God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1099

Therefore, after Xiao Tian's blow, he mobilized himself to guard against the Phantom's sneak attack, but he did not choose to launch another attack.

"You are proud to be able to hurt me after the pupal transformation!"

A sharp voice came from the pitch-black cocoon, and then the entire cocoon exploded quickly, turning into a large amount of black energy and submerged into the Phantom's body.

A weird creature with black skin all over its body appeared from the place where the black cocoon was located, scarlet eyes locked on Xiao Tian, ​​and a strange smile appeared in his mouth.

Xiao Tian frowned slightly, he didn't expect that the Phantom Pupae would turn into this form!

Chapter 2540 Shadow of Desolation!

Xiao Tian is no stranger to the current form of the Phantom, because in the memory of the saint master, he once fought against this creature, and this creature brought great trouble to the original saint master, even Even the Saint Master whose strength hadn't reached its peak at the beginning almost fell into the hands of that kind of creature!

That kind of creature is a strange creature that was bred in a forbidden place in the seas of the heavens, named'Shadow of Desolation', was born in a Jedi of the seas of the heavens called the Land of Desolation Strange beast.

The strength of the Shadow Theory of Desolation is actually far from the fierce beasts of the realm, and it can't be compared with the beasts of the same cultivation level, but this kind of strange beast has an extremely abnormal ability, that is, simulation!

This alien beast can perfectly simulate the full strength of a creature whose strength is not more than twice its own, and even its talents and magical powers can be simulated together!

It can be said that ordinary people fighting the Shadow of Desolation is equivalent to fighting with a doubled self, and there is no chance of winning at all!

With the cultivation base of the Phantom, the pupa becomes the shadow of Desolation, which is able to replicate all of Xiao Tian's strength. In other words, Xiao Tian and others are facing a double combat power and mastered the mirror image of all his secret arts!

Even Xiao Tian himself is not so sure that he can kill the shadow of Desolation!

"Originally, this hole card was prepared for Lei, but it is not a loss for you to use it on Saint Master!"

Phantom's hoarse voice sounded, and waves of water rose above the body of Desolate Shadow, and then under Xiao Tian's gaze, it turned into a figure that was indistinguishable from him in both appearance and breath.

The only difference is that the'Xiao Tian' that the Shadow of Desolation has become is always entwined with a black energy that cannot be dispelled, allowing people to recognize his identity.

Hearing the words of the Phantom, Xiao Tian was silent, but the divine sword had been held in his hand by him in different ways, and strange waves radiated from the sword body, causing the surrounding space to become distorted.

Although Xiao Tian was a little surprised that the pupa of Phantom would become a shadow of Desolation, it was not unpredictable.

After all, the Phantom was originally known for its camouflage. After the pupa changed, its ability to camouflage skyrocketed, and it had the ability to copy and simulate, which was not unacceptable.

With a flick of the divine sword in his hand, Xiao Tian's figure immediately disappeared in the same place, and a thousand swords appeared in the void, slashing down according to the phantom.

"This trick, I will too!"

The Phantom laughed sharply, and there was a long sword with surging black energy in his hand, and a sword swept across. The next moment, ten thousand black energy-wrapped sword lights appeared in the void, stopping Xiao Tian's attack. .

And after stopping Xiao Tian's attack, the sword light lingering in the black aura cast off its momentum, and directly slashed towards Xiao Tian!

This is the most abnormal and troublesome part of the Shadow of Desolation!

Not to mention all the techniques and secrets of the perfect simulation target, even the talents and supernatural powers, the combat power is far better than the simulated target!

Facing the attack of the Phantom, Xiao Tian could not see any expression on his face.

He knew a lot about the information of Desolation Shadow. The sword just now was just a test. Being easily stopped by the Phantom Shadow was something that Xiao Tian had already expected.

Behind the gate of reincarnation is prosperous, a light mask as thin as a cicada's wings spreads around the gate of reincarnation, protecting Xiao Tian in it.

The sword light cut by the Phantom fell on the mask, and instantly shattered into countless black energy, failing to leave a trace on the mask.

Seeing that his attack failed to make a contribution, the Phantom did not feel surprised.

After simulating the full strength of Xiao Tian, ​​she naturally knew how amazing the defensive power of the gate of reincarnation was. The attack just now was just her temptation, and it was perfectly normal to not be able to shake the gate of reincarnation.

One-handed pinch, a number of light clusters emitting a strong black light appeared behind the Phantom, frantically devouring the surrounding light, and at the same time a chaotic law emanating from the light cluster, crazily eroding the surrounding laws of heaven and earth!

Secret of Reincarnation!

After perfectly copying all of Xiao Tian’s strength, Phantom also displayed this type of secret technique created by the saint. The only difference is that Xiao Tian’s reincarnation secret technique is upright, full of awe-inspiring aura, and the reincarnation secret technique performed by Phantom But with the aura of destruction, as if to destroy all living things!

"Have you even copied the secret technique of reincarnation?"

Xiao Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he had expected it in his heart, Xiao Tian still couldn't help being surprised when he saw the Phantom performing the reincarnation technique.

The Shadow of Desolation that the Saint Master encountered at the beginning certainly simulated the full strength of the Saint Master, but it was extremely jerky when used, and many secret arts could not be perfectly performed.

But the shadow of Desolation transformed from the pupa of the Phantom is obviously not as useless as the shadow of Desolation that the Saint Master encountered at the beginning. Even the Secret Technique of Reincarnation can be easily simulated. I am afraid that the other secret techniques used by Xiao Tian, ​​Phantom It can also be simulated easily, and even the power is above the original secret technique that Xiao Tian used!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tian looked at the dark portal that slowly formed behind the Phantom, constantly swallowing the surrounding light, and a secret smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, the divine sword in Xiao Tian's hand was splendid and splendid, and the faintly light footprints that stretched from the depths of the chaos behind Xiao Tian suddenly splendid splendor.

The sound of intensive footsteps came from the depths of the chaos, and then a group of white-clothed figures walked out from the depths of the chaos, walking towards Xiao Tian with the footprints that radiated light.

"I want to see how you replicate this trick!"

Xiao Tian looked at Phantom with mockery in his eyes.

The figure in white clothes that appeared behind him was the projection of the saint master left in the long river of time, and was drawn by him with secret techniques to appear in this space and time.

The Desolation Shadow transformed from the phantom pupa can certainly imitate all his secret arts, but because of the aura exuding from its body, it will never be able to induce the projection of the saint in the long river of time!

The entire sea of ​​heavens, including the powerhouses of creatures outside the realm, even those who can travel for a long time, cannot induce the projection of the saint like Xiao Tian.

This is after Xiao Tian integrated the fragments of the true spirit of the sage master, completely supplemented the true spirit of the original sage master, combined with the perfect world created by the Emperor Huangtian, and he performed on the basis of the Three Flowers Borrowing Dafa created by Li Xie The secret technique created after the transformed formless body!

There is no threshold for this secret technique to be used. In theory, even a rookie who has just stepped into the road of practice can use this secret technique.

But Xiao Tian was the only one who could provoke the projection of the saint in the long river of time!

Because the most important thing about this secret technique is the resonance on the real spirit level!

Chapter 2541 Leaving and planning!

A large number of figures of saint masters came from the depths of the chaos. They were projections of saint masters that existed in different time and space. They were attracted by Xiao Tian's secret arts, and came against the long river of time to fight against powerful enemies.

Phantom's face changed slightly. Although she had imitated Xiao Tian's full strength, she couldn't induce the projection of the saint master like Xiao Tian.

The Shadow of Desolation is powerful, and its talents can even be called against the sky, but the only weakness is that it can only simulate one object!

Now Xiao Tian has summoned a large number of sage projections from different time and space, but she is directly at a disadvantage!

It is true that she can simulate the full strength of Xiao Tian, ​​and she can also simulate those sage projections that cross the long river of time from different time and space, but facing such a group of opponents, even if she simulates all of her strengths, it will not help at all. !

"you are vicious!"

The Phantom snorted coldly, and the portal emitting a dense black light suddenly exploded, causing the surrounding time and space to become chaotic. The terrifying turbulence of time and space flooded the battlefield. The cultivation base could not reach the peak of the holy realm. In the turbulence of time and space, there will be no chance to escape!

Even the sage projections summoned by Xiao Tian were affected by the turbulence of time and space, and were directly exiled to different time and space.

It's just that although there are many saint master projections affected and exiled, there are still countless saint master projections behind Xiao Tian coming from the depths of the chaos, and the exiled saint master projections are nothing at all.

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