God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 250

Otherwise, even if he can block the Demon Respect Building, no one in the God Realm today can block Xiao Tian!

"I'll ask the emperor to borrow something," Xiao Tian said bluntly, looking at the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven was stunned when he heard the words, and when his cultivation reached their level, he basically had no desires and desires. He really couldn't think of anything in his hand that Xiao Tian could see!

However, despite the doubts in his heart, the Emperor of Heaven did not show it. He asked calmly, "I wonder what Brother Xiao intends to borrow?"

"The armor and cultivation base of General Feipeng, a former God Realm warrior!" Xiao Tian said astonishingly as he looked at the Emperor.

He knew very well what his request meant. In the past, General Fei Peng was demoted to the world, but his armor and cultivation base were sealed by the Emperor of Heaven. Countless people in the God Realm are coveting it, but unfortunately no one has been able to follow it for thousands of years. The emperor got these two things in his hands.

Chapter 547 Depressed Emperor!

Xiao Tian guessed that the Emperor of Heaven should be planning to wait for the demon world to attack in the future, look for the reincarnation of General Fei Peng, and then return the cultivation base and battle armor to him.

Right now I was talking about asking for these two things, undoubtedly digging the foot of the Emperor's wall!

Just thinking of his apprentice, Xiao Tian could only do so.

During this period of time with Dragon Kwai, he also figured out his disciple's temperament, kind-hearted and modest, gentle and dignified, but unfortunately he was not very concerned about cultivation.

Especially for the Ghost Realm and the group, the dragon sunflowers successfully broke through to the Mahayana stage through the help of the [Nine Yin Qi Gathering Array] in the impermanence hall, and the cultivation became more relaxed.

Therefore, Xiao Tian also had to think of a way to stimulate the nightshade to practice hard.

Today, Sedum is undoubtedly what Solanum is most concerned about. Xiao Tian intends to reward General Feipeng's cultivation base as a reward. Whenever Solanum's cultivation progresses, he will instill a part of General Feipeng's cultivation base into Sedum.

In this way, the cultivation enthusiasm of Solanum chinensis will be greatly enhanced.

In fact, with Xiao Tian's strength, it doesn't take much to give Sedum the power, but since he has ready-made things in his hands, why should he bother?

"I think it is something," the Emperor of Heaven was silent for a moment, and then smiled: "It turned out to be something left by General Feipeng. If Brother Xiao wants it, I will give it to Brother Xiao!"

When the Emperor said this, blood was dripping in his heart. You must know that it was the legacy of General Fei Peng, who was even above him in strength.

If it were not because he was the Emperor of Heaven personally identified by one of the three emperors, Fuxi, I am afraid that he might not have been able to conquer Feipeng!

The legacy of General Scaboo is enough to create a strong man no less than General Scaboo at a critical moment!

But now the situation is better than that of human beings, and he has to give it, otherwise, once Xiao Tian is offended, the God Realm may not be peaceful.

With that said, the Emperor of Heaven instructed the guards beside him: "Go to my treasure house and fetch General Feipeng's armor from the past."

Then the Emperor Hou Tian lightly patted on the armrest of his seat, and suddenly there was a hidden grid under the case in front of him. Then, a white ball of light flew out of the hidden grid and landed on the hand of the Emperor.

Even at a distance, Xiao Tian could still feel the majestic power contained in the light group.

"This is the cultivation base of General Fei Peng in the past years, enough to make an ordinary person instantly possess the cultivation base of General Fei Peng in the past," the Emperor of Heaven controlled the light group to float towards Xiao Tian, ​​and said painfully.

"The Emperor of Heaven is generous, but he is disrespectful in the next place," Xiao Tian grabbed the light group, did not look at it, and put it into the ring, then smiled at the Emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven was stunned when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and immediately said with a wry smile: "Brother Xiao is polite, it will take some time for General Feipeng's armor to be retrieved, Brother Xiao wait a moment."

After speaking, the emperor stopped talking.

In fact, the Emperor of Heaven was also full of bitterness at this moment. He originally thought that when his strength reached the level of him and Xiao Tian, ​​he should have a face.

He simply gave out the legacy of General Fei Peng, no matter how Xiao Tian should have expressed it!

In the end, Xiao Tian accepted the things calmly with such a face, and didn't even vomit the slightest benefit!

If he didn't know he was not Xiao Tian's opponent, the Emperor of Heaven would have the heart to summon soldiers from the God Realm to besiege Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian could probably guess the thoughts of the Emperor, but he did not speak.

Chapter 548 Outside the Tang Family Fort!

For Xiao Tian, ​​he ran this trip to the God Realm just to save some energy. The legacy of General Feipeng from the past years is the cost of running errands in the God Realm, and then he counts on him to exchange things. Foolish dreams!

Soon, the soldiers who had been ordered by the emperor to fetch General Fei Peng's armor came into the palace with a tray on which was placed a bright silver armor.

In Xiao Tian's perception, the power contained in this bright silver battle armor was not far from the purple water immortal clothes he had given to the nightshade, and it was considered a rare treasure.

"Brother Xiao, this is the armor worn by General Fei Peng in the past, and I will give it to Brother Xiao today," the Emperor Tian took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said solemnly.

"Thank you Heavenly Emperor, then," Xiao Tian smiled and nodded, then raised his right hand, took the bright silver armor into his hand, and placed it in the ring.

After doing all this, Xiao Tiancai looked at the Emperor and said, "The Emperor is generous. I will write down what happened today, and there will be rewards in the future."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure disappeared in this palace.

After Xiao Tian left, the Emperor Tian's face suddenly became gloomy, but it was not easy to attack, so he ordered to strengthen the defense of the Well of Gods and Demons to prevent Xiao Tian from breaking into the God Realm again.

Xiao Tian naturally didn't know the arrangement of the emperor. After leaving the palace, he went to the sacred tree and looked around, but did not find the goddess Xiyao. Then he rushed to the well of the gods and demons and returned to the human world.


At the same time, Sedum, Solanum, and Tang Xuejian had arrived at Tangjiabao.

"Huh, this is Tangjiabao, it's really spectacular," Jingtian looked at Tangjiabao, which occupies a vast area and lined with lofts, with a bit more vision.

He didn't have much pursuit in his life. He had two dreams, one was to become a wealthy man, and the other was to be a hero.

And Sedum's standard for the rich is to reach the level of today's Tangjiabao!

"Nothing to do," Tang Xuejian glanced at Jingtian, and said out of anger: "This is not the first time you have come to Tangjiabao. Why do you still feel like you have never seen the world?"

"You can't blame me," Jingtian said with a smile: "Snow sees that you have lived in Tangjiabao for a long time, and you have been tired of seeing it. Naturally, you won't have any feelings, but I am different. This Tangjiabao is really amazing. Never tire!"

Tang Xue didn't speak when he heard the words, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, a little more smile on his face.

The nightshade on the side curled his lips and said, "What's so good about this? King Jiang was much bigger than this at the beginning."

"Little girl, if I remember correctly, the Jiang country you mentioned should be a small country in the Spring and Autumn Period. Now it has been subjugated for thousands of years. I am afraid that King Jiang has already turned into a piece of yellow soil, so you don't need to hang it all day long. Mouth it?"

When Tang Xue heard the words of Solanum, he smiled and said, "I am, you are only eighteen or nine years old, but it is too ridiculous to say that you are Princess Jiang."

Hearing this, Solanum's face sank, and a pair of water-cut autumn eyes stared at Tang Xue, and the icy blue longbow appeared in his hands, seemingly intending to make a move.

"Xiaokui," Jingtian hurriedly stopped when he saw this: "Put the bow away first, and deal with the poisoning thing now. If there is anything, wait until the poisoning crisis is resolved."

After speaking, Jingtian looked at Tang Xuejian, and said with a wry smile: "See Xuejian, you don't want to say a few words, I can't tell the origin of Xiaokui, maybe she is really the princess of Jiang country, and she has said that she has survived. indefinite."

Chapter 549 Confession!


Tang Xue was startled when he heard the words, and then retorted: "Mortals have a short lifespan. Even the sword immortal of the legendary Shushan Immortal Sword Sect has only a hundred years of life.

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