God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 254

Tang Yi can be said to be one of his most proud of works. It should be understood that there are many people he has transformed, but there is only one such case like Tang Yi!

Therefore, he deliberately handed Tang Yi a token. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before Tang Yi actually sent him a signal for help!

He knew Tang Yi's strength very well. After he was transformed into the body of a demon, he would not have much problem with Shang Shushan disciples. As long as it was not taken by the Five Elders of Shushan, no one could threaten Tang Yi.

"I want to see, who would dare to attack me!" Awe-inspiring killing intent flashed across Evil Sword Immortal's face, then his figure flashed, and he flew towards Tangjiapu.

At the same time, Solanum and Sedum had already arrived outside Tang Yi's room under the leadership of that Tang family disciple.

"This is Tang Yi's room," the Tang family disciple pointed to the closed door in front of him, and said in a low voice: "It's just that Tang Yi keeps poisonous insects and beasts in the fort, and his room must be full of drama. Poison, I still won't go in..."

He was very aware of his own weight, if he accidentally caught Tang Yi's poison in the room, he would only have a dead end!

Solanum nodded, and did not force it.

With her strength, those poisonous poisons can't hurt her, so naturally she won't ask someone to go to the room to find out more.

"Brother, wait here, I'll go in and look for the Five Poison Beasts," the dragon kwai said softly while supporting Tang Xue's Jingtian.

"Xiaokui, be careful," Jingtian nodded, and did not stop.

Hearing this, the nightshade smiled, and pushed open the door of Tang Yi's room, a purple smoke rushed over his face, covering the nightshade.

"Small bugs," Solanum shook his head, waved away the smoke, and strode into the room.

At this moment, Evil Sword Immortal also rushed to Tangjiabao and saw Tang Yi who was imprisoned by the great formation.

"Master Evil Sword Immortal!" Tang Yi naturally also saw Evil Sword Immortal, his face was full of enthusiasm, and said respectfully.

"Yeah," Evil Sword Immortal nodded, then frowned, and asked, "Who kept you here?"

In his opinion, this imprisonment formation is extremely complicated, and if you want to arrange such a formation, you can't do it without a certain cultivation base!

"Master Hui Xie Sword Immortal, it is a woman in purple clothes who imprisoned me here," Tang Yi's face was a little red, and he whispered, "Now that woman is led by a disciple of the Tang family to my room. Go Five Poisonous Beasts!"

Chapter 557 Dragon Kwai VS Evil Sword Fairy!

"Take me over!" Evil Sword Immortal waved casually, erasing the formation under the solanum cloth, and said solemnly.

Although Luo Rulie secretly led the poisoning incident in Yuzhou City, he actually planned everything. Firstly, he planned to attract Shu Shan’s attention and get Shu Shan to invest a large number of disciples in Yuzhou City. Secondly, he also organized poisonous people. Great army of ideas.

If people get the five poisonous beasts, I am afraid that his plan to form an army of poisonous people will have to die!

Tang Yi didn't dare to neglect when he heard the words, and hurriedly took the evil sword fairy to his room.

Soon, Evil Sword Immortal and Tang Yi went outside Tang Yi's room, and just happened to ran into the nightshade that came out of the room with the Five Poison Beast!

"Master Evil Sword Immortal, it was her formation that kept me confined," Tang Yi looked at Dragon Kwai, his eyes full of resentment.

Evil Sword Immortal's face fell gloomy when he heard this, and his eyes were full of killing intent when he looked at the dragon kwai.

Although Tang Yi's strength is not very good, he is also his Evil Sword Immortal's subordinate. Soon Kwai shot Tang Yi. Isn't this beating his Evil Sword Immortal in the face?

What's more, isn't it the five poisonous beasts he wants to form the biggest nemesis of the poisonous army that flies by the side of Dragon Kwai?

Thinking of this, Evil Sword Immortal didn't hesitate at all, his figure flashed, appeared beside Dragon Kwai, and slapped it.

With a fierce palm wind, Evil Sword Immortal's palm slapped the dragon Kwai with majestic force, knocking her back a few steps.

Faced with such a result, Evil Sword Immortal's brows couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

Although the cultivation base of the nightshade he perceives has reached the Mahayana stage, the aura is vain, and the strength that can be exerted is at most the fit stage or the tribulation stage.

Originally in his expectation, after this palm, the nightshade should be broken on the spot, but when his palm fell on the nightshade, the purple jasmine dress on the nightshade suddenly appeared shining. It was Shengsheng that weakened most of his attacks!

"Master Evil Sword Immortal?" Tang Yi on the side saw Evil Sword Immortal's expression, his heart jumped, and he said quickly: "My lord, this man is looking for the five poisonous beasts for the sake of poisoning people in Yuzhou City. Drop her, she will become our confidant in the future!"

"Shut up!" Hearing Tang Yi's words, the evil sword immortal was inexplicably irritable, and immediately yelled.

After speaking, Evil Sword Immortal looked at the Dragon Kwai, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes again.

Once the matter of poisoning people in Yuzhou City is resolved, his idea of ​​forming an army of poisonous people will fall to no avail. For a while, the murderous intent to nightshade actually overwhelmed the anxiety in the heart of the evil sword fairy.

Seeing the evil sword immortal grabbed his right hand, countless black qi quickly condensed into a strangely black long sword, and then pierced straight toward the nightshade!

The pitch-black sword pierced through the air, with a piercing scream, as if to divide the world into two!

Facing this astonishing sword, Dragon Kwai's expression suddenly changed, and then he dodged sideways quickly.

Even with the Ziling Immortal Clothes, she did not dare to test whether the Evil Sword Immortal's attack could really hurt her.

When Evil Sword Immortal saw this, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the sword's edge turned and swept towards the nightshade neck.

If this sword hits, I'm afraid the Dragon Kwai will fall on the spot!

However, just when the dark long sword was about to hit the nightshade, a majestic spirit wave suddenly came from a dark corner of Tangjiabao, and a long sword was shot out immediately, and it was spotted on the dark long sword. It's a bit missed.

Chapter 558 Who Are You?

"Who!" Evil Sword Immortal's expression changed, and he was able to make a sudden move to stop his attack without him responding. The strength of the man who secretly manipulates the long sword is probably not under him!

After the long sword swung away from the evil sword immortal's attack, it was suspended in front of the dragon kwai. It was the Zhuxian sword in the Zhuxian's three swords that Xiao Tian had printed before leaving Yuzhou City!

Seeing that no one answered, Evil Sword Immortal frowned, and tentatively stabbed the dark long sword in his hand.


The Zhuxian Sword trembled twice and opened the long sword stabbed by the evil sword fairy, and then transformed into a burly man exuding turbulent weather. His scarlet armor made him a little bit more innocent and mighty. momentum.

"Who are you?" Evil Sword Immortal took two steps back subconsciously, holding a jet black long sword, looking at the figure in scarlet armor, and asked, his face was full of jealousy while speaking.

"The master has an order, threatening the young master's safety, kill without mercy!" The man transformed by Zhu Xianjian looked at Xie Jianxian, his eyes were full of numbness, and his tone was very mechanical.

After speaking, the figure of the man transformed by the Zhuxian Sword flashed and appeared in front of the Evil Sword Immortal, holding his hands high, holding the phantom of the Zhuxian Sword in his hands, and cutting his head towards the Evil Sword Immortal!

The Evil Sword Immortal evaded quickly, but the speed of the man transformed by the Zhuxian Sword was far beyond his imagination, but he just made an evasive action, and the phantom of the Zhuxian Sword had fallen on him!

With a wave of majestic fluctuations, Evil Sword Immortal suddenly had a deep bone wound on his body, pulling it from his right shoulder to his waist, almost splitting Evil Sword Immortal in two!

"Who are you?" Evil Sword Immortal took a few steps back, a thick black air appeared on his body, and all the wounds healed in an instant, but when he looked at the man transformed by Zhu Xianjian, his eyes were full of jealousy. .

"The master has an order, threatening the young master's safety, and killing without mercy!"

The man transformed by Zhuxian Sword didn't answer Evil Sword Immortal's words, but said very mechanically.

"Puppet? Rune spirit" Evil Sword Immortal frowned, looking at the man transformed by Zhu Immortal Sword, his expression became more solemn.

There are a lot of people who can impose runes and puppets, especially in the various cultivating sects in the human world, which basically have such a method, but if you want to use this way to fight against him, the strength of the caster may be far above him!

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