God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1073

After speaking, Liu Shen turned around and left. The remnants of souls did not hesitate at all, and quickly followed Liu Shen.

The ancestor sacrifice spirit in front of them alone is not something they can contend, not to mention the strength of Xiao Tian who rescued them is far above Liu Shen. If they have any ambitions, they will be suppressed by Liu Shen and Xiao Tian in an instant. I can't get over any storms at all!

Soon, God Liu appeared on the periphery of the Void God Realm with a group of remnant souls. The Second World and the Taoist Xianjin, who had completely controlled the physical body, were already waiting here. Seeing the God of Willow appeared, they were all greeted.

"The ancestor sacrifices the spirit, I don't know where Senior Xiao is?" The Taoist Xianjin looked around, but couldn't find Xiao Tian's figure, so he couldn't help but wonder.

"Senior has something else to do. You two will come with me." Liu Shen glanced over the Immortal Golden Daoist and Tian Xia No. 2 and pointed at his finger. A crack appeared in the space outside the Void God Realm. Stone village.

Liu Shen stepped out, and directly led the Second Under Heaven, the Immortal Golden Taoist and a group of remnant souls, and left the Void God Realm and appeared in the stone village.

At the same time, Xiao Tian had already left Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and entered the Boundary Sea.

Unlike the Boundary Sea on the Plane of Obscuring the Sky, the Boundary Sea of ​​the Perfect World is even more dangerous. After all, the Boundary Sea has already been cleaned up by the Emperor Huangtian during the period of the Boundary. .

But this perfect period is different. It can be said that immortal kings are inferior to dogs in the world. Giants walk all over the floor. Only the quasi-immortal emperor can shake, and this group of immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors are undoubtedly the best. Fighter candidate!

It can be said that with such a huge talent market, Xiao Tian can continue to recruit strong people from the perfect world, and let those strong people open up the branches of Fengyun Academy in other worlds!

After all, the immortal kings of the perfect world have already set foot in the Hunyuan realm in the sea of ​​heavens, and the immortal kings of the perfect world are also the top existences in the Hunyuan realm. It is enough to enter those worlds where the holy realm cannot be born. Up!

"Unfortunately, I didn't think of this when I was covering the plane of the sky, otherwise the foundation of the academy will be enhanced a lot..." Xiao Tian suddenly sighed, a little embarrassed.

He almost killed the strong immortal kings in the sea of ​​the sky, especially before the final battle with the death devil Anubis. Ninety-nine of the immortal kings in the sea were taken by Enubis. Control, he was naturally not soft at the time, except for a few immortal kings who ran away, the rest became the souls of his sword.

It can be said that he destroyed a treasure with his own hands!

Without too much entanglement about the things that obscure the sky and the face of Jiehai, Xiao Tian cast his gaze to some place in Jiehai, a little more smile in his eyes.

"Your Excellency has been peeping for so long, can you see any clues?"

Xiao Tian spoke slowly, his voice calm.

In the next moment, the spiritual energy surged in the boundary sea, and a graceful figure emerged from the void, his face flushed.

That is the performance of being affected by the aura tide without paying attention.

The figure wore a plain skirt, his skin surpassed the snow, and on its head, there were a few phoenix feathers.

"Who is your excellency?"

The figure looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his eyes uncertain.

She had never seen such a powerful person in Boundary Sea, and she had never even heard of it. Without any movement, she could easily affect Boundary Sea’s aura of heaven and earth!

This is something she can't do with all her best!

In the hands of this figure in front of him, it seemed so understatement, even taken for granted!

"A chicken farmer?"

Xiao Tian raised his brows slightly, with a bit of joking.

Who would have thought that the fierce name has been circulating for endless years among the top existences of Xianyu and Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. The giant fairy king who treats a group of phoenixes as chickens in his yard is actually a stunning fairy?

The figure's eyes condensed slightly, and his chest rose and fell, but his calmness quickly recovered.

If other people called her this way in front of her, she would have taken action long ago, but Xiao Tian was too mysterious and she couldn't see through it. If she shot her rashly, she would probably be directly suppressed by Xiao Tian.

Therefore, even though the figure was angry in his heart, he quickly suppressed his anger, but his gaze towards Xiao Tian was still somewhat unkind.

Xiao Tian just smiled when he saw this, and cast his eyes on the other two places, and said lightly: "The other two should also show up together. If I personally ask them to come out, the faces of the two are afraid it will be unsightly."

Chapter 2505 Three questions!

Before Xiao Tian spoke, two figures quietly appeared in his sight.

The man on the left was dressed in a blue shirt and looked very elegant, but his eyes were fierce, and his body was surrounded by rich blood, like Shura walking out of hell.

The man on the right was slightly fat, with a bit of cunning in his eyes, but it made Xiao Tian as if he had seen Cao Yusheng, one of the nine gods in the old mythical age, who had a relationship with him on the plane of the sky!

"Butcher, who sells fake medicine, are you two here too?"

The graceful figure was also a little surprised to see the two suddenly appeared.

She hadn't paid attention to the surroundings before, so she didn't expect that besides she was watching Xiao Tian in secret, the butcher and the fake medicine sellers were also spying in secret.

"Junior killed the common people and met seniors," the man in the green shirt bowed slightly towards Xiao Tian and said with a serious face.

"Junior Fangge, I have seen seniors," the slightly fat man also bowed to Xiao Tian with a solemn expression.

Xiao Tian is too mysterious, even a giant immortal king like them can't see through it. It is very likely that he has already set foot in that realm. Even if Xiao Tian has not set foot in that realm, he is at least a quasi-immortal emperor. They call Xiao Tian What's wrong with the predecessors.

"Caiyi has seen seniors," the chicken raiser quickly reacted to the movements of the butcher and the counterfeit medicine seller, leaning slightly towards Xiao Tian, ​​respectfully.

"No need to be polite," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, his gaze swept over the three of them. These three were all giants of immortal kings, and they could also be ranked in the forefront among the countless immortal kings in the world. Can break into the realm of quasi immortal emperor.

With the strength of these three people, it is more than enough whether it is used to open up the worlds without sacred realms in the world of the heavens or to sit in the perfect world.

"I know you are curious in your heart," Xiao Tian looked at the three of them, smiled faintly, his fingers flicked, and three auras submerged in the eyebrows of the three giant immortals.

The three fairy kings only felt that there was a lot of information in their minds, their eyes condensed, and they quickly sorted out the information in their minds.

And the more you organize, the more they are in their mood.

It turns out that the big world they are in is only one of the countless worlds of the heavens and seas!

And the immortal emperor realm that they have been chasing for all their lives is no more than the initial stage of the holy realm in the sea of ​​heavens, and there are countless powerful masters on it!

Just as the hearts of the three immortal kings were shocked, Xiao Tian's voice suddenly rang in their ears——

"Each of you can ask me a question, and I will answer whatever is involved."

This is what Xiao Tian thought about long ago. He wants to subdue these three giants of the fairy king, so naturally he has to give them some sweetness. Otherwise, even if he overcomes these three giants with his strength, it will be difficult for them to do their best. Do your best.

And three questions, if these three immortal king giants are not stupid, the value they can create is inestimable!

"Dare to ask Senior, is there an immortal emperor strong behind the dark turmoil?"

Caiyi, known as the'chicken-raising', spoke first, with a solemn expression.

The cultivation base reaches the level of the immortal king, and it is almost immortal, and the life span is terribly long. As long as you don't take the initiative to seek death, it is not difficult to live for several epochs.

But in fact, the lifespan of the strong immortal kings can hardly reach the limit, even these immortal king giants should always be on guard to avoid being involved in the dark turmoil!

That dark atmosphere is a great horror and a great ominous that even the giants of the fairy king can erode!

There is no lack of immortal king giants eroded by the dark atmosphere in the sea, and those immortal king giants are the main force of the dark turmoil, but compared to the source of the dark turmoil, the dark fairy kings are not worth mentioning!

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