God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1060

Although he is powerful, he is not the prisoner of this Southern Purgatory. When he recruited Xiao Tian before, it was only his exaggeration. Although his strength is comparable to the prisoner of Southern Purgatory, that prisoner can Isolate the slaughter, so he didn't actually have any power to fight back when facing the prisoner!

Now that Xiao Tian broke into the abyss of killing, even if he was unwilling to deal with that prisoner, he had to put aside his personal grievances and pass the news back as soon as possible.

It's just that the strong man of the abyssal mephit clan hasn't flew far, a bamboo branch burning with pale golden flames suddenly pierced out of the space behind him, completely piercing his heart!

The bitter bamboo and bamboo branches burning with pale golden flames came out from the chest of the strong man of the Abyssal Bat family, and brought up a blood mist. The golden flames instantly became active, swallowing the blood mist, and finally engulfing the abyss. The powerful men of the Mobat clan are wrapped in it, turning it into a torch that is constantly burning in the space channel connecting the abyss of killing and the battlefield of the world!

And what penetrated the heart of the strong man of the Abyssal Bat clan was just a small piece of bitter bamboo sticks that Xiao Tian discarded before leaving!

"how is this possible……"

An incredible look appeared on the face of the saint realm powerhouse of the Abyssal Mephit clan. He had clearly sensed the surrounding situation, and only dared to show up after he was sure there was no danger!

However, Xiao Tian had noticed his back hand early, and even left the means to wait for him to show up early?!

If it were in his heyday, although this kind of injury was serious, it would not have much impact on him.

But now he is already in a weak state, and the bitter bamboo branches of the real sun fire pierced his heart. The terrifying hot sun blasted into his body and raged, continuously destroying the meridians and internal organs in his body, causing him to emit The breath of life that came out continued to weaken.

It didn’t take long for the strong man from the abyss clan to utter an unwilling wailing, and then his consciousness quickly annihilated. The flesh of the abyss clan’s strong man turned into a scorched black under the fire of the sun. The corpse fell downward.

At this point, he has spent countless years in the Slaughter Abyss. In the Purgatory in the Southern Slaughter Abyss, the sacred peak powerhouse of the sacred bat clan of the sacred bats has completely fallen!

As the key existence that led to all of this, Xiao Tian passed through the spatial passage early and entered the Southern Purgatory of the Killing Abyss...

Somewhere in the purgatory in the southern part of the Slaughter Abyss, in the space passage, Xiao Tian's figure walked out of the space passage, carefully looking around.

Soon, a strange look appeared on Xiao Tian's face, because in his perception, there were no creatures in the surrounding area!

In other words, at the exit of this space channel, there is no defensive power except for the creep bat that was killed by his backhand before!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian was also a little amused. He shouldn't say whether the strong in the Killing Abyss was self-confident or conceited, but no matter what, this saved him a lot of effort.

Originally, Xiao Tian was worried that he would be involved in the battle again after leaving the space channel. Now that there is no strong man in the Abyss of Killing around here, he does not have to waste so much energy. More importantly, he can save no time Less bitter bamboo and bamboo branches!

Xiao Tian didn't know that the exit of this space channel was originally used by the strong men from the Slaughter Abyss side, but after the creepy bats arrived at this space channel, they dismissed all the strong men and sat alone in this space channel. .

And those powerful people who killed the abyss also knew the strength of the monster bats, and they went away from the monster bats. Even the prisoner of the purgatory in the southern part of the killing abyss personally ordered all the powerful people of the killing abyss guarded nearby to be removed. This area was completely handed over to the bats.

However, the random behavior made by the sly bat because of its discord with the southern purgatory prisoner saved Xiao Tian a lot of time. If the sly bat that has already died can not die again knows the news, it will not Know if I will be so angry!

Xiao Tian didn't know these secrets. After discovering that there were no other powerful people in the abyss of killing, he was secretly happy in his heart, but he didn't stay here too much. He directly chose a direction and used his body technique. Go in that direction...

Chapter 2487 Abyss Blood Demon, Pool of Purgatory!

The topography of Purgatory in the southern part of the Slaughter Abyss is not complicated. Most of them are plains. It didn't take Xiao Tian much time to find a dilapidated city, and there were many creatures in it.

To be cautious, Xiao Tian didn't enter the broken city, but waited outside, concealing his figure, planning to wait until a creature came out of the city, and immediately plundered it.

Soon, Xiao Tian chose the target. It was an Abyssal Gorefiend. Its status in the Killing Abyss was not high, but it was also much stronger than the lowest-level creatures like the Abyssal Bats. Such creatures should be enough to provide. Give him enough information.

At the moment that the abyss blood demon walked out of the city, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he appeared behind the abyss blood demon, with powerful spiritual power attached to his hands, directly banning the power of the abyss blood demon, holding his superpower. Rushed away.

As for the abyssal gorefiend who was looted by Xiao Tian, ​​the creatures in the broken city were all unremarkable. Obviously, this kind of thing is very common in the abyss of killing, so these creatures of killing abyss I have been able to accept it calmly, not surprisingly!

And the Abyssal Gorefiend that Xiao Tian was holding did not dare to resist at all. Even though Xiao Tian had banned his power, he could still perceive the aura of a sacred peak power emanating from Xiao Tian!

He was only in the late Da Luo realm and was taken away by the existence of a holy realm peak. How dare to resist?

Soon, Xiao Tian appeared in an uninhabited valley with the Abyssal Gorefiend, threw it aside, and said lightly: "I ask, you answer, understand?"

"The villain understands! The villain understands!" The Abyssal Gorefiend quickly replied. Although he had realized that Xiao Tian was not a strong man in the slaughter of the abyss, Xiao Tian's strength was so strong that he couldn't afford anything in his heart. The mind of resistance.

What's more, the Abyss Blood Demon clan has always been greedy for life, fear of death, and capricious. It has a very bad reputation in the killing abyss. Naturally, the creatures of the Abyss Blood Demon clan will not take their own lives in order to expose Xiao Tian's identity!

And this is why Xiao Tian chose to kidnap the creatures of the Abyss Blood Demon clan!

"Do you know the death demon Anubis?" Xiao Tian glanced at the abyss blood demon with a calm expression.

As he spoke, a coercion that seemed to exist and did not emanate from Xiao Tian, ​​pressed toward the abyss blood demon, without giving him any time to think!

"Listen, heard!" Under the pressure of Xiao Tian, ​​the creatures of the Abyss Blood Demon clan lay on the ground, trembling constantly, making intermittent voices.

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, and reduced some of the coercion, before continuing to ask: "Where is the Death Demon God now?"

The Death Demon sent someone to Fengyun City to post a battle against him, but he did not leave any address. I am afraid that the Death Demon didn’t expect Xiao Tian would come to Kill the Abyss so soon, so he didn’t rush to inform Xiao Tian where he was about to fight. .

"Master Enubis is in the Pool of Purgatory. The Pool of Purgatory is located at the junction of the southern purgatory and the eastern purgatory. From here, you will go east and you will be able to see it soon.

The Pool of Purgatory is the gathering place of the heart-eaters. Master Enubis was originally a god revered by the heart-eaters. This time, returning to the abyss of killing, Master Enubis returned to the pool of purgatory for the first time. "The creatures of the Abyssal Blood Demon clan said quickly, for fear that after half a minute, Xiao Tian would directly kill him!

And after Xiao Tian asked the question about the death demon Anubis, the creatures of the abyss blood demon clan guessed Xiao Tian’s identity, the ten thousand world battlefield that asked the death demon to send people to the Ten Thousand Realm Battlefield to post the battle. The strong!

It must be known that the Death Demon God quickly recovered to its peak strength after returning to the Slaughter Abyss. It was even stronger than when he left the Slaughter Abyss. However, Xiao Tian was able to keep the Death Demon thinking about it and even sent someone to the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield. This is enough to show how powerful Xiao Tian's strength is!

Therefore, the creatures of the abyssal blood demon clan dared not conceal the slightest, and quickly poured out all the information they knew about the death demon like a bamboo tube poured beans.

Hearing the words of the creatures of the Blood Demon Clan of the Abyss, Xiao Tian nodded lightly, and said lightly, "Has the Death Demon God acted abnormally recently?"

"Master Enubis is aloft, where can a small person like me come in contact with?" The creature of the Abyss Blood Demon clan grumbled and mumbled.

But seeing Xiao Tian’s expressionless face, the creatures of the Abyssal Gorefiend tried their best to recall the information in their minds, and after a while, they said, "If you really want to say something abnormal, Master Enubis After returning to the Pool of Purgatory, he arbitrarily ordered the Heart Eaters to cast the altar of the devil. Lord Enubis never cared about this before, and I don’t know why he suddenly thought of doing this this time."

Hearing the words of the creatures of the blood demon clan of the abyss, Xiao Tian's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

I am afraid that the death demon god casts the demon god altar just to attract those outside creatures to come!

The battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is stared to death by the only real self-level powerhouse, coupled with the protection of the only real self-level powerhouse left behind, it is difficult for the creatures outside the realm to mix in it, but the killing abyss is different, the killing abyss and ten thousand Although the world battlefield has the same origin, its laws are incomplete. As long as the creatures outside the world can find a breakthrough, they can easily enter the abyss of killing!

"Okay, let's go," Xiao Tian put away his coercion, and said lightly to the creatures of the abyss blood demons.

The creatures of the Abyssal Gorefiend clan heard the words and ran out of the valley quickly, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing that the creatures of the Abyssal Blood Demon clan disappeared, Xiao Tian smiled and flew directly to the east.

The creatures of the Abyssal Gorefiend clan that he let go may soon spread his news, and this is what Xiao Tian intended to do, he wants to use this opportunity to lead the powerful in the killing abyss to the pool of purgatory. , Disrupt the arrangement of the death demon!

A large number of slaughter of the abyssal experts went to the pool of purgatory, and the arrangement of the death demon was difficult to carry out normally. Once the death demon could not attract those outside creatures, for Xiao Tian, ​​the degree of danger of this trip would undoubtedly drop a lot.

And the most important point is that although the Slaughter Abyss is chaotic, it believes in strength the most. As long as the strength is strong, even if Xiao Tian is a powerhouse in the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, he can still overcome the powerhouse in the Slaughter Abyss!

And this time he accepted the Killing Abyss from the Death Demon God. As long as he can kill the Death Demon God, according to the rules of the Killing Abyss, he can completely replace the Death Demon God in the Slaughter Abyss!

Chapter 2488 Bloody eyes!

Ten days later, in the Pool of Purgatory, the Death Demon God Anubis received the news from the powerhouse of the Heart Eater family, and his face was uncertain.

He didn't expect Xiao Tian to come so fast!

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