God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 147

After all, he was a great hero in the Dou Qi Continent. If the Soul Heaven Emperor had no other thoughts, Xiao Tian would never believe it.


Xiao Tian shook his head, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

If it was someone else, maybe even if they knew there was a trap, they would plunge into it without hesitation.

After all, what Soul Tiandi handed over was not just a piece of Tuoshe ancient emperor jade, but an opportunity to achieve Doudi. Anyone with ambition would not easily let it go!

But Xiao Tian was different, he was not restricted by the Dou Qi continent, and the original imperial energy lacking in the Dou Break Sphere did not affect his improvement at all.

It's not just him, Xiao Li is the same.

So for Xiao Tian, ​​the things in Tuoshe’s Ancient Emperor’s Cave are no different from chicken ribs.

However, Xiao Tian would naturally not tell the Emperor Soul of these things.

After all, it's very rude to shatter other people's fantasy, isn't it?

With Xiao Tian's departure, the Zhongzhou powerhouses gathered here and the fighting saints of the ancient races also left one after another, leaving only the dilapidated Tiangang Temple talking silently.

At the same time, as the spectators left, Xiao Tian's news swept through Zhongzhou like a hurricane.

Even the ordinary people at the bottom of Zhongzhou know that there is now a half-emperor powerhouse on the mainland. After the hope of becoming Emperor Tuoshe, the first fighting emperor powerhouse on the mainland!

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't know the news. After leaving the Soul Hall Tiangang Hall, Xiao Tian rushed towards the ancient realm.

Chapter 304 Mission Complete!

When Xiao Tian rushed outside the ancient world, he found that Gu Yuan had already been waiting here with two ancient clan Dou Zun.

Obviously, the patriarch of the ancient clan had also anticipated that Xiao Tian would come to the ancient world.

"Mr. Xiao's soul hall and his party, but they have done enough of their prestige," Gu Yuan greeted Xiao Tian enthusiastically the moment he saw Xiao Tian.He laughed and said, "The first half-emperor in the mainland in thousands of years. After the ancient Emperor Tuoshe, he is the most hopeful to step into the existence of Doudi. Now Mr. Xiao's reputation in Zhongzhou is probably no one can match!"

Xiao Tian didn't say much, these false names were nothing to him.

He knows very well, don't look at these people now praising him high, but once he shows his decline, these people will not be worse than anyone else!

"Patriarch Gu Yuan was joking," Xiao Tian shook his head, pointing out, "Now that the reputation of the soul race has plummeted, I am afraid that the ancient race has also benefited a lot, right?"

Since the fall of the Xiao clan, the ancient clan and the soul clan have become rivals. The two clan have fought for thousands of years, and the situation has long been endless.

Now that the reputation of the soul race has fallen sharply, the ancient race can take advantage of the situation to penetrate into the territory of the soul race. How much benefit the ancient race has gained in this, I am afraid only the Gu Yuan who is in charge of the ancient race can know!

"Thanks to Mr. Xiao, the ancients have indeed gained a little,"

Gu Yuan did not hide it, and immediately smiled: "The soul slaughter among the four demon saints of the soul race and the master of the soul hall, the soul dying, lives and died under the sword of Mr., the blow to the soul race is not small. Naturally, my ancient race will not sit back and watch this opportunity. Slitting away, now, King Hei Ya has brought the Hei Ya army to attack a stronghold occupied by the Soul Race."

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, no longer entangled with this problem, raised his hand and flicked on the ring, and a piece of radiant and broken jade appeared in his hand.

This jade is not big, but it seems to have magical power, attracting the eyes of Gu Yuan and the two Dou Zun behind him.

Xiao Tian was not surprised by the performance of Gu Yuan and those two ancient tribes. After all, they were not themselves, and they could ignore the ancient emperor Tuoshe Jade, which was related to the opportunity to become an emperor.

"Patriarch Gu Yuan still remember our agreement?" Xiao Tian casually tossed the Paotuoshe ancient emperor jade, and said lightly.

"Naturally remember," Gu Yuan nodded, his eyes moving with Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

The two Dou Zun behind Gu Yuan heard the conversation between Xiao Tian and Gu Yuan, and their expressions were very strange.

They didn't believe that Xiao Tian would hand over the Tuoshe ancient emperor jade to the head of his family for the sake of a heavenly tomb. After all, the sky tomb was only a trial site, and the Tuoshe ancient emperor jade represented an opportunity to become an emperor!

As long as you are not a fool, everyone knows how to choose!

However, Xiao Tian's subsequent actions completely subverted the cognition of these two ancient clan Dou Zun!

"Take it," I saw Xiao Tian threw the Tuoshe ancient emperor jade, which was enough to cause a tragic fight, to Gu Yuan like trash, and said lightly: "I hope Patriarch Gu Yuan will not forget our agreement, otherwise... "

Xiao Tian paused, and his tone became a little erratic: "I can split the soul world with one sword, and I can split your ancient world with one sword. I hope Patriarch Gu Yuan will not do stupid things."

Gu Yuan hurriedly caught the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade, and before the joy on his face spread, he heard Xiao Tian's voice slowly.

Gu Yuan shook his body unconsciously when he heard this, and then smiled: "Mr. Xiao was joking. I, Gu Yuan, of course, are not such a perfidious person. The heavenly tomb is in the ancient world. Mr. Xiao can take it away at any time!"

As soon as Gu Yuan's voice fell, the cold and mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's mind...

Chapter 305 Entering the Ancient World!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the special task: trade with friends, reward 50,000 prestige points, 500 teacher points, and specify a chance to draw once!"

"Ding! In view of the death of the soul of the hall master of the soul hall during the host mission, the soul of one of the four demon saints of the soul race, the soul of one of the four demon saints of the soul race, defeated the soul of one of the four demon saints of the soul race, split the soul world, forced the soul of the emperor, and made the soul The clan’s reputation is discredited, special tasks are completed perfectly, and the task rewards are doubled!"

Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little when he heard the system prompt.

The rewards for this special mission can be considered rich, the reputation value and the teacher's point rewards can only be regarded as moderate, but the designated lottery chance is a good thing!

You must know that Xiao Tian's "Nine Transformation Immortal Body" is a fusion of "Nine Transformation Profound Art" and "Explosive Body Tiangong", and "Explosive Body Tiangong" was drawn by a designated lottery!

After suppressing the urge to draw a lottery on the spot, Xiao Tian looked at Gu Yuan and said lightly: "Then please ask the chief Gu Yuan to take me to the tomb."

Xiao Tian didn't forget what his original purpose was, to capture the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade of the soul race only for the heavenly tomb!

Gu Yuan nodded when he heard this, and smiled: "Mr. Xiao, please come with me."

He did not intend to break the contract, not to mention that the value of the Tomb of Heaven was far inferior to the ancient Emperor Tuoshe Jade in his opinion. Xiao Tian's strength alone made him dare not easily break his promise.

Until he is strong enough to contend with Xiao Tian, ​​Gu Yuan won't be so stupid that he will be at odds with Xiao Tian!

After speaking, Gu Yuan took the two ancient clan Dou Zun and flew towards the ancient world. Xiao Tian saw his figure flash and followed Gu Yuan into the ancient world.



A splendid light gate suddenly appeared on a plain in the ancient world, and then Gu Yuan and Xiao Tian, ​​as well as the two ancient fighting sages, appeared on the plain.

Xiao Tian looked around the ancient world, and he saw the endless green grassland, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, the blue sky is like washing, and the air is filled with the extremely rich aura of heaven and earth.

"It's worthy of being an emperor, and this foundation alone is far beyond comparison by outsiders," Xiao Tian said with emotion.

The reason for the decline of the Xiao Clan is actually that since the fall of Xiao Xuan, the spatial world of the Xiao Clan has been abandoned, and the children of the Xiao Clan have lost this unique cultivation environment.

In addition, the Emperor Dou's bloodline was abandoned, and a large number of geniuses fell, so the Xiao Clan will be reduced from the strongest clan among the eight ancient clans to the Xiao Clan, who does not even have the qualifications to enter Zhongzhou!

"Mr. Xiao is too acclaimed," Gu Yuan couldn't help showing pride on his face when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

What about the half-emperor?

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