God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 149

Seeing that spatial channel appeared, Xiao Tian didn't hesitate at all, and stepped into it...

Chapter 308 In the Sky Tomb!

In the misty strange place, occasionally there is a strange fire flickering in the distance, and it is fleeting.

Deathly silence enveloped this strange land.


Above the dead earth, the space suddenly twisted, and then a young figure wearing a moon white robe stepped out of the space and landed on the earth.

"This is the Tomb of Heaven"

Xiao Tian looked around, a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"It's really a big deal. It's worthy of what Dou Emperor left behind. Even now I can't build such a space."

Xiao Tian looked at the gray fog in front of him, with a touch of emotion on his face.

This Tian Tomb was a method left by a former Dou Emperor. Although Xiao Tian's combat power was comparable to Dou Emperor, his use of fighting spirit and rules was much worse than Dou Emperor.

After all, destruction is always easier than construction!

"This place can be left to Xiao Li and Xiao Yan as a trial ground, but it still has to be cleaned up first!" Xiao Tian looked at the misty fog ahead, raised his right hand slightly, and then shook it suddenly!

Following Xiao Tian's movements, that piece of energy quickly condensed as if it had been ordered.

However, in the blink of an eye, all the mist there dissipated, and an illusory figure appeared in Xiao Tian's field of vision.

"One Star Dou Zun is already at the bottom of the tomb in this sky," Xiao Tian sighed slightly as he looked at the illusory figure that was imprisoned by the surrounding energy.

In his perception, this spirit body is already the weakest of the surrounding spirit bodies, and the other spirit bodies are the weakest, and they also have the strength of a three-star battle!

He squeezed the spirit body of the one-star Dou Zun casually, and then a diamond-shaped crystal about the size of a thumb appeared in the place where the original spirit body was.

A little bit of fluorescence and a dense fog of energy diffused from it.

"Xiao Li cultivates the Nineth Rank Indestructible Body, but he tries to absorb this level of energy core, but I don't know if he can take it out of the tomb." Xiao Tian grabbed the energy core, felt it a little, and thought in his heart.

Before Xiao Li reached Dou Zun, he would not let Xiao Li enter the tomb.

After all, without the strength of Dou Zun, entering the Heavenly Tomb is a life of nine deaths, he doesn't want to stay behind Xiao Li and wipe his ass!

As for the matter of activating the bloodline of Emperor Dou, with his strength, he could completely bring Xiao Xuan's remnant soul out of the heavenly tomb, and naturally there was no need to bring Xiao Li and Xiao Yan into the heavenly tomb.

"These things, let's put aside these things first, to control the tomb of the sky, you still have to solve the soul of the tomb of the sky!" Xiao Tian looked up at the misty mist above, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

After he entered the tomb of the sky, he noticed that someone was watching him in secret.

You must know that he did not hide his aura, knowing that his cultivation level has exceeded the peak of the battle, and dare to watch in secret, except for the patriarch of the Xiao clan in the depths of the tomb, only the soul of the tomb has the courage Up!

Since the creation of the sky tomb, countless remnant soul seals condensed into strange creatures, the soul of the sky tomb is more like the guardian of the sky tomb, or the jailer who guards the cage of the sky tomb.

Now that a half-emperor like himself is uninvited, it is strange that the soul of the heavenly tomb pays more attention!

You must know that the soul of the heavenly tomb is not a good bird, and the ability to swallow each other's souls in the heavenly tomb is given by him.

Its purpose is just to promote the fight of the soul body, so that he can absorb the overflowing soul power from it, so as to find another way to break through to the Emperor!

Chapter 309: Soul of the Sky Tomb!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian looked at the misty fog even more unkind.

He intends to make this Heavenly Tomb a place for Xiao Li's trial. Therefore, things like the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb cannot exist anyway!

"Is it enough?" Xiao Tian said in a deep voice as he looked at the misty fog that was constantly churning above his eyes.

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, a loud boom suddenly came from the end of the void.

The loud noise is like thunder, sweeping from the depths of the void, resounding throughout the sky tomb.

In Xiao Tian's perception, a vast soul fluctuation like the sea suddenly appeared. This soul fluctuation was extremely terrifying, and it was because Xiao Tian was a little struggling to face the soul fluctuation.

However, the fluctuation of the soul was terrifying, but it was inexhaustible. I thought it was because it had swallowed too many remnant souls.

The gray void, the invisible soul fluctuated rapidly, and after a moment, the space trembled crazily.

A huge face that was about ten thousand feet long suddenly emerged from the emptiness and hung above the sky. The huge face was covered with indifference and strange colors.

"Who are you, dare to break into my heavenly grave!"

The huge face rolled, and a pair of huge eyes stared at Xiao Tian. There was no emotion in his eyes. The cold voice, like the thunder of nine days, continued to echo in this space.

With the appearance of this huge face, the remnant souls in the sky tomb that were constantly fighting also stopped their movements, and a touch of clarity appeared in their eyes, looking at Xiao Tian's figure with excitement!

The Heavenly Tomb was originally just a sleeping place for the strong, but because of the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb, it has become a land of boundless killing. All the remnants of the souls are fighting each other because of the imprint of the mutual devouring planted by the Soul of the Tomb.

Except for Xiao Xuan who is a transcendent thing in the depths of the tomb, no one can be spared!

For countless years, it is not that no one thought of resisting the soul of the heavenly tomb, but the remnant souls of those who challenged the soul of the heavenly tomb were easily swallowed by the soul of the heavenly tomb in the end.

The only thing that can make the soul of the sky tomb jealous is Xiao Xuan in the depths of the sky tomb.

It was not that there was no Remnant Soul asking Xiao Xuan to take action on the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb to save them from the sea of ​​suffering, but the latter did not pay attention.

Over time, the energy bodies formed by these remnants of souls gradually became disappointed. Since they couldn't resist, they could only choose to accept.

But precisely because of this, a Xiao Tian who dared to challenge the majesty of the soul of the heavenly tomb suddenly appeared, which made their otherwise deadly heart a little more hot.

A trace of fluctuations also appeared in the scarlet and numb eyes.

Even Xiao Xuan in the depths of the heavenly tomb noticed the strangeness in the heavenly tomb, and flew into the air, watching Xiao Tian and the soul of the heavenly tomb.

"You don't need to know who I am," Xiao Tian looked at the huge face, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and said lightly: "As long as you know, my purpose this time is to wipe you out, and then take control of the tomb, it is enough. Up!"

"Arrogant!" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, a deep anger appeared on that huge face, roaring.

The soul of his heavenly tomb is the ruler of this heavenly tomb. Even beings such as Xiao Xuan dare not easily attack themselves, they can only make a non-aggression agreement.

Right now, an outsider dared to speak out in front of him. If he didn't beheaded, how would the remnant soul in the tomb treat him that day?

Thinking of this, the giant face opened his mouth and vomited, and a spear of an invisible soul that was hundreds of feet long shot out, fiercely at Xiao Tian with terrifying fluctuations!

Chapter 310 The Frightened Soul of the Heavenly Tomb!


The Soul of the Tomb of Heaven looked at Xiao Tian, ​​his huge pupils filled with this crazy killing intent.

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