God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 268

Zi Xuan no longer hesitated after hearing this, her right hand rested on Lin Qing'er's chest, and the spiritual power in her body slowly poured into Lin Qing'er.

With Zi Xuan's movements, Lin Qing'er's breath became stronger and stronger, but Zi Xuan's breath gradually wilted. The original young face quickly aged, countless wrinkles appeared on her face, and her hair quickly turned gray.

Xiao Tian's expression suddenly became solemn when he saw this, the fruit of the sacred tree appeared in his hand, his eyes staring at Zi Xuan.

He knows very well that once Zi Xuan transfers all her spiritual energy to Lin Qing'er, she will probably only have one or two days left, especially the Nuwa clan does not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and the holy soul of the Nuwa clan will return after death. Into the Holy Spirit Pearl.

Therefore, when Zi Xuan's spiritual power is about to be transmitted, he will guide the spirit of the gods in the fruit of the sacred tree into Zi Xuan's body to ensure that Zi Xuan will not damage the foundation due to the transmission of spiritual power!


Lin Qing'er in Zi Xuan's arms suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura, and the tyrannical coercion spread in all directions.

Tang Xue felt her back sink when she saw it, as if she was carrying a big mountain on her back, with fine beads of sweat appearing on her forehead.

At present, Xiao Tian is the strongest of the people in Tangjiabao, and Lin Qing'er is undoubtedly the coercion that is no different from the breeze blowing on his face.

The same is true for Xu Changqing, who broke into the realm of immortals, facing Lin Qinger's coercion, still looks calm.

As for Solanum, not to mention, the practice of "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body" and her own strength have reached the peak of Dacheng, facing the coercion of Lin Qinger, she naturally will not feel anything.

Sedum is the reincarnation of Fei Peng. Although he has made up his mind to draw a clear line between Fei Peng, but after awakening the memory of being the first warrior of the God Realm, even if his strength has not reached the level before, Lin Qinger exudes But his coercion could not affect him at all!

And as Lin Qing'er's aura broke out, Zi Xuan's figure suddenly became shaky, Xiao Tian crushed the fruit of the sacred tree in his hand, and a large amount of the spirit of the gods surrounded him, and then under his control. Next to Zixuanyong.

Under the control of Xiao Tian, ​​the fresh air of the gods turned into continuous drizzle, constantly nourishing the dry meridians in Zi Xuan's body and the faintly cracked dantian because of the transmission of the spiritual power of the Nuwa clan.

Soon, the last trace of Nuwa's inherited spiritual power in Zi Xuan's body was sent into Lin Qing'er by Zi Xuan, and because Xiao Tian controlled the fruit of the sacred tree to continuously nourish her meridians and dantian.

Zi Xuan, who was supposed to be exhausted, had no other feelings except for a little fatigue.

"At the moment your spiritual power has been completely dissipated, then the next step is to practice the exercises I have taught you," Xiao Tian smiled, raised his hand and pointed it at the center of Zi Xuan's eyebrows, before "Nine Turns of Immortal Body" He instilled all the contents of the third floor to Zi Xuan.

Suddenly, there was a lot of complicated information in her mind, and Zi Xuan's body shook, and finally stabilized her figure.

After finishing the exercises taught by Xiao Tian, ​​Zi Xuan handed Lin Qing'er in her hand to Xu Changqing, who was nervous on the side, smiled, walked to the side of the big banyan tree, sat cross-legged, and started "Nine Turns of Immortal Body". Come.

Chapter 593 Special Mission Completed!

As Zi Xuan entered the cultivation state, Xiao Tian controlled the God Realm Qing Qi around him to fly towards Zi Xuan, and then the majestic God Realm Qing Qi covered all the space around Zi Xuan.

Having done all this, Xiao Tian waved his hand, and the Holy Spirit Orb that had been incorporated into Lin Qing'er before quickly flew out of Lin Qing'er and landed on Xiao Tian's hand.

He sent the Holy Spirit Bead into Lin Qing'er before to protect her, so as to prevent Lin Qing'er from going out when he forced the puppet soup medicine power.

Now that the puppet decoction has been expelled completely, Lin Qing'er has inherited Zi Xuan's enormous spiritual power, and naturally no longer needs the protection of the Holy Spirit Pearl.

As the Holy Spirit Orb fell on Xiao Tian's hands, the cold and mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the special task [Finding the Holy Spirit Bead], do you submit it?"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then asked in his heart: "System, why is the task completed now? Shouldn't the task be completed when Chonglou gave me the Holy Spirit Orb?"

"The Holy Spirit Orb obtained by the host was sealed by the goddess Shui Bi with a secret method for a hundred years, and the power has been reduced, so it can't be considered as completing the task.

Before the host incorporated the Holy Spirit Pearl into Lin Qing'er's body, because of the nourishment of the god realm and the nourishment of the Nuwa bloodline instilled by the host, the Holy Spirit Pearl is now considered complete. Therefore, the system determines that the host has completed a special task."

"It turned out to be like this," Xiao Tian couldn't help nodding slightly when he heard the words, and then ordered in his heart: "Submit a special task."

"Ding! The special task [Finding the Holy Spirit Orb] is completed, the reward is 100,000 prestige points, 200 teacher points, and three random chances to draw a lottery!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian added a faint smile on his face, and then his gaze stayed on Zi Xuan for a moment, then looked at Xu Changqing, and said faintly: "After Zi Xuan finishes her practice, I will let them go. Go looking for the Five Spirit Orbs, you should also leave for the Demon Realm."

Xu Changqing nodded when he heard the words, handed Qing'er to Xiao Tian, ​​and then Yu Jian flew towards Shu Mountain.

The only way from the human world to the demon world is the Well of Gods and Demons located below the Shushan Demon Locking Tower. Xu Changqing does not have the ability to travel between the six worlds at will, so he can only use the Gods and Demon Wells below the Shushan Locking Demon Tower. .

Soon, Zi Xuan finished her cultivation. After refining the spirit of the gods that surrounded her, Zi Xuan's cultivation had reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

Although it was much worse than the mortal stage in her heyday, Zi Xuan's current cultivation base was obtained after she re-trained, and it is extremely rare to reach the Nascent Soul Realm.

Slowly getting up, the first thing Zi Xuan opened her eyes was to look around, and found that Xu Changqing had disappeared, and immediately said to Xiao Tian, ​​"Thank you, Master, for helping me this time."

Xiao Tian shook his head, pointed to Sedum, Tang Xue, and the three people of Solanum, and said lightly: "Your current strength is not in the Nascent Soul stage. It is better to go out with Sedum and the three to practice. There are also benefits to promotion.

"Where is Qing'er?" Zi Xuan asked quickly.

Once she, Sedum and others leave, who will take care of Qinger?

"You don't have to worry about Qinger's affairs. I will send her back to Miaojiang, where she will be brought up by the saint aunt and taken care of by the saint aunt. You should rest assured, right?"

Chapter 594 God descends to the secret realm!

Zi Xuan was relieved after hearing this, looked at Lin Qing'er in Xiao Tian's arms, and nodded gently.

"Okay, the task I gave you is not difficult. Within one year, gather the five spirit orbs. Now the water spirit orbs and wind spirit orbs are in your hands. You only need to find the remaining three spirit orbs. ."

Xiao Tian looked at Zi Xuan and the others, and said lightly: "I can tell you that the Earth Spirit Orb is now hidden in the Guteng Forest, the Fire Spirit Orb is in the hands of the Fire King of the Ghost Realm, and the Thunder Spirit Orb is currently in Leizhou. You find Zhu, you decide for yourself, I will send Qinger back to Miaojiang first."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he disappeared into the same place holding Lin Qing'er.

After Xiao Tian left, Zixuan and the others looked at each other, and finally Zixuan said, "I've heard of Gutenglin. It's near Anning Village, not far from Yuzhou, so let's go to Gutenglin first. "

Sedum Sedum and Tang Xue saw that the three of them nodded and agreed, and then the group flew towards Gutenglin with their swords.


Miao Jiang.

Suddenly a sharp sword light flashed over an uninhabited open space, and then Xiao Tian appeared on the open space holding Lin Qing'er.

"This is Miao Jiang, and sure enough, there are murderous opportunities everywhere," Xiao Tian looked around, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In his perception, he didn't know how many poisonous insects were scattered all around, and the air was filled with a faint layer of poisonous smoke. If ordinary people come here, I am afraid that it will not last long under this poisonous smoke!

But to Xiao Tian, ​​these poisonous smokes are nothing. Not to mention that these poisonous smokes can't get close to Xiao Tian's body. It is Xiao Tian who let go of his defenses, and these poisonous smokes will not damage the indestructible body. Xiao Tian of the third layer!

Suddenly, a rustling sound came into Xiao Tian's ears. Xiao Tian was startled first, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

A lavender scorpion suddenly rushed out of the ground and rushed towards Xiao Tian with unmatched momentum. The barbs on the tail were glowing with a terrible green light, and it slammed towards Xiao Tian.

Further away, a bone snake sprang out from the ground, most of its body was hidden under the ground, and only the surrounding ground was constantly rolling, which looked quite permeating.

"I ran to the secret realm of God descending," Xiao Tian shook his head. When he saw the bone dragon, he knew where he was.

Located not far from the Nuwa Temple, it has been called the forbidden land for generations.

According to legend, in the secret realm of God descending is the place where Nuwa descended. This is called the secret realm of descending God. It is shrouded in poisonous fog all the year round, and most people stray into this place, or they will lose their souls in a moment or three.

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