God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1057

"It seems that the seal left by the saint master at the time may have been loosened, and it will not last long..."

Xiao Tian thought to himself in his heart, after he merged with the true spirit of the saint master, he had a lot of understanding of the original battle, and he knew how strong the seal left by the saint master was, even Yu Yao said that his understanding of the seal that sealed the creature mother god outside the realm, even the only real-self realm powerhouses of the other few can not compare to him!

Judging from the memory of the saint master he got, that seal can last ten more epochs at most, but looking at the reaction of'Shadow', this time is probably shorter than he thought!

Otherwise,'Shadow' wouldn't have hurriedly sent the space jade disc after learning that he was going to the Abyss of Slaughter!

After all, although he is the reincarnation of the true spirit fragments of the saint master, and has obtained the super divine tool left by the saint master at the beginning, it is still unknown whether he will eventually grow to the realm of the saint master at the time.

If it wasn't for the space seal of the creature mother god outside the realm that could not be maintained for too long,'Shadow' would never be so concerned about his safety!

"Please also the messenger to thank the realm envoy for me," Xiao Tian Chong Yingfeng nodded, put the space jade disc away, and then went directly through the big formation into the bloody passage.

At the moment when he entered the bloody passage, Xiao Tian felt a strong killing aura on his face, making his breathing a lot more difficult, and the rich bloody aura in the air continued to impact Xiao Tian’s nerves. Affect Xiao Tian's mind.

Perceiving this, Xiao Tian just smiled, without any hesitation, and rushed towards the depths of the tunnel.

"Are you here to die again?" A bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face when a strong man in the Slaughter Abyss saw Xiao Tian suddenly appearing, and he swung a ghostly sword to greet Xiao Tian.

He is the rare Saint Realm peak powerhouse in this passage. Sitting here, he doesn't know how many powerhouses on the battlefield of ten thousand realms have been killed.

In recent days, one side of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield has rarely sent masters to attack the two realms channel, and he has no interest in those weak and juniors, so he is suffocated during this time!

Today it was his turn to patrol the passages of the two realms. Originally, he planned to patrol the passage quickly and leave, but he did not expect that he had just entered the passage of the two realms and encountered such a great gift!

A strong man in the battlefield of ten thousand realms at the pinnacle of the holy realm, enough to make him move his muscles and bones!

Xiao Tian was burying his head and rushing towards the depths of the space channel, but suddenly he found a blood beam shot out from the space channel and attacked him.

"Trouble!" Xiao Tian frowned slightly and drew out his portable sword.

He can feel the breath of the holy realm peak hidden in the bloody light. Although to him now, a master of the holy realm peak is nothing at all, but in this environment, he wants to kill After all, a strong man who loses a holy realm peak will waste some time.

And the strong man hidden in the blood light is obviously directed at him, if you don't solve it, let such a tail follow behind, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no accidents!

"I've been sitting in these two passages for so long, and finally met a big fish!" The bloody light soon appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and from the inside came out a giant with a monstrous evil spirit, staring at a pair of blood. His pupils looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his eyes filled with joy.

"As long as you beheaded, I can leave this ghost place and return to the abyss of killing!" The giant said with a ghost knife in his hand.

Seeing that giant appear, the nearby masters of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield and the masters of the Slaughter Abyss were all fighting, and they withdrew a distance towards the distance.

This giant was named Rogge, and he was so fierce in this space channel. Not only was there a large number of battlefield experts who died in his hands, there were even many masters who killed the abyss either directly or indirectly. In his hands!

Because this giant's fighting style is too open and close, and once it fights with people, this giant will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, even if the powerhouse of the Killing Abyss approaches, it will be injured by Roger's attack.

Therefore, every time he sees Rogge making a move, the powerful in the Battlefield of the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Slaughter Abyss will tacitly stop fighting, giving Rogge room to fight with others, so as not to be affected by the aftermath of the attack and die inexplicably!

Chapter 2482 kill with one sword!

Hearing Roger's words, Xiao Tian's expression was calm, but his eyes were slightly more disdainful.

It's just a creature at the pinnacle of the holy realm. Even before fusing the other true spirit fragments of the saint, he is not afraid at all. Even in the environment of the killing abyss, with his strength, he can easily deal with most of them. The existence of the peak of the Holy Land.

But now he has integrated the rest of the true spirit fragments of the saint master, although his strength cannot be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, he is undoubtedly much stronger than before.

Therefore, Xiao Tian did not take such an abyssal powerhouse at the peak of the holy realm into heart!

"Leave far away!"

Xiao Tian snorted coldly and waved the long sword in his hand.

He is not entangled with Rogge. If he can push Rogge back, he can naturally take this opportunity to go deep into the abyss of killing. Now that the situation of the abyss of killing is unknown, Xiao Tian doesn't want to waste time on some insignificant creatures.

"Arrogant guy!"

When the giant Rogge heard the words, the blood was shining in his eyes, and the ghost head knife in his hand was filled with infinite evil spirits, and finally condensed into a strangely shaped skull on the blade, and slammed into Xiao Tian with the sky of blood. !

The blood light tore through the sky, crushing several nearby strong men who had no time to escape, among them there was even a mid-sacred strong man who killed the abyss!

It's just that in front of Roger's arrogant and domineering attack, the slaughter abyss powerhouse in the middle of the holy realm and the ten thousand realm battlefield powerhouses around him are instantly annihilated, and they can't even struggle!

The next moment, the sword light and the blood light collided together, and a terrifying aura of aura exploded from the place where the sword light and the sword light collided, sweeping in all directions, and even let this exist for not knowing how long it has been connected. The space channels of the Killing Abyss and the Eastern Territory of the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms trembled a few times!

"Unexpectedly, I can block your Uncle Roger's attack! Interesting! Really interesting!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the bloodthirsty on the face of the giant Roger grew stronger, his flushing eyes stared at Xiao Tian, ​​as if he wanted to imprint the image of Xiao Tian in his mind.

"It's rare to meet an opponent who can make Uncle Rogge so happy," Rogge's scarlet eyes were full of excitement, and his face showed a grim smile: "As a reward, Uncle Rogge will keep you all alone. corpse!"

It’s just that Rogge’s words haven’t been finished yet, an emerald green bamboo branch suddenly tore open the violent spiritual energy storm, the top of the bamboo branch shone with a little green light, and before Rogge could react, he pressed fiercely on his eyebrows. !


The seemingly soft bamboo branches were like thorns tofu, easily penetrated through the center of Roger's eyebrows, and came out from behind the hard skull.

The originally emerald green bamboo branches were stained with a thick blood color, and they looked extremely coquettish.

"Ho...Ho...Isn't this..." Rogge gradually lost his eyes, grew his mouth and tried to make a sound, but before he finished speaking, Xiao Tian took out the bitter bamboo branches.

Following Xiao Tian's movements, Rogge's consciousness instantly plunged into endless darkness. His huge body quickly lost its vitality and fell toward the depths of the killing abyss.

"waste time!"

Xiao Tian glanced at Luo Ge's corpse that was falling toward the abyss of killing, and then he shook off the blood stained on the bamboo branches of the bitter bamboo, cast his body skills, and swept toward the abyss of killing.

Xiao Tian beheaded Rogge casually, but didn't take it to heart. For him, the existence of a sacred peak was nothing more than a mere existence. Even if his cultivation level was comparable to him, his strength was far from comparable. A master of this level, he can kill him easily!

But even though Xiao Tian didn't care, the experts around him couldn't care less. Whether it was a master from the Abyss of Slaughter or a master from the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, after seeing Luo Ge easily beheaded by Xiao Tian, ​​shock appeared on his face .

They are very clear about Roger's strength. One of the people who claim to be the strongest in this space channel has a fierce reputation. They don't know how many strong men have fallen under his ghost sword, and there is even the existence of the peak of the holy realm.

However, it was such a powerful person, but Xiao Tian instantly fell into the hands of Xiao Tian without the ability to struggle even a little bit?!

Outside the passage, Yingfeng's figure quietly emerged. Seeing Xiao Tian's departure, his eyes were a little more shocked. Although he knew that Xiao Tian's strength was strong, even the realm envoys valued him very much and sent him to the shadow clan. The space jade disc left by the ancestors was given to Xiao Tian to ensure that he could return safely from the abyss of killing.

But he had always had doubts about Xiao Tian's strength before that. After all, he had never seen Xiao Tian make a move. He was only occasionally able to glimpse some of Xiao Tian's strength from some rumors.

Originally, he was still a little bit dissatisfied in his heart. He felt that Xiao Tian's value could not be compared with that precious space jade disc, but after seeing Roger beheaded by Xiao Tian's sword, Yingfeng instantly overthrew it. My previous thoughts!

"Jieshi's vision is really not what I can compare!"

At the thought of the attitude that Jie Shi gave to himself when he gave the space jade disc and solemnly delivered it to Xiao Tian, ​​Yingfeng couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The Eastern Territory Realm Envoy did not have any contact with Xiao Tian. He only got news related to Xiao Tian from some rumors. However, the Realm Envoy valued Xiao Tian extremely, and even had contact with Xiao Tiansu. If you haven't met, send out the space jade disc.

Yingfeng didn't know if there was any inner affair in this, so in the end he could only attribute it to the Eastern Territory Realm so that his eyes were like torches, and Xiao Tian's talent was penetrated from some clues!

Shaking his head gently, Yingfeng quickly turned his attention to the battlefield in front of him, with a little more excitement in his eyes.

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