God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1079

Originally, he thought that the saint master had fallen, and he still had some regrets for not being able to truly share with the saint master, but he did not expect that even if the true spirit was broken, the saint master would still be reincarnated and returned, although it was far from his heyday. Not as good, even his appearance has changed, but the aura emitted by the true spirit in his body has not changed at all!

Shaking his head, the silver-white figure instantly disappeared in this mysterious space, and went to explore the whereabouts of the reincarnation of the saint master.

Although Yin Bai wanted to continue the unfinished battle in his heart, Yin Bai also understood the priorities, even if he was regretful in his heart, he could only kill the reincarnation of the saint in advance!


Xiao Tian, ​​who was retreating in the back mountains of Fengyun Academy, naturally didn't know that he had been spotted by creatures outside of the world, and the silver figure that had crossed with him in the abyss of killing was what shot him!

At this moment, Xiao Tian was completely immersed in the state of cultivation, his whole person was in a strange state, and all the avenues appeared before his eyes.

Because of the integration of the sacred master true spirit fragments, as long as Xiao Tian is willing, he can easily fully understand one of the avenues, and then take a half step on the basis of the peak of the holy realm, and become the only real-self realm powerhouse!

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't have the slightest nostalgia for the avenue that appeared in front of him. On the contrary, he was trying to open up a way of his own!

Incorporating the true spirit fragments of the sage master, Xiao Tian knows exactly what he will face in the future. If he can comprehend these common avenues, even if he can penetrate them all, in the end he can only reach the level of the sage master once. The mother god of the creatures outside the world broke out, and at best he could only seal it again like the original saint master!

If you want to completely kill the mother goddess of creatures outside the world, you must step out of your own way!

And this path must be able to carry the only real-self realm strong!

In order to find such a way, the saint master once incarnates thousands and throws himself into reincarnation in thousands of worlds. Each incarnation comprehends different ways, and finally he finds the two most promising ways to surpass all ways. Avenue!

The first way is the Li Yun Dynasty, which supports itself with the Qi Yun of the other Dynasty.

The sage guesses that the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds is the strange place bred by the sea of ​​heavens because of this avenue. If someone can get the approval of all the world cities of the ten thousand worlds battlefield, unify the ten thousand worlds battlefield and gather all the worlds of the ten thousand worlds battlefield. The strength of Qi Luck accumulated in the city breaks through to the only real self state, and its strength will surpass the general only real self state powerhouse!

And as long as the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is not destroyed, the only real self-level powerhouse can be infinitely reborn, which can be said to be inherently undefeated!

But if you want to be recognized by the world city and become the master of the world city, the difficulty is inherently extremely high. Even the holy realm master dare not say that he can pass the test of the world city, but at the same time become the five domains of the ten thousand world battlefield, a total of five The difficulty of the city lord of a hundred world cities is even more difficult to imagine!

This path is too difficult, even if the original saint master, with the strength of the only real self, incarnate countless entering the battlefield of ten thousand realms, he has only been recognized by more than a hundred realm cities!

And the second way is to gather the aspirations of sentient beings, support themselves with the aspirations, break free from the ten thousand ways, and carry the ten thousand ways with oneself!

The saint master took such a path at the beginning. It’s a pity that although the saint master eventually gathered a large amount of willingness to break through, his own strength was still not enough to carry the ten thousand realms. As a result, he could not really break free from the ten thousand realms. It is stronger than the other ones who are the only real self-level strong, but also limited.

Such a path has been taken to the extreme by the Saint Master, and it has been confirmed that the way forward has been cut off, but this has allowed the Saint Master to find another way to break through!

And Xiao Tian founded Fengyun Academy because he wanted to proceed under the secret guidance of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms, so that Xiao Tian could not embark on the same path the Saint Master took and repeat the same mistakes!

Different from the incarnation of the saint master, who gathers the aspirations of sentient beings with avatars, whether it is Xiao Tian traveling through the world to teach living beings, or now establishing Fengyun Academy to spread Fengyun Academy across the sea of ​​heavens, there is only one purpose!

That is to let the creatures of the heavens and all realms recite his true name, and use their own aspirations to forge the only true self among hundreds of refinements!

This is the only hopeful alternative method that the saint master has speculated to take that step completely!

Because only in this way, the aspiration of sentient beings gathered before the breakthrough can support them to carry the ten thousand ways after the breakthrough!

Today's Fengyun Academy has enough reputation in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, and because of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, Fengyun Academy has a lot of fame in many worlds in the sea of ​​heavens.

Many worlds that know the existence of the heavens and seas, and that there are creatures entering the heavens and even the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds, know that there is such a holy place outside the world.

It can be said that Xiao Tian has already taken the most critical step on the path that the saint master had performed at the beginning!

The next thing Xiao Tian needs to do is to grab time with outside creatures!

It seems that before the mother god of extraterrestrial creatures broke the seal, he broke through in a perfect state and successfully forged the only true self and carried the ten thousand ways.

The mother god who was still an alien creature broke the seal first, so he had to break through in a hurry, and in the end he could only repeat the path that the saint master walked, shatter his true spirit, and desperately sealed the mother god of the alien creature!

Knowing the way he was going to walk, Xiao Tian's mind became clearer, and the aura he exuded became extremely pure.

Before fusing the other true spirit fragments of the saint master, Xiao Tian, ​​as a piece of true spirit fragment of the saint master, had the unique characteristics of eternity, so his breakthrough was much easier than other holy realm powerhouses.

If Xiao Tian was willing, he would be able to step into the realm of the only true self as early as the sacred master's true spirit fragments were integrated.

It was just that because he first integrated the memory of the saint master, Xiao Tian knew what he was going to face in the future, so he chose to suppress himself, turning those memories and his perception of the great way into his own foundation.

Now that Xiao Tianming understands the way to go in the future, relying on that huge background, he naturally begins to transform...

Chapter 2513 Divine Sword has different ways!

A mysterious aura radiated from Xiao Tian. Unlike the extreme oppression caused by a strong holy realm, there is no pressure on Xiao Tian today, even if Xiao Tian did not deliberately restrain his aura. Next, an ordinary person can easily approach Xiao Tian's side!

Today's Xiao Tian, ​​although he possesses extremely large energy in his body, and can even easily destroy a realm, even if he does not hide his cultivation base and enter a group of mortals, he can easily blend into it, and no one will see anything unusual!

Back to Basics!

Today's Xiao Tian, ​​although he has not completely broken through to the only real self, he has already returned to the basics in the true sense.

Only Xiao Tian himself knew what amazing explosive power was hidden under that harmless appearance!

"Congratulations to the host for understanding the heart! All the permissions of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms are unlocked, and the host can freely control the system!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly in Xiao Tian's ears, still without the slightest ripple.

However, Xiao Tian faintly heard the joy from the prompt sound of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms. This Saint Master combined the only real-self realm powerhouse'Shadow' to make the super artifact before the big battle. After leading Xiao Tian to a correct path, he has completely fulfilled his destiny.

In the future, this super artifact Xiao Tian will be able to freely control, and all the things in the system mall can be used by Xiao Tian at will, no need to pay any teacher's points!

As for the functions of this super artifact, such as the fusion deduction, it is the icing on the cake for Xiao Tian today. In Xiao Tian’s current realm, deduction of fusion exercises and martial arts is just a matter of thought. This super artifact assistance only allows him to deal with these trivial matters without distraction!

Slowly got up from the futon, moved a little stiff hands and feet, Xiao Tian flipped his wrist, and a diamond-shaped crystal emitting seven colors of light appeared in Xiao Tian's hands.

That is the body of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms, and it is also the original face of this super divine weapon!

Before Xiao Tian completely took charge of the Saint Master System of the Ten Thousand Realms, even if Xiao Tian was the peak powerhouse of the Saint Realm, he could not capture the existence of this diamond crystal in his body.

After all, this is a super divine weapon cast by the two only real-self realm powerhouses, and one of them is the only real-self realm powerhouse'sage master' who has the strength to top all the heavens and seas!

But now Xiao Tian can easily control this super-sacred tool. With a single thought, this super-sacred tool can launch an attack on his enemies according to his will!

After playing with the diamond-shaped crystal in his hand, Xiao Tian smiled faintly. The next moment, a faint wave of water appeared on the diamond-shaped crystal, and then quickly dissipated, and finally formed a handle in Xiao Tian’s hand that seemed to be true and illusory, there seemed to be nothing. Long sword!

He waved the long sword in his hand casually, there seemed to be sword light flashing in the air, and a pitch-black spatial crack quietly appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and the chaotic spatial power emerged from the crack, seeming to tear everything around him.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, a little more smile on his face.

This divine sword is much easier to use than bitter bamboo and bamboo sticks, and the most important point is that this divine sword transformed by the body of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms can fully carry the terrifying power in his body!

This means that Xiao Tian no longer has to worry about being unable to exert his full strength because of weapons!

"I'll call you'Different Ways' from now on," Xiao Tian said with a smile on the sword with his fingers.

This divine sword was transformed by the body of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms, and although the path he walks now has the same origin as the path of the Saint Master, it is completely different. Therefore, Xiao Tian named this sword 'Different routes' are naturally more suitable!

"Different routes? Different routes lead to the same goal? Good name," Xiao Tian's long sword trembled, and then a vague figure appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​softly admiring.

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