God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 109

"Pretending to be?" Xiao Tian's eyes were full of pity, looked at Yu Yangzi, and said lightly: "Why should I hide?"

After talking about it, Xiao Tian didn't dodge, letting the black light hit him!

"Arrogant kid!" Yuyangzi saw Xiao Tian's movements, his face flashed with anger, then turned into a sneer.

Since Xiao Tian wanted to die, he didn't have to stop!

Seeing the black light falling on Xiao Tian, ​​the sneer on Yu Yangzi's face suddenly stiffened, then turned into a thick color of astonishment, and then turned into endless fear!

I saw the black light falling on Xiao Tian, ​​but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and soon disappeared.

And don't say Xiao Tian was injured, he didn't even move the corner of his clothes!

"Is this your attack?" Xiao Tian glanced at Yuyangzi and said lightly: "Come on, go on, I'll stand here and let you fight, and see when you can hurt me."

When the ghost king heard Xiao Tian’s words, he immediately laughed and mocked: "Yuyangzi, Yuyangzi, you are in vain to calculate my brother Xiao, and even sneak attacks regardless of your identity. As a result, even brother Xiao couldn’t hurt a single hair. Hahaha!"

As the ghost king said, the smile on his face became more and more exaggerated, and even tears came out!

How could the ghost king not like Xiao Tian's performance so strong?

You must know that Xiao Tian is Baguio's master. Once there is something wrong with his Ghost King Sect, Xiao Tian will definitely help Baguio in the face of Baguio. It can be said that Ghost King Sect already has a hole card to deter the world!

As long as there is nothing wrong with Xiao Tian, ​​it is only a matter of time before the Ghost King Zong unifies the righteous and evil ways!

What could be thought of by the ghost king, how could everyone in the audience not think of it?

For a time, in addition to the ghost king on this Tongtian Peak, the heads of the good and evil sect masters all changed their looks!

"You can't let this dog survive, Daoist Poison God, Friends of San Miao Dao, let's take action together, punish him here, and then divide the winner!" Daoxuan suddenly shouted, and only half of the ancient Zhuxian sword in his hand moved quickly. Kill Xiao Tian!

Chapter 221 Baguio, quit!

After seeing Xiao Tian easily blocking Yu Yangzi's attack, Dao Xuan's fear of Xiao Tian had reached an extreme!

In addition, Xiao Tian broke the Zhuxian sword formation and destroyed the Zhuxian sword before, and it made Daoxuan hate Xiao Tian. Right now, he didn't care about the righteous and evil, and just wanted to kill Xiao Tianzhu here!

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to unite the masters of the Magic Cult!

Poison God and Fairy San Miao shot at the same time, smashing Xiao Tian with a tyrannical attack.

Although they do not have the ambition to unify the right and the evil, they definitely don't want anyone to stand on their heads and give orders!

And right now, the Ghost King Sect with the help of Xiao Tian already has the potential to unify the two ways of right and evil, so they also won't let Xiao Tian leave here safely!

Even Pukong of Tianyin Temple took out the golden bowl of Buddha statue and smashed it at Xiao Tian!

"Just how many of you?" Baguio saw everyone besieging Xiao Tian, ​​a look of anger appeared on her pretty face, and she shouted, "Master, I'll help you!"

Although she had overdrafted the true qi in her body before, she had completely recovered after taking the Qingxin Pill. Even because of the powerful medicine of the Qingxin Pill, Baguio only felt that the true qi in her body was agitated, and she was on the verge of breaking through!

So Baguio at this moment is also not afraid to fight against people like Daoxuan!

The slender white fingers quickly outlined a mysterious array pattern in the air, and in the blink of an eye, an incomparable array pattern emerged.

At the same time, the scarlet golden flame mark on Baguio's forehead shone, and countless flames emerged.

"Baguio, step back," Xiao Tian said suddenly, lightly.

"Master?" Baguio heard the words on her pretty face and wondered why Xiao Tian told her to retreat at this critical moment.

Knowing that with the help of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, she is now able to compete with Daoxuan and other people, even if she can't defeat them, she can share some pressure for Xiao Tian!

"Don't worry, it's nothing more than a bunch of trash, even if they join hands, they won't hurt me," Xiao Tian said slowly, his expression indifferent, his eyes full of scowling at the poison god and others.

Hearing this, Baguio no longer insisted, waved away the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array, and the flames surrounding him quickly dissipated.

The faces of Poison God and others showed strong anger. They are all giants, and they are in charge of the life and death of countless people. It can be said that a stomping can shock the two ways of good and evil.

At the moment, Xiao Tian said it was rubbish. How could this not make them angry?

Even if Xiao Tian is stronger than them, he can't despise them like this!

Poison God’s hands glowed with a strong tragic green light, and a fishy wind enveloped Xiao Tian. Poison God had practiced poison for hundreds of years. A single blow was extremely poisonous, let alone a full shot at this moment?

Where the fishy wind passed, whether it was a disciple of the righteous path or the disciple of the evil path, they all fell to the ground instantly with a dark complexion, which was obviously caused by the poisonous heart attack!

Mrs. San Miao's attack should not be underestimated either. Although she is good at disguising, her attack is equally fierce. A horrible purple light flies towards Xiao Tian with the force of splitting the world.

When the purple light passes, anything that blocks it will be divided into two!

The half of Dao Xuan’s ancient sword and Pukong’s golden bowl of Buddha's Buddha are even more powerful, pressing down towards Xiao Tian’s cover, and the solid ground around Xiao Tian is even more affected by the majestic spiritual energy. Countless cobweb-like cracks emerged!

However, Xiao Tian, ​​who was enveloped by these four attacks, had an indifferent expression, as if he was facing an astonishing joint attack by the two giants of good and evil, but a breeze blowing in his face!

Chapter 222 Ends!

The first thing that fell on Xiao Tian was the purple light emitted by Mrs. San Miao. This purple light was quite similar to the purple blade in Jin Ping'er's hand, but it was even sharper, making people afraid to look at it.

However, this purple light fell on Xiao Tian, ​​as if a breeze was blowing on his face, except for a faint white light on the Xuanwu shirt, not even half of Xiao Tian's hair was hurt!

Following the purple light was the terrible green light waved by the poison god.

Before the tragic green light passed, whether it was the realm of the righteous or evil road disciples, they were poisoned and died on the spot, so none of the people present dared to underestimate the tragic green light!

Even Xiao Tian's eyes were a little more serious, and he was not at all unavoidable like the purple light that had been sent to Madam San Miao before.

Xiao Tian lifted his right hand lightly, and then pinched his nose in full view!

When the poison god saw this, he almost broke a bit of steel teeth, how could he not see the frivolity in Xiao Tian's movements?

Facing the attack of his poison god, it would be useful if he just pinched his nose, so why did his poison god command the door of the poisonous gods, and powerful the two ways of good and evil for hundreds of years?!

The Xuanwu battle robe suddenly shined, turning into a light dragon scale, absorbing all the tragic green light!

The light quality dragon scales were dyed emerald green, and they looked quite strange.

"Give it back to you," Xiao Tian raised his hand and grabbed the emerald green dragon scale and threw it towards the poison god.

Seeing that the attacks of Mrs. San Miao and the Poison God were easily resolved by Xiao Tian, ​​Dao Xuan and Pu Kong dared not be careless, the ancient sword of Zhuxian and the golden bowl of the Buddha fell at the same time, one left and one right, and they attacked Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian shook his head slightly, and the four Zhuxian swords in front of him suddenly broke out of the ground, welcoming the ancient sword of Zhuxian and the golden bowl of Buddha.

The Slaughter Immortal Sword ran across the sky, and the blood-colored light was radiant.

The remaining three swords slammed into the ancient sword of Zhuxian one after another, and the violent force was continuously transmitted from his hand. Daoxuan's hand trembling with the sword, then the ancient sword of Zhuxian dropped out and fell on Baguio. before.

At this point, the joint attack of the four giants of right and evil was all easily resolved by Xiao Tian!

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