God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 253

"Little girl, don't be impulsive. I know you are powerful and I am not your opponent. But your brother is the "heart poison" that I developed uniquely. If I have any accidents, I am afraid your brother will have to Buried with me!"

Tang Yi looked at the nightshade and said softly.

Chapter 554 Demon Body!

Hearing this, the nightshade's expression became even colder, and his body exuded a terrible killing intent. Looking at Tang Yi, he said coldly: "If this is the case, then you go to die!"

With that, the nightshade suddenly loosened the bowstring in his hand.

She didn't pay attention to the poisonous heart attack mentioned by Tang Yi. Even if she couldn't solve it, her master Xiao Tian definitely had a way.

To know that her master can fight against the Demon Respect Building, how can Tang Yi, such as the poison developed by mortals, stump her master?

If it weren't for her master's unwillingness to take action, this poisonous disaster that caused the panic among the people in Yuzhou City would have been calmed by her master.

The ice and snow long arrow turned into a stream of light. Before Tang Yi could react, it was nailed to his chest. Then the ice and snow long arrow burst, turning Tang Yi into a beautiful ice sculpture!

When all the Tang Sect disciples saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and their gazes at the dragon kwai were full of horror.

They didn't expect that Tang Yi, who could be ranked in the Tang family in terms of strength, would be killed in an instant!

"Xiaokui," Jingtian looked at Tang Yi who had turned into an ice sculpture, his expression changed, and his fighting spirit stood up, walked to the side of Dragon Kwai, and whispered: "You killed Tang Yi, where are we going to find five? Poisonous beast?"

"Brother, don't worry, I have a sense of measure," the nightshade looked at Tang Yi who was turned into an ice sculpture, and said in a low voice, "Tang Yi is not dead yet!"

"Not dead?" Jingtian stunned, and quickly cast his gaze on the ice sculpture, only to find that at some point, countless fine cracks appeared on the ice sculpture. At the same time, Tang Yi exudes countless black energy, which will seal it. His ice was dyed black.


The ice sculpture burst suddenly, bringing up billowing smoke and dust. After a while, Tang Yi's figure walked out of the smoke and dust, but at this moment, Tang Yi's face remained unchanged, and his body was already covered by a lot of black air.

"Unexpectedly, I had been lurking in Tangjiapu for many years, but I was forced out of my real body by an outsider!" Tang Yi looked at the dragon kui, said in a deep voice.

At the beginning, he and Pilitang Luo Rulie conspired to overthrow the Tang Sect. In order to show his sincerity, Luo Rulie took him to meet the "master" in Luo Rulie's mouth, the Lord Evil Sword Immortal who was said to be stronger than the five elders of the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect!

And Tang Yi got the appreciation of the evil sword immortal with great luck, and transformed his body into a monster body!

If it weren't for the fear of attracting the idle Shushan disciples of Shushan to come and subdue the demons and demons, Tang Yi would have shown his true form to massacre Tangjiabao on a large scale, and put all his power in his own hands!

"Where are the five poisonous beasts?" Dragon Kwai didn't seem to hear Tang Yi's words, and there was another ice and snow long arrow above the long bow in his hand. The arrow pointed at Tang Yi and said coldly.

"Huh, arrogant chick!" Tang Yi looked at the dragon kwai and said lightly: "The five poisonous beasts are hidden in my room, but do you have the life to fetch it?"

With that, Tang Yi's black aura exuded more intense, and his red eyes rushed towards the nightshade.

In his opinion, Solanum is at best practising a little immortal technique. It may not be beneficial to dealing with mortals, but if you want to fight against yourself after being transformed by Lord Evil Sword Immortal, you are looking for a dead end!

Seeing Tang Yi's movements, Solanum looked even more disdainful.

She had even seen existences such as the Demon Respect Building and the Dragon with Candles, and even went to the impermanence ghost realm. How could she put Tang Yi in her eyes.

A trash that is neither human nor ghost!

Chapter 555 Suppress Tang Yi!

Seeing that Tang Yi was about to rush in front of the Dragon Kwai, the Dragon Kwai's figure flashed and appeared on the open space not far behind Tang Yi, the bowstring trembling lightly, an ice and snow long arrow pierced the sky and took directly behind Tang Yi. heart!

However, Tang Yi reacted a lot faster after turning into the body of a demon. He turned around when he heard the sound of breaking wind, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the ice and snow long arrow, and crushed it forcefully.

The ice and snow long arrow turned into the sky, and then it directly froze Tang Yi's right arm.

Tang Yi didn't even think about it. He clenched his left hand and slammed it on his frozen right arm. The ice cube connected to his right arm turned into debris in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified gaze of the Tang family disciple who had already hid in the distance, a large amount of black energy appeared on Tang Yi's body, and the right arm that had been turned into debris was suddenly formed.

"Monster!" A Tang family disciple yelled, and then he was shocked and fainted.

Even the nightshade's expression could not help but become a little dignified. In her opinion, Tang Yi's strength is indeed not on the stage, but this self-healing ability is even she has never possessed!

Even when she was lodged in the magic sword as a ghost, she had never had such self-healing ability!

"Huh, chick, are you scared? I tell you, I am immortal!" Tang Yi couldn't help but feel a little proud when he saw the nightshade's expression, and laughed wildly.

He clearly remembered what the Lord Evil Sword Immortal said when he bestowed him with this monster body.

This monster body can absorb the evil thoughts in the world and continue to grow, and at the same time can repair itself through the evil thoughts. As long as he does not encounter the existence that can separate him from the evil thoughts, he will be immortal!

"Immortality is immortal?" Dragon Kwai sneered, eyes full of disdain.

Even her master, Xiao Tian, ​​dare not say that she is immortal, and only the Demon Respect Building. Because the demon clan does not enter the ghost world after death, but is the reason for gathering energy in the demon world, dare to claim that she is not old. Don't die!

At the moment, a mere inhuman waste that has been transformed by some means, dare to claim that he is immortal?

Thinking of this, the ghost power in the nightshade surging wildly, three ice and snow long arrows were placed on the bowstring, and then shot out.

The three ice and snow long arrows flew towards Tang Yi in the shape of a product, and before Tang Yi could react, they were frozen again.

Closely, the Dragon Kwai circulated a method of imprisonment recorded in the "Dead Soul Hanxiang Pu", and carved countless mysterious patterns around the ice sculpture that Tang Yi had transformed.

With the formation of the big formation, a large number of ghosts between heaven and earth gathered towards the big formation and turned into a solid cage, trapping Tang Yi in it.

Indeed, with her strength there is indeed no way to completely obliterate Tang Yi, but it is not difficult to seal him in a formation!

After doing all this, the Dragon Kwai put away the longbow, pointed to a Tang family disciple standing not far away, and ordered: "Take me to this Tang Yi's room!"

She remembers Tang Yi saying that the five poisonous beasts are in his room. As long as the five poisonous beasts are found, with the five poisonous beasts, even without the five poisonous beads, they can gradually solve the problem of poisoning people in Yuzhou city. !

The Tang family disciple who was spotted trembled when he heard the words, and did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the dragon sunflower to Tang Yi's room.

Sedum lifted up Tang Xue who was knocked out by the Dragon Kwai to see him, carrying the magic sword, and following behind the Dragon Kwai and the Tang family disciple.

Chapter 556 The Evil Sword Fairy Arrives!

Not long after the few people left, the frozen Tang Yi broke out of the ice again, but what he faced after breaking out of the ice was an extremely mysterious formation.

Let Tang Yi use all the methods, but he couldn't shake this formation half a point!

"It seems that you can only use the methods left by Master Evil Sword Immortal," Tang Yi tried various methods, but after failing to shake the formation, he gritted his teeth and said in pain.

While speaking, Tang Yi took out a token exuding endless black energy from his arms, hesitated for a moment, and crushed it forcefully!

This token was given by Lord Evil Sword Immortal after transforming the body of a demon for him. When in danger, you only need to crush the token, Lord Evil Sword Immortal can perceive it and come to rescue!

This is a privilege that only a few of my cronies can get!

It is said that even Luo Rulie, the master of the Thunderbolt Hall, has never received such treatment, and this is what Tang Yi has always been proud of!

At the moment when Tang Yi crushed the token, the evil sword fairy who just rushed to the outside of Yuzhou City felt a bit, his expression suddenly becoming gloomy.

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