God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 251

If this little girl is really Princess Jiang, wouldn't it have survived for thousands of years?"

Speaking of this, Tang Xue glanced at the nightshade and couldn't help frowning.

She didn't know why, she felt very upset when she saw the nightshade, especially the breath exuding from the nightshade, which made her very repellent from contact with the nightshade.

In fact, if Xiao Tian were here, he would be able to answer Tang Xue's questions.

The reason why she would reject nightshade is also very simple, because she is transformed from the fruit of the sacred tree, and is close to the gods.

Although the solanum palm reshaped its flesh with the fruit of the sacred tree, the fruits of the sacred tree in Xiao Tian's hands have already undergone a systematic transformation. In addition, the solanaceae cultivated with ghost power, but the ghostly spirit of the ghost world was close to him.

Under this situation, Tang Xue saw that nature naturally rejected nightshade.

"I don't think I have survived for a thousand years," Dragon Kwai shook his head with a sad expression: "At the beginning, my brother wanted to cast a magic sword to repel Yang Guo, but it was a pity..."

Solanum looked at Sedum and detailed what had happened to Jiang Guo.

She had always wanted to talk to Sedum before, but Sedum always suspected that Solanum had confessed to the wrong person, and she did not give Solanum the opportunity to elaborate on Jiang's affairs.

So much so that Solanum has only now found a chance to tell Sedum what happened back then.

"Later, the Demon Respect Building took out the Demon Sword from the Lock Demon Tower. Xiaokui was lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by the master and reshaped the flesh with the fruits of the sacred tree, so I am not a thousand years old..."

After speaking, Solanum looked at Sedum, and whispered: "This time, my brother still thinks Xiaokui admits the wrong person? Even if Xiaokui admits the wrong person, but the master is involved in good luck, even in the ghost world. How can you make a mistake?"

"This..." Jingtian and Tang Xue fell into silence after hearing what the Dragon Kwai had said.

Tang Xue saw that Dragon Kwai's life experience was so tortuous, but Sedum was a little shaken in her heart, hesitated for a moment, and whispered in a low voice, "Is it true that I am the reincarnation of Long Yang, Prince Jiang?"

"Brother, if you don't believe me, after Master comes back, Xiaokui asks Master to take you to the Hall of Impermanence in the Ghost Realm. Brother, you will naturally understand." Dragon Kwai whispered.

After speaking, Solanum found that Sedum looked at him with a puzzled face, and immediately explained: "Master said that brother, you are the reincarnation of the god general Fei Peng, and the memory of reincarnation is sealed in the impermanence hall of the ghost world. As long as you enter the ghost The Palace of Impermanence can naturally retrieve the memories of several rebirths."

"So that's it," Jingtian nodded, slowly exhaling a foul breath, and said with a smile: "Then you have to wait for Senior Xiao to come back. The immediate priority is to deal with poisonous things."

"Xiao Kui understands," Solanum Kwai nodded slightly, and immediately looked at Tang Xuejian who was still a little lost, and whispered: "Now Miss Tang believes Xiao Kui's words?"

Tang Xue saw that he wanted to refute, but didn't know what to say.

Dragon Kwai speaks very clearly. What she said is true or false. You only need to wait for her master to return and take Sedum to the ghost world to make it clear. There is no need for Dragon Kwai to tell such pervasive lies. .

"Okay, Xiaokui, see you Xuexue, you two will stop," Jingtian smiled bitterly: "It is better to solve the poisonous thing first."

Chapter 550 Tang Jiabao Undercurrent Surging!

Hearing Sedum's words, Solanum did not continue to entangle, put away the longbow in his hand, and followed Sedum obediently.

Seeing this, Tang Xue took a deep breath, then smiled on her face and walked towards Tangjiabao with Sedum and Solanum.

"Miss!" As soon as they walked to the gate of Tangjiabao, the two Tang family disciples who were in charge of guarding the gate said respectfully to Tang Xue.

"Well," Tang Xuejian nodded, and said calmly: "I'll take two friends in, no problem."

"Miss, you laughed," the Tang family disciple on the left laughed: "Miss, you take your friends in and out of the Tang family, but it is not for those of us to take care of it."

Tang Xue nodded when he heard the words, but couldn't help sneering in her heart.

She knew very well that it was her third-uncle Tang Tai who guarded the gate of Tangjiabao. At the moment, her grandfather Tang Kun was seriously ill, and she didn't know how many people in the family were coveting the position of Tang sect master.

I am afraid that as soon as I entered the door, the incident of bringing two friends into the Tang family would be passed on to those with ulterior motives!

"You follow me," Tang Xue saw that Chong Sedum and Solanum spp. beckoned, and walked straight to Tangjiabao. Sedum and Solanum sylvestris hurriedly followed.

After the three of them left, the two Tangjiapu disciples looked at each other, and the Tangjiapu disciple who had spoken before quickly walked from the other road towards the depths of Tangjiabao.

Deep in Tangjiabao, in a secret room, Tang Yi looked at the Tang family disciple in front of him and said coldly: "Are you sure Tang Xue saw her friend entered the Tang family?"

The Tang family's disciple shuddered, and quickly said, "The eldest lady really said that, and the subordinates didn't see any clues."

"Friend?" Tang Yi sneered, disdainfully said: "I'm afraid it's a helper!"

At the beginning, he and Pilitang Luo Rulie conspired to usurp the Tang family, and when they secretly contacted, someone secretly listened to it, obviously Tang Xue saw no doubt.

Fortunately, he was prepared at the time and brought the Five Poison Beasts by his side. Otherwise, Tang Xue might see the Five Poison Beasts and take it away.

Seeing that Tang Xue suddenly brought two friends, he was probably looking for traces of the Five Poison Beasts!

"Let's find it," Tang Yi sneered: "Before the Five Poison Pearls are refined, even if you search through Tangjiabao, don't even think about finding the trace of the Five Poison Beasts!"

On the other side, Tang Tai also received the news that Tang Xue had brought people into Tangjiabao, and the old face couldn't help but add an inexplicable smile.

"My grand niece can toss," Tang Tai smiled, and said to the disciple of the Tang family below: "Is there any news from the person monitoring Tang Yi?"

In his opinion, Tang Xue saw a woman. After Tang Kun passed away, she could find a reason to expel from the Tang Sect, or just marry it out. She had no hope of getting involved in the position of Tang Sect Patriarch.

On the contrary, it was Tang Yi, the concubine of the Tang family whom he always looked down upon, colluding with Pilitang, but there is a tendency to gradually grow into his confidant!

If he didn't want to use Tang Yi's hand to clean out some people who don't have long eyes in Tangjiabao, and also need Tang Yi to cultivate five poisonous beasts, he would have taken care of Tang Yi long ago.

Even so, Tang Tai decided to send Tang Yi to Huangquan after the five poisonous beasts gave birth to the five poisonous beads!

Except for Tang Tai and Tang Yi, similar scenes are also happening in other places in Tangjiabao. Many people with ghosts intend to get a share of the next incident.

On the contrary, after Tang Xuejian and Sedum sedum sinensis followed Tang Xuejian into Tangjiabao, there was no movement, as if it were really just a few friends recounting the past at home.

Chapter 551 Dragon Kwai's Plan!

In the depths of Tangjiabao, Tang Xue saw her boudoir.

Sedum solanum and Tang Xue saw the three sitting in front of a table with a map spread out on the table, which recorded the internal terrain of Tangjiabao.

"In the Tangjiabao, outside of the places where Tang Tai, Tang Yi, Tang Yuan and others are located, I have explored other places, and there is no trace of the five poisonous beasts."

Tang Xuejian pointed to several places marked with red circles on the map, and said.

"These five poisonous beasts are raised by your Tang family, don't anyone in the Tang family know where the five poisonous beasts are?" Jingtian frowned and asked.

The area enclosed by the red circle marked by Tang Xue saw only less than one-fifth of the Tangjiabao area, and it would be a very time-consuming task to explore the remaining areas one by one.

If you accidentally alarmed the rest of the Tang family, things might be even more troublesome.

"Tang Yi should know," Tang Xue said depressed when he heard the words: "I also eavesdropped on the Five Poisonous Beasts from Tang Yi, but it is a pity that Grandpa is seriously ill, and Tang Yi is not too powerful in the Tang family. I can't move him."

She knew that Tang Yi had colluded with Pilitang, but unfortunately she couldn't produce evidence. If she rashly shot Tang Yi, it would very likely attract hostility from other Tang family members.

Otherwise, she would have taken Tang Yi down and asked about the whereabouts of the five poisonous beasts!

"It would be great if the master was willing to take action. With his strength, the Five Poison Pearls are not needed at all to eliminate the poisonous disaster."

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