God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 255

"I want to see if you can stop me!" Evil Jianxian's face suddenly sank, and the pitch-black long sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake about to prey, stabbing it at the nightshade!

An awe-inspiring killing intent flashed in the eyes of the man transformed by the Zhuxian Sword, instantly turning into a red glow, appearing in front of the evil sword immortal with a terrifying killing intent, and the evil sword immortal was repelled by the shadow of the evil sword immortal!

"The master has an order, threatening the young master's safety, and killing without mercy!"

The man transformed by the Zhuxian Sword looked at the Evil Sword Immortal, his body was very red, and the terrifying demonic energy radiated from his body, covering a radius of several meters!

"This is the imprint of the Demon Race!" Evil Sword Immortal's face changed abruptly, and he cried out: "And it is the imprinting method with demon slaves that only high-level demon races can display!"

After speaking, the evil sword fairy looked at the dragon kwai with jealous eyes, and said in shock: "Who are you on earth?"

Evil Sword Immortal knows exactly how powerful it is to be able to conjure such a powerful Demon Slave's engraving method. It is no exaggeration to say that in the Demon Realm, only a few people such as the Demon Respect Building can display such an imprint!

And the demon slave summoned by such a transcendent existence actually called the Dragon Kwai the Young Master, which proves that the origin of the Dragon Kwai's identity is far beyond his imagination!

Chapter 559: The Name of Xiao Tian!

"Me?" Hearing the words of the evil sword immortal, the nightshade standing behind the man transformed by the Zhuxian sword smiled and said faintly: "I am just a ghost sealed in the magic sword for thousands of years. If it weren't for the master's rescue, I am afraid that I still live in the magic sword now, not seeing the sun."

"Master!" Evil Sword Immortal's eyes condensed, and his gaze at the dragon kwai became a little more jealous.

To be able to call an existence that can cast the imprint of summoning a demon slave as a "master" shows how terrifying the identity of the Dragon Kwai!

Among other things, at least the master behind Dragon Kwai, even if the strength is inferior to the Demon Respect Building, but it is not far away!

If it's because of a mere Tang Yi who offends the people behind Solanum, it would be worthless no matter what you think!

Even though Tang Yi is related to his ambition to form an army of poisonous people, his life is obviously more important than that!

Evil Sword Immortal knows very well that with his current strength, there are too many people in the six realms that can obliterate him, not to mention, Xiao Tian, ​​who had broken his identity in the back mountain of Shushan before, could easily erase his existence!

and many more!

A flash of lightning flashed in Xie Jianxian's mind. He remembered what Xiao Tian had said when he was in the back of the mountain. He couldn't help but stretch out his finger at the dragon sunflower, trembling and saying, "Your master is Xiao Tian?!"

"Do you know my master?"

Now it was Dragon Kwai’s turn to be a little surprised. She didn’t expect Evil Sword Immortal to know the name of her master, and even seeing the appearance of Evil Sword Immortal, it was obvious that she knew her master’s greatness, so she was so unbearable. .

"Sure enough it is him!"

Hearing what the Dragon Kwai had said, the Evil Sword Immortal quickly dropped his heart to the bottom of the valley, and bowed his hand to the Dragon Kwai, "I didn't know the girl's identity before going down. I was offended. Please forgive me."

Speaking of this, Evil Sword Xian paused, gritted his teeth, and continued: "Tang Yi will also be handed over to a few people for disposal, and the poisonous people in Yuzhou City will personally change them back to their original form!"

When Evil Sword Immortal spoke, blood was dripping in his heart, and he also understood what Xiao Tian said at the back of Shu Mountain, "When you arrive at Yuzhou City, you will know it naturally"!

With the means left by Xiao Tian, ​​once his Evil Sword Immortal really hits the Dragon Kwai, there is no way he can do it. By then, his Evil Sword Immortal will naturally be able to guess the identity of the Dragon Kwai!

Dragon Kwai was stunned when he heard what Evil Sword Immortal said, and immediately recovered. When Evil Sword Immortal called Xiao Tian's name, she vaguely guessed that Evil Sword Immortal would not dare to continue to be an enemy of her.

It's just that she didn't expect that Evil Sword Immortal would be so soft-hearted!

Sedum on the side was even more emotional, looking at the man transformed by Zhu Xianjian, whispered: "How strong is Senior Xiao, just a name can make people feel jealous!"

Thinking that Xiao Tian had promised to teach him a spell after he solved the poisonous problem, Sedum's face showed an unconcealable joy.

And beside him, Tang Xue, who had already woke up, couldn't help falling into silence when he heard his words.

The strength of this evil sword immortal has far exceeded her imagination, but the senior named "Xiao Tian" was able to frighten this terrifying evil sword immortal with just one name, which shows that the senior How amazing is the strength!

"Master Evil Sword Immortal," Tang Yi said frantically when he heard Evil Sword Immortal's words, "My lord, no one has heard of Xiao Tian before, so why should you care about him?

Besides, if you kill all the people here, then Xiao Tian won't know what happened!"

Chapter 560 The Evil Sword Immortal Gives In!

When the Dragon Kwai and others heard Tang Yi's words, their faces suddenly changed, but before they could react, the evil sword fairy rushed in front of them and yelled, "Shut up!"

As he said, the pitch-black long sword in his hand turned into a whip and threw it on Tang Yi, sternly shouted: "Senior Xiao's meritocracy, how can you predict it?"

After finishing speaking, the evil sword fairy looked at the dragon kwai, with a respectful expression: "The servant does not know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, and he speaks wild words. Please forgive the girl. This waste is left to the girl to dispose of it. Whether it is killing or plucking, I will never say more! "

Evil Sword Immortal knew very well the power of the Demon Clan's engraving method, and even Evil Sword Immortal guessed that Xiao Tian, ​​who didn't know where he was at the moment, knew what was happening here.

If he didn't show humility or even flattery, and tried his best to please the nightshade, once the senior Xiao Tian was dissatisfied, it might not be long before Xiao Tian would come to his door and wipe him out!

"Huh! Let's make you proud for a few days!"

Evil Sword Immortal looked at the Dragon Kwai and the man transformed by the Dragon Sword in front of him, and thought to himself.

He could more or less guess what Xiao Tian meant for leaving him, I am afraid he was planning to use him as a trial stone to train his disciples!

Although Evil Sword Immortal was unwilling to do this, the situation was stronger than that of others, and he was helpless.

However, this does not mean that the evil sword immortal is willing to bow his head. He is the cultivation of the five old evil thoughts of the Shu Mountain. He can absorb the evil thoughts of the world. It can be said that he has a boundless future. As long as there is enough time, he will definitely stand at the peak of this world.

He only needs to bear for a while, and when he grows up completely, he will pay back ten times his shame today!

Dragon Kwai frowned when she heard Evil Sword Immortal's words. She could feel the evil thoughts hidden in Evil Sword Immortal's heart. Although she didn't know what Evil Sword Immortal was thinking, she would definitely not give in so easily.

It’s a pity that with her current strength, the evil sword fairy can’t be helped, and in front of her, the man transformed by Xiao Tian’s sword is more like a wooden person. As long as she is not in danger, this person will not take action. This person shot and killed the evil sword immortal, and it was even more difficult!

So Solanum can only sigh helplessly, and Chong Xie Jianxian said: "Since it is an expression of sincerity, I will accept this person. In addition, the poisonous people in Yuzhou City, I hope they can count them before sunrise tomorrow. Recovery, otherwise..."

Solanum's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly: "I will ask Master and his old man to go out in person and have a good chat with you about today!"

The evil sword immortal almost broke his teeth when he heard the words, but a smile appeared on his face, flattering: "Don't worry, girl, before sunset tonight, all the poisonous people in Yuzhou City will return to their original form!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Jianxian's figure flashed and flew towards the outside of Tang Jiabao.

Dragon Kwai just glanced at the direction the Evil Sword Immortal had left, and shook his head. She held the ice-blue longbow in her hand. An ice-snow long arrow was placed on the bowstring and pointed at Tang Yi. Then he said quietly: " Miss Tang, how does this person deal with?"

Tang Xue was startled when he heard the words of Solanum, and then smiled bitterly: "You can decide by yourself."

After seeing the Evil Sword Immortal who had to bow his head just because of the name of Master Longkui, Tang Xue saw that although he rejected Longkui in his heart, he did not want to confront her again.

After all, who knows whether the Dragon Kwai master protects the shortcomings, in case the Dragon Kwai master is worried about this, and even loves it because of this, Tang Jiabao will be angry, then Tang Xue will cry without tears!

Chapter 561 Sedum's Plan!

Hearing what Tang Xue saw, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, looking towards Jingtian, and said softly, "Brother, you decide."

Jingtian glanced at Tang Xue to see it, then looked at Solanum, and said with a smile: "Let's save him for life first, and when that evil sword fairy comes back, let him use the benefits to redeem people."

After that, Sedum’s gaze kept moving back and forth between Tang Xuejian and Solanum, and it took a long time before he said: “Xuejian, Xiaokui, can you two stop fighting like this? You have only seen each other a few times. Why is it like there is a deep hatred?"

Solanum was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then obediently said: "Brother Duyi, Xiaokui will get along well with sister Xuejian."

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