God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 148

Isn't it still subdued in the unique cultivation environment of the ancients?

However, although Gu Yuan was proud of his heart, he was still very humble and said, "Although the cultivation environment of my ancient people is not bad, but since Mr. Xiao can step into the realm of half emperor at such an age, Mr. Xiao's cultivation environment may be far superior. My ancients?"

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard this, and did not delve into this issue, he said, "I don't know where the tomb of the sky is. Please also ask Patriarch Gu Yuan to take me there."

Gu Yuan heard Xiao Tian's words, but in his heart he acquiesced that Xiao Tian had admitted his speculation, and he couldn't help but stunned. A Xiao Tian was already so amazing. How powerful would the power that can cultivate Xiao Tian be?

However, no matter how old Gu Yuan was the patriarch of the ancient clan, he quickly suppressed the shock in his heart and smiled at Xiao Tian: "Mr. Xiao comes with me."

After speaking, he flew away with Xiao Tianchaotian tomb...

Chapter 306 Outside the Heavenly Tomb!

The place where the tomb was located was not far from the grassland where Xiao Tian appeared. Not long after Gu Yuan took Xiao Tianfei out, he appeared among the steep mountain peaks.

"Mr. Xiao, this is where the Heavenly Tomb is located." Gu Yuan pointed to the canyon between two mountain peaks not far away, and smiled at Xiao Tian: "It's just the mysteriousness of the Heavenly Tomb, it's a space of its own, not in the ancient world. Among them, it only opens once every 20 years, and it has only been a few years since the last opening, so I can't open the tomb at the moment."

Gu Yuan paused at this point and continued: "But since I promised Mr. Xiao, I will naturally not break my promise. Mr. Xiao already knows where the tomb is located this day. When the tomb is opened next time, Mr. Xiao can do it himself. Come to collect the tomb of the sky."

"Don't be so troublesome," Xiao Tian waved his hand and smiled: "I have my own way to enter the tomb."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian waved his right hand, and the Absolute Immortal Sword behind his back suddenly unsheathed, bringing a burst of immeasurable light.

Seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Gu Yuan stepped back for a while, looking at Xiao Tian with piercing eyes.

He had seen Xiao Tian’s methods before, slaying the soul with one sword, and slaying the soul with one sword, and finally smashed the soul world with a single sword. !

Now Xiao Tian used a long sword that he had never used before, which made Gu Yuan a little bit frightened while expecting it.

Replaced by someone else, even if he came from an emperor like this, and has countless resources in hand, it is enough to have one or two cards at the bottom of the box!

As for the four long swords that Xiao Tian carried, the two powers of the two that had been unsheathed had already surpassed his hole cards. Since the remaining two can be carried by Xiao Tian, ​​they would not be better than the one that had been unsheathed. Those two swords are bad.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuan was even more curious about what strength it was to cultivate Xiao Tian's astonishing and brilliant descendants!

Gu Yuan has been in charge of the ancient clan for many years, knowing that no matter how amazing and brilliant the genius, if he lacks resources, he will eventually become mediocre.

Even the original Xiao Xuan, relying on the rich resources of the Xiao Clan, was able to quickly reach the peak of Dou Sheng and attack Dou Di.

Xiao Tian naturally didn't know that Gu Yuan had already regarded himself as the heir of an unknown force in his heart. At this moment, he was holding the Unparalleled Sword, looking for the path of the Heavenly Tomb in a focused expression.

Gu Yuan was right. The Tianmu claims to be the world, traveled outside of the ancient clan, even the pinnacle fighting sage could not forcefully change its rules of operation.

But Xiao Tian was different. Although the Four Zhuxian Swords in his hand were just imitation swords, each handle had its own power.

The Zhuxian Sword is the first of the four swords, so Xiao Tian can split the soul world with a single sword across thousands of miles; the Slaughter Sword is the heaviest to kill, and it is also the sword that Xiao Tian uses most easily.

As for the Ultimate Immortal Sword and the Sinking Immortal Sword, the former is infinitely variable and unpredictable, while the latter is a weapon to break various seals.

In the current situation, neither the Immortal Slaying Sword nor the Immortal Slaying Sword is applicable, because what Xiao Tian wants is to open a passage to the heavenly tomb, not to destroy it.

In contrast, only the ever-changing Ultimate Sword is more suitable for the current situation.


Xiao Tian held the Jue Xian Sword tightly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he slapped his right hand suddenly!

Jue Xian Sword pulled out a series of sword shadows, overflowing with light, extremely dazzling, so that Gu Yuan on the side could not help but be intoxicated.

Following Xiao Tian's movements, a faint spatial ripple suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and then a portal was looming in the void.

Chapter 307 Entering the Heavenly Tomb!

When Gu Yuan saw this scene, his face was full of shock.

The ancient clan has been in charge of the tomb for thousands of years, and Gu Yuan naturally knows what the portal in the void represents!

That is the gate to enter the heavenly tomb!

However, no matter what methods Gu Yuan used in the past, even at the cost of uniting with other powerful emperors, there was no way to find this door during the closure of the sky tomb.

You can't even find a portal, so naturally you can't talk about entering the tomb.

At the moment, Xiao Tian found the portal easily. How could Gu Yuan not be shocked?

To know this problem, I don't know how many Tianjiao has been stumped, even if it is as stunning as Xiao Xuan back then, there is no way to do it.

Although Xiao Tian saw Gu Yuan's expression and smiled, he ignored Gu Yuan.

These methods are actually nothing, just because the Heavenly Tomb came from the hands of Emperor Dou and contained the restrictions left by the Emperor Dou. With the strength of Gu Yuan and others, there was naturally no way to crack the methods left by the Emperor Dou.

But Xiao Tian is different. He is not limited by the original imperial qi. Although he still stops at the peak of Mahayana and has not taken the last step, when it comes to strength, Xiao Tian is far superior to the peaks of Gu Yuan and Soul Tiandi. Fighting Saint!

Therefore, Xiao Tian was able to perceive something that Gu Yuan could not perceive, and coupled with the profound mystery of the Supreme Immortal Sword, it would naturally be able to easily break the prohibition left by the Dou Emperor who created the Heavenly Tomb!

"Drive me!"

Xiao Tian looked at the looming portal in the void, his eyes became sharp, and he let out a roar, Jue Xian Sword trembled frantically and slashed towards the portal, causing countless spatial ripples!

Suddenly, the Void Portal was flourishing, and the brilliant light seemed to illuminate the entire ancient world, and the brilliant light could be seen even from thousands of miles away.

"Is this the method left by the Emperor Dou?"

Gu Yuan felt an extremely powerful pressure from the brilliant light. He couldn't even hover in the air. He was forced to fall to the ground by the pressure, and he couldn't help but say in amazement.

His ancient clan is an emperor, and Gu Yuan naturally learned some information about Doudi from the records in the clan, but he has never personally felt how strong Doudi is!

Just a ray of breath can suppress him to such a degree, how strong should Dou Di be in his heyday?

I am afraid that the strongest fighting emperor can really kill the peak and the sage like a dog!

Thinking of this, looking at Xiao Tian who was still floating in the air, even with a bit of disdain on his face, Gu Yuan's heart was overwhelmed.

Only now did he realize that the gap between him and Xiao Tian was like a moat!

"A dead man left behind, still want to shake the sky?" Xiao Tian saw the brilliant light, and shouted wildly: "Open to Laozi!!!"

As he roared, the Absolute Immortal Sword bloomed with endless divine light, and countless heaven and earth vitality were taken over by Absolute Immortal Sword, forming a vitality sword that penetrated the sky and slashed fiercely on the portal in the void!


Horrible fluctuations came from the place where the vitality sword collided with the void portal, and then in Gu Yuan's horrified eyes, a fine crack suddenly appeared on the void portal.

As the long sword collided with the void portal, there were more and more cracks on the void portal, but within a few breaths, countless cracks appeared on the void portal, just like a broken mirror, just a single touch Touch, it will break apart!

Xiao Tian saw this scene with a little smile on his face, retracted the Jue Xian Sword, and pointed it out with his right hand.

This finger is like the last straw that overwhelms the camel. The void portal that was crumbling under this finger instantly shattered, and was replaced by a radiant space channel.

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