God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 110

"What other means do you have?" He waved his hand to summon Zhuxian's Four Swords, Xiao Tian glanced over the Poison God and others, and said lightly.

No one answered.

"Baguio, Jingyu," Xiao Tian cast his gaze on the two apprentices and said lightly: "Follow me down the mountain."

Baguio and Lin Jingyu nodded, followed Xiao Tian, ​​and walked down Qingyun Mountain. Before leaving, Baguio hadn't forgotten to bring the half-length ancient sword of Zhuxian!

Daoxuan opened his mouth, but in the end he still failed to say what Xiao Tian would leave behind the ancient sword of Zhuxian!

As Xiao Tian left, the King of Ghosts also gave a long laugh, and took all the disciples of the King of Ghosts to evacuate from Qingyun Mountain. Once the King of Ghosts left, Mrs. San Miao, the poison god and Yuyangzi could not stay, and immediately took the disciples to evacuate Qingyun Mountain .

Then Pu Kong also led the Tianyin Temple disciples to say farewell to Daoxuan.

Soon, Daoxuan and a group of Qingyunmen disciples were left on Qingyun Mountain, and a comatose Zhang Xiaofan, who wanted to cry without tears.

In this battle, Qingyunmen was seriously injured.

Not only was the Zhuxian Sword Array that had the power to shake the world broken, but even the Ancient Zhuxian Sword was taken away. At the same time, there were also many casualties among the disciples. It is not an exaggeration to say that the vitality was severely injured.

At this time, Xiao Tian didn't have the energy to care about how much impact his trip to Qingyun had on the two paths of good and evil. As soon as he left Qingyun Mountain, Xiao Tian was overwhelmed by the system prompts that sounded one after another...

Chapter 223 System Reward and Doubtful Xiao Tian!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking the Zhuxian Sword Array. The reward is 20000 reputation and 100 teacher points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for defeating Yuyangzi of the Changshengtang, rewarded with a prestige value of 10,000 and a random chance to draw a lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for defeating Dao Xuan, Pu Kong, Poison God, and Mrs. San Miao. They will be rewarded with 50000 prestige, 300 teacher's points, and two random chances to draw!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 200,000 prestige, achieving the achievement [Fame], rewarding teachers with 500 points, and two random chances to draw!"

A series of system prompts suddenly sounded, making Xiao Tian feel a little lost.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Baguio asked quickly when he saw Xiao Tian's abnormality, and was a little worried.

"It's okay," Xiao Tian smiled and shook his head, and said, "You two, did a good job this time, and didn't shame me."

When Baguio heard this, a look of arrogance appeared on his face, and he hummed softly: "That is, don't look at whose disciple I am?"

"You girl," Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile when he heard Baguio's words. He tapped Baguio's head lightly, and said in a bad mood: "Don't get too proud of yourself. You are still far behind. Furthermore, with the help of the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon, I don’t need to act today!"

After speaking, Xiao Tian turned his gaze on Lin Jingyu and said: "And you, Jingyu, Shura Dragon Slashing Technique and Star Pulling Sword Technique are all first-class swordsmanship. If they are cultivated to great success, they can completely match the Qingyunmen. The Zhuxian sword formation is even better, but your Shura Dragon Slashing Technique has not even reached Xiaocheng..."

Before Lin Jingyu had time to speak, Xiao Tian continued: "You two, after returning to Huqishan, give me retreat and practice!"

After that, Xiao Tian looked at Baguio, his expression became a little serious, and he said solemnly: "Baguio, you have taken the Qingxin Pill. With the power of the Qingxin Pill, it can fully support your breakthrough to the fit period, so this time Retreat, you must not leave Huqishan for half a step before the fit period!"

Baguio's face collapsed when she heard this, but she didn't refute anything.

Then Xiao Tiancai looked at Lin Jingyu and said lightly: "You also know the truth back then. You should really want to go to Tianyin Temple, right?"

"Master is right," Lin Jingyu nodded, and said solemnly, "Even if Pu Zhi is dead, the disciple will go to Tianyin Temple to ask for an explanation!"

"As long as you have cultivated Shura Dragon Slashing Technique and Star Pulling Sword Art to a small level, I will let you go down the mountain!" Xiao Tian said softly without changing his expression.

"Tui'er understands!" Lin Jingyu nodded seriously and agreed.

When Xiao Tian saw this, he didn't say much, and hurried back to Huqishan with Baguio and Lin Jingyu.

With the cultivation base of the three of them, it only took a short half a day to rush from Qingyunmen to Huqi Mountain. After returning to Huqi Mountain, Xiao Tian sent Baguio and Lin Jingyu to retreat, and then returned to the hut. .

After instructing the Ghost King Sect disciple guarding the hut not to disturb anyone, Xiao Tian sat on a chair and asked the system in his heart: "System, that special task should be completed, why can't it be submitted?"

Xiao Tian was talking about the special mission [Blood Sea of ​​Vengeance] that was triggered when Lin Jingyu was accepted. The goal of the mission was to guide Lin Jingyu to find out the truth.

Now Lin Jingyu already knows that the murderer who slaughtered Caomiao Village was Pu Zhi, one of the four great monks of Tianyin Temple. It stands to reason that the task has been completed, but this special task still cannot be submitted. Xiao Tian was a little puzzled.

Chapter 224 Changes in Tianyin Temple!

"Lin Jingyu didn't personally confirm what happened back then, so the mission was deemed unfinished."

The system quickly gave the answer.

Xiao Tian frowned, his face was a little gloomy, and he didn't have a good air: "The Faxiang has already acknowledged it personally, what else can I confirm?"

"The system has detected that Puzhi was not dead, so the standard for completing the task is for Puzhi to personally acknowledge the past!" The system's voice is still cold and mechanical.

"You said Pu Zhi is still alive?!" Xiao Tian condensed his eyes and his expression suddenly became serious.

Since Puzhi is not dead, why did Pukong and Faxiang agree on Qingyun Mountain to say that Pukong has passed away?

Did the two of them really know how to ask, or did Tianyin Temple have another plan?

Xiao Tian sat in a chair, thinking about the Tianyin Temple, for a while, he was a little fascinated.


At the same time, inside Tianyin Temple.

Puhong sat in the empty hall, the hall was brightly lit, but there was a faint dark atmosphere.

"Brother Puhong, haven't you made a decision yet?" After a pillar, a man in black suddenly walked out, looked at Puhong, and said lightly.

The man in black stood beside the pillar, just shrouded in shadow, but he couldn't see his appearance.

"Amitabha Buddha, Junior Brother Puzhi, now you have fallen into the magic way, now it is still too late to look back," Puhong shook his head, Gao Xuan gave a Buddhist horn, and persuaded him.

"Fall into the devil's way?" The black man sneered when he heard the words, walked out of the shadows, exposed to the lights, and revealed a benevolent face, who is not Puzhi but who?

It's just that now Puzhi's body is surrounded by wisps of death, and his eyes are red, obviously no longer the same as the original Puzhi monk!

"Oh...you brother?!" Puhong looked at Puzhi, sighed, and was about to continue to persuade him. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest and a thick look of consternation appeared on his face.

I saw a dry palm pierced his chest at some point!

Looking back, he found that Pu De was standing behind him with bloodthirsty killing intent on his face and scarlet blood on his right hand!

"Cough, cough, Junior Brother Pu De, even you..." Pu Hong hadn't finished speaking, only felt that his eyes were black, he fell on the futon, his consciousness gradually annihilated.

"Junior Pude, doing a good job," Pu Zhi nodded, his eyes were even more red, and he said with a smile.

"Brother Abbot doesn't know good and bad, so he can only kill him. I just hope Junior Brother Pukong can learn more, and don't let our senior brothers live and die." Pud sighed and said solemnly. There are red lights flashing.

"Counting the time, Junior Brother Pukong and the others should be back?" Puzhi heard Pude's words and did not comment, but instead shifted the topic to Pukong.

"Should be coming back soon," Pude said with a smile: "Yuyangzi joined forces with the four main gates of the Demon Cult to attack Qingyun Mountain. Even if the Demon Cult is strong, the Qingyun Sect has the Immortal Sword Formation to defend against the enemy. Fighting to lose and hurt both sides, it just gives us an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

Pu Zhi nodded, his eyes flashed with red light: "That Cangsong body is carrying seven-tailed centipedes and other highly poisonous things. Obviously, he has colluded with the poisonous god of Wandumen. With him as an internal response, even if the Taoist Taoist law can reach the sky, the sword of the immortal Invincible, at best, I can only fight against the Demon Cult and hurt both sides, but now is the best time for my Tianyin Temple to unify the righteous and evil ways!"

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