God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 252

Dragon Kwai sighed suddenly, and immediately said: "Now I can only detect it in secret. I will take Tang Yi and ask the whereabouts of the five poisonous beasts. Anyway, I am not a member of the Tang family. I can't say anything."

"If it was before, it would be fine," Jingtian said with a wry smile: "But now, the Tang family knows that we are Xuejian's friends. Xiaokui, you are taking action against Tang Yi, and the Tang family will only associate things with Xuejian. Body."

"But, what if I caught Miss Tang together?" Solanum grinned and said meaningfully: "I covet the Five Poison Beasts, so I deliberately approached Girl Tang in order to get news of the Five Poison Beasts!"

"This..." Jingtian hesitated, thinking about the feasibility of Solanum's words.

Tang Xue didn't hesitate to see that, and said to Dragon Kwai: "If you can take Tang Yi, you can do that."

"But in this way, Xue Xue sees you as a way to lead a wolf into the room, and it will also cause dissatisfaction with the rest of the Tang family," Jingtian frowned, and said in a low voice, "This will have a lot of impact on you."

"It's okay," Tang Xue saw that he shook his head, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "I didn't take action against Tang Yi because I was not sure to deal with Tang Yi, let alone deal with other people in the Tang family.

If you can cope with the other people of the Tang family, it’s the best way to hold me under attack. After all, you are not from Tangjiabao. You don’t need to hesitate to take action. You can take the opportunity to take the opportunity to kill all the people in Tangjiapu who have ghosts. Catch it all!

When the time comes, who is right and who is wrong, they can't help but talk!"

As the eldest lady of Tangjiabao, even if Tang Xue didn’t want to see it, she was more or less exposed to the dark side of Tangjiabao. Although Tang Xuejian was not pleased with the secret intrigue, it did not mean that she was really just a little bit. Don't understand!

"Since Xue sees you have decided, let's do it!" Jingtian nodded after hearing this, and said immediately.

He is very clear about the strength of Solanum, and with Solanum, it is enough to sweep the entire Tangjiabao!

Chapter 552 Soap!

"Miss Tang, you are offended!" Seeing Jingtian's decision, Solanum nodded at Tang Xuejian.

Then the icy blue longbow appeared in her hand, and an icy and snow long arrow was placed on the bowstring, and the tip of the arrow pointed to Tang Xuejian.

Tang Xue sees that he will soon come over. He drew out the double thorns pinned to his waist, fixed his eyes on the nightshade, and said in a bad tone: "So you approached me with premeditated? I will treat you as friends in vain!"

Sedum also pulled out the magic sword on his back, stood beside the dragon kwai, looked at Tang Xue, with a cold expression.

"Let's talk, where do you hide the five poisonous beasts in the Tang family!" The longbow in the Dragon Kwai's hand continued to exude an icy chill. Seeing Tang Xue, he said coldly.

"Humph!" Tang Xue saw a cold snort and did not speak.

"Don't tell me?" Jing Tian grinned and said, "Xiao Kui, take her down and ask the Tang family to buy the five poisonous beasts to redeem people. I want to see if Miss Tang is important or the five poisonous beasts are important!"

Hearing this, Solanum loosened the bowstring in his hand, and the ice and snow long arrow shot out, wiping the side face that Tang Xue saw and flew over, directly through the window, turning a green tree in the yard into an ice sculpture.

Sedum was not slow in his movements. The magic sword in his hand was cut towards Tang Xuejian, and the wind screamed, and the biting chill radiated from the magic sword, making people feel chills in their backs far away.

Seeing that Tang Xue reacted extremely quickly, she hurriedly dodged sideways, which could not have avoided Sedum's astonishing sword.


The magic sword slashed on the wooden table, the thick wooden table was separated by a sword, and the magic sword was castrated unabated, hitting the ground with a loud noise.

When Tang Xue saw this, she took the opportunity to run out of the room, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Come on, someone invaded Tangjiabao!"

Solanum and Sedum looked at each other and then chased them out.

Seeing Tang Xue, Sedum, and Dragon Kwai were fighting and fleeing. For a while, the entire Tangjiabao was upset by the three of them. At the same time, a large number of Tangjiapu disciples rushed towards Sedum and He Longkui encircled.

Seeing that Tang Xue had a chance to breathe, she stood aside, watching Sedum and Solanum are surrounded by the disciples of the Tang family, a look of worry flashed in her eyes, but she immediately covered it.

"Miss, what happened?" A disciple of the Tang family wearing the costume of the disciple of the Tang family and an iron mask on his face walked to Tang Xuejian and asked in a low voice.

"Tang Yi, you came just right!" Tang Xue saw a smile of joy on his face, and said loudly: "These two people deliberately approached me, intending to take the opportunity to obtain my Tang family treasure. Quickly take them down!"

Sedum and Solanum, who were surrounded by the disciples of the Tang family, were shocked when they heard what Tang Xue saw. They looked at Tang Xue and Tang Yi indiscriminately. They looked at each other and nodded insignificantly.

"Miss, don't worry," Tang Yi nodded, took two steps forward, looked at Sedum and Solanum, who were surrounded by the disciples of the Tang family, and sneered: "You two are really brave enough to hit me. On the head of Tang Jiabao, since you want to find death, I will fulfill you!"

After speaking, Tang Yi suddenly raised his hand and shouted sharply: "Tang Jiabao disciple listened to the order, take the two with me!"

Following Tang Yi's order, a large number of Tang family disciples marched towards Sedum and Dragon Kwai Chung murderously.

"Take us?" A mocking look flashed through Sedum's eyes, and said to Solanum, "Xiaokui, he will leave it to you!"

"Brother don't worry," Dragon Kwai nodded lightly, and then jumped forward and jumped out of the circle of Tang family disciples. In a flash, he appeared next to Tang Yi, with a sharp dagger in his hand, resting on Tang Yi's neck. on.

Chapter 553 Tang Yi's backhand!

This is already the result of Solanum venom trying to hide her strength, otherwise, with her cultivation base and strength, these are only the Tang family disciples who have practiced some superficial spitting methods can not catch her at all!

But even so, the strength displayed by Solanum has already made these Tang family disciples stare.

You must know that these Tang family disciples are not mediocre, but the dragon kombu easily broke through their encirclement and held Tang Yi in their hands!

This kind of strength, in their cognition, no one can do it!

"The girl is very kung fu, I don't know which school the girl comes from, why is Tang Jiabao an enemy again?" Tang Yi was pierced with a dagger on his neck by nightshade, but there was no panic on his face. Asked indifferently.

Solanum did not pay attention to Tang Yi. Instead, he looked at the Tang family disciples surrounding Sedum and shouted coldly, "If you don't want him to die, then quickly disperse!"

The Tang family disciples were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and then looked at Tang Yi with some embarrassment.

This is where Tang Yi usually raises poisonous insects, so the first disciples from the Tang family are mostly Tang Yi’s confidants. These people know Tang Yi’s methods very well. Tang Yi does not speak, but they dare not rashly. Make a decision.

However, people from other factions in Tangjiabao were either hiding in the dark at this moment, or simply standing on the sidelines and watching the battle with no intention of stepping forward to help out.

"Disperse," Tang Yi saw the expressions of those Tang family disciples, waved his hand gently, and said in a flat tone.

However, all the Tang family disciples were amnesty, and quickly withdrew from the encirclement and gave way.

Sedum slowly walked out of the encirclement and walked to stand beside the nightshade.

"Brother, watch him," Solanum nodded to Jing Tian, ​​and said softly.

Sedum didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and raised the magic sword on Tang Yi's neck. The coldness from the blade made Tang Yi feel a lot of goose bumps.

Upon seeing this, Dragon Kwai withdrew the dagger holding Tang Yi, then his figure flashed, appeared beside Tang Xuejian, and held the Tang family eldest lady together.

After doing all of this, the Solanum kwai said indifferently: "Let's talk, where does the Tang family hide the five poisonous beasts?"

"It turned out to be for the Five Poisonous Beasts!" Tang Yi suddenly laughed, "It's not difficult to understand, but you really think that my Tang family is a soft persimmon, and I, Tang Yi, let you squeeze rounds. Waste?"

As he said, Tang Yi flicked his right hand, and a cloud of lavender smoke completely enveloped him and Sedum.

Sedum's expression changed, and he was about to make a move, only to find that he couldn't use half of his strength, and the magic sword in his hand couldn't help falling to the ground.

"Now we can have a good talk," Tang Yi picked up the magic sword, held Sedum's neck, and smiled at the dragon kwai.

A killing intent flashed in the eyes of Solanum, a palm slapped Tang Xuejian's body, knocking her out, and then the ice blue longbow appeared in his hand. Snow was faintly surrounded by the bow, and the temperature around it seemed to be lowered. a bit.

Then the nightshade gently pulled the bowstring, the ice and snow long arrow took shape in an instant, and the tip of the arrow pointed at Tang Yi with a cold expression like frost.

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