God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 245

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian froze for a moment, his face couldn't help but a little more joy.

Just when Xiao Tian was immersed in joy, Sedum on the side suddenly spoke, with a look of horror on his face, and said, "You want to provoke poisonous people?"

Sedum knew how terrible the poisonous people were. In the beginning, the residents of Yuzhou City who tied the poisonous people were all infected by the green blood flowing out of the poisonous people, and they also became poisonous people. In this case, Xiao Tian and the others still want to find poisonous people's bad luck?

"I heard that Shushan Sect disciples are coming towards Yuzhou City to clean up the poisonous things. Let the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect disciples do it," Jingtian looked at Xiao Tian and persuaded, "We don't need to Get yourself in!"

Although Sedum knew that Xiao Tian and Dragon Kwai had some abilities, he was not optimistic that Xiao Tian and Dragon Kwai could solve the poisonous person.

In contrast, the Shushan disciples are much more reliable. After all, Shushan has cast demons and exterminated demons for many years, and Shushan disciples are more experienced in dealing with these things.

"Brother don't worry, those poisonous people can't hurt Xiao Kui," Solanum Kwai quickly said when he heard Sedum's words.

Jing Tian twitched the corners of his mouth when he was about to speak, but Xiao Tian rushed in front of him and said: "Mr. Jing, don't worry, I'm not worried about him. I don't care about it."

What he said is also the truth, let alone poisoning people, even Luo Rulie, who is dominating everything, is not worthy of being put in his eyes.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Jing Tian's face was full of suspicion. He didn't believe that Xiao Tian and Dragon Kwai had such strength.

However, out of good intentions, he once again persuaded: "The two have to stop thinking about it. The matter of poisoning people is very important. There is really no need to take risks."

"Xiao Kui, let him open his eyes," Xiao Tian said when he turned his head towards the dragon kwai.

He can be regarded as understanding, and if Sedum is not allowed to see the strength of him and Solanum, I am afraid that Sedum can wrestle with him on this topic!

Solanum nodded, and an ice blue longbow suddenly appeared in his right hand. As the longbow appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees. Even Sedum saw a faint icy blue longbow on it. Snowflakes are hovering.

"Brother, look at the banyan tree outside," Solanum spoke softly, pointing to the big banyan tree in the courtyard of Yongan.

Chapter 536 The request of Solanum and Sedum!

With that, the Solanum drew the bowstring, and an ice and snow long arrow took shape in an instant.

Then, before Sedum could speak, the nightshade had already loosened the bowstring, and the ice and snow arrow came out of the string, and in a flash, it was nailed to the banyan tree.

Seeing this, Sedum just shook his head slightly, and said: "Little girl, I admit that your archery skills are good, but against poisonous people..."

He didn't finish his words, but he couldn't say the last half of the sentence, because the ice and snow long arrow shot by the nightshade suddenly exploded under his nose, and then the big banyan tree was frozen!

"This!" Sedum couldn't help taking a breath, his eyes full of shock when he looked at the nightshade.

Originally he thought that Solanum was just an ordinary person who knows some kung fu, but now it seems that this is just an ordinary person, it is clearly a fairy in the sky!

Otherwise, why can Solanum be able to perform such a magic trick?

"Brother, now you believe that Xiaokui has the ability to deal with poisonous people?" Solanum said with a smile when seeing Sedum's expression.

"Believe it! Believe it!"

Sedum nodded repeatedly, then rubbed his hands, looked at the nightshade, and said, "Little girl, no, fairy, I wonder if you can teach me such a spell?"

"My brother wants to learn, Xiaokui is naturally willing to teach."

Solanum nodded, and before Sedum's face showed joy, the next words would completely plunge Sedum into the abyss: "It's just that Xiaokui will not have many spells, and there seems to be no one suitable for my brother."

"It's okay," Jingtian twitched the corner of his mouth twice, cheered up and said with a smile.

He could see that Solanum really wanted to teach him, and it was not an excuse that there was no spell suitable for him, but because of this, he felt even more disappointed.

Finally had the opportunity to learn spells, but he turned out to be inappropriate!

"Brother, don't worry, although Xiaokui can't help it, but Master must have it!" Seeing Sedum's expression, Solanum also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart and hurriedly said to comfort him.

After speaking, Solanum turned his eyes to Xiao Tian and looked at him eagerly.

"It's useless to look at me," Xiao Tian hummed twice, and said in a bad mood: "Don't teach!"

When Jing Tian heard Xiao Tian's words, his eyes lit up. Xiao Tian said "not teach", not "no". It was only a word difference, but it meant farewell!

"Not teaching" means that Xiao Tian really masters the spells he can learn!

"I don't know how seniors are willing to teach me spells?" Jingtian asked Xiao Tian with frantic eyes.

As long as Xiao Tian makes the conditions, even if he goes up and down the fire, he must complete it!

After all, this is related to spells!

Once he learns the spells, he can really walk the rivers and lakes as a hero!

"You must learn?" Xiao Tian asked Jingtian with a playful look.

"You must learn!" Jingtian nodded vigorously, looking extremely serious.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Xiao Tian said with a smile flashing under his eyes.

"No..." Jingtian said to his lips, hesitated for a while before saying: "Fear of death."

"Do you want to learn spells if you are afraid of death?" Xiao Tian shook his head, seemingly disappointed.

"Master~ You can teach your brother," Dragon Kwai hurriedly walked to Xiao Tian's side, clutching his arm with both hands, looking at Xiao Tian with a pair of water-cut autumn eyes, his face full of prayer.

"I'll do it, I'm afraid of you," Xiao Tian quickly defeated the battle looking at the begging expression of Solanum. "

Chapter 537 Xiao Tian's Conditions!

"What conditions?" Jingtian asked aloud after hearing Xiao Tian's words.

"It's very simple," Xiao Tian laughed suddenly, and he couldn't help but feel a little more pity in his eyes towards Jing Tian.

Sedum was looked at by Xiao Tian, ​​only to feel that his scalp was a little numb, and a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart.

Sure enough, Xiao Tian's next words were like a shock of thunder slamming Jingtian's body, thundering him.

"My requirements are not high. Together with my apprentice, to solve the problem of poisoning people, I will teach you spells," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at Jingtian.

"Senior, can I change the request?" Jing Tian looked at Xiao Tian bitterly, and whispered.

He has seen the power of poisonous people, and if he is caught or bitten by poisonous people carelessly, then he will be over.

You must know that he is not like nightshade, with spells close to him, dealing with poisonous people is almost effortless.

"No," Xiao Tian shook his head and said decisively: "If you want me to teach you spells, then honestly investigate the poisonous things, or you can't think I will teach you a trick!"

"Okay, I promised!" Sedum was silent for a while, after all, the desire for spells overwhelmed the fear of poisonous people in his heart, gritted his teeth and said.

"Very good," Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, and said lightly: "Next, I will leave Yuzhou City temporarily for a while. During this period, I don't care what means you use, as long as I return to Yuzhou City, the problem of poisoning people. It has been solved, I will teach you spells!"

After speaking, Xiao Tian got up and walked out of the Yongan Dang hall, then disappeared.

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