God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 183

They are very clear about what this hundred times the gravity represents. You must know that Wanshiyuan is the place for the trial of the stone clan. The gravity is different from the outside world. The one hundred times the gravity in Wanshiyuan is already equivalent to the outside one thousand times the gravity!

Thousand times the external gravity, I am afraid that only the physical strength of the Dou Zun level can sustain it. Listening to the words of the remnant soul of Shi Emperor, Xiao Li's physical strength has reached the Dou Zun level?

He is only Nine Star Dou Ling, and he has already reached this level. If he stepped into Dou Zun, wouldn't he be able to attack Dou Sheng?

Xiao Li didn't know what Shi Qing and the others were thinking. Hearing the words of the remnant soul of Shi Emperor, he nodded gently, and then jumped and landed on the steps leading to the top of the mountain.

As soon as Xiao Lifu hit the ground, he felt his shoulders sink and his body swayed unconsciously. It took him a long time to stabilize his figure. He looked at the slightly swaying body-tempering grass on the top of the giant mountain, and a touch of determination flashed in his eyes. Step, walk towards the top of the mountain.

"Huh?" Shidi's remnant soul frowned upon seeing this, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and whispered softly: "This kid's physical strength is slowly increasing. Is it because of his practice?"

Xiao Tian smiled and nodded, and explained: "The exercises I taught him do have the effect of tempering the flesh, and the greater the external pressure, the more obvious the tempering of the flesh."

Speaking of Xiao Tian, ​​he was also a little proud. He looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi, and said with a smile: "Before entering Wanshiyuan, the strength of this kid's physical body is comparable to Peak Douzong, and he can improve so quickly. It's indispensable for Wan Shiyuan's credit."

Chapter 387 The Surprise of Shidi's Remnant Soul!

"So that's it," Shi Emperor Remnant Soul nodded when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and said thoughtfully, "Excuse me, I'm afraid Brother Xiao's practice is more than a heavenly level, right?"

Although there have always been only four classes in the battle qi continent, the division of the cultivation method and the black and the yellow, but as a former fighting emperor, Shidi naturally knows something that ordinary people don't know.

"It's a god rank," Xiao Tian thought for a while and said.

Right now, the Rank Nine Indestructible Body has only merged into the second layer. Although it is extremely mysterious, it is really not much better than the Heavenly Rank cultivation technique on the Dou Qi Continent.

Shi Emperor Remnant Soul narrowed his eyes when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

He is naturally no stranger to the level of'Emperor Rank'.

In fact, this level of exercises is only known to those who have stepped into Doudi level.

After stepping into Doudi, their own cultivation methods were transformed due to the influence of the original imperial qi, and this formed the emperor-level exercises that were beyond the four levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang and Huang.

It's just that from ancient times to the present, because of the origin of the emperor's energy, the emperor rank technique can only be mastered by the emperor Dou, and other people will fall to the top of the sky rank if they practice.

At the moment, Xiao Tian was able to teach the emperor rank technique to his disciples. How could this make the remnant soul of Shi Di not be surprised?

Because there are only two possibilities for this situation, the first is that Xiao Tian has found a way to prevent the emperor rank technique from falling into the rank, and has accomplished a feat that countless Doudi has not been able to accomplish throughout the ages.

The second type is that Xiao Tian's cultivation technique is a technique that is detached from the emperor rank, even if the rank drops, it can be comparable to the emperor rank technique!

As for which one it was, Shidi Remnant Soul didn't go into it, because he couldn't do it in his heyday, whether it was the first or the second.

Shidi's remnant soul naturally knew what this meant.

"Don't talk about it," Shidi Remnant Soul shook his head and changed the subject: "Brother Xiao, your disciple, if you take the Body Tempering Herb, your physical strength can increase a lot, but even so, with his nine-star fighting spirit It is estimated that the cultivation base will not pass my third trial."

Xiao Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi with a look of doubt.

In his opinion, with Xiao Li's current strength, as long as the third trial is not too outrageous, it is impossible to have any impact on Xiao Li.

But now Shidi Remnant Soul suddenly said something like this, which made him a little uncertain.

"Brother Xiao, since you arranged your disciple to enter Wanshiyuan with the strength of the Nine Star Dou Ling, I am afraid that I have known my arrangement in Wanshiyuan a long time ago?"

The Remnant Soul of Shi Emperor glanced at Xiao Tian with deep meaning, and said with a smile: "I left this opportunity in Wanshiyuan for my stone clan. Although I don’t care about disciples from the unexpected clan competing for this opportunity, I still prefer it. Of my people."

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard this, and said nothing.

What Shidi Remnant Soul said was actually human nature. Originally, this opportunity was left by Shidi for future generations, but it is a pity that the younger generations of the Shi clan were not up to the standard and have not been able to meet the requirements.

Even later, due to some changes, the information about Shidi’s trial was not passed down. Only some miscellaneous books in the Shizu Douji Pavilion have records.

Had it not been for Yaochen's chance to see this information in the Stone Clan Dou Ji Pavilion, Xiao Tian would not have known that there was such a mystery in the Stone Clan Wanshiyuan.

At the moment, a foreigner of oneself is going to fight for the opportunity that the stone emperor left for the stone clan, and it is normal that the remnant soul of the stone emperor will increase the difficulty of the trial.

Chapter 388 Gap!

What's more, in Xiao Tian's view, I'm afraid that Emperor Shi had already thought of this problem when he created Wanshiyuan. For this reason, it is not impossible to design a set of trials for foreigners.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian smiled, looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi, and said: "It's no problem, it just happens that I have something in my hand to improve my cultivation, enough for my disciple to break through to Emperor Dou."

Xiao Tian said, flipping his right hand, and a diamond-shaped crystal about the size of a thumb appeared in Xiao Tian's hand.

A little bit of fluorescence and a dense fog of energy diffused from it.

"This is the energy core in the heavenly tomb?" Shidi Remnant Soul was taken aback when seeing what was in Xiao Tian's hand, then asked.

Xiao Tian nodded. When he fought against the soul of the sky tomb, the aftermath of the attack affected many remnant souls in the sky tomb.

After the Soul of the Heavenly Tomb was completely solved, he collected all the energy cores left by the remnant souls that were affected. With the large amount of energy cores in his hands, it was completely enough for Xiao Li to attack Dou Huang and even Dou Zong!

"No wonder Brother Xiao is so confident," Shidi Remnant Soul nodded and said with a smile: "If this is the case, the third trial may not be able to embarrass your disciple. It's just a pity that the opportunity I left is for the Shi clan disciple or Other people are rare and good things, but in Brother Xiao's hands, it seems a bit tasteless."

Xiao Tian smiled, did not say much, cast his eyes on Xiao Li, who was climbing the steps on the huge mountain not far away.

Xiao Li could probably guess what opportunity Shidi left behind. It was related to the chance of becoming an emperor, in fact, only the original imperial energy was the only thing.

The original imperial qi is really useless to Xiao Tian and Xiao Li, but this does not affect the value of the original imperial qi.

Especially on this Dou Qi continent where the original imperial qi is missing, a ray of original imperial qi that can make people break through to the emperor is enough to make people crazy!

Seeing that Xiao Tian didn't speak, Shi Emperor Remnant Soul didn't say much, and cast his gaze on Xiao Li.

If the opportunity he left behind is won by Xiao, it may not be a good thing for the Shi Clan. After all, Xiao Tian must bear his love. If anything happens to the Shi Clan in the future, this favor may be able to preserve the Shi Clan. indefinite.

During the time that Xiao Tian was talking to Shidi Remnant Soul, Xiao Li had already walked half the distance, and at this moment he was only a quarter away from the top of the mountain.

Xiao Li wiped the sweat from his face, looked at the body-tempering grass on the top of the mountain, gritted his teeth, and continued to walk forward.

The gravity of his current position is almost eighty times that of Wanshiyuan. If he hadn't climbed all the way, his physical strength would slowly increase. Under this eighty-fold gravity, if he still wants to go up, I'm afraid Can only be used for climbing.

Although the terrifying gravity made him feel more strenuous at the moment, it still failed to crush him.

Although his speed has slowed down a lot, he is still walking firmly towards the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the Qianzhangju Mountain, a disciple of the stone clan saw that Xiao Li was not far from the top of the mountain, gritted his teeth, jumped, and landed on the steps.

He knew that he could not compare with Xiao Li, but he wanted to know how far he was from Xiao Li!

As soon as the disciple of the stone clan fell on the steps, the terrifying gravity rushed in all directions like a tide, and his body was trembling constantly, like a lone boat floating on the sea, with the possibility of capsizing at any time.

Chapter 389 Two-thirds of Mission Progress!

After finally standing firm, the stone disciple showed firmness on his face, gritted his teeth, and took a step forward.

He had just dropped his right foot, and before he could lift his left foot, he was forced by the terrifying gravity to spew out blood, then the whole person flew out, fell to the ground, and rested for a while before struggling to get up.

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