God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 213

Hearing Xiao Li's words, most of the people present couldn't help but cast their eyes on the two of the spirit race.

Xiao Li’s words are not polite. Basically, they are drawing the faces of these two people. If the two spirits have nothing to express, I am afraid that even if they can retreat from this wasteland today, I am afraid that they will not want to be in Zhongzhou in the future. Raise their heads among the great emperors!

Being watched by everyone, the faces of the two spirit races were blue and white, and the anger in their eyes was even more gushing out!

The two of them were considered geniuses among the spirit races, even if they were treated as abandoned children this time, few of these people in the room dared to despise them.

Now that Xiao Li casts their faces on the ground in public, how can they stand it?

"Xiao Li!" The spiritual disciple on the left shouted at Xiao Li with a sullen face, "Don't think that you have a Doudi teacher and the world is invincible! Just now Senior Xiaodi also said that high-ranking Dousheng will attack you. He won't bother, and I will send you to see the king today!"

After finishing speaking, the spirit race disciple was wrapped in grudge, and he rushed towards Xiao Li.

Following his movements, another disciple of the spirit race did not hesitate at all. He took a deep breath and pinched his hands. Suddenly, countless energies of heaven and earth gathered towards where he was, forming in the blink of an eye. A huge vortex of vitality!

"Brother Xiao Li, be careful, this is the inheritance fighting skill of the spirit race, with endless changes, and it has reached the mid-level in terms of grade!" Seeing the huge vitality vortex, Xiao Xun'er hurriedly gave a warning.

Although she believes in Xiao Li's strength, the spirit race's fighting skills have always been known for being weird and changeable. In this regard, even the spirit race is a bit worse than the spirit race. Xiao Xun'er beware of Xiao Li and the spirit race disciples for the first time If you don't understand the virtual reality of the spirit clan fighting skills, you will suffer.

"Xun'er don't have to worry," Xiao Li smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, with a solemn expression, his right hand was gently lifted, and the blue thunder light kept changing shape in his hand.

Seeing that the first disciple of the Spirit Race was about to approach, the thunder light in Xiao Li's hand turned into a mighty thunder and lightning lion in the blink of an eye, screaming from the sky.


The terrifying sound wave spread in all directions, and the ground under Xiao Li's feet was scraped off by the terrifying sound wave!

Before the disciple of the spirit race had time to make any moves, he was hit by sound waves in mid-air, and he vomited blood and flew upside down, falling to the ground, his face like golden paper.

The rest of the ancient emperor clan's eyes went straight when they saw this scene.

The strength of this spirit race disciple has reached the four-star Dou Zun. Although it is not ranked among the crowd present, even Lei Ling'er, who has the highest cultivation level, is not sure of a single move to beat this spirit race disciple so miserably. .

When another disciple of the Spirit Race saw this scene, his face changed wildly, his hands waved again and again, the original huge vitality vortex spinning speed suddenly increased, and countless small stones were rolled up into the sky, looking extremely shocking.

"go with!"

The disciple of the Spirit Race pushed his hands flat, and the terrifying vitality vortex was swept towards Xiao Li!

Facing this astonishing vortex of vitality, those ancient emperors who came from Tianjiao couldn't help but change their colors.

They are all proud of the clan, and they have also practiced the inheritance fighting skills of the clan, so they naturally know the horror of this spiritual inheritance fighting skills!

Especially, the most terrifying part of this vitality vortex has not yet been revealed!

Chapter 461

Xiao Li looked solemn, he didn't know how terrifying that vitality vortex was, but the momentum displayed right now was enough for him to face it.

At least he thinks that with his current cultivation base of One Star Dou Zun, he cannot activate this level of fighting skills.

If it’s just about power, the fighting skills he mastered, whether it’s Thundering or Thunder Beast Transformation, are above this vitality vortex, but those two fighting skills are better than these pure vitality vortexes. .

With a light wave of his right hand, Lei Guang kept changing in Xiao Li's hands, and finally turned into a terrifying Lei Guang sword.

"Drive me!"

Xiao Li shouted angrily, and the Thunder Light Great Sword suddenly swung, and a majestic sword light slashed towards the vitality vortex.


The terrifying wave came from the place where the sword light and the vitality vortex collided, ploughing the ground layer by layer, and countless pieces of soil were scattered on the ground, making the field a mess.

Soon, the sword light that Xiao Li had slashed was shattered piece by piece under the constant strangulation of the vitality vortex, and the spiritual vortex became thinner.

With sharp eyes, Xiao Li faintly saw a figure slowly gestating in the middle of the spiritual vortex.

"Is this the change of the spirit race inheritance fighting skills?" Xiao Li remembered that Xiao Xun'er specially reminded herself before that the spirit race inheritance fighting skills were changing endlessly, so Xiao Li was also a little more vigilant now.

After all, he currently has only one-star Dou Zun cultivation base, and the spirit race disciple who performs this fighting skill has reached the six-star Dou Zun, plus the spirit race disciples are known for their affinity with the heavens and the earth, and they are ordinary eight stars. Even Jiuxing Dou Zun faced this spirit race inheritance fighting skills might not be able to ask for good.

"It seems that Xiao Li will suffer a small loss this time," Shi Ling looked at Xiao Li with a gloating smile on his face.

Shi Clan and Xiao Li's master and apprentice also had some friendship, Shi Ling himself and Xiao Li had no grievances, but he could see Xiao Li deflated, and Shi Ling was happy to see it.

Anyway, based on his understanding of Xiao Li, and relying on Xiao Li's body that is more tyrannical than a stone tribe, the spirit tribe disciple's inheritance fighting skills are amazing, but wanting to hurt Xiao Li is undoubtedly a foolish dream. !

However, Shi Ling's idea of ​​watching the play soon fell through.

Before the vitality vortex hit Xiao Li, there was a sudden intensive cracking sound in the air, and then the invisible wall of vitality that had been between them and the ancient Bodhi tree collapsed and turned into a strong heaven and earth vitality. It spreads in all directions.

"The wall of qi is broken!" The people of the spirit race have the most keen perception of the vitality of heaven and earth. Perceiving the sudden change of the vitality of the world, the disciple of the spirit race changed his face and ignored the vitality vortex, and went straight to the ancient bodhi tree. Fly away.

He knows very well that it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to kill Xiao Li with his current strength. In contrast, if he can get the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree and become a holy place, at that time, Xiao Li will not let him get round. flat?

The vitality vortex that lost control quickly exploded, and the terrifying heaven and earth vitality swept away in all directions, enshrouding other imperial people who had noticed something wrong.

"Damn it!" As soon as they were about to drive towards the ancient Bodhi tree, the two of them were affected by the shock wave of the vitality vortex explosion, and had to pull out their hands to deal with the terrifying shock wave.

With the efforts of everyone to deal with the shock wave, the disciple of the spirit race had already appeared in front of the ancient Bodhi tree with his full strength, and he glanced proudly at the people covered by the shock wave, and then the palm of his right hand fell on the ancient Bodhi tree. On the trunk...

Chapter 462: The Action of the Soul Race!

The movement of the disciple of the spirit race was like a signal, and the ancient Bodhi tree came to life suddenly, and countless branches fell down, covering the disciple of the spirit race.

Without waiting for the spiritual disciple to make any sound, the branches of the ancient Bodhi tree that enveloped it suddenly lit up with emerald green light, sucking it into a corpse in the blink of an eye!

Everyone looked intently, among the lush branches and leaves of the ancient Bodhi tree, looming pupa-like objects hanging upside down on the branches, how similar to the spiritual disciple who was sucked into a corpse!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Li and the few great emperor clansmen present also took a breath, and their eyes were full of horror.

This ancient Bodhi tree is said to be able to make people holy, but how many people know that this ancient Bodhi tree is also a bloodthirsty tree.

Every time the ancient Bodhi tree was born, the Tianjiao who died in the hands of the ancient Bodhi tree were countless times more numerous than those who fought each other to fight for the opportunity of the ancient tree!

The countless human pupae hanging upside down on ancient branches are the best proof!

"Brother Xiao Li, according to the clan records, this ancient Bodhi tree originally contained countless opportunities, but he didn't know when it started and became bloodthirsty."

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, looked at Xiao Li, and said in a deep voice.

This time the clan sent out to compete for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree is actually another young arrogant of the nine-star Dou Zun, the bloodline of the gods like Xiao Xun'er, is not allowed to be involved in this dangerous situation!

Only this time because of Xiao Li, Gu Yuan Yili advocated and persuaded most of the elders in the ancient tribe, and this allowed Xiao Xun'er to come here to compete for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree.

"I once heard the ancestors talk about this in the tomb of the sky," Xiao Li flashed a dignified color in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "It is said that the ancient Bodhi tree was originally an existence that could compete with Emperor Dou, but was later involved A battle between fighting emperors caused the main trunk to be severely damaged, and this has become what it is today."

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