God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 295

He knows very well that if Xifeng and Shuibi really want to get serious, it will be difficult to defeat Xifeng with his current strength. As for the goddess Shuibi, the strength is even higher than that of Xifeng, and he has a slim chance of winning!

If it weren't for the release of the water by the stream wind and the water, he wanted to beat the two of them together, and he would have to practice for a while to absorb all the remaining gods in his body.

"Xu Shaoxia doesn't have to humble himself," Shui Bi shook his head and whispered softly: "Xu Shaoxia still contains the power of the fruit of the sacred tree. When Xu Shaoxia completely uses those powers for himself, Xifeng and I will really not be your opponents. ."

After speaking, Shui Bi's gaze fell on the Dragon Kwai, and he smiled: "I heard that Demon Lord said that you came to the Demon Realm to find me. I wonder if you have anything to do?"

"It's my problem," Tang Xue walked over after hearing the words, and said respectfully: "Senior Xiao Tian said that the goddess Shuibi, you learned from the holy spirit pearl an exercise that is suitable for me, that's why we came to the Demon Realm. I want to see if I can get this exercise from you, goddess."

Chapter 661 The real skill can only be seen in the subtleties!

After speaking, Tang Xue looked at Shui Bi with a hesitation.

Tang Xue didn’t know anything about this goddess of the God Realm, except for knowing that she had stayed on a floating island on the sea with Xifeng and had been in charge of the Holy Spirit Pearl for a period of time. Any information about the goddess.

So she didn't know if she rushed to express her intentions, would it arouse Shuibi's disgust, or even directly refused!

"I learned that exercise?" Shui Bi looked up and down Tang Xue when he heard the words, and asked in confusion: "I heard that Xi Yao has now reached the human world. Why, she didn't teach you the exercise?"

Regarding the relationship between Tang Xuejian and the goddess Xiyao, she guessed it the moment she saw Tang Xuejian. In addition, Xi Yao had made several shots in Shushan during the recent period, so it is not difficult for her to know that Xi Yao is in News from the human world.

It is precisely because of this that Shuibi has this question.

The relationship between Tang Xuejian and Xiyao is like the relationship between Dragon Kwai and Kuiyu Profound Girl. When Xiyao reaches the world, as long as Tang Xuejian can find her, she does not even need Tang Xuejian to take the initiative, Xiyao will definitely be able to See you Tang Xue in the range!

"Sister Xi Yao taught me a blue wood classic," Tang Xue said quickly after hearing the words: "It's just that Senior Xiao Tian doesn't think this practice is suitable for me."

"Qingmu Dian is a technique bred from the sacred tree!" Shui Bi was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "This kind of technique is one of the best in the eyes of the gods, it is not suitable for you?"

Shui Bi's gaze couldn't help falling on the indifferent Xiao Tian. If it weren't for the devil's respect building had always praised Xiao Tian, ​​and she had also heard of some of Xiao Tian's deeds, she would have some doubts whether Xiao Tian was. It's a vain name!

You must know that if you look at the entire God Realm and can surpass the techniques of "The Code of Blue Wood", I am afraid that there are only the techniques practiced by the Emperor of Heaven and Xuanyu Kuiyu, and even the techniques of Fei Peng may not be able to surpass the "Code of Blue Wood"!

After all, the strength of Fei Peng can surpass the Emperor of Heaven, it is entirely because of his own talents that are too outstanding, and it is enough to smooth the gap in the practice!

From this we can see how mysterious is "The Code of Green Wood", and Xiao Tian actually said that such a technique is not suitable for Tang Xue?!

"Senior Xiao Tian said that sister Xi Yao was born from the sacred tree, and she has guarded the sacred tree for hundreds of billions of years. She has long been tainted with the breath of the sacred tree, and has the same root as the sacred tree. Naturally, it is twice the result with half the effort to cultivate the Qingmu Code different……"

Seeing Shuibi, Tang Xue said earnestly: "Senior Xiao said that although I was bred from the fruit of the sacred tree, but I was contaminated with the staleness of the human world, the Qingmudian is mysterious, but it is inevitable to be affected by the staleness of the human world.

If you don’t pursue a rapid increase in strength, it’s no problem, but at the moment, Xiaokui and I are practicing together, and the rate of strength improvement has not kept up with them..."

"So..." Shui Bi said suddenly: "I forgot that your situation is a little different, and it has been contaminated with the staleness of the human world. In this way, the tactic of forgetting dust that I have learned from the holy spirit pearl is indeed Perfect for you."

While speaking, Shui Bi's eyes kept falling on Xiao Tian, ​​secretly startled.

If it hadn't been for Tang Xuejian to say it, she had not thought of it.

As for the cultivation process, the true ability is often seen in the subtleties. Only by Xiao Tian's ability to tell Tang Xuejian's problems that she and Xi Yao have ignored, this vision is already above her!

Chapter 662 Shuibi's Request!

"Then I don't know what the goddess meant..." When Tang Xue heard Shui Bi's words, a smile of joy appeared on her face, and she quickly turned back, looking at Shui Bi, and said softly.

"I can give you the Wangchen Secret Art," Shui Bi glanced at Tang Xue and smiled: "But I have a test. As long as you can complete it, I will give the Wangchen Secret Art with both hands. If it fails..."

Shui Bi didn't say the following, but Tang Xue wasn't a fool either, so how could she not know what Shui Bi meant?

What's more, she also knew very well that Xiao Tian asked her to come to the goddess Shui Bi, instead of directly passing the exercises to her, just to let them experience it!

Otherwise, with Xiao Tian's strength, Tang Xue saw that Xiao Tian couldn't produce a copy of "Forgetting Dust"!

"Can I ask for a helper?" After guessing Xiao Tian's intentions, Tang Xue saw that she would not be foolish enough to accept the test of Goddess Shui Bi by herself.

The goddess Shui Bi took a deep look at Tang Xue after hearing the words, then looked at Xiao Tian, ​​who was silent on the side, and said lightly: "Except for Xu Changqing, there are a few others who can be with you."

She is not stupid either, Xiao Tian specially asked Dragon Kwai and his entourage to take a trip to the Demon Realm. If it was just for a copy of "Wang Chen Jue", it would undoubtedly be a fuss.

Since Xiao Tian could see Tang Xuejian’s problems, she pointed out that the "Wang Chen Jue" she had enlightened was the most suitable method for Tang Xuejian. If Xiao Tian did not understand the "Wang Chen Jue", then It is undoubtedly self-deception!

That being the case, Xiao Tian's intention for Tang Xue to see them in the Demon Realm is naturally self-evident!

"Please also tell me the content of the test, the goddess," hearing the answer of the goddess Shui Bi, Tang Xuejian took a deep breath and nodded.

She knew very well that this test would definitely not be easy. Since Xiao Tian asked them to take a trip to the Demon Realm, the difficulty of this trip would certainly not be worse than looking for Lei Lingzhu in Leizhou, otherwise Xiao Tian would not do anything extra!

"Simple," the goddess Shui Bi smiled, and said: "You have been in the Demon Realm for some time. If you find out where I am, you must also know what happened in the Demon Realm recently."

"The goddess wants us to participate in the war between the Asura Demon Race and the Yasha Demon Race?" Tang Xue was taken aback when she saw it.

In the recent period, there is only one major event in the Demon World, and that is the war between the Yasha Demon Race and the Shura Demon Race!

Both sides are one of the eight major demons, and their strengths are comparable. During this time, the two sides will win each other, the casualties are not small, and a large number of innocent demons who do not belong to both sides have been involved, which can be called a recent period. A rare event in the Devildom!

"Yes," Shui Bi nodded and said faintly: "I don't like the Asura Demon, so the test I give you is very simple. No matter what means you use, as long as you can help the Yasha Demon defeat the Asura Demon, I will forget. The dust technique is taught to you."

After speaking, Shui Bi pulled the stream breeze and greeted the heavy building, then his figure flashed and disappeared.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw this, looked at Chonglou, and jokingly said, "My disciple intervened in the war between the two great demons in the Demon Realm. Wouldn't it attract you to take action?"

Among the Asura demons, there are many advanced demons who have violated the Yang and Yin of the Chonglou. Xiao Tian's words are undoubtedly mocking the Chonglou, and even telling the Chonglou that he can take the opportunity to deal with the high-level Shura demons who have violated the Yang and Yin of the Chonglou!

"I won't care," Zhonglou shook his head, and the voice resounded through Wanren Lonely Peak: "Tell me to order that all demons guarding Wanren Lonely Peak must not leave the range of Wanren Lonely Peak!"

Chapter 663

Chonglou knew the strength of the Dragon Kwai and his party. Apart from those old guys, the Asura Demon Clan definitely would not be the opponent of the Dragon Kwai and his party.

He didn't care about the life and death of the old guys of the Asura Demon Race, but he valued Jiye, the first genius of the Asura Demon Race.

The reason why the demons guarding Wanren Lonely Peak were ordered not to leave the range of Wanren Lonely Peak was also to protect the polar night.

After all, this Wanren Lonely Peak is where he is. No demons dare to come here to be presumptuous. Even if the Asura demons are defeated by the Yasha demons because of the Dragon Kwai and others, Jiye and others can also avoid the catastrophe. !

After speaking, the figure of Chonglou disappeared above the Throne of Bloodfang, not knowing where it went.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and Chong Zixuan and the others said, "See you, Xiaokui, Zixuan, and Jing Tianxue. You know what to do next, how to do it yourself, Xu Shaoxia, you try The refining has been completed, you can continue to stay in the Demon Realm, but you can't help Zi Xuan and the others!"

Then, without waiting for Zi Xuan and the others to reply, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he also disappeared on the top of Wanren Lonely Peak. Only a few people from Longkui were still standing on the top of the second peak of the Demon Realm.

"Since the content of the test of the Goddess of Shuibi is to help the Yasha Demon Race to beat the Shura Demon Race, we might as well go to the Yasha King City to see."

Zi Xuan thought for a while, and said to a few people: "Just before we came, we met the people of the Long Family in the city of Yasha. Maybe we can get some news from him."

"Zixuan is right," Xu Changqing nodded, and said solemnly: "We might as well go and meet that Long Ming. I can't help. If you can use the power of the Yasha Demon, it would be great."

After speaking, Xu Changqing took two steps forward, and Yujian flew towards the city of Yasha.

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