of the true spirits of Monkey King who fell in the original plane in the Ancient World War I, this disciple talent he received on the special plane of Journey to the West has completely surpassed the disciples next to him, even now it is still covering the sky. Xiao Xian'er of the plane is only slightly better than Monkey King in terms of talent.

Of course, Hutu is an exception. Xiao Xian'er's talent may not be able to surpass steadily, but Hutu's temperament is too tired, and Xiao Tian does not intend to force too much, no matter what Hutu eventually grows to. Xiao Tian would not be surprised by the extent.

"Master, rest assured, the disciples will live up to the master's entrustment!" Monkey King nodded solemnly.

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Tian's face when he heard that, and then his gaze swept across Lin Jingyu, Baguio and others, and finally stayed on Wang Yuyan, and said: "Yuyan, when Feng'er returns to Fengyun City, let him Stay in Fengyun Academy as a mentor."

Wang Yuyan nodded, Xiao Tian looked at Yang Guo when he saw this, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't want to hand over this task to you so early, but now that you have broken through to the Holy Realm, you can proceed with this matter. ."

Xiao Tian paused when he said that, his eyes swept away from Wang Yuyan on the side, and then he continued: "After Feng'er returns to Fengyun Academy, you and Yuyan will assist Feng'er to establish a martial arts academy. It is specially used to recruit those geniuses who are slightly inferior in immortality but have excellent martial arts talent."

The matter of the Martial Arts Academy was that Xiao Tian had already finished the draft and was planning to implement it after the Hundred Cities War, but after learning about the existence of extraterrestrial creatures, Xiao Tian had to advance these matters.

After all, even the mighty sage master at the time could only seal the mother gods of the creatures outside the realm by means of fate for life, and according to the memory of the sage master he got, that seal might not last too long. .

If it waits until the mother god of the creatures outside the realm to break the seal, then there will be a big battle in the sea of ​​heavens, and once the battle breaks out, the holy realm is nothing more than an ant.

Even if it is the peak power of the holy realm, I am afraid it is just a chess piece. Only when you step into the realm of the only real self can you be qualified to hold the chessboard and become a chess player, using the heavens and the sea as the chessboard and the creatures of the world , To play games with outside creatures!

Fengyun Academy was a very important opportunity for Xiao Tian to break through to the only real self. Therefore, in order to make an early breakthrough, Xiao Tian could not speed up the development of Fengyun Academy.

Fortunately, Fengyun Academy now has a mature logistics team, coupled with some resources that Xiao Tian obtained from Crouching Tiger City, even if it is not too difficult to open another martial arts branch, it’s just that Shen Lingfeng and others will It's going to be harder.

Yang Guo nodded, a sharp sword gas gushing out from his body.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Tian was so eager to establish a martial arts academy, since Xiao Tian spoke, he would naturally try to do his best.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, his eyes swept across the disciples, and he said with a smile: "When you leave as a teacher, you must not slack off. When you come back as a teacher, you will test your cultivation level one by one. Meeting the requirements of being a teacher is at your own risk."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared directly into the Hall of Fengyun Academy.

After Xiao Tian left, Baguio and the others couldn't help showing a wry smile, but the worry in their eyes was much reduced.

Previously, Xiao Tian’s situation was like arranging funeral affairs, which made them feel a little worried. Although Xiao Tian was an invincible existence in their eyes, even the Death Demon God might not be Xiao Tian’s opponent, even with the help of Slaughter Abyss. The location of the country is only possible to pose a threat to Xiao Tian.

However, the situation before Xiao Tian caused deep worries in their hearts, and the last words before Xiao Tian's departure dispelled the worries in their hearts, so that they did not have to worry about Xiao Tian's accident all day long.

"It seems that the next period of time will not be easy," Baguio smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said to the crowd: "I don't know when Master will be back, I hope it won't be too long."

She knows Xiao Tian's character too well. Since Xiao Tian said that he had to test their cultivation level when the time comes, they would never escape this catastrophe!

What worries her most now is that Xiao Tian has been away for too long. After all, they will have to undergo a period of painstaking cultivation if they are to meet Xiao Tian's requirements.

Although she is not as unintentionally practicing as Hu Tu did, she also didn't want to know only about cultivation all day long.

Therefore, the sooner Xiao Tian came back, the shorter the time they needed to practice hard work, so Baguio naturally hoped that Xiao Tian's time to go out to work this time would not be too long.

Hu Tu nodded in agreement. What she hates most is hard cultivation, but according to the current situation, she may not be able to escape the catastrophe in the next period of time. Now she only hopes that Xiao Tian can solve it as soon as possible. That devil of death rushed back to the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

When that happens, she won't have to continue to work hard!

As for the others, with the exception of a few people such as Yang Guo and Monkey King, the ideas of others are similar to those of Baguio Hutu.

Xiao Tian didn't know the thoughts of his disciples.

After giving some explanations, Xiao Tian appeared again at the gate of Fengyun Academy, and then rushed towards the entrance of the Abyss of Slaughter that connected the Eastern Region under the eyes of everyone.

Seeing the direction in which Xiao Tian left, some creatures quickly guessed Xiao Tian’s whereabouts. Soon, the news that Xiao Tian, ​​the peak powerhouse of the Eastern Sacred Realm and Dean of Fengyun Academy, went to the Abyss of Slaughter quickly spread throughout Fengyun City. , And is still spreading towards other places in the Eastern Region at a very fast speed.

Luo Yuan, the lord of Crouching Tiger City, who had just arrived in Fengyun City and planned to observe Fengyun Academy’s enrollment, also got the news. He shook his head with a wry smile, but did not change his itinerary. He brought Yun Shu and another cadre toward him. Fengyun Academy rushed.

Although Fengyun Academy currently does not have Xiao Tian sitting in town, there are Zhang Bairen, a late holy stage, and many holy realm experts. The influence of Fengyun Academy is far from what Crouching Tiger City can compare. It can have a good relationship with Fengyun Academy. It is undoubtedly a good thing for Tiger City.

Chapter 2481 Giant Roger!

After leaving Fengyun City, Xiao Tian traveled all the way through the space, and soon appeared in the place where the Eastern Region and the Abyss of Slaughter were connected.

A blood-colored passage appeared in Xiao Tian’s line of sight. Although it was said to be a passage, it occupies an area not inferior to any realm city in the Eastern Region. On the passage, there are countless twisted runes that form a thick barrier. The killing air of the killing abyss is isolated.

And in the channel, countless strong men are fighting frantically. There are strong men on the side of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, and the strong men on the other side of the abyss are also killed. From time to time, the strong on both sides fall, but whenever there is a strong fall, There will be others to make up, so the intensity of the fight has not been weakened by the fall of the strong on both sides.

Xiao Tian stood above the bloody passage, did not say much, and flew directly into the passage.

It was just that before Xiao Tian could enter the passage, the shadow clan master Yingfeng who had had a relationship with him at the beginning suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Tian and stopped Xiao Tian.

"Friends of Daoist, please stay," Yingfeng stood in front of Xiao Tian, ​​with the slightest expression on his face.

"I don't know why the messenger stopped?" Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, looking at Yingfeng, he was a little curious, the realm's messenger suddenly appeared and stopped him for what it was.

"According to an order from the realm, come to give a fellow Taoist something," Yingfeng did not sell it, took out a jade disc with a faint fluorescence, and handed it to Xiao Tian.

"The emissary heard that fellow daoists were going to kill the abyss, and ordered to send a space jade disc to help fellow daoists."

Yingfeng said slowly, with a calm tone: "This space jade disc is made by the only real self-level strongman. It can directly tear the space anywhere and create a space channel connecting the eastern region. The killing abyss is dangerous. With the space jade disc, fellow Taoists will also be able to make this trip smoother."

Hearing Yingfeng's words, Xiao Tian looked at the space jade disc in his hand, his eyes were a little strange.

Being able to directly create a spatial channel directly connected to the Eastern Region in any place, without interference from external forces, I am afraid that only the only strong person in the real world can do it!

The Eastern Territory Envoy is a master of the Shadow Clan. The only true self-realm powerhouse he has ever had is the Shadow Clan ancestor. Obviously, the Eastern Territory Envoy sent the space jade disc this time. It may be a sign of'shadow'!

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