God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1078

With their strength, they can easily sweep one side, especially the Fang Pavilion three. They are the existence that can rank in the forefront of the massive Immortal King-level powerhouses in the sea.

If they were determined to take a shot at a foreign land, it would be difficult for this foreign land, which had lost a lot of strength since the Battle of Immortal Ancient, to stop the three of them!

It's just that the threat they have to face is the dark turmoil. Their opponents are those immortal king giants eroded by darkness in the sea. They have no interest in the confrontation between the nine heavens and the foreign land. !

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly. There are also many strong people and geniuses in the foreign land. Those geniuses and strong people are naturally qualified to enter the Fengyun Academy Branch.

Seeing Xiao Tian nodded, Liu Shen and the others were sure in their hearts that even though they had long guessed that Xiao Tian would not refuse, they still breathed a sigh of relief after getting the approval of Xiao Tian.

"The grievances between the foreign land and Jiutianshidi are not so easy to reconcile," Xiao Tian suddenly said, "Separate the students from the foreign land and the foreign land and let them compete with each other. Those students who want to come should also be very happy to do so."

Chapter 2511 Undercurrent surging!

Originally, Xiao Tian was still thinking about how to mobilize the students' enthusiasm for cultivation, but now Xiao Tian doesn't have to worry about this issue.

It is difficult to reconcile the contradictions between the nine heavens and ten places and the foreign land. The geniuses of both sides are recruited into the academy, and there is high-level suppression. Although life and death will not occur, open and secret struggles are indispensable.

Under this circumstance, the genius strength of both parties will not be too slow!

"I will leave a space channel for the ancestor sacrifice spirit in this world. If there is something important for the ancestor sacrifice spirit, you can go directly to the battlefield of ten thousand realms to find me through the space channel." Xiao Tianchong Liushen nodded his head , Said.

He had already informed Liu Shen and others about the Heavens Sea and the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, so he didn't need to explain much at this moment.

"Junior understands," Liu Shen nodded slightly and said sternly.

"In addition, at the other end of the sea, the space above the ultimate ancient land has been cleared by me. There will be a trial ground for the academy, but before the students reach the realm of true immortality, they are never allowed enter."

Xiao Tian pondered for a moment and said.

He did not originally intend to inform Liu Shen and others about the existence of this trial site. The trial site directly connects with the talented students of Fengyun Academy. Although there are many geniuses in the Perfect World, in Xiao Tian's view, There are very few people who can enter that trial ground.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Tian decided to open the trial ground to the students of the perfect world, but he placed the requirement to enter the battlefield at the true immortal level.

"Is that space?"

Fang Ge's eyes flashed, and he thought to himself.

He and Caiyi and Mi Cangsheng had gone to the ultimate ancient land with Xiao Tian before, and learned the truth of the dark turmoil, and even more clearly what caused the dark turmoil.

There is no doubt that that space was the culprit that caused the dark turmoil. Now that space has been cleared by Xiao Tian, ​​and the danger in it is undoubtedly much less.

After the academy is on the right track, he may also be able to enter that space to experience and find an opportunity to break through to the realm of the Emperor.

Xiao Tian glanced at Fang Pavilion and didn't say much. He tore a spatial passage at will, then stepped out, and the figure disappeared.

After Xiao Tian left, the spatial channel remained in place, and did not dissipate because of Xiao Tian's departure. Liu Shen and others also understood that it was the spatial channel that Xiao Tian left behind. They immediately placed restrictions around them. So he was preparing to move the branch of the Academy to Emperor Guan...

Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, Fengyun City, and Fengyun Academy Back Mountain

Xiao Tian's figure walked out of the spatial passage and landed on the hill behind Fengyun Academy.

When Xiao Tian returned to Fengyun Academy, he naturally shocked many high-level academics. Zhang Bairen and Cang Xuan quickly rushed to the back mountain and reported to Xiao Tian the recent situation of the academy.

Because the time spent in the Perfect World was not long, and the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield was only a few days past.

Therefore, during Xiao Tian's absence, Fengyun Academy did not have any problems, and everything was operating normally.

After listening to Zhang Bairen and Cang Xuan's report, Xiao Tian nodded, and informed Zhang Bairen and Cang Xuan of the situation of the perfect world, and told them that if Liu Shen and others came to ask for help, they would make their own decision.

After explaining the matter, Xiao Tian walked directly into the hut, planning to retreat.

This time he went to Perfect World, he also had a lot of gains. Xiao Tian needs time to transform these gains into the foundation, and if nothing else, after Xiao Tian's retreat this time, he will at least be the only true self when he leaves. territory!

Xiao Tian began to retreat, Zhang Bairen and others would naturally not disturb Xiao Tian, ​​they also left quickly to sit in Fengyun Academy.

At the same time, somewhere in the sea of ​​heavens, in a strange space.

Countless chaotic laws converge, turning this space into a spiritually exhausted, dangerous Jedi.

At this moment in this space, several figures quietly emerged, emitting amazing energy fluctuations, and the most surprising thing was that the aura emitted by these figures was actually incompatible with the sea of ​​heaven!

Extraterrestrial creatures!

Obviously, these figures are the powerhouses of outside creatures!

"Yinbai, you have fought against the reincarnation of the saint before, what level has the reincarnation of the saint now reached? Is it possible to obliterate it in advance?"

A figure slowly spoke, his voice with great majesty.

As the voice of the figure sounded, the other figures quickly cast their eyes on a figure in the space that exuded a silvery white light. If Xiao Tian were here, he would find that this figure had been with him in the abyss of killing. The intersection of outsiders!

"Although the strength of the reincarnation of the saint is good, there is still a long time before the peak is restored, and it is not a concern for the time being,"

The silver-white figure shook his head and said: "But if you want to assassinate the reincarnation of the saint master, it is too difficult. The only real-self-level powerhouses in the sea of ​​heavens are all alive or secretly protecting the reincarnation of the saint master. We don't need to take risks. "

"The saint master caused us a lot of trouble at the beginning. Even the mother god was sealed by the saint teacher. Although the mother god is about to get out of the trap, if the saint teacher reincarnates and grows up, it is impossible to guarantee that nothing will happen."

A figure slowly spoke, and said in a deep voice, "Although assassinating the reincarnation of the saint master is a bit risky, as long as it can eliminate the reincarnation of the saint master and reduce one threat, then it is worth paying some price."

"Yes, I also agree with the assassination of the reincarnation of the saint master," another figure said, "At the beginning, the saint master even the mother god was able to seal, and now the saint master reincarnates and returns, if he is allowed to return to his original cultivation level, even the mother God's escape, I am afraid it will only be the result of being sealed again.

In that case, it would be better to get rid of this threat directly, so as not to have many dreams at night."

"I agree too," another figure said, with a bit of horror in his tone: "Many of you have never played against the saint master. I don't know how terrifying that person is. If I can go back, I didn't care No matter how he would choose to fight against a saint.

I would rather deal with the only real self-level strong man called the "dead spirit" than deal with that saint again.

It's better for the saint master to reincarnate in the cradle earlier, lest the guy grow up while we don't pay attention, and it will be a troublesome thing then."

Hearing that figure, many figures nodded slightly around, and then cast their eyes on the silver figure.

"Yinbai, you have dealt with the reincarnation of the saint master, and the assassination of him is left to you."

After a moment of silence, a figure slowly spoke, with a majestic tone.

Chapter 2512 The way to surpass all ways!

Hearing what other people said, the silver-white figure cursed in his heart, but he nodded and agreed.

The reincarnation of a saint is not difficult to deal with, the only hard to deal with is those who are secretly protecting him from the only real self. As long as he can find the opportunity to avoid the eyes and ears of the only real self, he wants to crush to death by virtue of his strength. The reincarnation of a saint is not difficult!

In fact, the last time I was in the slaughter abyss, if he hadn't killed him already because of his thoughts on the reincarnation of the saint master, how could he wait until the only real self-level power on the side of the sea of ​​heavens came to help?!

"I wanted to wait for you to return to your peak before playing against you, but now it seems that I can't wait..."

The silver figure sighed secretly in his heart. At the beginning, he had had several confrontations with the saint master. Although he had fallen under the wind most of the time, there was no real victory or defeat between the two.

He has always wanted to completely separate himself from the Saint Master, but unfortunately, before they have a chance to collide, the Saint Master directly sacrificed his life to seal their mother goddess, and his true spirit was broken, no Reincarnation!

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