God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 312

Chapter 705 Shennong Temple!

At the same time that the three of Jingtian left, the dragon kombu followed the heavy building to the foot of the Beast Emperor Mountain.

As the highest peak of the Demon Realm, Beast Emperor Mountain plunged directly into the dark clouds of evil spirits that remained in the Demon Realm all year round, and only the faintly visible outline emerged from the clouds.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many demons who come to worship, and at the foot of Beast Emperor Mountain, there is no demon warrior guarding them.

Solanum was standing at the foot of Beast Emperor Mountain, looking left and right for a while, doubts appeared on his face.

When she thought about it, the Wanren Lonely Peak of the heavy building was guarded by a large number of demon warriors to show the majesty of the heavy building. As the legendary sacred mountain of the demon world, Beast Emperor Mountain should be guarded by heavy soldiers and no other people were allowed to approach it.

But what she saw right now was the empty door opened wide, without any guards, only countless demons with uneven strength who came to worship the holy mountain.

"The Beast Emperor Mountain is different from my Wanren Lonely Mountain. There is no need for demon soldiers to guard here." She seemed to perceive the doubts of the Dragon Kwai, and did not respond to the heavy building in front of her: "The Beast Emperor Mountain is controlled by me and the Eighth Great Demon World. The masters of the demons have jointly deployed a large formation. Anyone who wants to climb the Beast Emperor Mountain needs our consent."

Soon Kwai suddenly, the formation of Zhonglou and the eight masters of the Demon Race, I am afraid that not many people in the Six Realms can crack it, it is no wonder that the Beast Mountain is not guarded by the Demon Warriors, because there is no need!

"The Beast Emperor Mountain is the sacred mountain of my Demon Realm. Even I must be in awe. You follow me on foot to climb the mountain." Zhonglou reduced the mana fluctuations as much as an unremarkable ordinary demon, walking towards the Beast Emperor Mountain. go with.

Hearing this, Solanum dared not neglect, and immediately reduced his ghost power, and honestly followed behind the heavy building.

Zhonglou and Solanum are not mortals. Even if they don't use their power, they can climb the Beast Emperor Mountain at a speed that is not slow, but in a short period of time, the two reached the top of this demon sacred mountain.

"This?!" Just ascending to the top of Beast Emperor Mountain, Solanum's expression suddenly became a little shocked, as if she had seen something that surprised her.

"You want to ask why the Shennong Temple on the Sacred Mountain of the Devil Realm is so dilapidated, right?" Zhonglou pointed to a dilapidated Shennong Temple not far in front of the two of them. He smiled and said calmly.

Solanum nodded gently. In her imagination, the temple on the top of the holy mountain in the devil world, even if not magnificent, should be magnificent to show its status.

What she saw, however, was a broken wall. In the hall that had collapsed in half, a decaying stone statue of Shennong sat in the hall.

It is not difficult for Dragon Kwai to imagine that if this hall were not located on the highest peak of the Demon Realm, it would have been covered with cobwebs and dust.

"This is the secret of my demon world. It shouldn't have been known to outsiders, but since you are about to have the blood of Shennong, you are not an outsider," Zhonglou thought for a while, waved his right hand, and the evil spirit above suddenly appeared in the cloud. A rich purple aura.

Following the action of the heavy building, the purple aura fell from the sky and landed on the dragon kwai. The dragon kwai felt that countless information related to the demon world suddenly appeared in his mind, and was stunned for a while.

It took a long while before Solanum had finished sorting out the information in his mind, and looked at Chonglou suspiciously.

She did not expect that in this broken temple, such a shocking secret is hidden. If the news leaks out, even if the Demon Realm is detached from the other five realms and becomes a realm of its own, it will not attract the cooperation of the other five realms. Attack!

Chapter 706: Demon World Secrets!

"The Great God Shennong actually left such news!"

Solanum looked at the broken temple in front of him, his eyes full of horror.

According to the memory that Zhonglou had instilled in her through the purple aura, this Shennong Temple was built by Shennong himself before he disappeared, and it has been so broken from the beginning.

Since then, the rulers of the devil world have not thought about renovating the Shennong Temple, but no matter how hard the rulers of the past demon world worked hard, they could not shake this broken temple by half!

If you can't even shake it, how can you talk about renovation?

The teacher who arrived at the Chonglou, the previous generation of Demon Venerable, discovered an abandoned Shennong Cave Mansion in the Human World by chance while traveling the Six Realms, and found out about the temple on the Beast Emperor Mountain. According to the record, it is only then that I understand why no demons have been able to shake that dilapidated temple for endless years.

Because the material used to construct this temple was a dilapidated temple found by Shennong in the boundless chaos beyond the six realms, and it was transformed into this look by Shennong with a lot of mana.

However, even Shennong can only transform the temple into what it is today. After that, no matter how he makes changes, the temple will quickly be restored to its original state!

Later, Shennong placed this temple on the top of the Beast Emperor Mountain, and then left the Six Realms and entered the chaos beyond the Six Realms.

Before leaving, Shennong left an incarnation in this temple, able to guide latecomers to the chaos and find his trace.

"It turns out that there are really other worlds outside of the Six Realms!" Dragon Kwai couldn't help muttering.

Xiao Tian had talked to her about the New Immortal Realm before, and Solanum was always strange. The New Immortal Realm clearly did not belong to any of the six realms, but it was full of broken palaces, and I didn't know where it came from.

It now appears that this new fairy world was originally a world beyond the six worlds, but it was abandoned for some reason.

"Yes," Chonglou nodded, looking far away: "Shen Nong left this incarnation, which is still hidden in the temple, and I don't know who can touch it.

But once news of other worlds outside of the Six Realms spreads out, my Devil Realm will not be at ease, especially in this temple, there is also the incarnation of Shennong Great God who will guide the latecomers."

"I will keep it secret," Dragon Kwai solemnly said.

She didn't have much interest in going to the world beyond the Six Realms, and now she just wanted to be with Jingtian, so although the news was shocking, it was as tasteless as chicken ribs for her.

Chonglou nodded, he still trusts the character of Dragon Kwai very much, besides, with a master like Xiao Tian, ​​if Dragon Kwai really wants to go to the chaos beyond the Six Realms, Xiao Tian is enough to protect her!

"Okay, let's accept the blood of Shennong first," Zhonglou pointed to the statue of Shennong in the dilapidated temple, and said lightly: "After entering the temple, you will naturally know what to do."

Solanum did not speak, and slowly walked towards the dilapidated Shennong Temple.

She had just stepped into the dilapidated hall, a golden light appeared out of thin air, shrouded her in it, and at the same time a majestic phantom appeared in front of her, as if heaven and earth were hidden in her eyes.

Outside the temple, Zhonglou lowered his head slightly when he saw the figure, his face full of respect.

Because that phantom is the ancestor of the demons, Shennong, one of the three ancestral gods of the past!

Shennong Xuying looked at Solanum, slowly speaking...

Chapter 707 Shennong phantom!

"The curious little girl, who was originally a human body, was transformed into a spiritual body, and later reshaped her body with the fruit of the sacred tree, but she cultivated the purest ghost power, interesting, and really interesting!"

Shennong Xuying seemed to have discovered some novel toy, his gaze fell on the nightshade, and he couldn't help but admire.

Solanum did not speak, facing Shennong, one of the three great ancestor gods, even if she was not a member of the Demon Race, she was still a little cautious.

"You don't need to be cautious," Shennong Xuying laughed, and if the coercion of nothing on his body was reduced, he said: "I am just curious about your origins. It can be taken out.

Especially the exercises you are practicing, even me, I dare not say that I can come up with better exercises!"

"The fruits of the sacred tree and the techniques are all handed down by my master," Hearing Shennong Xuying's words, Dragon Kwai immediately said: "As for my origin, it's not a secret thing..."

Afterwards, Solanum spoke briefly about his identity and origin, while Shennong Xuying listened very intently, nodding from time to time.

"So that's it," Shennong Xuying nodded after listening to Dragon Kwai's words, and said with emotion: "Your master is also a strange person. His strength shouldn't be inferior to me too much..."

"You are here, I am afraid that you are planning to accept the baptism of blood and get my blood inheritance?" After speaking, Shennong Xuanying turned around and asked.

Solanum nodded gently, and respectfully said: "The master and the demon have an agreement, so the demon will bring me here."

"I don't care why you are here," Shennong Xuying shook his head and said in a deep voice: "All the creatures who come here, as long as they can step into the temple, I will give blood...

But your situation is different. Your master's strength is amazing. I'm afraid it's only half way behind me. I need to meet your master before I can decide whether to baptize your blood."

Solanum opened his mouth and was about to speak. Shennong phantom's voice sounded again: "I know you will appear here with your master's acquiescence, but after all, your master is at the same level as me. I always have to consider it. How he feels."

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