God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 256

Tang Xue saw that although her heart was unwilling, Dragon Kwai had already given in first, and she was not the kind of impeccable temperament, and immediately smiled: "Don't worry, I will restrain myself and will not contradict Xiao Kui."

Sedum breathed a sigh of relief, with a little smile on his face, pointing to the five poisonous beasts not far away, and whispered: "The evil sword fairy promises to change the poisonous man back to the original, but it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no one. What lingering poison is unclear.

In the next period of time, the five poisonous beasts will need to work harder. Seeing Xuexue, these five poisonous beasts are raised by your Tang family, and you should be your commander."

Tang Xuejian nodded and agreed, "This is natural."

After speaking, Tang Xue saw the five poisonous beasts flying around and beckoned. The latter seemed to have received some kind of signal, and immediately flew towards Tang Xuejian, and then circled Tang Xuejian, flying around freely. .

When seeing this, Dragon Kwai couldn't help feeling a little envious. The Five Poison Beast looked petite and cute, and the Dragon Kwai had the idea of ​​letting the Five Poison Beast recognize her as its master.

It’s just that when nightshade went to Tang Yi’s room to bring out the five poisonous beasts, the five poisonous beasts said that they didn’t want to be too close to the nightshade. Seeing that the five poisonous beasts are so intimacy with Tang Xue, Solanka is naturally envious. Can't do it.

"Although the five poisonous beasts are monsters, they can purify the world's strange poisons, and they exude even more of the spirit of the spirit. They think that the monsters are not happy, and the five poisonous beasts are almost even driven out by the monsters. You are exuding. With a strong ghost spirit, the Five Poison Beasts will naturally not get close to you."

Tang Yi on the side seemed to see what was going on in Longku, and could not help mocking.

What about the amazing strength of Dragon Kwai? How about the Evil Sword Immortal behind him also succumbing?

Isn't it impossible to let the five poisonous beasts recognize her as master?!

Hearing this, the nightshade's face suddenly sank, his right hand released the bowstring, and the ice and snow long arrow shot out and fell on Tang Yi, directly turning him into an ice sculpture!

"Xiaokui, he's not dead, right?" Sedum shook his head when he saw the dragon kwai's movements and said lightly.

He didn't care much about Dragon Kwai's attack on Tang Yi, and he didn't care too much about Tang Yi's life and death.

The reason for asking this question was just that he was a little afraid that Tang Yi was dead, and that he lacked the bargaining chip to squeeze the benefits from the evil sword fairy!

"Brother don't worry," Dragon Kwai nodded and whispered softly: "I just temporarily freeze him for a period of time. With my strength, I can't completely wipe him out."

"So that's the case," Jingtian said with a smile: "Xiaokui, when the evil sword fairy comes back, you have to find a way to squeeze some benefits out of him. After all, what the evil sword fairy is afraid of is Senior Xiao Tian behind you."

"Brother, do you really think he will come back?" Solanum looked at Jingtian with a little suspicion in his eyes.

Chapter 562 Special Mission Completed!

When she wanted to come, the Evil Sword Immortal would probably leave immediately after solving the poisonous matter, and it would be impossible to return to Tangjiabao.

After all, with the strength of the Evil Sword Immortal, no one in the Tang Jiabao is his opponent today, but because of Xiao Tian, ​​he had to bow his head to her.

Dragon Kwai didn't think Evil Sword Fairy was willing to return to Tangjiabao to bow to her again!

"Xiaokui, don't worry," Jingtian said with a smile: "That Evil Sword Immortal will definitely come back, otherwise, in case it leaves a grudge in your heart, or even offends Senior Xiao Tian for this, what he did before It's all in vain!"

Although Sedum’s current strength is the weakest among the three, when he grew up in Yong'an and dealt with the three-class figures, Sedum’s grasp of the human heart has long been beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even though the Evil Sword Immortal's strength is amazing, Sedum can still figure out his thoughts!

Especially in the current situation where they occupy absolute initiative!

The conversation between the two was not over yet, the Evil Sword Immortal's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone with a look of exhaustion on his face, and he said, "The poisonous man in Yuzhou City has completely restored to its original state."

At the same time, Xiao Tian, ​​who was coming towards Tangjiabao, suddenly heard the cold and mechanical voice of the system: "The special task [Clean up poisonous people] has been completed. The reward is 100,000 reputation points, 300 teacher points, and a random draw Three chances."

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face, muttering: "This is solved, it's easier than I thought."

Xiao Tian had already learned about what happened in Tangjiabao through the engraving on the Three Swords of Zhu Xian, and Xiao Tian also knew something about the performance of the Evil Sword Immortal.

He didn't expect Evil Sword Immortal to recognize it so quickly!

Worthy of being the plane of the Immortal Sword, the biggest behind-the-scenes BOSS of the Immortal Sword III period, the Evil Sword Immortal was able to lower his body and bow his head to the Dragon Kwai, which also surprised Xiao Tian.

At the same time, in the Tang family castle, the Evil Sword Immortal looked at Tang Yi who had been frozen into ice, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand and bombarded the ice.

Ice fragments splashed, Tang Yi's body was torn apart, and the remaining limbs turned into black smoke under the control of Evil Sword Immortal, pouring into Evil Sword Immortal's body.

After doing all this, Evil Sword Immortal took a deep look at the nightshade, and then disappeared in place.

"Brother, what shall we do next?" Seeing Evil Sword Immortal disappeared, Dragon Kwai couldn't help but cast his gaze on Jing Tian, ​​whispering.

"Let's go and see the poisonous people in Yuzhou City first," Jingtian thought for a while and said softly.

"No need," Jingtian's voice hasn't faded, Xiao Tian's figure appeared in Tangjiabao, in front of the three people of Solanum, and said lightly: "The problem of poisonous people has been completely solved, and we have done a good job."

"Master!" Seeing Sedum appearing, Solanum could not help but scream with surprise on his face.

"Senior Xiao!" Jing Tian's face was also full of surprises, looking at Xiao Tian, ​​he did not hide the heat in his eyes.

He remembers Xiao Tian's previous promise, as long as the poisonous disaster is solved, no matter what means is used to solve it, Xiao Tian will teach him a spell!

On the side, Tang Xue saw that Xiao Tian was looking at Xiao Tian curiously. She also wanted to take a good look at what kind of character this Senior Xiao Tian was able to scare away the evil sword immortal just by relying on her name!

Chapter 563 Xiao Tian spreads the law!

"Although you didn't contribute much this time, I said that as long as the poisoning disaster can be solved, no matter what means it is, I will approve it," Xiao Tian looked at Dragon Kwai and Sedum and laughed.

"Senior Xiao's meaning?" Although Jing Tian had guessed what Xiao Tian wanted to say, he still had a little trance on his face, and asked cautiously.

"What do you think?" Xiao Tian glanced at Jingtian with a funny face: "I don't have many spells suitable for you to practice in my hand. I will pass you a sword technique this time!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian turned his gaze to Tang Xue, and said lightly: "Let's take a look at it. This sword art comes from the mountain of Shu, and it is considered a good sword art."

"Thank you, Senior Xiao Tian," Tang Xue nodded when he heard the words, with a bit of joy that couldn't be concealed on his face.

Although she didn't know how strong Xiao Tian was, she was able to scare away the evil sword fairy by virtue of her name, and her strength was naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people, not to mention the weight of the words "Sword Jue of Shushan" was also heavy.

In the human world, there are not many people who don’t know Shushan!

A sword art from Shu Mountain, even the most superficial sword art, is enough to cause a bloody storm when placed in the rivers and lakes, let alone with Xiao Tian's strength, it must be Shu Mountain's advanced sword art that can be used!

Xiao Tian nodded lightly, then cast his gaze on Dragon Kwai, and smiled: "Xiaokui, you like to use bows. I don't have many martial arts about bows and arrows. If you are interested in this sword art, you can also take a look. Look."

"Xiao Kui understands," Solanum nodded lightly, and smiled: "Master, you should teach your brother the sword art first. Looking at your brother's expression, I guess you can't wait any longer."

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, glanced at the three of Sedum, with a solemn expression, and said with a serious face: "What I want to teach you is one of the fundamentals of the Shushan school, Shushan imperial swordsmanship, you are optimistic!"

While talking, Jing Tian flipped his right hand, and the Dark Chen sword appeared in his hand. Xiao Tian raised his hand and lightly tapped the Dark Chen sword. The Dark Chen sword seemed to be spiritual, floating in front of him, constantly shaking.

"This is the introduction to Shushan imperial swordsmanship, also called Yujian Jue," Xiao Tian looked at Jingtian and said in a deep voice, "Shushan imperial swordsmanship, this imperial swordsmanship is both the foundation and the essence of imperial swordsmanship. If you want to cultivate the Imperial Sword Art to the highest level, the Imperial Sword Art cannot be negligent!"

As he said, Xiao Tian pinched the Jue with his right hand, and the Dark Chen sword continued to dance in the air following Xiao Tian's movements, looking like Xiao Tian's arm, like an arm instructing!

Seeing this scene, the three of Sedum couldn't help holding their breath, especially Sedum's eyes widened, and they didn't want to miss even the slightest.

A mighty power who is unfathomable and might even be at the top of this human world teaches the sword art personally. If he can't even grasp this opportunity, Jingtian feels that he can really give up the dream of being a hero. Yongan, be at ease when his fellow calculates!

Xiao Tian saw the expressions of the three Jingtians and smiled. After demonstrating the Royal Sword Art, Xiao Tian paused for a while. After the three Jingtians had digested them, he flicked on the Anchen sword and whispered:

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