God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1105

Even those veteran powerhouses who have been at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm for a long time are also looking forward to the preaching in Xiao Tian that can bring them some enlightenment and let them see the opportunity to break through the bottleneck that has plagued them for countless years!

After Xiao Xian'er and others built the preaching place, they returned to Houshan, but did not see Xiao Tian.

But everyone didn't care too much. After all, Xiao Tian had always seen the dragon without seeing the head, and it was normal to disappear occasionally.

Therefore, after not seeing Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Xian'er and the others left each other, waiting for the day when Xiao Tian preached.

Although they were disciples of Xiao Tian's school, Xiao Tian had carefully pointed them out, but for them, listening to Xiao Tian's sermon was also an opportunity, and they would naturally not miss it.

Time flies, and soon comes the day when Xiao Tian preached.

Many powerful people who had been waiting for a long time had already arrived at the place where Xiao Tian preached, took up a position, and waited for Xiao Tian's arrival.

As the disciples of Xiao Tianmen, Baguio and others naturally didn't need to compete with others for positions. Instead, they sat cross-legged in an area that had been prepared long ago and waited for Xiao Tian to appear.

"I don't know what Senior Xiao intends to talk about in this preaching," among the crowd, a strong man at the peak of the reincarnation realm looked forward to it: "I hope I can talk about the method of breaking through the holy realm. I have been stuck in this realm for thousands of years. I hope I can find a breakthrough this time."

"I should be able to talk..."

The few Hunyuan realm peak powerhouses next to them were a little uncertain.

Before coming, they had already anticipated the current hot scene, but after they really arrived at Xiao Tian to preach, they discovered that they underestimated Xiao Tian's influence!

Although there are many Hunyuan realm powerhouses gathered here, most of them are holy realm powerhouses, and even many old monsters at the peak of the holy realm have appeared here!

Soon, the place where Xiao Tian preached was fully occupied.

This is because Li Xie and the others jointly arranged a space formation, compressing a large area of ​​space in the preaching place.

If there is no spatial formation, I am afraid that Xiao Tian's preaching place will be full!

But even so, there are many strong men who can only stand far away, waiting for Xiao Tian's arrival.

No one is impatient, even if Xiao Tian is already out of time, but everyone is patiently waiting for Xiao Tian's arrival.

But fortunately, everyone didn't wait long. The blood-stained Xiao Tian in white stepped out of the space channel, with a lingering evil spirit on his body, and appeared in everyone's sight.

"Before I was busy dealing with some chores, and I delayed a lot of time, I hope you didn't wait long," Xiao Tian said with a sincere expression, stepping on the void and looking at the people around him.

During the previous period, he had been rushing to different worlds to clean up the servants sent by the invading alien creatures, and spent a few days in the fight.

Although he does not feel tired with his strength, he has been switching back and forth between the two states of rushing and killing the enemy, and he does not have the time and energy to take care of his own image.

"Senior Xiao joked, Senior Xiao preached publicly. It was a great opportunity to wait for me. How dare I be picky when I wait?"

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, someone in the crowd spoke, attracting everyone's agreement.

Chapter 2548 The content of the sermon!

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, his eyes swept across all the sentient beings.

Everyone could not help holding their breaths wherever Xiao Tian's eyes were. The oppression Xiao Tian brought to them was too strong. Especially Xiao Tiancai had experienced a lot of battles, and he was tempted by those strong men who were enslaved by creatures outside the world. The blood, the evil spirit on his body was condensed and not dispersed, making people afraid to look directly.

"The content of today's sermon is the method of breaking through the holy realm and the method of cultivating the holy realm." Xiao Tian said with a calm tone as he swept his eyes from all around.

Although Xiao Tian's voice was calm, it was no less than thunder on the ground, and all the creatures present could not help but explode the pot.

The law to break through the holy realm!

The method of holy realm cultivation!

No matter which one is taken out, it is enough to support the rise of a force on the battlefield of ten thousand realms!

We must know that the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms does not know how many strong people are trapped in the peak of the Primordial Realm and cannot break through. Of course, there are reasons for the lack of aptitude of the creatures, but the most important thing is that they have no method that can support them to break through to the Holy Realm. !

In the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, the secret techniques of the Hunyuan realm are almost worthless at all, but the techniques and secrets that can break through to the holy realm are enough to be carefully treasured by any force and not easily revealed!

Xiao Tian actually intends to talk about the method of breaking through the holy realm!

Such a handwriting is amazing!

Among the crowd, many experts in the holy realm frowned secretly, and they decided that Xiao Tian would be a little out of the ordinary.

In fact, the lack of a method to break through the Holy Realm on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms is largely due to the intentional actions of the various forces. The purpose is to absorb the idle powerhouses into their respective forces.

Now that Xiao Tian suddenly made such a decision, he was completely caught off guard by all forces on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

Xiao Tian publicly talked about the method of breaking through the holy realm, but it caused them to lose a weapon that they used to attract those idle powerhouses!

But thinking of Xiao Tian's amazing strength, those holy realm powerhouses didn't say anything.

The existence that can fight against the only real-world powerhouse is not something they can offend.

Even if Xiao Tian's actions were a bit taboo, only the strong in the real world could stop Xiao Tian.

What's more, now Fengyun City has gathered a large number of Hunyuan realm powerhouses. They stepped up to stop them, undoubtedly offending those Hunyuan realm powerhouses, although with their strength, they can completely ignore the thoughts of the Hunyuan realm powerhouses.

However, offending so many Hunyuan realm powerhouses at one time is enough to cause a major blow to their forces!

Of course, these are not the most important, the most important is that the content of Xiao Tian's sermon also includes the cultivation method of the holy realm!

The slow cultivation of the strong in the holy realm is already the consensus of all the creatures on the battlefield of the ten thousand worlds, and the main reason for this result is the lack of cultivation methods suitable for the strong in the holy realm!

Most of the Saint Realm powerhouses on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms are groping for breakthroughs on their own.

And Xiao Tian taught the method of holy realm cultivation, enough to make their cultivation speed much faster, in the face of such temptation, those holy realm powerhouses would naturally not jump out to add obstacles to Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian caught the changes in the expressions of everyone in his eyes, and a faint smile passed through his eyes.

This decision to teach the method of breaking through the holy realm and the method of practicing the holy realm is the result of his careful consideration. The purpose is to try to create a large number of powerful holy realms in a short time, so as to curb those who are enslaved by creatures outside the realm. The strong.

Although with his strength, as long as he enters the world invaded by those strong men enslaved by outside creatures, he can easily obliterate those strong ones, but those strong ones are too scattered, and his energy alone is ultimately limited.

Coupled with the fact that some creatures hide extremely deep, even he needs to spend some time and energy to find them.

Under this circumstance, entrusting these tasks to other holy realm powerhouses will undoubtedly save a lot of effort!

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Tian gave up the original idea and did not choose to directly evoke the origin of ten thousand ways and tell the great path of his own cultivation. Instead, he changed the content of the sermon into the method of sacred realm breakthrough and the method of sacred realm cultivation.

The ordinary students of Fengyun Academy and many powerful people who specially came to Fengyun Academy to listen to Xiao Tian's preaching were delighted, but many disciples under Xiao Tianmen were somewhat disappointed.

Most of the exercises they practice are of the Nine-turn Indestructible Body, even if there are no people who practice the Nine-turn Indestructible Body, their practice is the one that Xiao Tian specially chooses for them to practice.

Therefore, there is no problem with them being unable to break through the holy realm and slow cultivation after breaking through the holy realm.

It can be said that the content of Xiao Tian's sermons is actually not very helpful to them!

"Master's preaching doesn't seem to be of great help to us," Hu Tu's eyes rolled, and he encouraged his fellow students: "Should we go back to the university to practice, don't stay here to take a position."

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