God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 244

Seeing this, Dragon Kwai thanked the lord of the impermanence hall, and quickly followed Xiao Tian and left the impermanence hall.

Chapter 533 Yuzhou Changes!

After Xiao Tian took the nightshade out of the impermanence hall, he flew straight to the direction of Styx.

He and Dragon Kwai entered the ghost world physically through the passage on Buzhou Mountain. If they wanted to leave the ghost world, they could only leave through the Styx and the passage of the ghost city of Fengdu.

Fortunately, Dragon Kwai had a judge's order given by the Lord of Impermanence, so Xiao Tian and Dragon Kwai passed through the passage of Fengdu Ghost City without encountering any obstacles and returned to the world.

"Master, where are we going next?" Outside the ghost city of Fengdu, Dragon Kwai looked at Xiao Tian and asked aloud, but the color of desire in her eyes had already betrayed her inner thoughts.

"Where else can I go?" Xiao Tian glared at Solanum, and said in a bad mood: "Go to Yuzhou and find your brother."

After that, Xiao Tian stepped a little, and his whole body rose into the air and flew towards Yuzhou City.

Seeing this, Solanum could not help showing joy, and hurriedly chased after him.

The speed of the two was not slow, and they soon arrived outside Yuzhou City, but as soon as they walked into Yuzhou City, Xiao Tian's brows frowned.

"Master, this is Yuzhou City, how could it become like this?" Solanum asked at Xiao Tian, ​​looking at the deserted street, with a look of shock on his face.

When she and Xiao Tian left Yuzhou City to go to Buzhou Mountain, this Yuzhou City was still very prosperous, but now only a few days have passed, and no one can be seen on the streets of Yuzhou City. All the houses are closed. Closed, as if guarding against something.

"Go to Yongan for a look," Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, and said lightly.

He probably already guessed what happened, it was obvious that Luo Rulie, the Thunderbolt Tang, took the shot!

However, Xiao Tian didn't have any plans to settle this matter. Let alone Luo Rulie, the evil sword immortal behind him is not worthy of Xiao Tian's personal action!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Dragon Kwai nodded quickly, Yuzhou City was so quiet, it was obvious that something big had happened, and she was also worried about Sedum being involved.

Later, Xiao Tian and Longkui rushed towards Yong'an Dang. The streets were empty all the way. During the period, Longkui saw many things scattered on the ground, obviously the owner of the things left in a hurry. , Don't even have time to clean up!

Seeing this, Dragon Kwai became more worried on his face, and he couldn't help but step a little faster, and quickly rushed to Yongan Dangmen.

When the gate of Yong'an was closed tightly, there were many sharp scratches on the gate, which looked shocking.


Seeing the tragic situation of Yong'an Dang Gate, Solanum pulsating heart jumped, and his figure flashed, and he jumped directly over the high wall of Yong'an Dang, and fell into Yong'an Dang, just to meet a pair of blank eyes.

"Brother, you are okay," Solanum also suddenly relaxed when he saw the owner of those eyes, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Sedum looked at the nightshade that suddenly appeared, and when she heard her name, her face couldn't help but twitch, and said helplessly: "Girl, you really admitted the wrong person, I am not your brother."

He couldn't think that in the past few days, he unexpectedly met Solanum, and Solanum is still calling him "brother", which made him a little headache.

"Xiaokui will not admit his mistakes," Solanumkui looked at Jingtian and said seriously.

"Okay, Xiaokui, don't embarrass him, wait for the opportunity in the future, take him to the impermanence hall, he can naturally remember," Xiao Tian's figure suddenly appeared in Yongan Dang, said to Dragon Kwai.

After speaking, Xiao Tian turned his eyes to Jingtian and said lightly: "Compared to this, I am more curious about what happened in Yuzhou City. I wonder if Mr. Jing can tell me?"

Chapter 534 Poisonous Disaster!

When Jingtian heard Xiao Tian's words, he said quickly: "Of course, this is not a place to talk. It is better for us to go to the hall and talk in detail."

Although he didn't know Xiao Tian, ​​it was obviously easier to deal with Xiao Tian than the purple-clothed girl who had been asking his brother to give him a headache.

Xiao Tian could guess what Sedum was thinking, but he didn't say anything, just nodded gently.

As he said before, when there is a chance in the future, let the nightshade take Sedum to the impermanence hall, and Sedum will naturally remember everything.

"You two, please come with me," Jingtian said quickly when he saw Xiao Tian nod his head and looked happy.

After speaking, he walked towards the Yong'an Dang hall, Xiao Tian waved at the dragon kwai, and followed Jing Tian into the Yong'an Dang hall.

In the Yongan hall, Sedum poured tea for Xiao Tian and Longkui, then sat back in his seat, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​sorted out his thoughts, and said: "I want to talk about Yuzhou City. I have to start from half a month ago."

"Half a month ago?" Xiao Tian frowned insignificantly. Half a month ago, it happened to be the day when he and Solanum chinensis left Yuzhou City for Bu Zhou Mountain.

In other words, as soon as he and Solanum chinensis left Yuzhou City, the back foot of Yuzhou City changed.

"Is it a coincidence? Or is someone aware of my existence and deliberately?"

Xiao Tian's eyes were drooping, but he was overwhelmed in his heart. If it was just a coincidence, then naturally there is no need to say more, but if it is the latter, the intention behind the scenes is worth thinking about!

"Yes, just half a month ago," Jing Tian nodded, and immediately looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and asked in confusion, "Is there any problem?"

"Follow him, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth," Xiao Tian quickly recovered after hearing Jingtian's words, and said inwardly.

With his strength, there are only a few who can fight him on the Immortal Sword plane. Other people, even if they want to calculate him, don't have that strength!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian looked at Jingtian and said with a smile: "There is no problem, please continue to talk about Mr. Jing."

"Oh," Jingtian saw that Xiao Tian's expression was different, but he was also a wise man, did not choose to follow up, but continued on the topic before——

"Half a month ago, there suddenly appeared a few hideous beggars in the west of the city. They were covered with pustules. They bite when they saw people. Many people were bitten. Except for those who were bitten, no one was there. Take this to heart..."

Sedum paused when he said this, and then his expression became horrified: "But no one thought that within two days, the people who were bitten before became the same as the previous beggars. They also saw people. Just bite, everyone knows that things are not that simple...

Later, someone tied up a beggar. He wanted to ask something out of his mouth, but he accidentally broke the beggar's pustule. Guess what happened?The blood that the beggar shed was actually green, extremely poisonous!"

"Ah!" Hearing Sedum's words, Solanum screamed out immediately.

Although her cultivation base now surpasses most of the people on the Immortal Sword plane, she is still a little girl's character. Hearing Jingtian's words so terrifying, she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Even if she knew it well, even if she stood in front of those beggars, those beggars could not hurt her half a point!

"So now everyone dare not go to the street, for fear that they will be bitten by those'poisonous people' and become exactly the same as those who are poisonous."

Chapter 535 Special Task: Clean Up Poisonous People!

"It seems that Luo Rulie made the move." After listening to Sedum's words, Xiao Tian probably had some cares in his heart. Then he looked at the dragon Kwai and smiled: "Xiao Kui, Master gave you a task, dare you dare to take it?"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Solanum's expression suddenly became very stiff. He looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and it took a long time before he said: "Master, you don't want me to deal with that'poisonous' thing?"

Although she has a simple mind, she is not stupid. Xiao Tian said at this moment that she was giving her a task. Isn't it clear that she should solve the'poisonous' thing?

"Smart," Xiao Tian nodded with a smile, and asked, "How about it, dare you go next?"

Solanum was silent for a while, and it took a long time before he nodded gently, and agreed.

Just after Solanum had agreed, the cold and mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the special task [Clean up the poisonous people]. The task requires investigating the source of the poisonous people in Yuzhou City and disposing of all the poisoning people in Yuzhou City. The mission rewards are 100,000 reputation points, 300 teacher points, and three random chances to draw ."

Got another task?

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