God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1069

The'Shan Treasure' will be born at the destined time. Heaven-swallowing bird, Zhu Nai, Qiong Qi, and Suzaku are also rushing towards the Great Wilderness. Except for the real'Shan Treasure' which was taken early by Xiao Tian, ​​everything else There will be no changes.

The old turtle nodded lightly towards Xiao Tian, ​​then escaped underground and moved towards other places.

Xiao Tian returned to Shicun with the box.

This'Mountain Treasure' is the inheritance of the Supreme Palace. It is itself cast from a piece of celestial bone, and the six complete reincarnation gods are hidden in it.

In addition, there is also the grass-character swordsmanship, one of the three great sword tactics of the ancient times, as well as several treasures below ten evils such as , gluttony and so on.

Although those treasures are not comparable to the ten evil arts, they are enough as textbooks of Fengyun Academy Branch. Together with the grass-word swordsmanship and the six reincarnation techniques, it is enough for Xiao Tian to open it in the perfect world without any cost. Set up a branch of Fengyun Academy.

After taking out all the treasures contained in the box, Xiao Tian cast his gaze on a large cauldron in the stone village, and threw the sky bone into the cauldron at will.

On the original world line, the'Shanbao' was finally obtained by Shi Hao, and after the Tiangu was absorbed by Shicun’s tripod, the original true solution novella appeared, although the original true solution had no effect on Xiao Tian. But for the Willow God and many powerhouses in the Perfect World, the effect of the original truth is indeed inestimable.

Because that was a quasi-immortal emperor's law, it is impossible to verify who initiated this method, but its value is indeed inestimable.

Even if the original true solution did not finally set foot in the realm of the immortal emperor, it still pointed directly at the quasi-immortal emperor, enough to make countless powerful people fight to break the head!

Following Xiao Tian's movements, the big cauldron in the stone village suddenly vibrated, and a faint fluorescent glow appeared on the sky bone, and then it was directly melted away. A bright white jade bone appeared in the big cauldron. There are densely packed texts.

An eternal breath radiated from the bone, and people couldn't help but worship.

The villagers in Shicun noticed the abnormal changes in the cauldron, and finally recovered from the shock brought by the successive appearances of Xiao Tian, ​​God Willow and Huang Tiandi.

They didn't know the identity of the three Xiao Tian, ​​but instinctively felt that the strength of the three was extremely strong, and they could easily be destroyed.

Therefore, they hadn't made any actions before, or even dared not speak, for fear that they would offend Xiao Tian and others and cause a murderous disaster.

But now that the great cauldron in Shicun has changed, they can no longer hold back the doubts in their hearts and cast their eyes on the great cauldron.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and made a casual move, and the bones that recorded the novelette of the original true interpretation fell into his hands.

"Primary True Explanations, the part of the Zhunxian Emperor Law," Xiao Tian pushed the bone to the willow god, using divine spirit to transmit the sound: "If the ancestor sacrifice spirit can comprehend, it should be able to return in a short time. The fairy king in the extreme realm."

Liu Shen was originally a peerless immortal king with unparalleled fighting power. With the original true interpretation of the novel and the foundation of Liu Shen himself, he was able to return to the top in a short time.

And when Liu Shen was in his heyday, Xiao Tian didn't have to worry about what would happen to the Fengyun Academy branch opened in Perfect World without him.

After all, after the willow god returns to the peak, the only things that can threaten the willow god are the quasi-immortal emperors on the side of the sea and the corpse immortal emperors in the ultimate ancient land!

However, the corpse immortal emperor also ascended to the immortal emperor level during the final battle with Shi Hao. Before that, although he was stronger than the quasi immortal emperor, he was only in the state of the false immortal emperor and did not really set foot in that field. .

Therefore, God Willow, who has recovered to its heyday, is already the top existence in the perfect world, as long as he does not set foot in the sea, he is invincible!

With Liu Shen in charge, the development of the branches of Fengyun Academy will certainly not be slow!

Chapter 2500 Go to Kunpeng Nest!

Liu Shen took the original true interpretation novella and nodded slightly at Xiao Tian. He did not reject Xiao Tian's kindness. He wanted to sit in an academy and educate living creatures. Naturally, his strength would not be weak.

He could see that Xiao Tian's ambition was by no means limited to the eight regions of the lower realm. Even he could not see through its details. His goal must be the entire world!

And if he wants to take the place of Xiao Tian in the academy, he must have the strength to conquer the immortal kings of the immortal domain and the immortal kings of the foreign domain!

If he was in his heyday, naturally don’t have to worry about this, but now he has just regained his vitality. If he recovers slowly by himself, it will take a lot of time to recover to the extreme state of the fairy king, and the original truth can undoubtedly make this time a lot. shorten.

After giving the original truth to God Liu, Xiao Tian turned his attention to Xiao Shihao.

Before Huang Tiandi came across the long river of time, he was worried that he would take action against Xiao Shihao, and Xiao Tian was also worried that the perfect world would become chaotic because of his excessive intervention, so Xiao Tian did not intend to have too much with Shi Hao. contact.

"But you and I are destined after all, so I will give you a chance. Whether you can understand it, it depends on your comprehension," Xiao Tian pondered for a moment, and raised his hand to point out a spiritual light towards Shi Hao.

The surrounding Shicun villagers couldn't help but cast their eyes on Shi Hao, with envy and curiosity in their eyes, but they didn't feel jealous at all.

They also want to know what the fate is given by existence like Xiao Tian!

As the aura submerged into Shi Hao's body, an indescribable Taoist rhyme radiated from him. It was the breath of the supreme bone. Xiao Tian took action to revive the little bit of supreme blood remaining in Shi Hao's body and re-evolve the supreme bone. Even Xiao Tian couldn't predict what the supreme treasure art inscribed above was.

Although he could engrave some powerful treasures on Shi Hao’s supreme bones with his ability, that would undoubtedly have a great impact on Shi Hao’s future development trajectory, so Xiao Tian pondered over and over again, and finally decided to just help. Shi Hao revives Supreme's blood and re-evolves Supreme Bone.

As for what direction the supreme bones will evolve, and how they will evolve, that is Shi Hao's chance, and Xiao Tian will not interfere.

"What an amazing method," Liu Shen said softly.

He had already seen Shi Hao's details, but even in his heyday, it would be difficult for him to resuscitate the supreme blood and re-evolve the supreme bone.

However, Xiao Tian had done something that he had not been able to do in his heyday with just a little light, which shows how amazing Xiao Tian's strength really is!

On the other side, the supreme bones in Shi Hao's body evolved rapidly, and the Taoist rhyme exuding from his body became stronger.

In addition, the feelings in Shi Hao's eyes became more and more complicated, and countless memories emerged in his mind. Those were the memories of his being sealed at the beginning. With the recovery of the supreme bone, those memories also broke the seal, reminding him of the original Things.

"The heavy pupil...cousin..."

Shi Hao's expression was complicated, but his eyes had a sharp killing intent.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian didn’t say much. Instead, he turned his attention to God Liu and said lightly: “I won’t stay in this world for a long time. This kid also asks the ancestors to sacrifice to the spirits to take care of them. I will do it before I leave, but after that I need to sit down and sit down."

God Liu nodded slightly, he could see Shi Hao's extraordinaryness, and he would naturally not refuse.

When Xiao Tian saw this, he didn't say anything more, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Above the North Sea, a white figure appeared quietly, it was Xiao Tian who had descended into the perfect world.

Xiao Tian's eyes pierced into the void, and he finally settled on a secret place with a calm expression.

"Kunpeng is dead, this Kunpeng nest should be an unowned thing, and it will serve as the foundation of the college branch of this perfect world..."

Xiao Tian thought to himself in his heart, but the movements under his feet were not slow in the slightest, and several moves appeared before a huge dry cliff.

This is an entrance to the Kunpeng Nest. If there is no Xiao Tian, ​​according to the original world line, the Kunpeng Nest will be opened by various forces holding the Kunpeng bones and scale feathers in more than ten years.

Countless people fought frantically in order to enter the Kunpeng nest, a large number of strong men fell, and the sea near the dry cliff was dyed blood.

Xiao Shihao also fought here, and finally entered the Kunpeng Nest and won the Kunpeng inheritance.

And when he came this time, he planned to take away the chance in Kunpeng's nest, and to see if he could try to resurrect Kunpeng.

After all, they are the Ten Fiends of the Primordial Ancient Times. If they can be resurrected, it will be enough to enhance the foundation of this Fengyun Academy branch of the Perfect World.

"Although these eight regions of the lower realm are cages, their chances are no less than that of the three thousand states, or even worse..."

Standing in front of the dry cliff, Xiao Tian sighed lightly, and directly crossed the formation around the dry cliff and entered the Kunpeng nest.

The surrounding sea was calm for a while, and those sea clan guarding here didn't even know that a supreme power had already entered the Kunpeng nest.

Kunpeng Nest is located in a mysterious space, on a sea area, exuding endless divine light, and people can't help but worship.

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