God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1068

Soon, Xiao Tian’s spiritual thoughts locked onto a mountain village in the middle of the wilderness. At the entrance of the village, a scorched willow tree rooted in the ground, and a faint green golden light flashed across the willow tree, even with Xiao Tian’s strength. It is easy to overlook the miracle of the willow without looking closely.

Xiao Tian smiled, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly outside the village, his eyes fell on the willow tree with a somewhat inexplicable expression in his eyes.

However, before Xiao Tian could take any action, a figure suddenly stepped out of nothingness. The figure's whole body was surrounded by countless laws. The long river of time became distorted in front of the figure, unable to affect it at all.

Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This time, the perfect world did not come in vain, and the figure in front of him was already worth his 100,000 mentor points to come to the perfect world!

Because this person, Xiao Tian, ​​had met once in the Zhetian Plane, and it was the Huangtian Emperor who was arrogant for eternity!

Xiao Tian moved his gaze away from Emperor Huang Tian, ​​and cast his gaze on a little bit of jade carved behind the scorched black willow tree. That was exactly the Emperor Huang when he was young, no little Shi Hao!

Seeing Xiao Tian cast his gaze on Shi Hao, Huang Tiandi's eyes also condensed slightly, and the aura that surpassed the peak of the immortal emperor radiated from his body, turning the surrounding space into a chaos.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, then turned his gaze to Emperor Huang Tian, ​​and slowly said, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I have no intentions."

He hadn't thought that Perfect World would be so special. He was at the time when Shi Hao was taken away from the supreme bone and sent to Shicun.

Logically speaking, the Huangtian Emperor who later ruled for eternity shouldn't have appeared. However, when Xiao Tian descended to Shicun, Huangtian Emperor came back against the time and appeared in front of him.

"Your Excellency seems to be superior to me," Huang Tiandi's voice was somewhat vague: "There should be nothing you can see in this world."

The Perfect World is extremely special, and the Emperor Zhunxian has been able to travel for a long time. With the respect of the Immortal Emperor, standing on the river of time overlooking all living creatures, he has been paying attention to the development of the Perfect World.

If everything goes as usual in the Great Perfect World, he would naturally not appear, but the appearance of Xiao Tian did make the future of the Great Perfect World unpredictable, and even the fact that he became an emperor might be affected.

Therefore, he appeared at this time, and if Xiao Tian were to move Xiao Shihao, he would stop him.

Because without the'cause' of Xiao Shihao, his'effect' of becoming an emperor would also disappear. Causality is the most mysterious law of the heavens and seas, even if it is above the law of time and space. He can't reverse it either.

Xiao Tian also knew the reason for the emergence of Emperor Huangtian. This was the cause and effect of one world. If it was changed rashly, it would definitely attract backlash from the world.

However, when he came to the perfect world this time, he didn't want to move the perfect world to cause and effect. Even if he was at the peak of the holy realm, he could easily destroy the perfect world, but if he moved causally, he might also cause himself. Was backlashed.

Because cause and effect is the most mysterious and mysterious law of all heavens and seas, even a strong person at the peak of the holy realm cannot escape the shackles of cause and effect, even if Xiao Tian merges with the broken true spirit of the holy master, in a sense He is already half the only true self-level powerhouse, but he still can't escape the cause and effect!

That's the only thing that even a strong real self cannot do!

Looking at Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Xiao Tian smiled and flicked his fingers, and all the news about the sea of ​​heavens, the battlefield of ten thousand worlds, and even Fengyun Academy was passed on to Emperor Huang.

For Xiao Tian, ​​if such an invincible emperor could join the Fengyun Academy, it would be enough to enhance the foundation of Fengyun Academy.

The power of laws around the figure of Emperor Huang Tian went out of control for a moment, and then returned to normal again.

After a while, Huang Tiandi bowed slightly to Xiao Tian to express his gratitude.

The appearance of Fengyun Academy will not affect his result of becoming an emperor, but it is enough to make Shi Hao's future road a lot smoother. Some regrets that he cannot change may also be reversed by Fengyun Academy.

This is why he would express his gratitude to Xiao Tian.

Soon, the power of the surrounding laws dissipated, and Huang Tiandi's figure disappeared into nothingness.

Xiao Tian smiled slightly and landed at the entrance of Shicun Village. With a flick of his fingers, a drop of divine liquid exuding an astonishing breath flew out of his hand and landed on the scorched willow tree.

That was the jade liquid he had obtained in the abyss of killing. It was extremely precious, even in his hands.

A green-gold light emerged from the willow tree, and the originally charred part quickly peeled off, revealing its green-gold branches.

A hazy phantom emerged from among the willow trees, majestic and majestic, staring at all things, despising the sky and the earth.

Wisp of white mist filled the whole body of the phantom, and there were three thousand light groups around him. It was one world after another!

Each light group is a world, in which countless creatures worship.

"The ancestors of the Xiangu Era," Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the figure, and he said lightly: "When I see it today, it's truly outstanding."

Liu Shen nodded slightly towards Xiao Tian, ​​his voice was cold: "Thank you fellow Daoists for your help."

If there is no drop of the god of good fortune that Xiao Tian throws out, it will take a long time for him to recover. Even if he recovers, his own strength is extremely limited.

But now it's different. Because of that drop of good fortune, he certainly hasn't recovered to its peak, but it is already comparable to the supreme of three thousand states, and it will not be long before he can step into the realm of immortality again, with unparalleled combat power.

"A trivial matter, don't have to worry about the ancestor sacrifice spirit," Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, and said: "I have come to this world to establish a school to teach living creatures. I wonder if the ancestor sacrifice spirit can help me?"

Chapter 2499 Supreme Palace Inheritance!

In the perfect world, Xiao Tian didn't see many powerhouses, and Liu Shen was undoubtedly one of them.

This Immortal Ancient Era, once entered a foreign land alone, nine in and nine out of the ancestral sacrifice spirit, naturally need not say much about his own strength, and in addition to his own strength, Liu Shen's ability to guide students is not weak.

At the beginning of Shi Hao's cultivation, God Liu was instructed. It can be said that without God Liu, perhaps there would be no Huangtian Emperor who will dictate forever, so the ability of God Liu is beyond doubt.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Liu Shen was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Tian is too mysterious, and no one knows his origins, but his strength is shocking the ancients and the present. Such a strong man only intends to establish an academy and teach living creatures. This makes God Liu couldn’t help but feel like Xiao Tian. A bit more curious.

He wanted to try to get rid of this layer of mist and penetrate Xiao Tian's true thoughts, and joining the academy that Xiao Tian said was undoubtedly the best way!

Seeing Liu Shen agreeing, Xiao Tian also smiled a little more, and then his spiritual consciousness spread out, locking an old turtle that was constantly moving deep in the heart of the earth.

On the back of the old turtle, there is a magnificent hall, which is the supreme hall that was once famous for three thousand states!

According to the original world line, it won’t take long for a rune bone to spurt from the Supreme Hall and become a'mountain treasure' that has attracted countless forces. However, since Xiao Tian has descended on the perfect world, naturally he does not intend to let this Everything repeats itself.

Taking a step out, Xiao Tian's figure appeared above the old turtle carrying the Supreme Palace, and cast his eyes on the old turtle carrying the Supreme Palace slowly moving.

"Puppet?" Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the old tortoise, his eyes were a little bit more surprised.

He hadn't noticed before, but after seeing the old tortoise, he discovered the strangeness of the old tortoise.

This old tortoise carrying the supreme palace is not a creature, but just a puppet refined by the supreme man with the tortoise corpse. Only a little incomplete primordial spirit is guiding the supreme palace to continue to move.

"Well, the Supreme Palace is on you, and you and I are also destined, so I will give you a chance."

Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the old tortoise, he pondered for a moment, then raised his hand to point out.

A little light flew out of Xiao Tian's hands and landed on the old tortoise, and countless brilliances were scattered, covering the old tortoise completely.

After a while, a bright light emerged from the muddy eyes of the old turtle.


The old tortoise gave a long scream, that was to thank Xiao Tian.

"Go, it's not the time when you were born," Xiao Tian casually took a box carved from the remains of a fierce beast from the Supreme Palace, and then said to the old turtle.

He took away the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, but did not touch the other opportunities in the Supreme Palace. Except for the change of the born'Shan Treasure', everything else will not change in any way.

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