God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1059

Speaking of this, the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan waved his hand, and several blood shadow clones that rushed towards Xiao Tian froze in place, and the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan cast his eyes on Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice: "Yes. You are proud enough to hurt me! I now give you one last chance to surrender to me. In purgatory in the southern part of the Slaughter Abyss, your status is only below me!"

Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, his eyes became a little weird.

"Unexpectedly, I also had a day when I was underestimated..." Xiao Tian sighed quietly. Numerous cracks appeared on the bamboo branches of the bitter bamboo in his hand. In the next moment, countless sword qi mixed with fragments of the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches burst out and finally melted. It was a horrible storm of sword energy, but this time the storm of sword energy did not sweep around like before, but instead surrounded Xiao Tian, ​​like a flexible swimming fish, constantly swimming around Xiao Tian.


Seeing Xiao Tian's actions, the complexion of the strong man of the Abyssal Bat clan also became extremely gloomy. The next moment, several blood shadow clones appeared behind him, and they attacked Xiao Tian together with the previous blood shadow clones. The powerhouse of the Abyssal Mephit family turned into a huge purple mephit, with two fangs at the corners of the mouth glowing with purple light, and it directly attacked Xiao Tian's neck!

Xiao Tian just smiled when he saw this, and the sword energy storm surrounding his body instantly spread to the surroundings, and a huge sword formation was formed in a blink of an eye, directly trapping Xiao Tian and the powerhouse of the Abyssal Mobat clan!

In the sword formation, the heaven and earth aura quickly faded, and the ubiquitous killing aura after coming to the space channel was also repelled by the sword formation, turning the sword formation into a dead place without any aura!

"Repair yourself with the help of killing air?"

Xiao Tian sneered, and a bitter bamboo branch appeared again in his hand. The next moment, countless sword qi ran across the sky, slashing away at the power of the Abyssal Bat clan!

The sword formation he set up is called the Nirvana Sword Formation, and it has only one function, which is to completely detonate all the auras within the sword formation range, turning all the places in the sword formation range into a deadly aura exhausted, and killing in the abyss The killing aura also belongs to the range of the alien aura, and it is naturally within the range of the detonation of the nirvana sword array!

This powerful man of the Abyssal Mephix clan can repair himself with the help of killing aura, can he isolate all the surrounding killing aura and even the spiritual aura of heaven and earth?!

Chapter 2485 Beheaded!

In the nirvana sword formation, Xiao Tian painfully took out a brand new bitter bamboo branch, and his eyes fell on the strong man of the abyssal mephit clan, with a deep killing intent in his eyes.

Although he doesn't care about the thousands of teacher's points, if he consumes frequently, it is enough to make him feel pain.

In order to deal with the powerhouse of the Abyssal Bats, he has used the third bitter bamboo branch. With the strange ability of the Abyssal Bats, he wants to take it down in a short time. I am afraid it is not simple. Things.

Even if there is a Sword of Annihilation that isolates the killing aura, and even the aura of the surrounding world is excluded from the scope of the Sword of Annihilation, how can there be nothing left behind for the Abyssal Bats that can set foot on the peak of the Holy Realm? hand?

Therefore, the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches to be consumed in this battle are probably not a small number. Even if Xiao Tian’s current mentor points are hundreds of thousands, after a big battle, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of mentor points will be consumed. It still made Xiao Tian a little bit painful.

"What the hell is this?!"

The strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan realized that there was no trace of killing aura in the surroundings, and even the aura of heaven and earth was completely cleared out of this area. In the range of this sword formation, there was no trace of aura. The existence of is just like those broken worlds that have long since died!

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words of the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan, and stared at the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan with a touch of disdain in his eyes.

"Even if it is the abyssal mephit that has broken through the life level, after all, it is still an ignorant idiot with only power."

Xiao Tian spoke slowly, and a layer of golden brilliance ignited on the bitter bamboo branches in his hands. The golden flames were beating, causing the temperature around him to rise rapidly.

"You are proud enough to let me use the real fire of the sun!"

Before he finished his words, Xiao Tian suddenly waved the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches in his hand, and the terrifying sword aura enveloping the real fire of the sun instantly filled the sword formation, turning this wasteland of dying heaven and earth into a world of swords. !

Faced with Xiao Tian’s attack, the sacred peak powerhouse of the Abyssal Mephid clan’s expression became extremely solemn. He didn’t take Xiao Tian to heart before, and even dared to speak out to attract Xiao Tian, ​​just believing that Xiao Tian did not attack. The ability to kill him!

With the endless killing aura of the Slaughter Abyss, as long as he does not leave the scope of the Slaughter Abyss, he is undefeated!

However, Xiao Tian completely isolated the killing air from him with a strange formation, and even the heaven and earth aura was completely isolated, which made him want to use his talent to transform the nearby heaven and earth aura into killing air. Can't do it!

Without the support of the killing aura, his strength has been compromised by at least 70%. Although he is not without combat power, at this moment, he at the peak of the holy realm is only able to deal with some strong players in the late holy realm. That's it!

After all, the abyssal mephit that has broken through the limit of life is powerful, but everything is based on its own terrifying self-healing ability. All the powerful moves he has mastered need to consume his own blood instead of killing. Zhiqi quickly repaired his injuries, he needs to think twice about every shot, which is undoubtedly a great limitation for him!

Just like the blood shadow clone he used before, as the innate magical power shared by the abyss clan, his control of the blood shadow clone has already reached a peak, and the blood shadow clone is also his most used attack method.

Previously, he had the endless killing aura of the Slaughter Abyss as a supplement. He was naturally able to condense the blood shadow clone at will. After all, even if the blood shadow clone would consume half of his blood, as long as there was the endless killing aura of the killing abyss. In addition, he will soon be able to recover as usual, and a large number of condensed blood shadow clones will not have any effect on him at all!

But the current situation is different. In such a deadly land with exhausted spiritual energy, if he dared to condense the blood shadow clone, Xiao Tian might seize the opportunity to kill him in the next moment!

Because the blood shadow clone is condensed in this environment, it is basically weakening his own strength in a disguised form. With the terrorist attack power displayed by Xiao Tian, ​​he divides the blood shadow clone, but that is something Xiao Tian couldn't ask for!

In the face of Xiao Tian’s terrifying attack, the strong man of the Abyssal Mephix clan at the peak of the Holy Realm shook his teeth, and a thick layer of blood glowed around his body, constantly shuttled through the dense flame sword net, relying on With a dexterous body, the strong man of the Abyssal Bat clan evaded many attacks, and was not hit by much flame sword aura.

But even so, after the flame sword qi dissipated, the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan also had a lot of wounds, and there was a faint golden flame beating in the wound, constantly eroding the power in his body.

"Damn it! You have to find a way to get out!"

Perceiving that his own strength is slowly weakening under the action of the real fire of the sun, the face of the strong man of the abyss bat clan is faintly pale, his eyes scanned the surroundings, wanting to find the weakness of the nirvana sword array, and break the nirvana sword. Array.

As long as he can break through the nirvana sword formation and use the endless killing aura of the killing abyss, this injury is nothing to him!

As long as he can get out of trouble, he still has the possibility of comeback!

Perceiving the expression of the strong man in the abyss, Xiao Tian smiled, and a faint ridicule flashed across his eyes. The next moment, the cracked bitter bamboo branches in his hand exploded in an instant, and dazzling firelights were on this extinguishing sword Bloom in the array, like the most gorgeous fireworks in the world!

The entire nirvana sword array was shrouded in flames, and even Xiao Tian was no exception. It was just that a layer of faint golden flames throbbing on Xiao Tian's body, isolating the surrounding flames, but the powerhouse of the Abyssal Bat clan But without Xiao Tian's method, he was wrapped in golden flames all over the sky, and instantly turned into a burning man, and then let out a stern wailing sound.

Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, his eyes cast on the struggling fire man, secretly vigilant.

After all, this is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the holy realm, and it is the realm that the abyssal mephit has broken through the limit and stepped into this realm. Maybe it has some means that ordinary people don’t know, so even now it seems to be a winner. Holding it, Xiao Tian still did not relax his vigilance.

He knows exactly how difficult these fierce beasts are. He can show disdain for their displayed strength, but he will not despise these fierce beasts in his heart!

Under Xiao Tian's gaze, the strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan struggled constantly, and finally died of vitality, turning into a pool of black catastrophe and drifting away...

Chapter 2486 Killing Abyss, Southern Purgatory!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian waved away the real fire of the surrounding sun, and looked at the scattered robbery dust without any expression on his face.

In all fairness, the sacred realm powerhouse of the Abyssal Bats is enough to threaten the vast majority of powerhouses on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, especially when it has enough killing energy as a support, the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms can kill them. I'm afraid there are not many people!

And those strong, I am afraid that they have already walked half a step above the peak of the holy realm and become the strong of the'false real self realm'!

As for the powerhouse at the peak of the holy realm, it is estimated that no one in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms can kill the powerhouse of the Abyssal Bat clan with enough killing energy!

After dispersing the nirvana sword formation, Xiao Tian discarded a small piece of bitter bamboo sticks in his hand, and then flew towards the abyss of killing.

And shortly after Xiao Tian's figure disappeared, there was a faint spatial fluctuation in the place where he had fought against the strong man of the Abyssal Bats. The next moment, a scarlet bat with a large palm appeared quietly, and finally turned into the former and Xiao The appearance of the strong man of the abyss bat clan who played against the sky.

It’s just that compared to before, at this moment, the face of the sacred realm of the Abyssal Bat clan is extremely pale, and there are countless hideous wounds on his body, but under the action of the killing air around, those wounds It is recovering quickly at a slightly faster speed.

"When did the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms give birth to such a strong man!"

The strong man of the Abyssal Bat clan looked at the direction Xiao Tian was leaving, his eyes were full of horror. He didn't expect Xiao Tian's strength to be so strong that he was the uncrowned king of Purgatory in the southern part of the Slaughter Abyss. Through countless years of space passage, I don't know how many sacred peak powerhouses on the battlefield of ten thousand worlds have been killed.

Although some strong men injured him during this period, Xiao Tian was the only one who wounded him and almost killed him!

If it weren't for his natural ability, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the sword formation arranged by Xiao Tian!

"This news has to be told to the prisoner as soon as possible!"

The strong man of the Abyssal Mephit clan murmured a few words in a low voice, although his face was somewhat reluctant, he still flew toward the abyss of killing.

Like the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, the Abyss of Slaughter is also divided into five major purgatory in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The strongest person in each purgatory is called the prisoner, and the southern purgatory of Desperate Abyss is connected to the eastern part of the battlefield of Thousand Realms.

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