God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 181

Shidi Remnant Soul did not pay attention to the disciples of the Stone Clan, but instead set his gaze on Xiao Li, and slowly said, "Nine Star Dou Ling, you are very good to kill the rock puppet with the strength of Five Star Dou Zong."

The remnant soul of Shidi's voice was extremely thick, like thunder that kept reverberating above the nine heavens.

Chapter 382 The Depths of Ten Thousand Stone Abyss!

When a group of disciples of the stone clan heard the words of the remnant soul of the emperor, they secretly looked at Xiao Li, and the envy in their eyes couldn't hide.

Being able to be praised in this way by the remnant soul of the emperor, even if Xiao Li was just a trash, he would become famous for a while.

What's more, Xiao Li's talent is already above most of them!

"Senior Shidi praised it," Xiao Li shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know where people are better than me. It's just a luck for the younger generation to see Senior Shidi first."

The Remnant Soul of Shi Emperor seemed to have made a small sound, but did not continue to speak. Instead, with a wave of his right hand, a black space wormhole instantly appeared in the Wanshiyuan.

"Behind this wormhole is an opportunity I left in Wanshiyuan. Only after defeating the Douzong-level rock puppets with Douling's strength can I be eligible to enter!"

Speaking of this, Shidi sighed and sighed: "Unfortunately, my stone clan doesn't know what happened. Over the years in Ten Thousand Stone Yuan trials, I have never seen anyone who can reach the level of defeating Dou Zong with Dou Ling strength. "

Xiao Li didn't speak, in fact he was a bit at a loss at this moment.

Originally, he thought that the chance for Shidi mentioned by Yao Chen should be in the depths of Wanshiyuan, and there were restrictions on cultivation.

But now it seems that he thinks a lot more, Shidi's chance has restrictions on the cultivation base, but his position is indeed uncertain.

As long as someone can defeat Dou Zong-level rock puppets with Dou Ling strength, they will discover the existence of the remnant soul of Shi Di!

"Forget it, let's not talk about it," Shidi Remnant Soul suddenly shook his head, looked at Xiao Li, and said lightly: "Boy, although you are not from my stone clan, since you can meet me, you can be considered a good one. Chance.

I give you a chance. If you can pass my three subsequent tests, I will give you the chance."

"Thank you, Senior Shidi!" Xiao Li was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly responded.

Shidi Remnant Soul nodded and said lightly: "If you are ready, just enter the space wormhole, and disciples from other races can also enter the battle together, but the chance is not yours."

After speaking, the remnant soul of Shidi raised his hand with a wave, and then instantly disappeared in place, leaving only a wormhole in the slowly rotating space.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Li raised his foot and stepped into the space wormhole, and several Shi Clan disciples quickly followed.

The disciples of the remaining few races are not willing to miss this opportunity, and are also scrambling to squeeze into the space wormhole.


In the deepest part of Wan Shiyuan, this area is shrouded in terrifying gravity, and there are constantly rock puppets walking back and forth. If it weren't for the amazing strength, I'm afraid it would be impossible to stay here for a while!

In the past ten thousand stone abyss trials, few people could reach here.

However, in the deepest part of Wanshiyuan, which had been calm for countless years, a spatial wormhole suddenly appeared, and the last dozen figures walked out of the spatial wormhole, and the head was Xiao Li!

As soon as Xiao Lifu landed, he felt the terrifying gravity around him enveloped him like a tide, and finally stabilized his figure, with fine beads of sweat already appearing on his forehead.

As for the disciples of the other tribes behind him, except for those of the stone tribe who were born with strong physical bodies, the faces of the disciples of the other tribes were not very good-looking, and their bodies trembled slightly, as if they might fall down at any time.

The members of the Medicine Clan are even more unbearable. The physical bodies of the Medicine Clan are inherently weak. Under this terrifying gravity, unable to support even a moment, they are crushed on the ground, like a few dead dogs!

Chapter 383 Special Task: Shidi Secret Collection!

Soon after Xiao Li and the others appeared, the figure of the remnant soul of Shidi appeared in front of everyone again.

"You are so courageous," Shidi Remnant Soul looked at Xiao Li and smiled: "Since you are here, did you want to give it a try?"

"Yes," Xiao Li nodded and solemnly said, "It's about the opportunity left by Emperor Dou, and the younger generation will naturally not miss it!"

"Very good," Shidi Remnant Soul nodded slightly, his tone suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "I told you in advance that the test is very dangerous. With your cultivation base, it is very likely that you will fall on the spot, even I may not have time. Save you!"

"Junior understands," Xiao Li took a deep breath and looked at the huge floating stone platform above. He seemed to see Xiao Tian's figure, and said firmly, "Junior still wants to give it a try!"

"You kid, you have an appetite for me!" Shidi Remnant Soul laughed, and then made a move with his right hand, and Xiao Li only felt that his feet were shaking.

Then in his incredible gaze, a small hill behind the remnant soul of Shidi suddenly rose from the ground and turned into a huge rock puppet!

"Boy, the first test is to kill this Douzong peak-level rock puppet. Tell me when you're ready!"

Shidi Remnant Soul looked at Xiao Li and said lightly.

Xiao Li didn't dare to neglect, and quickly sat down cross-legged, adjusting his state.

At the same time, a long-lost system prompt suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's mind on the floating stone platform--

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the disciple Xiao Li triggered the Shidi trial and activated the special task: Shidi Secret Storage!

Mission requirements: Xiao Li passed the Shidi trial.

Reward: Prestige value of 50000, teacher's point of 1000, designated chance to draw twice!"

Xiao Tian was stunned when he heard the system prompt, a little speechless.

"Can I help in the dark?" Xiao Tian still asked in his heart very quickly.

With Xiao Li's strength and the characteristics of Rank Nine Immortal Body, dealing with a rock puppet at the pinnacle of Dou Zong is not a problem, but Xiao Tian was worried about the follow-up test!

The first test alone is the rock puppets at the peak of Douzong. How far should the next two tests be?

"The host cannot directly help," the system's voice soon sounded.

"Understood," Xiao Tian nodded lightly, then looked at Shi Qing on the side, and asked: "Before the Great Elder said that the ban in the depths of Wanshiyuan was too strong, is it because you sometimes don't have time to rescue?"

"Not bad!" Although Shi Qing didn't know why Xiao Tian suddenly asked about this, he quickly replied: "The prohibition in the depths of Wanshiyuan was personally placed by the ancestor Shidi, and it is really difficult to shake with our strength. "

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard this, and smiled: "Then I will go down and take a look, in case of any accidents, will the Great Elder object?"

Shi Qing was a little speechless when he heard Xiao Tian's words, which really made him wonder what to say.

Stop it, if something happens to Xiao Li, Xiao Tian probably will anger the Stone Clan.

But if it didn't stop him, Xiao Tian, ​​a Dou Emperor, appeared in Wan Shiyuan's experience, wouldn't it be cheating?

"Don't worry, I will just look at it. Unless my disciple is in a life-and-death crisis, I won't take action." Xiao Tian naturally saw Shi Qing's embarrassment and said with a smile.

"Senior, please do it yourself," Shi Qing had to agree on hearing what else he could say.

Xiao Tian didn't talk nonsense when he saw it, his figure flashed, and he disappeared instantly.

Chapter 384 Xiao Di and Shi Di!

In the deepest part of Wan Shiyuan, a space crack suddenly appeared in the open space, and then Xiao Tian's figure slowly walked out of the space crack.

The Remnant Soul of Shi Emperor was the first to perceive the appearance of Xiao Tian, ​​and quickly cast his gaze over, his expression becoming solemn.

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