God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 267

Saint Aunt glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​and said solemnly: "But the fate of the Nuwa clan can not only be solved by high strength! My Nuwa clan, it is not that there has been a figure of the same strength as yours!"

Although Saint Aunt recognized Xiao Tian’s strength, she still refused to let her go. Just like she said, the Nuwa clan has been passed down for a long time, and there are many amazing people among them, who can use the heavenly snakes inherited from the Nuwa clan. The three artifacts, the rod, the Holy Spirit cloak, and the Holy Spirit Orb, reached Xiao Tian's strength.

But even with that kind of existence, facing the fate of the Nuwa clan, he was still helpless, so Saint Aunt didn't think Xiao Tian had the ability to solve the fate of the Nuwa clan.

Besides, if the fate that has troubled the Nuwa clan for countless years finally ends in the hands of an outsider, isn't it beating the Nuwa clan in the face?

Xiao Tian just smiled and shook his head when he heard this, and did not speak.

If he was a native of the Immortal Sword Plane, facing the fate of the Nuwa clan, he would be helpless even if he reached the level of the Three Emperors.

But the crux of the problem is that he is not a creature of the Immortal Sword Plane, and his cultivation techniques are also not restricted by the Immortal Sword Plane!

So for Xiao Tian, ​​the solution to Zi Xuan's fate is actually very simple, just teach Zi Xuan the "Nine Revolutions of Immortality"!

All he has to do is to ensure that Zi Xuan will not fall on the spot after she has exhausted her spiritual power, and then help Zi Xuan to quickly cultivate "Nine Turns of Immortal Body" to the level of entry.

Saint Aunt saw Xiao Tian’s expression, and her old face couldn’t help showing a hint of anger. As the contemporary guardian of the Nuwa clan, the gods of the gods also wanted to give some face when they saw her. But here Xiao Tian hit a wall several times!

"Saint Aunt," Zi Xuan's expression changed when she saw Saint Aunt's expression, she hurriedly walked to Saint Aunt's side and held her.

Zi Xuan knew the temper of her guardian very well. She was really afraid that Saint Aunt would be angry, and she fought with Xiao Tian. After seeing Xiao Tian's strength, Zi Xuan knew very well that even Saint Aunt had Nuwa San in his hands. The artifact will not be Xiao Tian's opponent.

What's more, now the Holy Spirit Pearl is in Xiao Tian's hands, the Heavenly Snake Rod is in hers, and the holy aunt only has a Holy Spirit cloak in her hands.

Chapter 590 Puppet soup seal!

If Saint Aunt and Xiao Tian fight again, Saint Aunt will undoubtedly be defeated, and Xiao Tian is determined not to offend his Saint Aunt again and again!

Although Zi Xuan has not been into Xiao Tian's school for a long time, she has learned some of Xiao Tian's temperament. She is very clear that her master is gentle, but once she provokes him, what she will face must be enough to provoke her. His people burned with anger!

Saint Aunt was pulled by Zi Xuan and couldn't help calming down. She gave a cold snort to Xiao Tian and disappeared.

She had already seen Xiao Tian's strength and was qualified to be the master of the Nuwa ethnicity. She couldn't control and didn't want to control other things.

If Xiao Tian really had a way to solve the fate of the Nuwa clan, wouldn't she stay here to give Xiao Tian a face?

If Xiao Tian couldn't solve the destiny of the Nuwa clan and save others with oneself, Saint Aunt didn't think Xiao Tian would give him a good face at that time, maybe even Xiao Tian would anger her because of it!

So Saint Aunt didn't even stay for a while after calming down, and left Tangjiapu directly.

Seeing Saint Aunt leaving, Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little more.

Although his strength is enough to crush Saint Aunt, Saint Aunt is Zi Xuan's guardian after all. If he directly wipes Saint Aunt ruthlessly, or beats Saint Aunt to death, Zi Xuan's face will not look good.

At the moment, Saint Aunt left by herself, for Xiao Tian, ​​it would save him a headache.

"Since the person who got in the way has gone, then prepare to transfer your spiritual power to Qing'er," Xiao Tian pointed to the baby that Zi Xuan was holding and smiled.

Zi Xuan nodded, and then asked: "Master, do I need to prepare anything else?"

"No," Xiao Tian smiled and said in a flat tone: "But Qing'er had taken the puppet soup before, and you have to wait for me to release the seal of the puppet soup before you can transfer your spiritual power to Qing'er."

"Unlocking the seal of the puppet soup requires a unicorn horn and a phoenix eggshell," Zi Xuan frowned, embarrassed: "These two things are hard to find."

"It's just the seal of the puppet soup, why bother to spend so much time?" Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed, turning his wrist, a golden bead exuding aura appeared in his hand. It was the holy spirit bead handed to him by the heavy building before.

"Master, although the Holy Spirit Pearl is a holy artifact of my Nuwa clan, but..."

Zi Xuan originally wanted to say that although the Holy Spirit Orb was one of the three divine artifacts of Nuwa, a holy artifact passed down by the Nuwa clan for countless years, the seal of the puppet soup was really useless.

But then I thought about it again. She couldn't use the Holy Spirit Pearl to lift the seal of the puppet soup. Maybe it was just that she was not strong enough. With Xiao Tian's current strength, if there was a way, Zi Xuan finally chose to move behind. The words were held back.

Xiao Tian heard Zi Xuan's words, but he didn't react at all. He knew what Zi Xuan wanted to say, and didn't want to argue. Anyway, when Lin Qing'er's puppet soup seal was lifted, Zi Xuan naturally knew whether the Holy Spirit Pearl could release the puppet soup. Sealed.

"go with!"

Xiao Tian screamed, the holy spirit beads turned into a golden streamer and flew towards Lin Qing'er, and then slowly merged into Lin Qing'er's petite body. Xiao Tian's expression became more solemn when he saw that, he raised his hand and raised his finger. Pointing on Lin Qing'er's forehead, the majestic spiritual power was infused into Lin Qing'er.

With the infusion of Xiao Tian's spiritual power, Lin Qinger's face exposed to the baby quickly showed dark purple lines, and countless dark purple lines were connected to form a weird formation that blocked Lin Qinger.

This is the seal formed by the puppet soup!

Chapter 591 Shock Seal!

Zi Xuan looked at the dark purple lines that appeared on Qing'er's face, and her expression became a little weird. The initiator of all this was not someone else, but her biological mother!

If it weren't for Xiao Tian, ​​I'm afraid Qing'er would continue to be sealed by her until she failed to set up and became discouraged, she would release the puppet soup seal and grow up normally.

"Am I really doing something wrong," Zi Xuan thought to herself.

Xiao Tian didn't know what Zi Xuan was thinking at this moment. He carefully controlled the spiritual power sent into Lin Qing'er to force out the puppet soup's medicinal power. A little bit of distraction during the period may cause injury. To Lin Qinger.

After all, although Lin Qing'er is of the Nüwa ethnicity, she has never been nourished by the Nüwa clan’s inherited spiritual power, and was sealed by the puppet soup. His body is extremely weak, and a little weaker than a newborn baby in the world, Xiao Tian Naturally dare not careless.

Soon, the puppet soup in Lin Qing'er's body was forced out by Xiao Tian. After all this, a few drops of sweat even appeared on Xiao Tian's forehead!

Sedum and Tang Xue on the side saw this scene, and they couldn't help holding their breath, their expressions became extremely solemn.

Xu Changqing even looked at Lin Qing'er without blinking. On his way to the God Realm with Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian told him Lin Qing'er's life experience and used spells to guide him to awaken the memories of the previous two lives.

Therefore, Xu Changqing knew very well that what Zi Xuan was holding in her arms now was his biological daughter!

Seeing the beads of sweat on Xiao Tian's forehead, Xu Changqing's heart was full of anxiety, and she did not dare to take a mouthful.

You must know that Xiao Tian didn't even gasp when he fought with Saint Aunt before, and now he was just forcing out the puppet soup medicine power in Lin Qinger's body, making him sweat on his forehead, which shows the difficulty!

Compared to Xu Changqing and the others, who were too nervous on the side, Xiao Tian didn't care too much. His forehead sweats only because it was a cumbersome thing to force out the power of the puppet soup in Lin Qing'er.

He couldn't always ignore the movement of spiritual power like he was fighting against Saint Aunt. There was only one result, that is, Lin Qinger was directly blown up by his terrifying spiritual power!


Seeing that the puppet soup has been forced out, Xiao Tian pointed it out again with his right hand, and then a shallow light of fire suddenly appeared on the dark purple pattern on Lin Qinger's body, and then spread towards Lin Qinger's body, wrapping her in among them.

At the same time, the holy spirit beads that had previously melted into Lin Qing'er exuded a gentle pale golden light, isolating the flames, and soon, all the lavender lines on Lin Qing'er's body burned out.

Xiao Tian didn't hesitate at all when he saw this, and the brilliance of the ring on his right hand flashed, and a sacred tree fruit appeared in his hand.

Before he went to the God Realm, the Emperor of Heaven gave him two sacred tree fruits, one of which was absorbed by Xu Changqing on the top of the sacred tree, while the other one was kept in Najie by Xiao Tian.

As soon as the sacred tree fruit appeared, a strong vitality radiated from the emerald green sacred tree fruit. Xiao Tian smiled and pointed it into a knife to cut a very small piece of the sacred tree fruit, and then manipulated to cut it down. The fruit of the sacred tree flew towards Lin Qinger.

The fruit of the sacred tree fell on Lin Qing'er and quickly turned into a majestic spirit of the God Realm, and then under the control of Xiao Tian, ​​he continued to warm and nurture Lin Qing'er's frail body.

Chapter 592: Zi Xuan Passes on Skills!

Soon, a small piece of the sacred tree fruit was exhausted, and Xiao Tian collected the remaining sacred tree fruit, looked at Zi Xuan, and said lightly: "Now you can transfer your spiritual power to Qing'er. "

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