God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1104

"About how many people are there?"

Xiao Tian was silent for a moment and asked.

With the strength of the'Shadow' and others, it should not be too difficult to figure out how many people have invaded the world in the world of the heavens.

"Thousands of people, at least in the early stage of the holy realm, most of them are in the middle and late stages of the holy realm. There are about a hundred people at the top of the holy realm."

The incarnation of'ying' sighed and said to Xiao Tian.

Such a force is nothing to them, the only real-world powerhouse, and with their strength, it can easily be crushed to death.

But if they want to stare at the top powerhouses of extraterrestrial creatures, they can't be distracted by the heavens and seas at all!

In this case, such a force even has the ability to turn the tide of battle!

"so much?"

Xiao Tian frowned slightly when he heard this. He expected that there would be more than a hundred of them, but he didn't expect that this time outside creatures would directly dispatch thousands of people!

You must know that this is at least the existence of the holy realm early stage, and among them are the masters with a large number of holy realm peaks!

Such a force, no matter where it is placed in the sea of ​​heavens, is enough to rewrite the battle situation and reshuffle the world of the seas of heavens!

"It should have failed to assassinate you twice, and the creatures outside the realm are also going to work hard," the incarnation of'Shadow' said helplessly: "These people should be released to prevent you from assaulting the real world. Tianjiehai, when our group of people can't take action, the only ones who can stop them are you and Longzu!

And Long Zu's strength is limited, and he can't help much in the battle. In the end, he can only rely on you to solve these things."

Having said that, the expression of the avatar left by'Shadow' became more solemn.

The power of the extraterrestrial creatures is a dignified maneuver, forcing Xiao Tian to rescue the other worlds of the sea of ​​heavens!

Unless Xiao Tian doesn't want Fengyun Academy to develop in the sea of ​​heavens!

As long as Xiao Tian still cared about the development of Fengyun Academy, he would have to focus his energy on cleaning up the group of powerful men who ravaged the heavens and seas!

As for the strong creatures outside the world, those strong ones are just a group of slaves and cannon fodder that they have conquered. Even if they are damaged, they will not care too much!

Using such a batch of cannon fodder to delay Xiao Tian's growth is undoubtedly a very cost-effective thing for outsiders!

Xiao Tian naturally understood that the extraterritorial creature was targeting him, and it happened to pinch his veins, so he had to follow the opponent's command!

Because he wants to break through to the only real self state, Fengyun Academy is the key. If the strong men who are subdued by outside creatures are allowed to wreak havoc in the sea of ​​heavens, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of Fengyun Academy.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult for him to break through to the only real self!

"I understand, I will find a way to deal with those things," Xiao Tianchong said after a moment of silence, the incarnation of'Shadow': "But I need you to cooperate with me to find the traces of those strong.

If I only rely on myself to find it, it would take too long."

"This is natural," the avatar of'Shadow' nodded when he heard the words, and said in a serious tone: "We will try our best to cooperate with you, but all we can do is to provide you with the positions of those strong, and there is no way to take action."

"I understand," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, then cast his gaze on the Baguio three who were still in the formation. After a moment of silence, he looked at the incarnation of'Shadow' and said in a deep voice: "Give me the nearest Coordinates of several worlds."

There are still a few days left before he preached. In these few days, with his strength, he can completely settle down the nearby worlds.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the projection of the'Shadow' did not hesitate at all, as soon as he pointed it out, a large amount of information turned into a stream of light and plunged into Xiao Tian's mind.

After quickly sorting and digesting the information in his mind, Xiao Tian didn't hesitate at all, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.


In the world of science and technology, Xiao Tian's figure quietly emerged, appearing in the stars.

The perception of surpassing the peak of the holy realm spread, and Xiao Tian quickly locked in several powerful men who were raging in this world.

"One is at the peak of the sacred realm, two are in the middle of the sacred realm, and one is in the early stage of the sacred realm.

Xiao Tian's eyes condensed slightly, and he rushed to the place where the strong men were.

This world is only a low-tech world. However, in such a world, there are four strong people coming. It is conceivable that those powerful worlds will attract the past powerful people!

Therefore, Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect, and planned to make a quick battle, solve the powerhouse who is raging in this world as soon as possible, and rush to other worlds to rescue!

Chapter 2547 The day of preaching!

Soon, Xiao Tian's figure appeared on a water blue planet.

A strong man in the early stage of the Holy Realm stood proudly above the stars, playing with the creatures below.

Xiao Tian's eyes swept over the strong man in the early holy stage, without any communication, his figure soared, and he directly reached out to grab the strong man in the early holy stage, grabbed it into his hand, and crushed it!

Under Xiao Tian's blow, the early holy realm powerhouse did not have the slightest resistance, and was directly smashed by Xiao Tian's soul body and even true spirit, and even the qualifications for reincarnation were completely lost!

After doing all this, Xiao Tian glanced at the still flustered crowd below his eyes, disappeared directly, and hurried towards the place where the other powerful Saint Realm was.

"Ghost Seven has fallen," On the other planets in this world of science and technology, three figures appeared with solemn expressions.

"It seems that the powerhouse of the sea of ​​heavens has taken action," a figure said solemnly: "However, this world is not a high-level world. The powerhouse who came to support should not be too strong, although it can be killed. Ghost seven is a kind of waste, but against us, there will be no resistance!"

"Yes," a figure nodded next to him: "Even Ghost Seven's strength is the weakest among all people. It is normal to be beheaded. With the strength of the three of our brothers, even if it is against and beyond. The strong at the peak of the sacred realm can fight, and the most help this time is only the strong of the peak of the sacred realm. We have a great chance of winning!"

"is it?"

At this moment, a voice rang beside them, and no joy or anger was heard.

The three of them were shocked and followed their reputations, only to find that Xiao Tian had already appeared beside them for some time, looking at them blankly!

"Do it!"

Seeing Xiao Tian's sudden appearance, the trio responded extremely quickly, and Qi Qi launched an attack on Xiao Tian.

There was no change in Xiao Tian's face, his body quickly swelled, and then he took a palm shot, and the surrounding space turned into a big hand and grabbed the three of them. Before the three of them had reacted, they directly grasped them. In my hands!

After the battle with the Phantom, Xiao Tian's insight into the origin of ten thousand ways has reached an extremely high level.

And because Xiao Tian is inherently unique, his "other-self" does not exist in the sea of ​​heavens, so Xiao Tian can break through to the only real self at any time.

It's just that if you break through like that, your combat power will only be comparable to that of the Shadow and others, even the level of the original holy master cannot be reached, let alone surpass the original holy master, or even transcend the world!

Although Xiao Tian has not broken through yet, his combat power has infinitely approached the only real self-level powerhouse. The strongest of the three powerhouses who invaded this world is only the peak of the holy world. In front of Xiao Tian, ​​naturally There is no force to fight back.

After smashing the bodies of the three people together with the spirits and true spirits, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he left this world directly and hurried towards several nearby worlds.

As for the undercurrents surging in the seas of the heavens, the strong in the battlefield of the ten thousand realms have not yet noticed. Now the entire battlefield of the ten thousand realms has become boiling because of what Xiao Tian said before, and a large number of the strong gathered towards Fengyun City .

Xiao Tian’s affairs have long been spread throughout the battlefield of the ten thousand realms. It can be said that the strong on the battlefield of the ten thousand realms know that Xiao Tian has the strength comparable to that of the only real-self strong. Therefore, even if Xiao Tian has not broken through, but the battlefield The powerhouse has subconsciously regarded Xiao Tian as the only real-self powerhouse!

Such a strong preaching publicly is a great opportunity for many strong on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms!

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