God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 257

"What I will demonstrate next is one of the most well-known techniques of Shushan Imperial Swordsmanship-Wan Jian Jue!"

As he said, Xiao Tian pinched the tactics with both hands, and then the Anchen sword in front of him trembled suddenly, splitting into countless spiritual long swords shining with dim stars, surrounding Xiao Tian's body, setting him off as if a god descended into the world!

Chapter 564 Ten Thousand Sword Techniques!

As Xiao Tian spoke, his right hand pointed forward, and the countless long swords of spiritual energy around him shot out in front of him as if they had received some kind of signal!


A huge boulder not far from Sedum and the others was hit by the spiritual long sword, making a loud explosion, and then the huge boulder that was three people tall was shattered into sky powder in the dull eyes of Sedum and Tang Xue!

"Hiss..." Seeing the terrible condition of the huge boulder, Jingtian couldn't help taking a breath, and said in amazement: "If this is hit on a person, then can't it directly break the body into pieces?"

Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, and smiled: "This is just the most superficial use of the Ten Thousand Sword Art. People with a little brain will not stand in place to make you attack, and with your cultivation base, the sword energy differentiated from the Ten Thousand Sword Art. The lethality cannot reach this level."

Sedum smiled bitterly, and then respectfully said: "Please teach me seniors!"

"Don't worry," Xiao Tian smiled, and said in a calm tone: "Since I have decided to teach you the swordsmanship, I will naturally explain the key points one by one."

As he said, Xiao Tian once again flicked on the Anchen Sword, and countless long swords of spiritual energy gleaming with dim starlight were produced out of thin air, surrounding Xiao Tian like an obedient fish.

"The Shushan Ten Thousand Sword Art, the reason why it can be famous in the world, is not due to its lethality, but because of its endless changes. I am optimistic!"

Xiao Tian looked at Jingtian, pinched his right hand, and the spiritual energy long swords surrounding him quickly gathered in one place, forming a huge sword energy shield in an instant!


As soon as the sword qi shield took shape, Xiao Tian waved his right hand again and gave a light chick. Following his movements, the solid sword qi shield suddenly exploded, and once again divided into countless sword qi, like raindrops, spraying in all directions.


Seeing that the sword aura was about to fall to the ground, Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, and his right hand quickly pinched the tactics. Those sword auras seemed to have been summoned by some kind, like a flexible swimming fish, quickly gathered around Xiao Tian.

"Boy, have you seen it clearly?" After finishing all this, Xiao Tian casually dissipated the sword energy that surrounded him, looked at Jingtian, and said lightly.

"Understood," Jingtian nodded slightly, then rubbed his hands, and said with some expectation: "Senior Xiao, what about flying swords?"

In addition to the Thousand Sword Art of Shushan Imperial Swordsmanship, the most widely known is the flying sword!

Even to some extent, the popularity of Yujian Flying is much higher than that of Wanjian Jue!

"Flying with the sword?" Xiao Tian's mouth curled up, with a somewhat unclear smile on his face, jokingly: "Didn't I teach it before?"

"Teached?!" Jingtian froze for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior Xiao, don't be joking, except for the Imperial Sword Art and the Ten Thousand Sword Art, you haven't taught anything else!"

"The rotten wood can't be carved!" Xiao Tian shook his head, his figure flashed and disappeared in the Tang Jiabao.

Seeing Xiao Tian suddenly leave, Jingtian opened his mouth, looked at Dragon Kwai, and said: "Xiao Kui, why is Senior Xiao suddenly angry?"

"Brother," Solanum shook his head and whispered: "Master did explain the flying of the sword just now, but you didn't even react at all, brother, how could Master not be angry?"

"Senior Xiao taught Yujian to fly?" Jingtian's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable.

"The flying of the sword is just another way to use the Shushan Imperial Sword Art," Longkui said with a wry smile: "Master has already said that the Imperial Sword Art is the foundation of the Imperial Sword Art. This kind of change, why don't you think about it, brother?"

Chapter 565

Speaking of the nightshade, raising her right hand gently, the ice-blue longbow appeared in her hand, and Chongjingtian whispered: "Whether it is flying with swords or flying swords or even other things, it's not complicated, brother, look. "

I saw the nightshade flicked on the ice-blue longbow. The ice-blue longbow danced around the nightshade as if it had spirituality. Then, in the surprised eyes of Sedum, the nightshade leaped slightly. It fell firmly on the ice blue longbow and flew towards the sky!

Flying with a bow!

Seeing the movement of the dragon knight, Sedum’s eyes flashed with enlightenment, the magic sword quivered twice, turning into an afterimage, coiling around him, then Sedum’s right hand pinched the tactic, lightly jumped, and stepped on the magic sword. Above, and then slowly flew up into the sky.

"Xuejian, try it too!" Sedum hovered in mid-air. Although it was still a little shaken, his face was full of excitement, and even Tang Xuejian, who was charging below, shouted loudly.

Tang Xue saw that he shook his head, and a sharp sword aura suddenly appeared all over his body. Then, in the horrified eyes of Sedum, Tang Xue saw that he stepped up into the sky with a short spur, but in the blink of an eye he had already thrown him far away. Behind!

Xiao Tian, ​​who had not yet gone far, saw this scene, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Tang Xuejian was shaped by the goddess Xiyao from the fruits of the god tree based on her own appearance. Because of her being the fruits of the god tree, she was born with an incomparable affinity for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It's just that the previous Tangjiabao only had the secret poisonous power of Tangjiabao, and couldn't give full play to Tang Xuejian's superiority in the affinity to heaven and earth.

At the moment, the Shushan imperial swordsmanship taught by Xiao Tian can arouse the aura of heaven and earth. Under such circumstances, Tang Xue saw that this natural aura-friendly physique can naturally play a great role!

"Xiaokui, see Xue, wait for me!" Jingtian didn't know that Xiao Tian had already put this scene in his eyes. Seeing that Solanum and Tang Xue were getting further and further away from him, Jingtian hurriedly shouted.

"You hurry up," Tang Xue couldn't help turning her head when she heard Jingtian's voice.

Although Solanum did not speak, the teasing color in his eyes could be felt even after a long distance.

"I want to be fast!" Jingtian smiled bitterly. It was very good to be able to fly with swords for the first time in contact with swordsmanship. It would be amazing to be able to fly with swords in Shushan. Who knows that these two people around him are more amazing than the other?

It is not surprising that Solanum can easily master the Flying Sedum with the Royal Sword. After all, this younger sister from his previous life is a direct disciple of Senior Xiao Tian. She has an unfathomable cultivation base and flies with a sword. I am afraid for her sister. It's as simple as eating and drinking.

But Tang Xuejian's performance made Sedum a little helpless.

Although Tang Xuejian came from Tangjiabao, he could be called a noble birth, but Tangjiabao was only slightly famous in the martial arts, and it was nothing to put in front of those cultivators.

However, Tang Xue saw that he had never been exposed to the Immortal Family Cultivation Techniques and Xuanmen Taoism before. As a result, Tang Xuejian, who had been exposed to Imperial Swordsmanship for the first time, was able to use Imperial Swordsmanship to perfection. How could Sedum not be surprised?

While the Jingtian trio were flying randomly over Yuzhou City, in Yuzhou City, a handsome man wearing a white sword suit saw this scene, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Changqing, what's the matter?" Beside the man, a woman in purple clothes looked at him and asked softly.

Chapter 566 Zi Xuan and Xu Changqing!

"It's nothing," the young man called "Changqing" shook his head and explained: "It's just that the three people who flew over before used my Shushan school's sword art, but I was originally a Shushan abandoned. These things are not my concern."

The purple-clothed woman was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "I don't know you yet? Since you have doubts in your heart, why don't you meet the three of you and find out why?"

The purple-clothed woman paused for a while when she said this, and then continued: "What's more, the poisonous people in Yuzhou City are suddenly recovering. Maybe it has something to do with these three."

"Zixuan, what you said makes sense," the man in the white sword suit nodded when he heard the words, pinched with one hand, and flew towards the three people.

Upon seeing this, the purple-clothed woman sighed slightly, her figure flashed, followed behind the white sword-suited man, and flew towards Jingtian.

Soon, Sedum was stopped by the white sword-suited man and the purple-clothed woman. Seeing that, Solanum and Tang Xue changed their expressions and quickly flew to Sedum's side to confront the white sword-suited man and the purple-clothed woman.

"The two girls don't have to be like this, there is no malice here," the white sword-clothed man saw Solanum and Tang Xue, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and clasped his fists:

"Under Xu Changqing, I have some ties with the Shushan Sect. I saw that the three of you were using the Shushan Sect's swordsmanship. I took the liberty to stop this brother. If you have sinned, please forgive me."

With that, Xu Changqing's gaze paused for a moment on the dragon kombu. The moment he saw the dragon kombu, Xu Changqing felt a coolness from behind, as if he was facing some terrifying ancient beast!

Seeing Xu Changqing's movements, the purple-clothed woman on the side smiled, and the three of Chong Jingtian bowed slightly and said with a smile: "In Xia Zi Xuan, I have seen three of them."

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