God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 311

"After the baptism of the Shennong Temple, the Shennong bloodline possessed by Solanum is not as pure as mine, but it is no worse than the royal bloodline of the Eight Demon Races today."

Chonglou thought for a while, and said: "As for ability, I am afraid it is also spatial, but because of the lack of purity of blood, I can't reach the level of walking through the six realms at will."

Xiao Tian curled his lips when he heard this. If this were the case, the effect of Shennong's blood on the nightshade was not too great.

It's just going through space. If he is willing to spend a little effort, he can also open up a space channel for Solanum to travel between the six realms.

What's more, when Dragon Kwai steps into the realm of immortals, I am afraid that among the six realms, only the three emperors of Shenyin can stop her. The ability to walk through the six realms at will is indeed a bit tasteless for Dragon Kwai. .

Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, Zhonglou shook his head, but did not speak.

If Shennong’s bloodline was so simple, the demons could not use the power of the orcs to compete against the gods and masters of the human world under the leadership of the Chiyou Demon God. Self-protection.

Now the Demon Realm can become the only one among the six realms that can be compared with the God Realm, and Shennong’s bloodline is a great contribution!

Especially the ability to freely travel to and from the six realms, that is a talent that only the purest blood of Shennong can have, and only by frequenting the six realms can the eyes of Shennong's blood not be confined to a corner!

In the same way, in order to better adapt to the different environments of the six realms, the demons with cross-border abilities can absorb the aura of all realms!

Even if the spirit of the gods is pure, with the extremely pure blood of Shennong, Chonglou can transform it into the evil spirits of the devil, and then easily absorb it!

To put it another way, it is the Demon Race with pure Shennong bloodline, the speed of improvement is several times that of other Demon Race!

Once the Solanum sinensis has the blood of Shennong, the speed of strength improvement may become even more terrifying!

Chapter 703: Traces of the Evil Sword Immortal!

Xiao Tian didn't know the specific abilities of Shennong's bloodline, so he showed some lack of interest, waved his hand, and said lightly: "The ability to travel through the six realms is better than nothing. After Xiaokui completes the blood baptism, let them return to Yuzhou. The city is looking for me."

After speaking, Xiao Tian surrounded his body with fierce sword energy, soaring into the sky, and disappeared into the cloud of evil spirits in the Demon Realm in the blink of an eye.

After Xiao Tian left, Zhonglou leaned on the Throne of Bloodfang, his expression a little solemn.

After the first battle in the New Immortal Realm, he and Xiao Tian made a ten-year agreement, but with the strength that Xiao Tian has shown now...

Fighting again, he has no chance of winning!

"I should also go to the Shennong Temple," Zhonglou looked at Xiao Tian's departure direction, thinking.

He has the purest blood of Shennong in his body, which contains all kinds of incredible powers. In addition to the talent of innate awakening, he can also obtain more powerful power by developing the blood of Shennong.

It's just that this power is so shocking and horrible that it has endangered the balance between heaven and earth, so that Shennong set a seal before disappearing, so that Shennong's blood could not easily develop Shennong's bloodline.

The original demon god Chiyou developed the Shennong bloodline in his body to a very high level, and his strength straightened up to the ancient three emperors. The alliance of humans and gods also relied on the tactics of the human sea, and even several incarnations of the Emperor Fuxi shot at the same time , And then barely defeated the demon god Chi You.

As long as he can develop the mighty power contained in Shennong's blood, he is confident that he can defeat Xiao Tian when he fights again!

Xiao Tian naturally understood the idea of ​​rebuilding the building. At this moment, he had already opened a passage leading to the human world and returned to the human world, outside the city of Yuzhou.

"What a strong resentment," Xiao Tian frowned as soon as he fell to the ground. In his perception, the sky above Yuzhou City was enveloped by terrifying resentment, as if countless ghosts were wailing.

In the midst of this strong resentment, Xiao Tian vaguely sensed a breath that was slowly strengthening. Not only that, Xiao Tian was somewhat familiar with that breath.

"Evil Sword Immortal?" Xiao Tian raised his brows and his expression became a little weird.

After the previous poisonous matter was resolved, the evil sword immortal disappeared, leaving Luo Rulie and his Pilitang to replace the dead ghosts. Xiao Tian disdain to take action against Luo Rulie, and let the Pilitang disciples who had originally entered Yuzhou withdrew back.

Originally, Xiao Tian felt that after being warned by himself, Evil Sword Immortal should not come to Yuzhou City again. He didn’t expect that he just went to Leizhou for some time and then went to the Demon Realm. Evil Sword Immortal took advantage of this gap. Continue to engage in wind and rain in Yuzhou City!

"I originally wanted to keep you alive for a few more days. Since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!" Xiao Tian squinted his eyes and his tone became a little more angry.

Before, he also planned to let the Dragon Kwai and others return to Kunlun Mountain after returning from the Demon World, and use the power of Kunlun to improve their strength.

After the Dragon Kwai and others were baptized by the power of the Kunlun Mountains, the Evil Sword Immortal should have grown to a peak, just to practice the Dragon Kwai and Zi Xuan!

However, now that the Evil Sword Immortal is engaged in storm and rain in Yuzhou City, this is undoubtedly hitting Xiao Tian in the face. Even if Xiao Tian disdains to shoot himself, he will never leave the Evil Sword Immortal and let him continue. Yuzhou city as a demon!

"I'll give you a little warning first!" Xiao Tian's face was ashamed, raised his hand a little, and a sharp sword aura broke through the air, plunged into the thick resentment.

Chapter 704 Above the Lonely Peak

"Who?!" A cry of fright and anger suddenly came from the clouds of resentment. Listening to the sound, it is the Evil Sword Immortal!

Xiao Tian curled his lips, made a fingerprint on his right hand, and uttered, "Sleepy!"

Before the words fell, the dazzling brilliance suddenly bloomed in the cloud of resentment, and the sharp aura spread from the cloud, as if to shred the cloud of resentment that enveloped Yuzhou City!

A series of sword qi emerged out of thin air, forming a brilliant sword qi cage, trapping all the clouds of resentment over Yuzhou City in the sword qi cage.

After the cloud of resentment was banned, the long-lost sunshine ran through the overflowing resentment and sprinkled in the city of Yuzhou. When the people in the city saw the sunshine, their faces couldn't help but feel a little more energetic.

Xiao Tian glanced at the sword air cage, his figure flashed, and he flew towards Yong'an.

As for whether the Evil Sword Immortal will break through the sword qi cage and escape, Xiao Tian is not at all worried. This sword qi cage is a forbidden method he created by combining the essence of Shushan Imperial Swordsmanship and the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array. .

Not to mention the evil sword immortal, even if the Chonglou is trapped in it, it doesn't take much effort to get out of the sword gas cage!

The Evil Sword Immortal's strength is not much worse than that of the heavy building. In addition, the sword qi cage isolates the outside world, and the Evil Sword Immortal is trapped in the sword qi cage, unable to absorb the grievances from the outside to strengthen himself.

Unless Xiao Tian removes the ban, otherwise, with the strength of the evil sword immortal, he can only be trapped in the sword qi cage and never see the sky when he cannot absorb the grievances and improve his strength!

At the same time, the Dragon Kwai and others who were still in the Demon World also returned to the top of the Wanren Lonely Peak and found the goddess Shuibi.

"You did a good job this time," Shui Bi nodded and said with a smile: "I promised you before that as long as I help the Yasha tribe beat the Shura tribe, I will teach Tang Xuejian the Wangchen tactic, and come with me."

After speaking, Shui Bi waved his right hand, and the majestic spiritual power wrapped her and Tang Xue to see her and flew towards the distance.

Jingtian glanced at each other, before they had time to speak, the voice from the heavy building came from: "Dragon Kwai, your master won a bet with me before. The bet is for you to have the blood of Shennong. You follow me to Beast Emperor Mountain. "

Solanum was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, respectfully said: "There is a demon of labor."

Although she doesn't know what Shennong's bloodline represents, since Shennong's bloodline can be taken out by Chonglou and bet with her master, it is naturally impossible for her to be Fanpin.

"Fei Peng, Solanum mongolica accepts the blood of Shennong, and Tang Xue sees that Sui Shuibi's cultivation technique will take a while, so you will practice for a while on this lonely mountain."

Chonglou's figure flashed and appeared in front of Jingtian with a calm tone.

Jingtian nodded and smiled: "You arrange it yourself. This ten thousand lonely mountain is a place where demons gather and is not suitable for our cultivation. Miss Zixuan and Xu Shaoxia will return to the human world first. "

"Alright," Zhonglou didn't hold back, a thick bloody light flew out of his hands and fell on the ground, turning into a mysterious formation.

"This formation leads directly to Yuzhou City, the human world. You can leave at any time." Zhonglou took a look at Jingtian, then cast his gaze on Dragon Kwai and said lightly: "Follow me."

Solanum nodded, and followed the heavy building towards Beast Emperor Mountain.

Sedum Zixuan and Xu Changqing glanced at each other, without hesitation, stepped into the mysterious formation in front of them.

A flash of blood flashed, and the three figures of Jingtian disappeared immediately...

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