God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 304

Naturally, he is familiar with who the Emperor of Heaven is. The ruler of the God Realm, the target that the Demon Respect Building has always wanted to kill, is said to be weaker than the General Feipeng of the Gods and Devil Realms before, but it is not far away.

As for the Demon Respect Building, let alone the Demon Race living on the Nine Nether Lands, it is among the six realms, and there are many creatures who have heard of the name of Demon Lord.

That Senior Xiao Tian, ​​who had never met, was able to fight against the Demon Respect Building, and took the fruit of the sacred tree from the hand of the Emperor, which shows how powerful his strength is!

"I don't know if I have a chance to meet Senior Xiao Tian," Long Ming sighed softly, with some yearning.

He didn't think Xu Changqing would lie to him, because with Xu Changqing's strength, it was enough to sweep the big camp of the Yasha tribe, and he didn't need to tell lies.

In other words, that Senior Xiao Tian might really be an expert hermit who is comparable to the Demon Clan's heavy building or even better than the Demon Lord!

"Master is now on Wanren Lonely Peak. If the eldest prince wants to see Master, he might as well follow us to Wanren Lonely Peak when we wait for it," Longkui said with a smile when he heard Longming's words.

"Wanren Lonely Peak, that's where the Demon Venerable is, and if the teacher appears there, I am afraid it will arouse the anger of the Demon Venerable," Long Ming said with some worry.

"The big prince is bothering," Longkui shook his head and laughed, "Master has a very close relationship with Chonglou, let alone appearing on the Wanren Lonely Peak. If the master wants to sit on the Throne of Bloodfang, he won't be able to come to Chonglou. Refuse."

Long Ming took a deep breath when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, then defeat the Shura as soon as possible. Several are amazing, and there are some Lao who plunder the Yasha army."

"The big prince can rest assured that the test given to us by the goddess of Shuibi is to help the Yasha tribe defeat the Shura tribe. During the war, we will try our best to assist the big prince."

Zi Xuan said with a smile when she heard Long Ming's words.

Long Ming's gaze swept across the faces of several people in Longkui, and seeing that they were still indifferent, he immediately commanded several Yasha warlords without hesitation: "Give my order, all Yasha people gather."

Several Yasha warlords heard the words and took their orders one after another, and then ran out of the Chinese army's big tent, conveying Long Ming's orders to various places.

The entire Yasha camp became busy because of Long Ming's order. Soon, the Yasha tribesmen in the camp gathered outside the Chinese army's big tent.

"A few of you will go out with me and have a look," Long Ming and Zixuan invited with a smile when they heard the soldiers report that the Yasha tribe was assembled.

"Alright," Zi Xuan nodded and said softly: "I have heard about the mighty army of the Yasha tribe, but now I can see and see."

"Miss Zixuan, please!" Long Ming opened the curtain and strode out of the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Jingtian didn't drag him, and followed Long Ming out of the Great Tent of the Chinese Army.

Outside of the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, a large number of Yasha Warriors wore stubbornness, standing neatly in line, exuding iron and blood.

Chapter 685 The Furious King Shura!

"The prince, the army has been assembled and can go out at any time!" Long Ming and others just walked out of the Chinese army's tent, a warrior of the Yasha tribe trot over and said respectfully to Long Ming.

Long Ming nodded, and Chong Zixuan and others whispered: "Wait for the army to go out and trouble some of the soldiers in the army, in case the Shura sent masters intercept and kill my Yasha army and slow down the march of the army."

"Prince Longming, don't worry," Zi Xuan said with a smile: "The test that Shuibi Goddess gave us is to help the Yasha tribe win. We will naturally do our best to guard against the masters of the Asura tribe and leave it to us."

"Then there are a few workers," Long Ming took a deep breath when he heard the words, and the blood-colored long li appeared in his hand, and the dazzling cold light flashed from the front, and he suddenly shouted: "All the soldiers listen to the orders!"


In the camp of the Yasha tribe, the Yasha tribe army gathered in one place shouted at the same time, the sound waves almost dissipated the evil clouds accumulated above the battlefield!

Hearing this, Long Ming couldn't help but smile a little more, and his voice resounded throughout the camp of the Yasha tribe: "Suigu-conquer the Shura tribe!"


A group of Yasha warriors responded in unison, their voices resounding over the battlefield, making the remaining Shura warriors on the battlefield tremble.

"The Yasha tribe's mighty army is indeed well-deserved!" Zi Xuan looked at the steadfast Yasha warriors in the big camp, and exclaimed sincerely.

"Wait for Xue Jian and I to sit in the front army, Xiaokui is the strongest, the only son sits in the rear army, and Miss Zixuan, you and Longming prince sit in the army together," Jingtian thought for a while and whispered.

Among the few people, Sedum had experience in commanding the army when he was a god, Scabbling, so the Dragon Kwai and others had no objection and nodded immediately.

Seeing that the Sedum and his team had been arranged properly, Long Ming immediately raised the bloody long squat in his hand, then cut it down with force, and ordered: "Go!"

Following Long Ming's order, the Yasha tribe army gushed out of the camp like a tide, exuding an astonishing fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Jingtian didn't hesitate at all, their swords flew to the designated position, always paying attention to the surroundings.

The army of the Yasha tribe drove to the royal city of the Shura tribe. Although the remaining warriors of the Shura tribe on the battlefield intend to stop them, they are no more than a piece of scattered sand. Faced with the well-equipped and well-arranged Yasha tribe army, there is no resistance force.

In addition to sending military exploits to the Yasha tribe army, it can't play any role!

Therefore, these Asura warriors did not stop them, but hurriedly evacuated the battlefield and assembled on the only way for the Yasha tribe army.

Just as the Yasha army was marching, in the Shura King City, King Shura also learned of the defeat of the Shura army on the battlefield, and smashed the table in front of him!

"A bunch of trash! This king handed over the army to them, and that's how they fought against the Yasha Clan!" King Shura gritted his teeth and said: "There is also that crazy, empty name, but it was easily beheaded, and it was almost lost. The king’s face!"

"The great king calmed down his anger. The girl named Dragon Kwai had amazing strength and could easily slay the blood slaves. The defeat of General Kuangsha is also reasonable.

The plan for the present is to find a way to stop the Yasha tribe army, if the Yasha tribe army is allowed to approach the king's city, then our tribe will probably become the laughing stock of all races!"

Under the head of King Shura, an ugly old man hurriedly spoke out to persuade him.

In the Demon Realm, although there are frictions between the eight great demon races, no one race has ever been able to beat another race under the king's city.

If the army of the Yasha tribe comes to the Asura King City, from now on, even if the Asura tribe will not be removed from the Eight Demon Clan, their reputation will plummet, and they will not be able to convince the crowd.

Chapter 686 King Shura's Killing Intent!

When King Shura heard this, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and it took a long time before he said: "Isn't Jiye guarding the Wanren Lonely Peak? Pass the order to Jiye and let him come back to command the army!"

Since Kuangsha is useless, he can only find a useful one. Ji Ye, as the first genius of the Asura clan, has unquestionable strength and abilities.

If it weren't for Ji Ye to be favored by Demon Lord and summoned to guard Wanren Lonely Peak, his Asura clan would not be so passive now!

"Great King, there was a message before the night, saying that it was the Demon Sovereign Sage, and all the demons guarding the Wanren Lonely Mountain must not leave for half a step."

The old man who had spoken before couldn't help but smile wryly: "In a short period of time, it is impossible for Polar Night to leave Wanren Lonely Peak. After all, Demon Venerable's orders have to be followed!"

"Damn it!" King Shura cursed in a low voice after hearing this, his face was extremely ugly.

Originally, Jiye defeated the Longming of the Yasha clan, was favored by the demon, and chose to guard the Wanren Lonely Mountain. This matter has always made King Shura proud.

After all, in the Demon Realm, Wanren Lonely Peak is second only to the Holy Mountain Beast Emperor Mountain, but the Beast Emperor Mountain was set up by the Demon Lord and the eight leaders of the Demon Race together. There is no need for people to guard it, so guard the Wanren where the Demon Lord is. Lonely Peak is something that every Demon Race will be proud of.

But King Shura never expected that one day something he was proud of would cause him such a big trouble!

According to the news from the front line, the Yasha tribe's army is personally commanded by the Yasha tribe's great prince, and only Jiye is the only peer of the Shura tribe who can beat Longming.

Now that the polar night is no longer, is it possible that he wants to let the older generation of strong players take action?

He can't afford to lose this person!

"My lord, there is a word from my subordinates, I don't know if it is inappropriate to say it," the old man of the Asura clan who spoke before hesitated for a moment, and whispered.

King Shura took a deep breath, looked at the old man of the Shura clan, and said in a calm tone: "Let's talk, this king listens to your opinion."

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