God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 214

Emperor Dou, as the being standing at the pinnacle of this continent, had a power far beyond what they could imagine.

Even the ancient Bodhi tree, which inherited the world's treasures, was powerful enough to contend with Dou Di, but when faced with Dou Di, it still seemed a little weak.

If Xiao Xuan's guess was correct, the ancient Bodhi tree had been influenced by Emperor Dou, and it became what it is today.

"At the time, Xiao Xuan, the patriarch of the Xiao clan, was shockingly beautiful. If he said it, his credibility would certainly not be low," Xiao Xun'er's face was also a little solemn when he heard Xiao Li's words.

The methods left by a Dou Emperor were not so easy to deal with.

Especially if they want to compete for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree, it is bound to be impossible to avoid the means left by the Emperor Dou!

When Xiao Li was talking with Xiao Xun'er, the two of Soul Li and Soul Ya couldn't help it anymore. With a wave of his right hand, a sickle that was as dark as ink and faintly glowing with blood on the blade was caught by him. Holding it in his hand, he rushed towards the ancient Bodhi tree.

The reason why Soul Li would take the first shot was actually the result of being forced to do nothing.

Among the emperor forces present today, the soul race is basically a public enemy.

Especially after Xiao Tian opened the soul world with a sword, the soul clan has lost its reputation. The great emperors have long looked at the soul clan, so this time the fight for the ancient Bodhi tree is difficult to guarantee that the people of the great emperors will not unite. Clean them up!

Chapter 463 Helpless Xiao Li!

Seeing the movements of Soul Li, the eyes of everyone present flashed, and the faces of Lei Ling'er and Yao Xingji were a little bit more playful.

After seeing the ferocity of the ancient Bodhi tree, they hesitated about the opportunity to compete for the ancient Bodhi tree. Now that Soul Li is willing to explore the way, they are naturally happy to see it succeed.

As for the chance of being seized by the soul of the ancient Bodhi tree?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the two of Kunli and Soulya have the opportunity to win the ancient Bodhi tree, they must face the joint attack of everyone present!

With the acquiescence of everyone, Hun Li easily rushed to the ancient Bodhi tree. Before he could move, a green branch suddenly protruded and fell on Hun Li's head.

Kun Li paused for a while, and then his eyes gradually lost focus and turned into a walking dead.

Everyone present changed their expressions when they saw this scene. Among all the people present, the cultivation base of Soul Li is already considered to be the upper reaches. The cultivation base of Seven Star Dou Zun, in addition to Lei Ling'er of the Thunder Clan, is also that of the Medicine Clan. Yao Xingji and Yan Clan's Yan Jin and Soul Ya are equivalent to his cultivation base.

In addition, even Xiao Xun'er is no more than the cultivation base of Five Star Dou Zun.

Now that even the Soul Li of the Seven Star Dou Zun cultivation base has been killed by the ancient Bodhi tree, everyone present was also a little shocked.

"Last time the ancient Bodhi tree was born, Senior Xiao Xuan and Dad also participated in the fight for the chance to become holy..."

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, and said in deep thought: "But according to my father, the birth of the ancient Bodhi tree, which really caused great casualties, was the melee between the disciples of various races and the arrogant outsiders. The ancient Bodhi tree hardly took action. But this time..."

Speaking of Xiao Xun'er's face is a bit ugly, he can't connect with the ancient Bodhi trees, so what about fighting for chance?

"I'm afraid that the methods left by the emperor fighting at the time have deepened the influence on the ancient Bodhi tree," Xiao Li said with a solemn expression: "According to the ancestors, the time when the ancient Bodhi tree was born has been increasing for thousands of years. The longer...

Probably because of the methods left by the emperor fighting, the ancient Bodhi tree had to spend a lot of time and strength against the original and prevent further influence..."

Xiao Xun'er nodded lightly when she heard the words. As one of the top five powerhouses in the mainland, Xiao Xuan's knowledge is undoubtedly unquestionable. So what Xiao Xuan said is that the ancient Bodhi tree has become like this. The real reason!

"Since the change of this ancient Bodhi tree has something to do with Emperor Dou, I wonder if Senior Emperor Xiao can be asked to do it?"

The conversation between Xiao Li and Xiao Xun'er was not small, and they did not deliberately cover it up, so other members of the imperial clan also heard the conversation between the two, Shi Ling thought about it, and suddenly spoke.

"Difficult...If the teacher is willing to make a move, I won't stand here..." Xiao Li saw that Shi Ling was talking, but didn't say much, just shook his head slightly, looking helpless.

If Xiao Tian was willing to make a move, how could he stand here worrying now?

The means left by a fighting emperor, after all, is nothing more than a rootless tree or a tree without roots. How long can it last in the hands of a real fighting emperor?

Xiao Li was very clear about his teacher's thoughts. Perhaps in Xiao Tian's eyes, the methods left by the Emperor Dou at the time were only small tricks, and he couldn't even mention the interest in getting him to shoot!

When Shi Ling heard Xiao Li's answer, Shi Ling's expression was a little gloomy. The relationship between Shi Clan and Xiao Tian was pretty good, but it was undoubtedly a foolish dream to use this to influence a Dou Emperor's idea!

Chapter 464 Everyone is fighting for it!

Shi Ling knew very well that to those outsiders, the Shi Clan, as an ancient emperor, was undoubtedly a superior existence, but facing a fighting emperor like Xiao Tian, ​​the Shi Clan had no power to resist.

So after hearing Xiao Li's answer, Shi Ling stopped to say more, but cast his eyes on Soul Ya.

Since asking Xiao Tian to take this road is not working, then people can only continue to explore the way. As for the person who explores the way, the soul tribe people who are hostile by the great emperors are not the best choice?

Seeing Shi Ling looking at him, Soul Ya's complexion changed and he just wanted to have a seizure, but when he saw that everyone present was looking at him maliciously, Soul Ya knew his situation, gritted his teeth, and his two handles were as dark as darkness. Mo's sickle appeared in his hand and walked towards the ancient Bodhi tree.

Right now, if he goes to explore the road, he may still have a glimmer of life, but if he refuses, he will definitely fall under the joint attack of everyone!

As Soul Ya gradually approached the ancient Bodhi tree, the nerves of everyone present couldn't help tightening.

If Soul Ya also fell before the ancient Bodhi tree this time, they would consider whether they should ask the elders of the clan to take action.


As soon as Soul Ya walked to the ancient Bodhi tree, the two branches broke through the air, entwining towards Soul Ya with a whistling sound.

Everyone present suddenly changed their faces when they saw it.

This time they competed for the ancient Bodhi tree, they might really have to return without success.

The two branches glowed with emerald green light, falling on Soul Ya's body, and then the movement of Hou Soul Ya was a pause, just like a walking corpse, and the whole person froze in place.

Then a large number of branches came out again, covering the soul's end, moved him to the trunk of the ancient Bodhi tree, and sat down cross-legged.

"this is?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, and then reacted and quickly rushed towards the ancient Bodhi tree.

The performance of Soul Ya proved that the target of the Bodhi tree's obliteration was selective. Although I don't know the standard of Bodhi tree's obliteration, there is hope after all!

Under such circumstances, even the tianjiao from the emperor clan could not help but be moved by the temptation to become a holy opportunity!

"Brother Xiao Li?" Seeing other members of the imperial clan rushing towards the ancient Bodhi tree, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but cast his gaze on Xiao Li and asked in a low voice.

As the jewel in the palm of the ancient clan, Xiao Xun'er naturally couldn't be an unintentional person. The question about Xiao Li this time was also because of Xiao Tian.

Nowadays, because of her existence, the Xiao family has a very close relationship with the ancients. Naturally, Xiao Xun'er will not do anything that would make the Xiao family feel grieved.

"Wait a minute," Xiao Li smiled, and said: "According to the previous situation, although the ancient Bodhi tree will not kill everyone who approaches, it is not everyone who can approach. Let them explore. The situation is good too."

Xiao Xun'er smiled when she heard the words, and a pale golden flame flashed in her eyes.

She also very much agrees with Xiao Li's idea. As for the chance of being taken away from the Bodhi tree, she and Xiao Li joined forces. Coupled with the support of several ancient disciples behind her, others wanted to seize the chance from them. , The difficulty is not small!

Soon, the group of people close to the ancient Bodhi tree was shrouded in countless branches. Except for a few unlucky ones, most of the remaining people escaped the obliteration of the ancient Bodhi tree and were carried by the branches to the trunk. Sit down cross-legged.

Chapter 465 Strange Space!

Xiao Li and Xiao Xun'er nodded when they saw it, and then walked straight towards the ancient Bodhi tree.

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