God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1098

As long as Xiao Tian is willing, he can easily understand these great ways!

"It deserves to be the strongest person in the heavens and seas, even if the true spirit is broken and completely fallen, the backs left behind are still so amazing..."

Standing in that strange space, Xiao Tian's consciousness was quite emotional.

The moment he performed the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, his consciousness was brought into this strange space, but he still had a ray of consciousness left in his flesh, and he did not lose contact with his flesh.

As long as Xiao Tian was willing, his consciousness could return to his physical body at any time.

At the same time, Xiao Tian knew everything about the outside world.

If Xiao Tian was a little surprised and worried when he suddenly appeared in that strange space, after seeing the projection of the holy master appearing behind him, Xiao Tian completely understood why his consciousness had entered. In this strange space!

Because this is what the saint master left behind!

And this back hand does not even exist in the memory of the saint master, even if Xiao Tian was reincarnated as the true spirit fragment of the saint master and integrated with the other true spirit fragments of the saint master, he still did not know that the saint master still left behind. Such a backhand!

If he didn't happen to perform the Secret Technique of Reincarnation this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't know that the Saint Master had left such a backhand until he broke through to the only real self!

"It is really amazing to show all the origins of the ten thousand ways before the eyes of others. If there is no threat from outside creatures, he may really find a way to surpass the ten thousand ways and surpass the ten thousand ways in one fell swoop!"

Xiao Tian sighed quietly, looking a little embarrassed.

Even if he was the reincarnation of the true spirit fragments of the saint master, and combined with the other true spirit fragments of the saint master, and obtained all the memories of the saint master, Xiao Tian had to feel that the saint master's methods were amazing.

"I don't know how long this space can exist, so I should first understand these avenues as much as possible!"

However, Xiao Tian didn't sigh for long, his eyes fell on the origin of the surrounding avenue, and he calmed down to comprehend the avenue.

There is no need for him to worry about the fighting in the outside world. With the help of the projection left by the sage master for a long time, even if his physical body is only dominated by a ray of consciousness, it is enough to rely on instinct and guided by the reincarnation technique Phantom of suppression.

What he has to do now is to devote himself to comprehend the origin of the great Dao in front of him, and accumulate his own heritage as much as possible, so that he can have the opportunity to take the step of transcendence when he finally hits the only real self!

In that abandoned battlefield, Xiao Tian still walked towards the Phantom with no expression. Behind him, the light emitted by the light groups gradually weakened, and he could faintly see the things hidden in the light groups.

It was the reflection of countless worlds, reflected in the light ball behind Xiao Tian, ​​as if worshipping the gods.

Phantom’s face was very ugly. Under the attack of the Saint Master Projection, her defenses had become shaky. Next to him, there was Xiao Tian who had performed the reincarnation secret technique, staring at her, making her situation extremely dangerous!

Chapter 2539 Pupa Change!

"Damn, how could this kid be so strong!"

Phantom’s face was pale, with Xiao Tian’s current strength, not to mention that she was seriously injured and her strength was greatly reduced, even in her heyday, she could hardly contend with it!

Although Xiao Tian today has not yet returned to the realm of the original sage master, his strength is far inferior to the supreme powerhouse who ran across the sea of ​​heavens and suppressed their countless companions.

However, with the strength that Xiao Tian has shown now, even the top masters among these out-of-world creatures, only the top ones in terms of strength can steadily suppress Xiao Tian!

With her strength, if it hadn't seized the first opportunity and severely inflicted Xiao Tian first, it would be impossible to gain any advantage!

Xiao Tian naturally heard Phantom's secret curse, but he did not answer. Now it was only a ray of consciousness that held his body, and he could only act on his instinct.

That is to say, relying on the air force of the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, Xiao Tian's physical body can still lock onto the enemy of Phantom, and let this ray of consciousness speak, but it is a bit difficult for someone to speak.

As for the projection of the sage master, he continued to attack the phantom, even if it was just a projection left by the sage master in the long river of time, coming across time and space, the strength it showed was still terrifying.

Under the attack of the Saint Master Projection, the Phantom can only passively defend, and there is no chance of counterattack at all, and it can't even escape!

At the moment the Saint Master took action, the surrounding space was completely sealed, completely preventing the Phantom from escaping!

"I can only fight!"

Seeing Xiao Tian getting closer and closer, Phantom's heart suddenly sank to the bottom and roared in his heart.

She knows exactly how terrifying the saint master’s secret technique of reincarnation was. If Xiao Tian fully displays this type of saint reincarnation technique, even if Xiao Tian has not stepped into the only real self, but with the projection of the saint, she wants It is not difficult to behead her!

Strands of black air radiated from the body, and in a blink of an eye, all the phantoms were wrapped in it, turning into a dark cocoon.

There was no sorrow or joy on the projection surface of the holy master, and he constantly launched attacks on the cocoon, a series of majestic energy impacts fell, dispelling the black energy that was surrounding the cocoon.

But the Daoism flowed on the cocoon. Although the attack of the holy master was huge, it only dispelled the black energy around the cocoon, and could not cause any harm to the cocoon at all!

"Has the pupa changed?"

In the strange space, Xiao Tian, ​​who was comprehending the origin of ten thousand ways, noticed the changes in the phantom, and his eyes became more serious.

Although he devoted himself to comprehension of all things, he still divided his mind to pay attention to the situation of the outside world in order to prevent accidents.

Xiao Tian couldn't be more familiar with the current situation of the Phantom. This was a desperate means by the creatures outside the world, while burning the foundation and self-cultivation in exchange for the skyrocketing strength in a short time.

But after this secret technique is stopped, the cultivation base will drop by at least a few great realms. If it encounters a serious backlash, it may even become an ordinary person directly, and everything needs to start all over again!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tian's eyes became a little more solemn.

The power of the secret technique of'Pupal Change' is too amazing. Even a severely injured Phantom has the opportunity to use this secret technique to injure him severely. Therefore, Xiao Tian dare not immerse all his mind in the Dao of Enlightenment at this moment. Can separate a ray of mind and continue to comprehend the Dao, and the consciousness is always paying attention to the situation of the outside world, ready to take over the body in time, and deal with the phantom after the pupal transformation.

Under Xiao Tian's gaze, cracks in the debut soon appeared on the dark cocoon, and then directly shattered.

A horrible green arm full of scales protruded from the cocoon, with a strong chaotic law intertwined on it, dispelling the power of the surrounding laws.

Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, and he did not dare to neglect any more, his consciousness returned to his physical body, his hands were sealed, and several light groups behind him suddenly flourished, turning into a flash of vague portal.

Above that portal, all spirits could be seen faintly, and at the same time a mysterious aura radiated from the portal, covering the space of Xiao Tian's body, turning it into a strange realm.

The gate of reincarnation!

Faced with the phantom of pupal transformation, Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect the slightest attack in the secret technique of reincarnation created by the saint master, and directly displayed the strongest method he can now!

The projection of the Saint Master is still launching an attack towards the Phantom, but after the pupal transformation, the strength of the Phantom has skyrocketed. Although the projection of the Saint Master’s attack is fierce, it can no longer pose too much threat to the Phantom.

After all, it was just a projection that came across a long river of time, and the strength was limited after all.

Naturally, it has a strong suppressing power against the previously severely damaged Phantom, but the strength of the Phantom is soaring, and the Sage Projection has lost its ability to suppress the Phantom in an all-round way.

Xiao Tian had long expected such a result. Although the sage projection is strong, it is not the body's presence. If the sage who suppressed countless outside creature powers came in person, even if the phantom pupa changes its strength, the sage can easily suppress it. .

But what is coming now is only a projection of the saint master, and it is undoubtedly difficult for him to deal with the phantom of pupa transformation.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tian waved his hands continuously, and quickly condensed one after another mysterious rune. At the same time, the door of reincarnation behind Xiao Tian emitted a strong white light. The next moment, white light came from the door of reincarnation. The inside bombarded out, and instantly penetrated the entire battlefield.

The power of the law carried in the white light is to tear the surrounding space and turn it into a chaotic space storm!

The scaly arm was hit by the white light, and countless small wounds appeared on it instantly. Even the phantom that had not yet emerged from the dark cocoon was affected, making a screaming sound.

The duration of the white light is not long, the attack power of the gate of reincarnation is superb, but the consumption of spiritual power is also terrifying.

With Xiao Tian's current strength, although he would not completely lose his combat effectiveness by launching one or two attacks with the Gate of Reincarnation, he would not last long if he maintained such an offensive.

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