God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1100

This also made the phantom of hope a little after seeing the exile of the Saint Master Projection, and directly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight with Xiao Tian.

The black light shining all over, the phantom directly turned into a streamer and escaped into the depths of the void, disappearing.

Xiao Tian didn't choose to catch up, thinking that the Phantom still maintained the form after the pupa transformation, relying on the talent of Desolation Shadow to simulate his full strength.

Although he was able to retreat the Phantom with the help of inducing the projection of the saint, if he pursued, he did not have any advantage.

While the Phantom’s pupa transformation, although the whole body retreats, the plummeting strength is a foregone conclusion. Even if he fails to kill the Phantom, the Phantom cannot pose any threat to the heavens and seas for a long time.

In this case, even if the Phantom had brought back all his information, it would not be worth the loss!

Because the abilities he currently masters are largely related to the sages, even the many new secret arts he has created are mostly evolved from some of the sages created by the sages, and they are essentially nothing. Big difference.

Under this circumstance, even if his old bottom was found out by the Phantom, it would not have much influence on him.

Because the intelligence of the sage master, those high-level survivors from outside the world may have long been familiar with it, even if he deliberately hides his trump card, as the reincarnation of the sage master, the many methods he possesses cannot hide from the powerful outsiders.

At least wanting to hit them by surprise by these means is almost a idiot.

Of course, the most important point is that Xiao Tian no longer has the ability to pursue it.

A bloody battle with a master of out-of-bounds creatures who had performed pupal transformation was also a great burden for Xiao Tian, ​​especially since he did not really step into the only real self, but only stepped halfway above the peak of the holy realm. The battle strength barely reached that level.

It is not difficult to deal with a phantom, but it is very difficult to deal with a phantom after the pupal transformation.

Especially after the projection of the saint master from different time and space, it almost drained him directly. If the Phantom did not retreat first, he would directly attack and end the battle in the shortest possible time!

After dispersing to the gate of reincarnation behind him, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared into this battlefield.

After the battle between him and the Phantom, this battlefield is filled with turbulence of time and space. Even the peak power of the holy realm should be extremely cautious when walking inside. Therefore, for Xiao Tian, ​​the value of this battlefield as a trial ground Has dropped significantly.

Unless he is willing to spend a lot of time and energy to calm the turbulence of time and space!

But for Xiao Tian, ​​this kind of project is undoubtedly time-consuming. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to find another suitable place for the disciples to use as a trial.

The heavens and the sea are vast, and he doesn't need to hang himself on a tree!

What's more, that battlefield was being watched by creatures from outside the world, and Xiao Tian couldn't guarantee that the powerhouse of creatures outside the world would not continue to watch that battlefield in secret.

If the students of Fengyun Academy are thrown into that battlefield to experience, even if there is no turbulence in time and space, the danger is also extremely high.

Therefore, although Xiao Tian was a little depressed, he still had to abandon the battlefield.

After returning to the ultimate ancient land of the perfect world, Xiao Tian directly blocked the passage over the ultimate ancient land, completely isolating that battlefield from the ultimate ancient land.

The battlefield has been exposed. If this space channel is left, it is inevitable that no creatures from outside the boundary will follow that space channel into the perfect world. Fengyun Academy branch exists in the perfect world, and Xiao Tian also has to be careful.

After sealing the passage over the Ultimate Ancient Land, Xiao Tian returned to the Fengyun Academy Branch in Tianyuan. After a brief explanation, Xiao Tian took Xiao Kunpeng and left the perfect world.

As for Shi Hao, after Xiao Tian hesitated for a while, he decided to leave Shi Hao in the Perfect World, but did not take him away.

Although it seems to Xiao Tian that Shi Hao's growth rate in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is much faster than in the perfect world, when he first entered the perfect world, Huang Tiandi once came against the long river of time and appeared in him. In front of him, to prevent him from attacking Shi Hao.

At that time, the aura radiated by Emperor Huangtian had surpassed the initial stage of the holy realm, and was not much weaker than him, at least it was at the peak of the holy realm!

Because of the existence of the Huangtian Emperor in another time and space, Xiao Tian also worried that if he took Shi Hao away from the perfect world, it would have a huge impact on Shi Hao, so Xiao Tian finally gave up the idea of ​​taking Shi Hao away.

Anyway, there are Fengyun Academy and the Huangtian Emperor in the future time and space. Shi Hao's growth in the perfect world will not be slow. When Shi Hao breaks through to the immortal emperor realm and has the ability to break through the barriers of the world, he will lead Shi Hao It is not too late to enter the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

After leaving the Great World of Perfection, Xiao Tian did not directly return to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, but took Xiao Kunpeng towards another world where Fengyun Academy Branch exists...

Super god universe, Xiao Tian's figure emerged from the depths of the universe, walking towards the earth and stars step by step, leaving a faint footprint in the void.

On his shoulder, a little Kunpeng looked around curiously, his clear eyes filled with curiosity.

Chapter 2542 The status quo of Super Seminary!

Xiao Tian stepped out and appeared directly on the earth star. Almost the moment Xiao Tian stepped onto the earth star, Zhang Taixuan, who was sitting in the Super God Universe, noticed Xiao Tian's arrival, and his face couldn't help but become a little bit more excited.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Taixuan walked directly out of the Yuntian Palace and appeared in the Super Theological Seminary of Juxia City.

"Senior Xiao is here, ready to greet him," Zhang Taixuan did not explain much, and directly commanded Jilan and the others.

Upon hearing Zhang Taixuan's words, Kelan and others, including Qilin, who had already returned to the Super God Universe through the spatial channel constructed by Xiao Tian, ​​showed surprises on their faces.

Regarding the situation of the outside world, the powerhouse of the Super God universe had heard the details from Qilin, and knew how vast the outside world was.

It's a pity that as Qilin returned to the Super God Universe, the space channel built by Xiao Tian also collapsed. Although Zhang Taixuan mastered the method of contacting Xiao Tian, ​​he could not leave the Super God Universe to find the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

However, the other powerhouses in the Super God Universe did not yet have the strength to tear open the barriers of the world from within and enter the sea of ​​heavens.

Therefore, when Xiao Tian came this time, it made the powerhouses of the Super God Universe see the expectation of leaving this world.

The crowd gathered quickly and quickly walked towards the outside of Super Theological Seminary. Soon, the group saw Xiao Tian slowly walking outside the gate of Super Seminary.

"I have seen the dean!"

Headed by Jilan and Dinghei, Liangbing, the god of death Karl Tianji Wang Hexi and others all greeted Xiao Tian.

"You don't need to be polite," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said lightly: "This time I mainly come to see the development of Ultra Theological Seminary, and I hope I won't be disappointed."

Xiao Tian also had some expectations for the development of Super Theological Seminary.

Similar to the perfect world, most of the top powerhouses in the super god universe are also gathered in the super god universe, and because he has shown his strength in the super god universe, whether it is the top civilization in the universe or the bottom civilization Know his existence.

In addition, the Super Theological Academy has a very high position in the Super God Universe, so the development of the Super Theological Academy is even easier to develop than the branch of the Perfect World!

Xiao Tian also looked forward to the value that such an institution could ultimately create.

"President, please come with me," Kelan said with a smile on Xiao Tian's face when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

With that said, Jilan led the way, leading Xiao Tian towards the interior of the Super Seminary.

"Today, there are 100,000 students in the college," Kieran led the way, and said at the same time: "In addition to the super seminary of the Earth Star, Angel Civilization, Styx Galaxy, Lieyang Galaxy, Kunza Star and Triangle Institute Some of the major planets they have mastered have established super seminaries, and at the same time they have collected a large number of powerful people from the known universe as academic tutors.

"Only one hundred thousand?"

Xiao Tian raised his eyebrows and looked a little dissatisfied.

If this number is placed in the perfect world, it is naturally an extremely large number, especially the top level of the perfect world Fengyun Academy branch is mostly immortal king giants, the vision is scary, and the number of geniuses that can be seen by them is not many. .

In this case, the Fengyun Academy Branch of Perfect World has enrolled a full 3,000 people. In contrast, the Super Seminary, which can be said to have no threshold at all, has only enrolled 100,000 people. This undoubtedly makes Xiao Tian was a little disappointed.

Kelan and others naturally heard the dissatisfaction in Xiao Tian’s words, Dinghei quickly explained: “The previous few enrollment requirements were relatively high, and at the same time, because the college has limited resources, the number of people was controlled to 100,000. people.

If the enrollment is expanded regardless of the consequences, the number of students can reach 500,000 in a short time."

"Not enough resources?"

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