God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 248

Seeing the expressions of the five Qingwei people, Xiao Tian smiled slightly, and the Anchen sword in his hand trembled and let out a clear sword sound.

The dark purple sword is faintly surrounded by dim starlight, like a heavenly sword in the sky, while the sword's edge is circulating, a monstrous sword force rises into the sky!

The five Qingwei felt this terrifying sword force, and they only felt a panic.

This sword force was too terrifying, as if it could break the earth. In contrast, the Shushan imperial swordsmanship they had practiced was weaker than that.

"I don't know what Senior Xiao's trick is called," Cang Gu muttered, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to engrave every movement of Xiao Tian into his mind.

"I don't know, but it must be a shocking sword art. I am afraid that the sword art of the world is incompetent," Jing Ming sighed quietly, but he kept staring at Xiao Tian, ​​unwilling to move even the slightest away.


While Canggu and the others were talking, Xiao Tian suddenly shouted, and the Dark Chen sword slashed out with unparalleled momentum, and at the same time, ripples appeared in the void, and a vaguely wailing sound rang out.

The dark purple sword light slashed towards the sky, as if to cut the sky away!

The clouds above Shu Mountain were swept away by this terrifying sword light, and the golden sunlight fell on Xiao Tian, ​​setting off him like a god descending to the earth!

"Huh..." Xiao Tian let out a foul breath, then looked at Qingwei and smiled: "Qingwei head, use this sword to exchange your Shushan imperial swordsmanship, how about?"

Qing Wei heard that, even if he had cultivated for a hundred years, he had already cultivated an unwavering heart, and he was still a little excited.

In his opinion, this type of sword technique used by Xiao Tian has topped all the collections of Shushan, and even the secret technique handed down by the ancestor of Shushan cannot keep up with Xiao Tian's sword!

If the Shu Mountain inheritance could have this type of sword technique, how could he risk practicing the Shu Mountain forbidden technique with the four juniors, leading to the birth of the evil sword fairy?

"Senior Xiao is serious about this?" You Xuan no longer has the slightest effort to cultivate qi, and when he heard Xiao Tian's words, he was immediately surprised.

After speaking, You Xuan seemed to feel that he had said something wrong, his face changed, and he hurriedly sneered at Xiao Tian and said, "I'm not talking about it, please don't be offended by Senior Xiao."

After all, this sword tactic may be regarded as the only thing they have seen in their lives, but in Xiao Tian's eyes, it may not be regarded as important.

"I take it seriously," Xiao Tian waved his hand, then turned his gaze to Qingwei, and said with a smile: "I don't know what Qingwei is in charge of?"

Canggu, Jingming, Youxuan, and He Yang cast their eyes on Qingwei at the same time, their faces full of eagerness.

Chapter 543 See You Tang Xue!

"I am naturally willing," Qingwei said to Xiao Tian quickly, seeing the expressions of the four juniors.

While speaking, Qing Wei handed the quaint booklet in his hand to Xiao Tian.

"This imperial swordsmanship is the secret of Shushan. I just need to write it down. Qingwei will wait for a moment," Xiao Tian said with a smile, taking the imperial swordsmanship classics.

"Don't have to be so troublesome," Qingwei shook his head when he heard the words, and said seriously: "There is a copy of Imperial Swordsmanship in the Shu Mountain, and this one will be given to Senior Xiao."

Originally, he was only planning to let Xiao Tian write down or copy a copy of the sword art classics, but after seeing the terrifying sword art that Xiao Tian displayed, Qing Wei decided to give away the original sword art left by the ancestor.

After all, compared to the sword arts that Xiao Tian used to exchange, I am afraid that only the original value of the swordsmanship was comparable.

"Then I'm disrespectful," Xiao Tian didn't refuse, and directly put this simple book into Na Jie, then raised his hand and pointed it at the center of Qingwei's eyebrows, instilling all the information of the previous swordsmanship into Qingwei. .

"The transaction is complete, goodbye!" After doing all this, Xiao Tian smiled and disappeared in place.

After Xiao Tian left, Qing Wei slowly recovered and let out a long sigh of relief, with a thick smile on his face.

The sword tactic that Xiao Tian instilled in him was more sophisticated than all the sword tactics in Shushan. This time, Shushan took a big advantage.

Seeing Qingwei's expression, Canggu's four people hurriedly gathered around, all excited.

"Brothers, let me go to the Wuji Pavilion, and I will teach you the sword arts," Qingwei said with a smile when seeing the expressions of Canggu and others.

After speaking, Qing Wei walked towards the Wuji Pavilion, Cang Gu and the others quickly followed.


At the same time, Xiao Tian had left Shushan and flew directly towards the Well of Gods and Demons.

Next he planned to take a trip to the God Realm and ask the Emperor of Heaven to borrow something.

Just as Xiao Tian rushed to the God Realm, Sedum and Solanum in Yuzhou City also encountered some minor troubles.

Yuzhou City, Yongan Dang.

Solanum was dressed in purple clothes, holding an icy blue longbow in his hand, and a pair of water-cut autumn eyes staring at the front, a bit more evil in his eyes.

Opposite her, a woman in red had a sullen face and a bad expression, with a short thorn in her hand.

Sedum was sandwiched between the two, with a wry smile on his face.

"Xiaokui, put the bow away first," Jingtian persuaded, looking at the nightshade.

He has been getting along with Solanum during these days, although he still didn't believe that he was the reincarnation of Prince Jiang, Long Yang, but he corrected it several times to no avail, and he acquiesced in the matter of Solanum as his brother.

Hearing Sedum's words, Dragon Kwai snorted, but put away the longbow in his hand.

Seeing the movement of the nightshade, Sedum breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the woman in red and pleased him: "See you, Xiaokui didn't intend to target you. Who told you to beat and scold you when you came up. , Don't be angry for now."

"Humph!" Seeing a cold snort, Tang Xue turned her head away, but collected the short spines.

"Huh—" Jingtian breathed a sigh of relief again when he saw the situation, he was afraid that Tang Xue would see the eldest lady's temper rising, and could not persuade him no matter how hard it was. That would be difficult.

After all, he had seen the strength of the Dragon Kwai, and the big banyan tree in the yard was frozen by an arrow. Once Tang Xue saw a fight with the Dragon Kwai, Tang Xue saw how he wanted to lose.

However, Yongan should be Tangjiabao's property, and Tang Xuejian is even Tangjiabao's eldest. Once she has a mistake, Tangjiabao's anger will not be able to bear him.

Chapter 544: Detoxification!

Therefore, it is also a good thing for him to stop Tang Xuejian and Dragon Kwai.

"Xue see, you came here, did the poisoning thing have progressed?" After finally persuading Solanum and Tang Xue to see, Sedum naturally wouldn't give them another chance to have an attack, and immediately changed the subject.

Before Xiao Tian and Longkui returned to Yuzhou City, he had an intersection with Tang Xuejian by chance. Later, when Tang Xuejian went to investigate the poisonous person, the two separated.

Who would have thought that this time when Tang Xue came to Yong'an, she would squint after seeing the dragon kombu, and almost got into a fight with the dragon kombu.

"Humph!" Tang Xuejian snorted again, and then said: "The origin of the poison has not been found out, but I have found a way to understand the poison."

"What way?" Jingtian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he remembered Xiao Tian's promise to him that no matter what method he used, as long as he could solve the poisonous thing, he would pass his spells.

So when Tang Xue saw that he found a way to understand poison, Sedum couldn't help his excitement naturally.

"My Tangjiabao has always been well-known for its hidden weapons and poisons. When it comes to poisons, my Tangjiabao naturally has a lot of poisons, and many of them are highly poisonous."

Seeing provocation, Tang Xue glanced at the nightshade, and continued: "For these highly poisonous, there is a record in the Tangjiabao ancient books. There is a five poisonous beast in the Tangjiabao, which can cure all kinds of poison, as long as you can find it. The five poisonous beasts can naturally detoxify the poison from poisonous people!"

"What about the five poisonous beasts?" Before Sedum could speak, Solanum gave a glimpse of Tang Xue, disdainfully said: "It's useless to say that you haven't found the five poisonous beasts. What is there to show off.

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