God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1074

There have always been strong guesses that a strong immortal emperor was pushing after the dark turmoil, but no one has been able to confirm this!

"Forget it," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and said lightly: "It's just that the immortal emperor looks at him high, but it's just a pseudo-immortal emperor with only a part of his soul and an incomplete body."

The corpse immortal emperor had not stabilized the immortal emperor realm when it was eroded by the black blood, and in order to get rid of the erosion of the black blood, the corpse immortal emperor even separated his pure soul that was not contaminated by black blood from his body.

This also led to the fact that the corpse immortal emperor did not actually set foot in the realm of the immortal emperor, but was slightly stronger than the quasi immortal emperor, reaching the level of the pseudo-immortal emperor!

"Is it a false emperor?"

Cai Yi nodded lightly, her expression solemn.

Predecessors’ guesses are not wrong. Behind the dark turmoil is indeed a strong man who is about to set foot in the realm of the immortal emperor, and the reason why the pseudo-immortal strong man initiated the dark turmoil is naturally not difficult to guess. Swallow a huge amount of life essence to restore yourself!

After all, Xiao Tian also said that the powerful pseudo-immortal emperor's soul is mutilated and his body is incomplete. He naturally needs to use some special methods to restore the state of the province!

"Dare to ask the seniors what happened during this trip?"

The "Butcher" who killed the common people and the "Fake Medicine" Fang Pavilion on the side were also shaken in their hearts, but they quickly recovered their peace. Finally, the "Butcher" took the lead and asked the doubts in their hearts.

As Mie Cangsheng spoke, Cai Yi and Fang Ge also cast their gazes at Xiao Tian, ​​with a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

They knew from the information Xiao Tian sent to them that Xiao Tian was not a person in this world, and his strength was far superior to that of the immortal emperor. If such a strong person entered the world where they were, his intentions would naturally arouse Many people's attention.

And if Xiao Tian wanted to enslave this world, he wouldn't stand here and communicate peacefully with them at this moment. With Xiao Tian's strength, they had already become Xiao Tian's prisoners, so how could there be a chance to ask questions in his mind?

Therefore, they are also very curious about Xiao Tian's intention to enter this world.

"Opening a college to educate all souls," Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, his tone calm, but with great majesty.

The three immortal king giants looked solemn and looked at Xiao Tian with a somewhat inexplicable look.

If others say this, they will naturally sneer.

Because even they dare not release such words, and their strength is considered the top group in this sea of ​​realms, if the emperor does not come out, they are almost invincible.

Even so, they dare not boast to enlighten all souls, because they do not have the confidence to subdue everything!

But it was Xiao Tian who said this, but they couldn't afford any rebuttal thoughts in their hearts. They had seen how terrifying Xiao Tian's strength was!

Although Xiao Tian didn't really make a move, but just arbitrarily stimulating the aura tides of Jiehai, shaking Caiyi out of space, it is enough to prove how extraordinary his method is!

So now that Xiao Tian has said that he wants to educate all spirits, the three giant immortal kings really don't doubt whether Xiao Tian has such strength!

Chapter 2506 Conquer!

"There is one last question," Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Fang Pavilion, who was known as the "fake medicine seller," with a calm expression.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Caiyi and Mi Cangsheng on the side also turned their gazes to Fang Pavilion, which made Fang Ge's expression more solemn.

Xiao Tian was able to answer their three questions. This was their chance. Now that the three questions have gone to the second place, the last question is worth studying. If he asks some questions that are not of much value, I am afraid he will be aside. Caiyi and Mie Cangsheng will directly attack him to suppress him!

After thinking about it for a long time, Fang Ge looked at Xiao Tian, ​​bowed slightly, and said sternly, "I wonder if the three of me can follow Senior?"

Xiao Tian came from outside the realm, and his own strength was extremely tyrannical. If he became a follower of Xiao Tian, ​​the immortal emperor realm would no longer be out of reach for them.

What's more, when Xiao Tian opened a school in this world, he would naturally need manpower to help him educate all souls. Otherwise, even if Xiao Tian's strength is superb, it would be difficult to realize his ambition in a short time.

After all, the trivial matters after the establishment of the college were enough to make Xiao Tian's avatar useless, and they could completely worry about Xiao Tian and deal with those trivial matters, so that the college could get on the right track faster!

Caiyi and Mie Cangsheng were also bright when they heard this, and turned their eyes to Xiao Tian.

If they can follow Xiao Tian, ​​they may not be able to break through to the realm of Emperor Immortal in the future.

Becoming a follower of Xiao Tian might make them lose their freedom, but compared to them being trapped in this sea of ​​bounds, they have been unable to find a breakthrough opportunity for countless years, it is already a great opportunity!

As long as they can break through to the realm of the immortal emperor, it is nothing more than losing their freedom. For people who have not seen any hope for countless years, that little price is nothing at all!

What's more, with Xiao Tian's strength, after they became Xiao Tian's followers, at best they could only help Xiao Tian take care of some trivial matters, and the possibility of encountering danger was extremely small.

Xiao Tian took a deep look at Fang Ge, a little more admired in his heart.

Even if Fang Ge didn't speak, he would later solicit Fang Ge's three people, but now Fang Ge took the initiative to ask questions, which undoubtedly saved him a lot of effort.

There was no change in the expression on his face, Xiao Tian glanced across the three of Fang Pavilion, then nodded lightly, and said lightly: "Yes."

"Thank you senior!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Fang Ge's trio also let out a long sigh of relief and bowed to Xiao Tian with a respectful expression.

Even though the three of them are already giants of the Immortal Kings, even if they look at the world, they are also top-notch existences, but compared with Xiao Tian, ​​the three of them are nothing but Yinghuo compared to Yu Haoyue, and they are not worth mentioning!

With their own efforts, they want to touch the immortal emperor realm, and they don’t know how much time it will take. Now they are followers of Xiao Tian. As long as Xiao Tian occasionally raises up to point them, maybe they can break through to them. Chasing the realm for countless years!

"The three of you have guarded the college for me for a hundred years, and I will give you a good luck," Xiao Tian said in a calm tone as he looked at the respectful Fang Pavilion three.

Perfect World has only a hundred years, and the battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds is only a year, and this century has been enough for Fengyun Academy to grow into a giant in the branch of Perfect World!

Especially in the presence of the willow god and Fang Pavilion and other immortal king giants, as long as Fengyun Academy does not attack the ultimate ancient land, no accidents will happen even if you are in the sea of ​​bounds!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Fang Ge's trio glanced at each other, and there was a surprise in their eyes.

They had some guesses as to what the "opportunity" in Xiao Tian's mouth was. Even if that opportunity could not make them break through to the immortal emperor realm in one fell swoop, it would be enough to bring them closer to that realm!

"Follow me."

Xiao Tian didn't care about the thoughts of the three of them. He cast his eyes on the sea of ​​bounds ahead and said in a calm tone.

Although with the strength of the thugs he recruited for the Fengyun Academy in the branch of the Perfect World, as long as the Academy does not extend its tentacles into the ultimate ancient land, there will be no crisis, but Xiao Tian cannot guarantee that the Corpse Immortal Emperor will not suddenly Convulsions attacked Fengyun Academy.

Therefore, before leaving, he intends to directly clean up all the potential threats to Fengyun Academy's branch of Perfect World!

And the primary goal is naturally the corpse immortal emperor and the quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouses, such as the darkly corroded Emperor Cang, the Emperor Hong, and the old man of destruction!

The Fang Pavilion trio didn't hesitate at all when they heard the words, they walked directly behind Xiao Tian and stood respectfully.

They didn't know what Xiao Tian wanted to do, but they knew very well that in this world, even the powerful pseudo-immortal emperor in Xiao Tian's mouth could not pose any threat to him!

So they didn't need to ask Xiao Tian what he wanted to do, they just needed to follow Xiao Tian honestly!

Seeing the respectful appearance of Fang Ge's trio, Xiao Tian nodded slightly before stepping directly into the boundary sea.

The moment Xiao Tian entered the Boundary Sea, the aura tides in the Boundary Sea separated towards the two sides, making way for Xiao Tian. There were countless broken ancient realms ups and downs in the aura tides, as if to welcome a supreme king.

Fang Ge's three people were shocked when they saw this scene.

Even the strong immortal king must be cautious when facing the spiritual tides of the sea, a little carelessness may fall.

And Xiao Tian did not make any actions, even the pressure was not released, but let the spiritual energy tide in the sea of ​​bounds automatically give way. This alone is enough to show how terrifying Xiao Tian's realm is. !

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