God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 184

The few remaining Shi Clan disciples saw this scene, their faces turned gloomy.

The Shi Clan disciple who just tried to climb the steps was called Shi Kang, and he was the strongest among them, and he had reached the peak of Dou Huang.

But with Shi Kang's ability, they couldn't take even one step on that step, but Xiao Li was about to climb to the top of the mountain. How could this gap make them not feel frustrated?

You must know that the disciples of the stone clan are inherently strong and physically strong, and the disciples of the stone clan are also proud of it, but today they have lost to a young man of only the nine-star fighting spirit level in what they are proud of!

Even Shi Qing and others on the floating stone platform above were shocked.

On the floating stone platform, although they could observe all parts of the Wanshiyuan, they did not have any intuitive feelings about the gravity of the huge mountain formed by the remnant soul of the stone emperor.

In Shi Qing's opinion, even if the Shi Clan disciple was slightly weaker than Xiao Li, it would not be much worse.

But the result was beyond his expectation. How much better is Xiao Li than Shi Clan disciples?

"I'm afraid that only a Doudi like Senior Xiao Di can teach such a surprisingly brilliant junior," Shi Qing couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Xiao Li who was about to climb to the top of the mountain.

Xiao Li didn't know that he inadvertently hit Shi Qing and the disciples of the Stone Clan in Wanshiyuan. Right now he was only a step away from the top of the mountain, but the gravity he was bearing had reached ninety-nine times the gravity in the depths of Wanshiyuan!

At this moment, Xiao Li's back was slightly bent, and he leaned forward as if carrying a piece of sky on his back, with beads of sweat constantly appearing on his forehead, sliding down his cheeks.

The "huhhhhh" panting sounded continuously. Obviously, even if the Nine-turn Immortal Body can continuously increase the physical strength, Xiao Li is about to reach his limit right now!


Xiao Li gritted his teeth, stepped hard, and rushed towards the body tempering grass. The terrifying gravity acted on Xiao Li, causing him to vomit blood and fly upside down and fall down the mountain.

After a long while, Xiao Li stood up slowly and looked at the body-tempering grass that was blood-colored in his hand and exuding amazing aura. Xiao Li smiled, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the remnant soul of Emperor Shi.

"Senior Shidi, the junior has passed this second trial, right?" Xiao Li looked at the remnant soul of Shidi and shook the Body Tempering Grass in his hand.

"Since you have obtained the Body Tempering Grass, this trial has passed naturally, and this body Tempering Grass is also your reward. You can handle it yourself," Shidi Remnant Soul smiled and said.

As the voice of the remnant soul of Shi Emperor fell, Xiao Tian's mind suddenly sounded a system prompt——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the disciple Xiao Li has passed the second test of the Emperor Shi, and the special mission [The Secret Collection of the Stone Emperor] is 2/3. Please check the details by the host."

Xiao Tian heard that there was a little more smile on his face, looked at Xiao Li, and said, "You kid adjust your breath first, and then take this Body Tempering Herb."

Xiao Li originally wanted to ask Shi Emperor Remnant Soul's third trial, but when he heard Xiao Tian's words, he didn't refute, and he responded quickly.

Chapter 390 Everyone with emotion!

Soon, Xiao Li finished adjusting his interest rate, stood up from the ground, and looked at Xiao Tian.

Originally, his injury was not serious, and coupled with the super healing effect brought by the cultivation of the Nine Ranks Immortal Body, that little injury was nothing to him.

"With your current cultivation base, it is difficult to maximize the effectiveness of the Body Tempering Herb," ​​Xiao Tian looked at Xiao Li and said, "Break through the realm first."

As he said, Xiao Tian's hand received a ring of brilliance, and several diamond-shaped energy cores and a shining light circle appeared in his hand.

"What a pure soul origin!" Shidi Remnant Soul couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the crystal light circle in Xiao Tian's hand.

As a former fighting emperor, Shidi has seen countless good things, not to mention anything else, Xiao Li's hand is the body-tempering grass that can increase his physical strength by 30%, which is a rare treasure.

But the good things at the level like the soul origin of the soul of the heavenly tomb in Xiao Tian's hands, even Shidi hadn't seen much!

"Just so-so," Xiao Tian smiled, and threw the soul source of the tomb and a few energy cores to Xiao Li, saying: "First absorb the small ones, and then absorb the soul source."

Xiao Li didn't dare to neglect, he chose the smallest one from several energy cores, pinched it in his palm, sat down cross-legged, and revolved the immortal body for nine revolutions.

Strands of pure fighting qi from the energy core enter Xiao Li's body along the palm of Xiao Li, travel through the meridians, and finally merge into the dantian.

At the same time, Xiao Li's breath was slowly increasing.

Soon, an energy core was completely absorbed, and Xiao Li's cultivation level reached the three-star Dou Wang!

"Brother Xiao's technique is really extraordinary," Shidi's remnant soul couldn't help but sighed after seeing this scene: "If it were replaced by other nine-star fighting spirits, just such an energy core would be enough to make them step into the fighting emperor. The disciple has only been promoted to the three-star Dou Wang, this foundation is really solid!"

Not only the remnant soul of the emperor, but even the elders of the great emperors on the floating stone platform above were shocked.

They have all entered the tomb of the sky, and they naturally know how huge the fighting energy contained in the energy core, even the lowest level one energy core, is enough to make the Nine Star Dou Ling in their clan break through to the peak of the Dou King!

They naturally knew what Xiao Li's situation meant right now.

"I'm afraid this Xiao Emperor's personal disciple will become the shadow of the Tianjiao in our clan in the future," Shi Qing sighed suddenly, and said in sigh.

Before Xiao Li appeared, the great emperor clans had been fighting openly and secretly, and the Tianjiao in the clan was vying secretly, wanting to compete.

But now Xiao Li turned out to be born, and when he stepped into the realm of Dou Zun, I am afraid that he will become a big mountain, crushed on top of the heads of all the arrogances, watching the world!

In contrast, the outstanding descendants of their emperor clan also looked a little overshadowed.

"What a lucky boy," the Lingming of the Spirit Race looked at Xiao Li, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "A Doudi Master carefully taught and has a lot of resources to pile up. It is only a matter of time before this kid is famous in the mainland."

"I only hate this kid who was born in the declining Xiao Clan. If it were my soul clan disciple, it would be great!" Soul Sha looked at Xiao Li with jealousy in his eyes.

A Doudi carefully pointed out that he was greedy for him, but such an opportunity fell into the hands of the declining Xiao Clan.

Xiao Li was just a small three-star battle master before, and he could barely deal with a general four-star battle master with his vindictive attributes, but it was impossible to win.

And now, after Xiao Tian's guidance, in just a few months, Xiao Li is already a three-star fighting king, and in terms of strength, he is even more than enough to fight the peak fighting sect. Compared with before, it is a world of difference!

How does this make Kunsha not jealous?

Chapter 391 Realm soars, Dou Zong Xiao Li!

Xiao Li didn't know that he had just broken through a realm, and let the emperor elders above blow up the pot.

After getting acquainted with the strength of the three-star Douwang level, Xiao Li didn't hesitate at all, and chose another energy core, running the Nine-turn Indestructible, and quickly absorbed it.

Next, Xiao Li kept repeating this process, and quickly absorbed all the energy cores that Xiao Tian gave him. At the same time, his cultivation level quietly reached the Five-Star Dou Huang!

"Such a number of energy nuclei can only make your disciple break through to the Five-Star Dou Huang, this..."

Shidi Remnant Soul was also a little speechless when he saw this scene. If he were replaced by someone else to absorb these energy nuclei, he could send an ordinary person into the realm of Dou Zun!

In the end, he arrived at Xiao Li, only supporting him to break through from Jiuxing Dou Ling to Five Star Dou Huang!

That is to say, Xiao Li has a Doudi teacher, otherwise the resources needed to break through the realm alone will be enough to leave him behind forever!

Xiao Tian didn't feel surprised. Whether it was the Nine Ranks Profound Art or the Explosive Body Heaven Skill, it was originally a resource-consuming technique, and the Nine Ranks Immortal Body formed by the fusion of the two naturally consumed more resources.

Seeing that Xiao Li had absorbed all the energy cores, Xiao Tian pointed to the soul origin of the soul of the sky tomb, and said: "This thing is the soul origin of the soul of the sky tomb. It is enough to transform your soul and step into it. Emperor Realm, but..."

Xiao Tian paused, looked at Xiao Li, and said earnestly: "Because the soul of the heavenly tomb was originally formed by the condensation of countless soul imprints. Although I have refined it, the soul still contains a huge amount of information.

If you are disturbed by the information while absorbing the soul source, you will most likely be backlashed. In the light of the strength, you will fall on the spot. You decide whether to absorb it or not!"

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