God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 247

"You planned the Yuzhou City incident, right?" Xiao Tian said with low eyesight.

"This... is indeed planned by Xia Xia. If Senior is not satisfied, Xia Xia immediately lets people change those poisonous people back to their original form," Evil Sword Immortal heard Xiao Tian's words and said quickly.

"I don't care about the life and death of those people," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "I came to you only because my apprentice is in Yuzhou City. I'm afraid you won't have your eyes on her head, so see you first. When I see you, I won’t be able to deal with it, trouble!"

"I don't know who is Senior's apprentice?" Evil Sword Immortal said cautiously: "Be careful after you get down, and avoid the messenger!"

Chapter 540 Exchange of swordsmanship!

"When you see it, you will understand it naturally," Xiao Tian glanced at the Evil Sword Immortal, his tone not salty or light.

His words are not false, after all, the purple water immortal clothes on the dragon knight are not ordinary, and in a sense even more precious than the magic sword in the hands of Sedum.

As for the entire Immortal Sword plane, there are very few people who can take out treasures such as Ziling Immortal Clothes. As long as the Evil Sword Immortal is not stupid, they can guess the identity of the Dragon Kwai through Ziling Immortal Clothes.

Seeing that Xiao Tian didn't say anything, Evil Sword Immortal didn't dare to ask more even though he was puzzled. He was also afraid that Xiao Tian would get rid of himself and kill himself.

Don't think that he is a body of evil spirits gathered by evil thoughts, and does not belong to the six realms, and ordinary people can't help him.

But at the level of Xiao Tian, ​​it is not much harder to kill him than eating and drinking. He also wants to find Qingwei and others for revenge, so naturally he dare not provoke Xiao Tian.

Seeing Evil Sword Immortal's expression, Xiao Tian shook his head before casting his eyes to Qingwei.

The Dragon Kwai had his engraved Zhuxian Three Swords to protect him secretly, even if the Evil Sword Immortal really couldn't guess the identity of the Dragon Kwai, the engraved Zhu Xian's Three Swords were enough to protect the Dragon Kwai until he hurried back.

"Senior Xiao, do you have anything else?" Qingwei quickly respected when he saw Xiao Tian looking at him.

He knew very well about Xiao Tian's strength. He was able to fight against Demon Respect Building and other existences without defeat. His strength was far beyond his imagination. Under such circumstances, he naturally did not dare to neglect Xiao Tian.

"It's nothing big, just want to borrow your Shushan imperial swordsmanship classics," Xiao Tian looked at Qingwei, and said in a calm tone: "I won't take your Shushan exercises for nothing. In exchange, I will leave a formula."

Xiao Tian himself didn't have any need for swordsmanship. With his strength, he couldn't use swordsmanship at all.

The reason why I will talk about imperial swordsmanship this time is for Sedum.

When he left Yuzhou before, he promised Sedum, as long as Sedum and Solanum can solve the problem of poisoning people, he will teach Sedum spells.

You must know that although Imperial Swordsmanship is a sword technique, it can arouse the aura of heaven and earth, and its power is much stronger than ordinary spells. It is perfect to teach Sedum.

"Since Senior Xiao can see my Shushan imperial swordsmanship, it is an honor of my Shushan school, and naturally there is no reason to cherish myself," Qingwei laughed when he heard the words, and said quickly.

He thought it was a major event, because it turned out to be just asking for the swordsman classics.

Regarding the imperial swordsmanship, Qingwei really did not care, because the world’s major cultivating sects, including the Shushan Sect, Penglai Yujiantang, and the Kunlun Mountain sects, are all proficient in the imperial sword. Surgery.

In Qingwei's view, even if he rejected Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian could obtain the swordsmanship classics from other schools.

To offend an existence like Xiao Tian for an imperial swordsman classic, Qing Wei thought that he couldn't do such a stupid thing.

"The head of Qingwei is refreshed," Xiao Tian couldn't help but admire it a little more when he heard the words. Although Imperial Swordsmanship is indeed not exclusive to the Shushan School, Xiao Tian is very aware of the pissiness of these Cultivation Schools.

For these cultivating sects, let alone imperial swordsmanship, it is a volume of ordinary breathing technique that must be cherished, and it will never be passed on.

Therefore, Qingwei's so readily consenting made Xiao Tian's opinion of him a lot higher.

"Senior Xiao wait a moment, and here we go to fetch the swordsmanship classics," Qingwei heard Xiao Tian's words, said immediately, and then waved his hand to dust, his figure disappeared in place.

Chapter 541 Xiao Tian's plan!

After Qingwei left, there were only Xiao Tian and Xie Jianxian in the back of Shushan Mountain. Without the pressure of Qingdi, Xie Jianxian only felt uncomfortable, for fear that someone inadvertently would provoke Xiao Tian and be directly Obliterate.

"Senior Xiao," Evil Sword Immortal gritted his teeth, looked at Xiao Tian boldly, and said respectfully: "I wonder if I can leave now?"

He didn't want to stay here for a while, and Xiao Tian threatened him too much and made him feel uncomfortable.

Well, even though Qingwei said he was going to obtain the imperial swordsmanship classics, with the evil sword immortal's understanding of Qingwei, the head of Shushan would definitely take the opportunity to summon the other four elders of Shushan to kill his threat in the cradle. !

With his current strength, he is really not the opponent of the Qingwei Five, and if he makes a slight mistake, even if he will not be completely obliterated, he will be locked in the lock demon tower again, and the sun will not be seen.

If Xiao Tian hadn't been here, he would have escaped long ago, but Xiao Tian didn't speak at the moment, but he dared not make any other actions.

After all, the five members of Qingwei teamed up, and the greatest possibility is to re-close him in the demon lock tower, and if there is a chance in the future, he may be able to break the tower again.

But once Xiao Tian is annoyed, then it will only be directly obliterated, and it will end in the end!

"If you want to leave, I didn't stop you," Xiao Tian glanced at Evil Sword Immortal, his tone was neither salty nor light.

"Thank you senior!" Evil Sword Immortal was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his figure quickly disappeared in the back of Shu Mountain.

Soon after Evil Jianxian left, Qingwei brought Canggu, Jingming, Youxuan, and Heyang to the back mountain of Shushan. Except for Qingwei, the other four were all waiting.

"You are late, the Evil Sword Immortal has already left," Xiao Tian couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he saw the five Qingwei people.

He didn't expect that Qingwei would go back to get a swordsmanship effort, and summoned all the remaining four of the five elders in Shushan.

"This!" Qingwei looked around after hearing the words, and indeed the Evil Sword Immortal was gone. Then, he sighed and complained slightly to Xiao Tian: "Senior Xiao, why did you let the Evil Sword Immortal go? What?"

"Why, are you blaming me?" Xiao Tian's mouth curled up, slightly playful.

"Don't dare, it's just that the evil sword immortal is very harmful. Of course, Senior Xiao, you can ignore him, but how many people in the world have your cultivation level? Let the evil sword immortal be released this time, I am afraid he will next It will be a disaster."

Qingwei shook her head quickly, but there was no lack of complaints in her words.

"Don't worry, Evil Sword Immortal can't beat the wind and waves," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed, "What's more, if you were to lock Evil Sword Immortal into the Locked Demon Tower, my disciple would use you to practice his hands?"

"It turns out that Senior Xiao had a plan," Qingwei was shocked when he heard the words, and then he sighed and smiled: "Since Senior intends to leave the Evil Sword Immortal to Ling disciple to practice, then it is inconvenient for us to add more beaks. This is Senior. The classics of swordsmanship you want."

Qing Wei said that when he flipped his wrist, a quaint book appeared in his hand, and the light blue cover was written with three big characters "Imperial Swordsmanship" with silver hooks and iron pictures.

The biting sword intent contained in it seems to be broken out of paper, which makes people feel terrified.

"The Shushan imperial swordsmanship is indeed well-deserved." Feeling the sword intent contained in the ancient book, Xiao Tian nodded slightly and gave a compliment.

"Senior Xiao has a good reputation," Qingwei said quickly and modestly, but the triumphant expression on his face couldn't hide.

Chapter 542 Terror Sword Art!

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard Qingwei's words. He didn't intend to continue entangled in this topic, and said, "Since the head of Qingwei has obtained the Imperial Swordsmanship, I can't be stingy...

Next, I will demonstrate the tactics I plan to exchange for swordsmanship!"

As he said, Xiao Tian's hand received the ring brilliance for a flash, and the Dark Chen sword appeared in his hand, an awe-inspiring sword power rising from Xiao Tian's body.

When the five Qingwei people saw this, their expressions condensed. Canggu, Jingming, Youxuan, and Heyang heard that Xiao Tian was mentioned clearly, and they naturally knew what Xiao Tian was.

Seeing Xiao Tian's movements right now, his eyes widened quickly, for fear of missing even a little bit.

In their opinion, what can be exchanged with them by beings like Xiao Tian must be an exquisite technique, at least not inferior to sword art.

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