God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 303

"This girl is called Dragon Kwai, who killed the Asura Clan before, and it was her who killed the Asura Blood Slave," Long Ming laughed at the words and said, pointing to the Dragon Kwai.

"Before watching the battle from afar, I only thought that the nightshade girl was heroic, but I didn't expect that the nightshade girl was also a fairy!"

A warlord of the Yasha tribe immediately praised him, and then whispered: "Should I take the liberty, I don't know what is the relationship between the Dragon Kwai girl and the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch?"

As a warlord of the Yasha tribe, he can sit on the battlefield where the Yasha tribe and the Shura tribe are fighting. The person who speaks is not in a low position in the Yasha tribe, and he has naturally seen the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch.

The moment he saw the nightshade, the Yasha tribe warrior had a deep doubt in his heart, but he hadn't had a chance to speak before. Now there is a chance, he naturally wants to resolve the doubt in his heart as soon as possible.

Hearing the words, Long Ming was stunned for a moment, then cast his eyes on the Solanum, and then his face changed.

He finally knew why he always felt that the Dragon Kwai felt a little familiar to him, as if I had seen it somewhere. After hearing the question of the Yasha tribe warrior, Long Ming realized that the Dragon Kwai looked like Kui Yutian. The witch is exactly the same!

"It's no wonder that Dragon Kwai dared to call the name of the Demon Venerable. If her backing is the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch, it's not surprising," Long Ming said inwardly.

Chapter 682 Shocking Origin!

The Kuiyu Heavenly Witch has a very high status in the Demon Realm, and her strength is second only to the Demon Respect Building.

In Longming, if the dragon Kwai’s backing is the Kuiyu Sky Witch, even if the dragon Kwai is disrespectful to the heavy building, the Supreme Demon Realm will take the Kuiyu Sky Witch's face and will not worry about it.

"Seriously speaking, I have nothing to do with the Kuiyu Sky Witch," Solanum shook his head and smiled.

The Kwai Yu Tian Witch on the Wanren Lonely Peak also said that since she was sent into the Six Paths of Reincarnation by the Kui Yu Tian Witch and reincarnated as Princess Jiang, except for the appearance of the Kui Yu Tian Witch, she and Kui Yu Tian There is no relationship between the witches.

Long Ming was stunned when he heard the words, and doubts arose in his heart.

Although he had only been in contact with Solanum for a very short time, he also knew a little about Solanum's temperament and knew that Solanum Solanum would not lie.

But because of this, Long Ming was even more confused.

On the Nine Nether Lands of the Demon Realm, apart from the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch, who else can let the Demon Respect Tower give her a three-pointed face?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Long Ming pointed at Zi Xuan, and said to the Yacha clan warlord: "This girl is called Zi Xuan, and she is a descendant of Nuwa."

Several Yasha clan warlords continued "disrespect", but judging from their expressions, they were not too shocked by Zi Xuan's identity.

Thinking that Zi Xuan took out the Water Spirit Orb before, Long Ming was relieved. Regarding the Five Spirit Orbs, the Demon World has also recorded that the Water Spirit Orb was kept by the descendants of Nuwa for generations. The Yasha tribe warrior who can sit in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army is here The status of the Yasha clan is not low, and they are naturally familiar with the news about the Five Spirit Orbs.

He could see the scene where Zi Xuan handed the Water Spirit Orb to Dragon Kwai before, and it is not surprising that these Yasha clan warlords associate Zi Xuan's identity from this.

"This young man is called Jingtian, he is a fellow of Yongan..." After introducing Zi Xuan, Long Ming pointed to Jingtian, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke.

After seeing Sedum for the first time, he went back and ran through the records of the human world in the Yasha tribe, and he did not find a force called "Yongan Dang".

But Sedum knows so much about the Demon Realm, his origin must be extraordinary.

This made Long Ming believe that "Yongan Dang" is a huge unknown force, so powerful that even a talent like Sedum can only be a small buddy among them!

Several Yasha clan warlords heard Long Ming's introduction, and they all looked like they had seen a ghost. They had personally seen the strength that Sedum had shown over the battlefield before.

The fierce sword aura that surrounds the sky over the battlefield is overwhelming. They consciously have no way to resist, and the Sedum who can inspire such a sword aura is that "Yongan Dang" buddy?

"Dare to ask Young Master Sedum, who is this'Yongan Dang'?"

As the prince of the Yasha clan, Long Ming was inconvenient to ask Jingtian Yongan's questions, but several Yasha clan warriors had no such worries, and someone soon asked.

"Yongan Dang, it's a pawn shop opened by Xuejian's house," Jingtian was taken aback when he heard the words. Although he didn't know why the Yasha tribe warrior would ask such a question, he didn't hide anything and said immediately.

"Oh, by the way, the one sitting next to me is Xue Jian," Jing Tian pointed to Tang Xue Jian when he spoke, with a shallow smile on his face.

When several Yasha warlords and Long Ming heard Jingtian's words, their expressions became a little weird.

Chapter 683 Xiao Tian in Xu Changqing's Eyes!

They had seen the scene where the four Sedum and the four masters of the Shura clan were fighting over the battlefield before, and Tang Xue saw that the strength displayed was much worse than that of Sedum.

As a result, the "Yong'an Dang" that Jingtian belongs to is only a pawnshop opened by Tang Xuejian's house!

The corner of Long Ming's mouth twitched, and his face was depressed. Fortunately, he also turned over the news about the human world in the Yasha tribe, and it turned out that Yongan was a small pawnshop?!

Shaking his head, suppressing the depression in his heart, Long Ming pointed at Xu Changqing, and said to the Yasha tribe warrior: "This young hero is a master of the Shushan school, Xu Changqing."

After the introduction, Long Ming thought of something and added, "Xu Shaoxia's strength may be higher than that of Longkui girl."

Although he also hadn't seen Xu Changqing make a move, he was able to rest assured that Xu Changqing could protect Zi Xuan and others when he was fighting the blood slaves of Shura. Long Ming was enough to determine that Xu Changqing was not weak.

Even Xu Changqing may be the strongest in the group!

Thinking of this, Long Ming couldn't help feeling a little frightened. He wanted to know what kind of existence it was to bring such a group of people together.

I'm afraid that even the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch and the Demon Respect Building can't bring such five people together. After all, whether it is Dragon Kwai or Xu Changqing, or Jingtian Zixuan and Tang Xue see, they are all Tianjiao existences!

I am afraid that even if it is the Demon Respect Building, it is not easy to accept one of them as a disciple.

"My strength is indeed better than Xiaokui, but I can't make a move this time," Xu Changqing said with a smile when he heard Long Ming's words.

Although Dragon Kwai is amazing in strength, it is only the peak of the Mahayana period after all, and there is still some distance from the immortal. He has been in the demon world for a while, has absorbed a lot of the remaining spirit of the gods in the body, and will soon be able to step into people. Fairyland.

"Can't make a shot?" Long Ming was taken aback for a moment, and said in doubt: "Is there any scruples Xu Shaoxia?

"No, it's just that Xiaokui's master wants them to experience something, so I won't let me take action," Xu Changqing smiled and said.

"It turns out that if you can teach a disciple like Ms. Solanum, I think the master of Ms. Solanum is quite extraordinary?" Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Long Ming's heart shuddered, and then he asked casually.

Several Yasha clan warriors also cheered up, for fear that they might have missed what Xu Changqing said.

Master of Solanum?!

Dragon Kwai is already so powerful, and there are few capable opponents in the demon world. Is it because the demon respects the building to be able to be her master?

"I don't know how strong Senior Xiao Tian is," Xu Changqing shook her head, sighing in words: "It's just that with my current strength, I am afraid that Senior Xiao Tian can't handle it with a single sword."

Although he is only half a step away from the human immortal realm, and confident that there are not many opponents in the six realms, he always thinks of the scene in the God Realm that Xiao Tian had to compromise without making any moves, and he would have a heart. Share the feeling of high mountains and surrender.

"Xu Shaoxia laughed," Long Ming said with a smile, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart.

He has seen the strength of Dragon Kwai, Xu Changqing is better than Dragon Kwai, I am afraid that facing the Demon Respect Building, I can easily make a few moves. In this case, Xu Changqing actually said that he could not catch the "Senior Xiao Tian". sword?

Is it possible that "Senior Xiao Tian" is better than the Demon Respect Building?

Chapter 684 Before the decisive battle!

"I didn't make a joke," Xu Changqing said solemnly, "It is said that Senior Xiao Tian played against Demon Respect Building. As for the outcome, I am not very clear.

However, Senior Xiao Tian once took me and Miss Xuejian to the God Realm and took two fruits of the God Tree from the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven did not dare to say anything."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, a look of horror flashed in Long Ming's eyes, and a deep shock rose in his heart.

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