God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 182

As the once powerful Doudi powerhouse, even if he is now just a ray of remnant soul, he still instantly understood Xiao Tian's strength.

"Unexpectedly, on the mainland today, Emperor Dou appeared," Shidi's remnant soul looked at Xiao Tian and said leisurely.

"In the next Xiao Tian, ​​it's just breaking through the emperor realm. It's no better than Shi Di," Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled.

"Brother Xiao suddenly entered my Wanshiyuan, but what's the point?" Shidi Remnant Soul smiled and asked.

While talking, the remnant soul of Shi Emperor stared at Xiao Tian, ​​as if as long as Xiao Tian's answer was not satisfactory to him, he would act boldly!

Xiao Tian pointed to Xiao Li, who noticed the movement and looked at this side, but did not speak.

"Because of this kid?" What kind of person Shi Emperor Remnant Soul was. He understood Xiao Tian's meaning in an instant, and said calmly: "This kid deserves the word'Tianjiao'. Before, I was still thinking about which force it was Heir, now I think about it, it should be Brother Xiao's younger generation, right?"

Yao Feng, who was lying on the ground, heard the words of Emperor Shi's Remnant Soul, rolled his eyes and fainted immediately.

He only regarded Xiao Li as an ordinary person with no background and good luck. With the strength of the Nine Star Dou Ling, it was a problem even to survive the trial of Ten Thousand Stone Yuan, so he would ridicule him unscrupulously before.

After seeing Xiao Li and the five-star fighting sect-level rock puppet fighting each other, he was even more jealous in his heart, and this coldly said each other.

As a result, who knew that the little person who seemed to him insignificant was actually related to a fighting emperor strong!

Xiao Tian noticed Yao Feng's reaction, shook his head slightly, and said to Xiao Li: "This trial will do what you can. If you can't hold it, you will call for help. I will help you."

"The disciple understands," Xiao Li nodded his head when he heard the words, then looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi, and said earnestly: "Senior Shidi, junior is ready."

When Shi Emperor Remnant Soul heard Xiao Li's words, he waved his hand gently, and the rock puppet on the top of Dou Zong suddenly moved, took a step forward, and walked towards Xiao Li.

With the huge body of the rock puppet, every step he took, the ground faintly shook.

Xiao Li didn't dare to neglect, holding the fine iron spear with both hands, the tip of the spear was faintly shining with thunder, his sight was always locked on the rock puppet, ready to take action at any time.

"Brother Xiao, what number of trials do you think your disciple can pass?" The Remnant Soul of Emperor Shi suddenly looked at Xiao Tian and asked.

He didn't have much interest in the battle between Xiao Li and the rock puppet. After all, he knew everything that happened in Wan Shiyuan, and he also knew Xiao Li's weird fighting spirit.

Although this rock puppet has reached the peak of Dou Zun, its defense has not increased much. As long as Xiao Li is not careful, it is not difficult to beat this rock puppet.

"It's hard to say," Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "Firstly, I don't know what the next trial is. Secondly, this kid's cultivation base is really weak."

What Xiao Tian said was the truth. Although Xiao Li's strength was comparable to that of an ordinary Dou Huang, and even under special circumstances, he could face Dou Zong directly, but in the final analysis, he was just a nine-star Dou Ling!

Even if he was practicing the mysterious technique of Nine Ranks Immortal Body, it still couldn't change his shortcomings that his fighting spirit was thin and he couldn't fight for a long time!

Chapter 385 Mission Progress One Third!

During the time that Xiao Tian was talking to the Remnant Soul of Shi Emperor, the battle between Xiao Li and the rock puppet had already entered fiery.

The rock puppet has thick skin and thick skin, and relies on the advantages of cultivation base and size to recruit and attack, which does not give Xiao Li a chance to breathe.

The huge fist shook quickly, bringing up the fierce wind, rolling up and crushing the few weeds on the ground.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, Xiao Li did not dare to neglect, his body and fighting skills were turned to the extreme, avoiding the attack of the rock puppet and taking time to stab the spear in his hand.

With the sharp spear and Xiao Li's special thunder attribute vindictiveness, it is like cutting tofu, easily piercing holes in the rock puppet, and there are faint rays of thunder in the holes.

"The battle is almost over," Shidi Remnant Soul said in a calm tone when seeing this scene.

Right now, the rock puppet’s legs are full of gun holes. You only need Xiao Li to detonate the remaining grudge in the gun hole. The rock puppet will instantly lose its ability to move. At that time, the rock puppet at the peak of the Dou Zong can only be slaughtered by Xiao Li !

Xiao Tian smiled and did not speak. His judgment was the same as that of the Remnant Soul of the Emperor Shi, Xiao Li only needed to fight steadily, and it was only a matter of time before he beat the rock puppet!

"Well, there is no need for this test to go on," Shidi Remnant Soul smiled, and with a light wave of his right hand, the Dou Zong peak-level rock puppet stood still for an instant, and then turned back to a small hill again.

Seeing this, Xiao Li put away the spear with some doubts and looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi.

"There is no need for this test to go on. You have the absolute upper hand, and it will be just a waste of time if you continue to fight," Shidi Remnant Soul smiled and said.

Following the words of the Remnant Soul of Shi Emperor, Xiao Tian's mind once again sounded the system reminder——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the disciple Xiao Li passed the first test of Emperor Shi, and the special task [Secret Collection of the Stone Emperor] is 1/3 completed. Please check the details by yourself."

When Xiao Tian heard the system prompt, he was overjoyed, but he didn't show any signs on his face. He just cast his gaze on Xiao Li and said lightly: "Good job."

Xiao Li received a bit of joy on his face when he heard the words, then looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi, and said seriously: "Since the junior has passed the first test, please tell the junior of the second test!"

The disciples of the great emperor who had seen Xiao Li and the rock puppet at the peak of the Dou Zong just now heard Xiao Li's words, and a strong sense of frustration rose in their hearts.

They are also outstanding disciples in the clan, Toshihiko for a while, but they think that facing the rock puppet at the peak of Douzong, there is no chance of winning.

In the end, Xiao Li defeated the rock puppet that was invincible in their eyes!

At the moment, Xiao Li is going to challenge a more terrifying existence than the rock puppet at the peak of Dou Zong!

You know that Xiao Li is only the Nine Star Dou Ling, and he has already done something that Dou Huang and even Dou Zong couldn't do!

Not only them, but even the elders of the great emperors on the floating stone platform above, were also a little bit embarrassed.

They also participated in the Ten Thousand Stone Yuan Trial back then, but they thought they couldn't achieve Xiao Li's level!

"You deserve to be the disciple of Emperor Dou," Shi Qing looked at Xiao Li below, rather sighed: "I'm afraid that only a strong person like Senior Xiao Di can teach such Tianjiao, right?"

Chapter 386 The second test!

Xiao Tian naturally couldn't hear Shi Qing's emotions. At this moment, the remnant soul of Shi Emperor was looking at Xiao Li, with satisfaction in his eyes.

Originally, he left this remnant soul in Ten Thousand Stone Abyss to preside over the trial, but it was actually for the younger generations of the Stone Clan.

After all, it is almost impossible for anyone to defeat the Douzong-level rock puppets in Wanshiyuan with the strength of Douling, except for the naturally tyrannical stone disciples.

But he didn't expect that for thousands of years, the Shi Clan did not have a disciple who met his requirements, but in the end it was a foreigner who met his requirements.

"This second test is not difficult," Shidi Remnant Soul said with a smile: "With your strength, it should be easy to pass."

With that, the remnant soul of Shi Emperor waved his right hand, and Wan Shiyuan suddenly shook, and countless rocks floated into the air.

With the formation of the huge mountain, the terrifying gravity suddenly enveloped the depths of Wanshiyuan. All the disciples of the stone clan who could barely bear the gravity in the depths of Wanshiyuan turned pale, with fine beads of sweat constantly appearing on their foreheads.

As for the disciples of the other races, they were pressed on the ground by this terrifying gravity. It was difficult to even move them. Among them, the members of the Yao race were the most unbearable. Their physical bodies were already weak, and the gravity was strengthened again, and their cultivation skills were better. The weak two fainted on the spot.

Even Xiao Li faintly felt a little strenuous under this terrifying gravity pressure, as if several mountains were pressing on his shoulders!

"The second test, take down the body-tempering grass on the top of the mountain," Shidi Remnant Soul pointed to the top of the Qianzhang huge mountain, and smiled: "The more you go up, the stronger the gravity, where the body-tempering grass is. Gravity reaches a hundred times the gravity in Ten Thousand Stone Abyss, with the strength of your physical body, there will be no problem."

After finishing speaking, the remnant soul of Shidi shook his right hand, and countless steps appeared on the huge mountain, reaching the top of the mountain.

One hundred times the gravity!

Shi Qing and others on the floating stone platform above were shocked when they heard the words of the remnant soul of the Emperor Shi.

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