God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 296

Seeing this, Jing Tian and the others didn't hesitate at all, and at the same time they took off their swords and flew towards the city of Yasha.

After a few people left, Xi Fengshuibi and Xiao Tianzhonglou appeared again on the top of Wanren Lonely Peak.

"You are not leaving, what are you doing in my Demon Realm?" Chonglou sat on the Throne of Bloodfang, glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a bad mood: "Since you are worried about your precious disciples, it is better to take them back to the world."

"It sounds like how much better you are," Xiao Tian curled his lips, disdainfully said: "Do you dare to say that you don't care about Zixuan and Sedum? Then you leave it when you get the token from Sedum. Is the engraving on Sedum's body removed?"

"Humph!" Chonglou snorted coldly, without speaking.

He didn't expect that he was so concealed that he would still be noticed by Xiao Tian.

When Xi Feng and Shui Bi heard the conversation between Xiao Tian and Zhonglou, they couldn't help being speechless.

In front of these two people, it is difficult to find opponents in the six realms, and Zhonglou is the supreme demon world, but these two people still have a leisurely quarrel!

"Shuibi, will the task you arrange for them be a bit difficult?" Xifeng took a breath, calmed down, and said Chong Shuibi.

The eight great demons of the demon world are also strong and weak, but the Shura demons are the second only to the sky demons among the eight great demons. With the strength of the Dragon Kwai and others, it may not be able to affect the battle.

What's more, once a few old guys from the Asura Demon Race are attracted, the Dragon Kwai and others are extremely likely to fall!

"Nothing will happen," Shui Bi shook his head. "Their strength is not weak. As long as you treat them carefully, the Shura Demon Race can beat them, but it is as difficult as heaven to kill them!"

Chapter 664: See Long Ming!

Shui Bi is not stupid. Since she has guessed Xiao Tian's intentions, how can she let Xiao Tian's disciples go to death?

She didn't want to easily offend such an existence that was equal in strength to the Demon Respect Building, and even faintly higher than the heavy building.

"You and I should follow in secret," Xifeng thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "The old guys of the Asura Demon Race are not good, just in case there is an accident..."

"Alright," Shui Bi nodded and agreed.

After speaking, the two planned to fly towards the city of Yasha King, but before leaving Wanren Lonely Peak, a stunning sword light descended from the sky and stood in front of them.

Then Chonglou's voice came: "You must not interfere with the nightshade and the others."

Hearing this, Xifeng immediately returned to the Bloodfang Throne, and said respectfully to the heavy building: "Subordinates obey."

As for Shui Bi, she just nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and couldn't help saying: "Senior Xiao is so confident in your disciples? You know the Shura Demon Clan's background is not shallow!"

Shui Bi naturally wouldn’t be unable to guess who the sword light that stopped them came from. It’s just that she didn’t understand. With the strength of the Dragon Kwai and others, she faced the Asura Demon Clan with the strength of Xu Changqing. The old guy is really bad.

In this case, Xiao Tian also prevented her and Xi Feng from following the Solanum and others secretly.

This makes Shui Bi a little confused, is it possible that there are any secret methods in the Solanum and others?

"Shuibi goddess don't have to worry," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "With the old guys from the Asura Demon Clan, Xiao Kui can take care of it alone!"

Shui Bi shook his head insignificantly when she heard the words. She didn't believe that the Dragon Kwai and the others had such strength. When she wanted to come, Xiao Tian would not let her follow the Dragon Kwai and the others in secret, probably because he was confident that he could arrive in time!

As expected, with Xiao Tian's strength, once the Dragon Kwai and the others encountered a crisis, he would be able to rush to the Dragon Kwai and the others in an instant, and he didn't need to cross over on his behalf.

Seeing Shui Bi's expression, Xiao Tian probably guessed Shui Bi's thoughts, but he didn't say much.

After Solanum and Zixuan brought Jingtian and others to help the Yasha tribe win the war, Shuibi knew how wrong her idea was!

While Xiao Tian and others were talking, the five Dragon Kwai had already flew their swords into the city of Yasha King.

Because of the token given by Long Ming, several people's Yujian entered the city without being blocked, and easily arrived outside the Yasha Palace.

"Please also inform Prince Longming, saying that the deceased will come to see you," Zi Xuan handed the token Longming had given her to the Yasha guards who were guarding the Yasha Palace, and said.

When the guard saw the token, his pupils shrank, and then respectfully said: "A few wait a minute, then go to report to the prince."

After speaking, this Yasha guard hurried towards the inside of the Yasha Palace.

As the guard of the Yasha Palace, he is very aware of the character of the Great Prince, and all the non-Yasha people who can obtain the token of the Great Prince have a great background.

No such person can afford to offend him!

Thinking of this, the speed of this Yasha guard was even faster.

Zi Xuan and the others didn’t wait long. Long Ming hurried out with the guard before. When he arrived in front of Zi Xuan and the others, he smiled and said, "A few, I didn’t expect us to meet so soon. A few came to the palace to find me. , Could it be that something difficult happened?"

Chapter 665 Long You Long Ming!

"There is indeed one thing that needs the help of Prince Longming," Zi Xuan said with a slight nod and nodded slightly.

"What's the matter?" Long Ming's expression was shocked when he heard the words, a little surprised.

He also knows a little bit about the details of the people of Dragon Kwai. An outcast from Shushan Xu Changqing with amazing strength, Zi Xuan, a descendant of Nuwa, Sedum who knows everything about the devil world, and dare to call the devil. The solania whose name is nothing!

Even if they took Tang Xue to see this drag oil bottle, these people were enough to walk sideways in the Demon Realm. He had previously sent tokens just to make a good relationship, and they never thought that the Dragon Kwai would ask for their help.

As a result, not long after this, Zi Xuan and others came to the door. Could it be possible that they provoke the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch or the Demon Respect Building?

Apart from this, Long Ming really couldn't think of anything else that could make Zi Xuan and the others come to him.

But if Zi Xuan and others provoke the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch or the Demon Respect Building, let alone his Dragon Ming, even if he catches up with the entire Yasha clan, it will not help!

"It's not a difficult thing," Zi Xuan said with a chuckle, "We want to know some of the Shura Demon Clan. We went to Wanren Lonely Peak to look for Goddess Shuibi. Goddess Shuibi gave us a test..."

Zi Xuan smiled and told Long Ming the content of the goddess Shui Bi's test, and then stopped talking.

"It turned out to be like this!" After hearing Zi Xuan's words, Long Ming sighed in relief and smiled: "Since some of you are here to help my Yasha tribe, they are my friends from the Yasha tribe. News about the Asura Demon Clan. I'll let the next person sort it out, and a few will follow me first."

Having said that, Long Ming walked towards the palace of Yasha, Zi Xuan and others saw it, looked at each other, and followed Long Ming into the palace of Yasha.

The Yasha Palace was not as prosperous as it looked outside. Zi Xuan followed Long Ming and soon walked around to a rather empty courtyard. In the courtyard, a child who looked like a seven or eight-year-old kid was raising With a long go, swinging hard.

"Ayou, let's rest for a while," Long Ming shouted at the child. After speaking, he looked back at Zi Xuan and others, and smiled: "That's my second brother Long You."

"It turns out to be the second prince of Yasha," Zi Xuan nodded and said softly: "The second prince is really hardworking."

"Girl Zi Xuan praised," Long Ming shook his head, helplessly said: "This stinky boy doesn't like martial arts, but I forced him to practice. As a Yasha royal family, how can he not have martial arts? "

Zixuan and the others didn't say anything. This was Long Ming's family affair, and it was inconvenient for them to add more beaks.

Seeing that Zi Xuan and others did not speak, Long Ming reacted and said with a smile: "Look at me, let's talk about the Shura Demon Clan. Several people will wait for a while before the next person sends the news."

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry," Zi Xuan nodded gently and said.

Hearing this, Long Ming stopped talking, took Long You to a room, then set a seal at the door, and said lightly: "Old rules, study carefully for two hours, the seal will be automatically lifted after two hours."

Seeing this scene, Zi Xuan and others couldn't help feeling a little bit. This prince Longming was not as cruel and bloodthirsty as the demons they imagined.

In contrast, the Longming prince is modest and polite, and can sink his heart to teach his younger brothers, and is more like a young man from the great families of the world.

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